What Every Fresher Needs To Know 6 Chapter 5: Save Your Neck

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Having seen the importance of the C.G.P.A. and why you need to make sure it keeps increasing

as long as you are a student if you really desire to graduate well, it is needful to discuss ways in which you can increase it. In other to have a good C.G.P.A., discussed below are some things you will need to do.


The best place to get firsthand information on all the courses you offer is during lecture periods. Nothing must take its place. Whatever it will take, make sure you attend all of your lectures religiously. Your success in any examination in school is dependent on whether you attend all of your lectures or not. Sincerely, one major difference between the students who succeed and the students who fail is in how much time they devote to their lectures. It is though possible to see a student who attends lectures and still fail, but it is not possible to see a student who does not attend any lectures and still If you also want to leave this school in flying colors, one thing you cannot joke without is lecture periods.


Attend tutorials and discussion/study groups where strategies for tackling a.s.signments are often discussed. You really will not get all you need to be a first-cla.s.s student from the lecture room. You will need more than that. You need to be able to convince the lecturer that you know much more than most of your mates before he gives you more than he will give your mates. The extrknowledge is not given by the lecturer in the cla.s.sroom. It is left for you to go and uncover it from anywhere – library, tutorials, study groups – everywhere possible.

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This is a problem with most students. They only study when it is examination time. Do not a.s.sume you can just learn any topic the night before the examination and expect to deliver the same accurately enough to pa.s.s distinctively in the examination. It is not realistic. You cannot memorize everything at once; this is not secondary school. Most of what you will be taught will be very difficult to commit to your memory the night before the examination. So, always create a time to study everyday so that you will not need to engage in emergency reading when tests and examinations draw near.


Always look out for past question papers of examination for practice. Get a friend in his second year in your school who is studying the same course with you who can pa.s.s down the old examination papers he does not need again. Alternatively, look out for a place on campus where you can get question papers of previous years. If you make your findings, you should get a place like that

on your campus. All schools have it; just that most students do not bother to ask, and so they do not know a place like this exists. Worst case, meet the lecturer who handles the course to help you with some, he really will be too willing to a.s.sist you; he seldom gets such request. Use these to practice.

Past questions will give you an insight into the types of questions the lecturer asks.

It also helps you to know what kind of format the questions will come in, how many questions they are, and a number of other things which n.o.body will tell you about the examination. It will be foolish to discover such things for the first time in the examination hall when you are not prepared for it. All your other efforts become futile simply because of a simple mistake.


Getting to know your cla.s.smates will help you to seek help from them when you get really stuck. And you can be sure that, no matter how good you are from the school you are coming from, there will always be periods when you will be seriously stuck and will need someone to help

you find your way. At such time, you enjoy the benefit of a good relations.h.i.+p with the best students in school. Learn to ditch your pride and ask for help whenever you need it. But first, you must have built a close network of friends who will not complain if you give them a call at 1:00am to help you get un-stuck from an academic mess.


Always remember to create time to play. If you desire to graduate with a first cla.s.s, the magnitude of work that will stare you in the face on daily basis may give you an impression that you have no time to spare, not even to play for a minute. But this is not true. Do not drive yourself insane with work. Be sure to reward yourself with playtime.

A good playtime must complement a good study time. Do not just be all work. Find a time to play in your time table every week, but do not overdo it. Create a balance between work and play.

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