What Every Fresher Needs To Know 7 Chapter 6: 7 Vital Things All Freshers Should Know

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For every man G.o.d created, He has designed a blueprint for his life. Everyone sent to this world has something fas.h.i.+oned out by G.o.d that is peculiar to that individual. He has designed all of us in such a way that every step of our life is being predetermined by the heavens. G.o.d has a plan and a purpose for your life. He has not brought you into this school to fail you. His purpose for bringing you here is not to take you halfway through school and abandon you midway. His intention for you is not to let you suffer in the hands of the wicked lecturers on this campus. Neither is it to let you fall into the hands of the cult guys in your hostel. His objective for you does not include a carry over, an extra semester or an extra year. His purpose for you is not suspension, expulsion, or rustication. Neither does it include financial embarra.s.sment, social hara.s.sment or academic retrogression. G.o.d has a plan for you: Just as He has a plan for every one of His children. The good news about His plan is that they are great and wonderful plans. Since He is a good G.o.d who does only good things, He can only have good plans for a good student like you, in this good school you justfound yourself. And He indeed has plans for you. It is not just enough to know that He has good plans for

you; it is encouraging to know that He has placed on the inside of you all that you need to accomplish all the good plans He has for you. It is one thing to have good plans; it is another thing to put facilities in place that will make the fulfillment of the good plans an easy task. This is exactly what G.o.d has done. He has endowed you with everything you need to fulfill the good plans He has for you. You have superior knowledge, so you know virtually all that you are taught. You have an unusual understanding so you can understand with ease all that you read. You have heavenly anointed wisdom so you cannot make mistakes in the examination hall. He has endowed you with more than enough intelligence: You cannot fail. Do not be surprised; it may not look like it now, but He has even made provision for all the funds you will ever need in all of your days on this campus. Money to buy handouts, books, food, accommodation, transportation etc. are already provided for in His plan. So you cannot be stranded financially. G.o.d created you for a special purpose and He will not open His eyes and watch anyone thwart His purpose for your life, not your lecturers, not your seniors, not the cults. He has been so particular about you since you were born and has taken very special interest in you and in all that you have ever done. He has been part of all your decision-making process, although you may not know it. He was there when you filled your JAMB form. He saw to it that you chose your first and second choice to be in line with His plans for your life. His investments in your life are too great to have you take such an important decision without His guardian. If He does that, anything could happen, and He is not ready to lose you. He has a

purpose for your life. He was with you at every study session between the day you submitted your JAMB form and the day of the examination. He was the unseen tutor beside your reading table, the silent listener to every discussion, and the invisible guest lecturer at every confused study

session. He was silently directing you on what to read, what to major on, and what not to worry about, explaining difficult issues to you and helping you to understand what others found difficult to comprehend. All these He did because of His special interest in you.

On the D-day of the examination, He arranged it in such a way that you picked a very easy one out of all the options of the questions available. At a time when you did not know what to write again and you were about to be stranded in the heat of the examination, He provided a way of escape. Indeed, He has a purpose for your life, and He is not hiding it. G.o.d has a purpose for your life, and that is all that matters, irrespective of what anybody thinks. Others may think you are not brilliant enough to be in this type of school, or that you are not old enough to be in school, or that you are not rich enough to be in school, or that you are not smart enough, or mature enough, or tough enough, or manly enough, or hard working enough, or whatever they think. It really does not matter. All that matters is; G.o.d has a plan for your life.

Some lecturers always boast that, in their course "A" belongs to G.o.d, "B" belongs to their ancestors, "C" belongs to themselves, "D" belongs to the best students in their cla.s.s and "E" belongs to every other student. Such a lecturer can have his way in the life of a student who does not have a place in the plan of G.o.d. But for you who have a special spot in G.o.d's mind and a special place in His plan, G.o.d can seize what belongs to the lecturer's ancestor and give it to you, or even give to you the "A"

allocated to Him, simply because He has a unique interest in you.



You may be wondering why is it that your admission to the university was delayed until now. It is because this is the best time in G.o.d's agenda for you to get admitted into a higher inst.i.tution. Irrespective of the number of years you have stayed at home seeking for admission, this is G.o.d's time, and everyone knows G.o.d's time is always the best. If you look through your cla.s.s, you will discover that everyone is not about the same age. There are people who are older and those who are younger than you are. Why will people of varying ages be in the same cla.s.s? Because this is G.o.d's best time for each individual. You may likely be in the same cla.s.s with someone who is old

enough to be your eldest brother or young enough to be your youngest sister. It really does not matter. This is G.o.d's best time for everyone. No matter how brilliant you are, you could not have

gotten into school before now, and no matter how dull you are, you wouldn't have gotten to school later than now. This is G.o.d's best timing for your life. If you are lucky enough to be in school at a very tender age, it is not by your expertise you gained the admission.

You will be making a great mistake to think it is because you have read enough that made you pa.s.s your JAMB at the first sitting. It is simply because this is the next phase in G.o.d's plan for your life. Some of your friends who are more brilliant than you in secondary school are still seeking for admission till date. If you are regretting just gaining admission now because your time has been delayed drastically or you have stayed longer than necessary at home. It is neither because you

did not read enough for your JAMB nor because you were dull of understanding. Your mates with whom you left secondary school at the same time may be in year three now, but let it not bother you. It is not because JAMB was unfair to you. They got into school at G.o.d's best time for them, and this is His best time for you. You are simply in school because school is the next phase of your life in G.o.d's agenda; so G.o.d did it. You are not in school because you are connected to the Vice Chancellor. You are not in school because somebody introduced you to the Admissions Officer, or a Professor on campus. You are not in school because you bribed somebody to smuggle your name into the Supplementary Admission List. You are not even in school because somebody wrote

the examination for you. You are simply in school because this is G.o.d's best time for you. There are other students who know more powerful people than you know, paid more money than you bribed, and pressed more b.u.t.tons than you ever came across, but yet were disappointed when the school

released its Final Admissions List.

So, do not be bitter against G.o.d. This is His best time for you. If you had gotten admission to a higher inst.i.tution before now, anything could have happened. You may have died; you may have been rusticated; you may have lost one of your limbs in an accident or a cult clash. There are a number of students this happens to on your campus on yearly basis simply because they forced themselves into school before their time. This is the perfect time in G.o.d's plan for your life.

Do not be unhappy that you are just gaining admissions now that your secondary school mates are about to graduate, and do not be over joyous that you are in school before most of your former cla.s.s mates. It is not your doing; it is simply G.o.d's best time for you.



Unknown to you, the precept you are laying now will forever affect your life in years to come. What you did few years back brought you to the point where you are today, and what you do today will determine where you will find yourself in years to come. Your actions today will determine life's reaction to you tomorrow. You really do not have the opportunity to control life's reaction to you, but you have the great privilege to control your actions today, which in turn determines the reactions you receive from life tomorrow. Many have jeopardized their today because they were

not able to handle their yesterday appropriately. You know a number of your mates who have destroyed their today and have messed up their lives simply because of one wrong step they took in their Primary or Secondary school days.

When they were engaging in such actions, they thought they were enjoying the best of life, not minding what the consequences of their actions could be in later years. The same thing they called enjoyment yesterday has become the greatest mistake of their life today. You sure will know some of your friends in Nursery, Primary, or Secondary school days that are now dropouts, garage boys, drunkards, or just loitering around doing nothing. It is possible to even know one or two that are carrying unwanted pregnancies or fatherless babies. These have become a clog in their wheel of progress and could hamper their progress for life if not well handled. These ones found themselves in this pitiful state because they never came to the realization that that stage of their life was the most important phase of their life as at that time. They took it for granted. They felt they were the

happening guys. No one could talk to them, advice them, or discipline them. They thought they had arrived when they had not started at all. They did not take seriously what they were supposed to attach every importance to.

Alternatively, they attach the greatest importance to things that never mattered to their life and future. What a great mistake! More students will fall into the same error in this stage of their life. More will jeopardize their tomorrow because they cannot handle their today with utmost importance. This is where you will need to be careful so that you do not fall into the same trap. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. This simple rule will help you do the right things at the right time. Do only the things that are expected of you, the way they are expected of you and at the time they are expected of you. Focus more on the most important things that will make you sail through school successfully and in flying colors.

Every other thing can wait until a later date and a later time. This way, you can live a fulfilled life on campus and not regret it in years to come. Do not terminate your destiny untimely. Everyone has a

right to determine at what point of their life they want their destinies terminated abruptly. Some have jeopardized theirs in Primary School because of their nonchalant att.i.tude. Some have terminated theirs in Junior Secondary School because of their unreasonable att.i.tude and some in Senior Secondary School because of poor judgment. Some will still terminate theirs right here

on this campus.

Not very many will end up fulfilling purpose and attaining destiny on this campus. May you be among the few who will make it to the place of destiny? This phase of your life is very important because what you do in this phase of your life will determine what you will become in the next phase of your life. Bearing in mind that the next phase of your life is the labor market, you should attach

the greatest importance to this phase of your life. Sad to say, this phase is the most difficult phase of your life because you will be given a free access to limitless opportunities and a high level of uncultured freedom that you were never used to. As discussed earlier, where you were coming from, your parents always monitored your movements. You could not go out without their permissions and you dare not come home later than they permitted you. Your cla.s.s teacher marks his register

every morning to ensure that you do not absent yourself from cla.s.s at will and disciplines you each time you misbehave. The school authority runs the daily morning a.s.sembly to make sure you come to school punctually every day.

All these are forgotten issues now. There is no mum to decide when you wake up and no dad to remind you it is time to go to bed. There is no cla.s.s register to answer "present sir" to, and no morning a.s.sembly to catch up with before its 8:00am. No one to asks you to "kneel down, close your eyes, and raise up your hand" when you misbehave. You solely decide where you want to go, when you want, and at what time you want to leave the place.

This is what makes this phase of your life the most delicate - you seem to be fully in charge of your life. This newfound freedom, if not rightly channeled, could make a student misbehave and lose track of what is important. The main reason why every student is in school is to learn

and be successful academically. Every other thing is additional. The primary goal of every student should, therefore, be to face his or her studies squarely. All other goals are secondary. Most students do not recognize this.

They tend to place priority on things besides their academics. They are more committed to, and they give more allegiance to campus politics, socio-cultural clubs, sports, voluntary clubs, religious activities and secret cults. Some students attend religious activities more often than they do lectures. Some who cannot afford to miss their club meetings and outings do not care about practical,

a.s.signments and lectures. Some others are more interested in business than in school. Others still are more dedicated to politics and sports. These students may not fare as well as those who have

the right mental att.i.tude with a correct placement of priority. Involving yourself in too many activities may reduce your academic efficiency. Have the right focus: academics primarily, other things are secondary. Until you see life in this sense, you keep r.e.t.a.r.ding in your

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This phase of your life is the most important phase of your life because all the other phases of your life, from now on, are hinged on it. It is this phase of your life that determines what degree you graduate with. It is this phase of your life that determines what kind of job you will get after graduation. It is this phase of your life that still determines how soon you will get the job. It is this

phase of your life that will also likely determine what you are paid in your place of employment (at least you know that all things being equal, there is a high probability that a student who graduates with a first cla.s.s will get a better offer than one with a third cla.s.s). It is this phase of your life that determines how comfortable you will live in the nearest future, and more often than not, it is this phase of your life that determines the kind of life partner you are going to hook up with. This surely is a very important phase of your life.


Since G.o.d is interested in you, and this is the next phase in His agenda for your life (and coincidentally the most important phase of your life for now), then He necessarily must be interested in this phase of your life. And He definitely is!

G.o.d is interested in this phase of your life. Of a fact, He is interested in all that has to do with this stage of your life much more than you can ever think. He is interested in your stay on this campus.

He is interested in your academics; therefore, you cannot fail any examination if you do all that you are supposed to do. You cannot bag a carryover, an extra semester or an extra session simply because G.o.d is interested in your academics. He will see to it that you leave this campus in

good time, no extra year. You will graduate right on time; a four-year course will not be stretched into five or six years because of exam failure, student unrest, economic or political crises in the country. You will graduate in record time simply because G.o.d is interested in your


G.o.d is interested in you, and because of this you will not just graduate, you will graduate well. Although it is said of, everyone who leaves school that they "pa.s.s out". However, it is obvious fact that not all that goes to a higher inst.i.tution " out", some "fail out". Your name will not be on their list. You will "pa.s.s out". You will graduate in flying colors. All these shall be because G.o.d is interested in your academics and so, He will make it easy for you.

Aside academics, G.o.d is also interested in your health. Therefore, He will see to it that you do not die on this campus. You will not lose your life. You will not lose your limbs. You will not lose your organs. You will not lose your sense. You will not lose your health. You will not lose your head. No accident will claim any part of your body. You came in here in peace; you will not leave here in pieces. You came in one piece; you will graduate in one piece. Your blood shall not be spilled. Your carca.s.s

shall not litter the road. Your name shall not be found on hospital emergency list. You shall not be rushed back to your parent's house for emergency treatment. Cults will not attack you. Wild animals will not attack you. Forces of darkness will not prevail over you. The Lord will see to this, simply because He is interested in you.

He is also interested in your relations.h.i.+ps. He is interested in the people you call your friends. He is

interested in everyone you love. He is also interested in everyone who claims to love you. He does not want your heart broken. He does not want you to suffer. He does not want your life to be ruined. He does not want you used, abused, molested or contaminated.

Lastly, he is interested in your spiritual life. He is interested in your relations.h.i.+p with Him. He is interested in your prayer life and your Bible study life. He is interested in the fellows.h.i.+p you attend and what you do as your service unto the Lord in the fellows.h.i.+p. G.o.d has a plan for your life, and the devil knows it too well that there is nothing he can do about G.o.d's plan for your life. G.o.d is interested in you, and it is too late for Him to change His mind about it.


Every time G.o.d makes a plan, the devil always, almost instantly, makes a counter plan. This is why you must be very careful not to allow G.o.d's interest in you get into your head to the extent that you begin to misbehave. Since G.o.d is interested in you, the devil also will be interested in you.

It has always been like that since the inception of the world. Whatever catches G.o.d's attention, always attracts the devil's attention too. Although G.o.d's interest is genuinely to love, care, protect and safeguard that which catches His attention (which is in this case YOU), the devil is always out to make sure he destroys that which the Lord is interested in so that it would become disgusting and unaccommodating to G.o.d.

The devil knows G.o.d is interested in you. He will fight tooth and nail not just to destroy G.o.d's interest in you alone but also to destroy your entire being and your future so that you become irritating to the one who loves you most. This has always been his operational method from eternity; to steal, to kill and to destroy. He steals your future, he kills you, and he destroys G.o.d's interest in

you. G.o.d is interested in this phase of your life and so He will monitor each of your movement on this campus to make sure you do not fall into wrong hands. The devil also will monitor your movements to make sure G.o.d's aim is not achieved and that His plans do not see the light of day.

The devil will become interested in your academics simply because G.o.d is interested in it. He will become interested in your relations.h.i.+p, your social life, your spiritual life and every other area of your life. Beware; his interest is not to do you good but to make sure that G.o.d's purpose upon your life is defeated.



The battle for your life and destiny is a serious one. It is beyond the battle for your academics, health, or whatever. You may not know it, but silent as it seems, it is a battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness, between the angels of G.o.d and the demonic

host of the devil. The reason for this battle is not too far fetched. Since G.o.d is interested in you and the devil also is interested in you, both parties need to contend for the owners.h.i.+p and the

possession of your life.

The mystery about the battle is that the most powerful party does not win it, neither is it won by the army with the most sophisticated weapons. It is a subtle battle and the winner is decided by just one person - YOU. The choices you make on this campus in the next few years will determine whose interest prevails over your life. The choices you will make will determine who will win the battle of your life, either G.o.d or the devil. The same will determine whose side you stand, and who ultimately will reign over your life while on this campus and beyond. What you stand for and what you refuse to stand for, what you hold unto and what you let go off, what you agree with and what you disagree with, what you engage in and what you disengage from, what you vote for and what you vote against. All these will add together to make your choices, which in turn will determine whose interest becomes prevalence over your life.

This is why the next point is very important and you must attend to it with every bit of seriousness.


G.o.d is interested in you, and the devil also is interested in you. Since your choice determines whose interest prevails, whatever influences your choice is a factor that must be given serious considerations. Among all others, one major factor that will affect the choices you make, more than all others put together, is the relations.h.i.+p you keep. To be considerate, at least eighty five percent (85%) of the decisions you make in life will be influenced, either directly or indirectly by your a.s.sociation, especially at this stage of your life. The people you move with, the people you dine with, the people you a.s.sociate with, the people you call friends and the people you relate with largely will determine many things in your life. This is what will determine whether you will become a better person or otherwise. It is also what will determine whether you will complete your course in school or you will become a dropout or be rusticated midway. It will determine whether you will be serious with your academics, or you will devote more time to something else, say cultism, womanizing, and the likes. It is what will determine how well you will graduate from this school, if you ever make it to your final year. It will determine if you will fulfill purpose or destiny, and lastly, it will decide whose interest prevails in your life, G.o.d or the devil. It will determine whether you lose your faith or

it becomes stronger. You really can see why your a.s.sociation is very important, especially at this very stage of your life. Since your birth, up until now, your parents have been deeply interested in your a.s.sociations. This is why, most times, they screen the people you bring home to introduce as

your friends, or the people they see you move with in your neighborhood. You would have wondered why they are so particular about this; why they wanted you to keep your relations.h.i.+p with "X" but never wanted to see you together with "Y", let alone mentioning his/her name to

their hears.

It is not really because they hated the friend in question, but simply because they have discovered some character traits in the life of such that they never desired to be transferred to you. Every contact leaves you with an impact. This they know too well because of their experiences in life. Every time you keep a wrong a.s.sociation, there is a rub off of the anointing on you; a deposit of the other person's bad character is unconsciously transferred to you. This is why they have been careful to choose your friends for you before now. You are now a big boy/girl; an undergraduate of one of

the best higher inst.i.tutions in this country. Your parents are no longer here to choose your friends, monitor your a.s.sociations or screen your relations.h.i.+ps. You are left to yourself to make a choice of whom you move with.

However, that decision, as little as it seems, will determine where you end up at the end of your journey in school. Whatever moral lessons, good virtues, and home training your parents have imbibed in you will be lost in no time with just one single relations.h.i.+p. It is this bad. See it in this light. Take a cup of hot water at boiling point on one hand and a cup of very cold water of the same

quant.i.ty on the other. Now mix the two together in a larger cup and feel the temperature of the mixture. You will discover that, although the cold water has gained some degree of hotness from the hot water and has become warm, the hot water will lose a high percentage of its degree of hotness to the cold water to become colder. It will never be hotter.

This is what happens when you get involved in any wrong relations.h.i.+p. You lose your degree of hotness. You never will become hotter, but you cannot avoid getting colder. This is how it has been from the beginning of the world; the good party always loses out. The bad party has nothing to lose because he is already bad. The best the bad party gets is some degree of hotness to become warm, but the good party almost loses all of its temperature to become just lukewarm. Note that the a.n.a.logy above is with just one wrong a.s.sociation. Now repeat the experiment retaining one

cup of hot water and increasing the number of the cups of cold water from one to two, three, four or five. You will discover that the more of cold water you put in the mixture, the colder the mixture becomes, and in essence, the colder the temperature of the hot water becomes, and

the faster it takes to get to that degree of coldness.

This means that the more of the wrong a.s.sociations you keep, the more of the good virtues in you that is lost, more of the bad virtues in them is transferred to you, and the faster it takes to happen. You naturally stop doing what you were doing before that made you a good child, and naturally begin to do what you never tried before. The painful thing about it is that all of these happen so fast that you never notice you are changing character from good to bad, even if you are told. This is why a Yoruba adage says 'the lamb that moves with the dog will eat the dog's


'Show me your friend' they say, 'and I will show you who you are'. This means that all I need to know who you really are, is to examine the lifestyle of just one of your friends. Once I see one of the people you refer to as friends and I am allowed to study his character for a while, I can begin to suggest the possible ways you are likely to react under possible circ.u.mstances simply by studying just one of your friends. Your moving together will create a silent resonance between the two of you;

such that what one does, the other is likely to do under similar circ.u.mstance. Is this not why it is said that birds of the same feathers will always be found flocking together? Before you begin to flock together with any bird on your campus, always look well and ask yourself: Are we of the same feathers?

This is because if you are not of the same feather today and you begin to move together, you will soon become of the same feather. It will only take some time; you will soon discover that the color, shape and size of your feathers are undergoing transformation of ident.i.ty to become more like the other friend's feathers. In addition, most times, more often than not, the good feather is transformed to the bad one. Be warned!

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