My Love Story : By Abhishek Malhotra 256 Angry Bird 1

My Love Story : By Abhishek Malhotra -

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Rahul went to one of the actresses at one of the tables in the front row and asked her for a dance. She was none other than Garima Sharma. She is one of the actresses who worked with Abhi in many movies and one of his close friends in the industry.

She is also the same actress who is presently doing a movie with him in the direction of Raju. Abhi and her are treated as a best couple on screen. She knew Rahul earlier so she accepted his hand readily.

She wore a plum red color long dress with a single strap on her left shoulder. She has a long pleat on the strap of her left shoulder which flowed elegantly backwards to the end of the dress. She wore a pair of diamond earrings and she looked elegant.

All the lights in the hall went off with only focus lights on couples on the dance floor.

Few of the people who were sitted at the tables are having a great time with drinks and food. The team of mere aquis.h.i.+ made a toast among themselves and gulped down the entire in one go.

Almost everyone in the hall entered the dance floor with their partners and the atmosphere was very lively and party mode was on. It was a great opportunity for the media as they could get pictures of almost all the top A list celebrities in the country at a single event.

* * * * * * *

Pumpkin made an sullen face and said word to word "Are you a stalker or my brother?".

He replied with a smile "I am a stalker brother".

He knew she will burst out in anger in no time and signalled his brother. Kunal saw that there was something is wrong and situation is a bit tensed between the sister and brother duo.

Abhi and Shriya were at the center of the hall with Kunal and Sony on their left and Naveen and Brahmini on their right. Rahul is with Garima and while Barun is with his sister Pumpkin. All the couples surrounded the center couple and they formed into a circle.

Vams.h.i.+ also flirted with a newbie young actress who is not so famous but has a cute and charming personality and smile. H3 also joined the dance floor.

Kunal saw Abhi and both of them nodded at each other and they made a round with their couples and they left the hand and soon the dance partners changed.

Shriya went to Kunal while Sony went to Barun. Brahmini was with Abhi and she was so elited with the situation. Naveen grinned seeing her blushed face and muttered to himself with a grin "This crazy girl".

Pumpkin who was in his arms giggled and said in a teasing tone "That man is so charming. Even I had a crush on him in my teens for a while but he rejected me outright saying he treats me like his sister."

She then looked at Abhi who had an indifferent face expression while dancing and sneered "Dumb prince, who wants tobe your sister."

Naveen couldn't help but smile hearing to all her complains. He asked in a soft tone "Should I send you to him ?".

She didn't reply to him knowing that she will go to him next even though he don't let her.

They all danced in enjoyment and happiness. Raju is a young director and had a promising future in the industry. Few of the young and newbie actresses wanted to have a dance with him but he rejected them all saying he want to have a dance with his favorite actresses first.

They were all eager to know who his favorite actress is. He walked upto the table where Geetika was sitting. He asked her with a charming smile stretching his hand infront of her "Can I have the honor to dance with you?".

She was so happy and proud when she saw other actresses staring at her with jealousy. She was elated and nodded her head with a smile and gave her hand with elegance.

They walked to the dance floor and they started dancing. The movements were smooth and they attracted quite an amount of attention from the crowd around and the media.

After a few more minutes the partners again changed. After a few more rounds Shriya went to Naveen and they both danced with unison.
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He asked "You seem happy today. Did my plan work out ?".

She shook her head and said "No I didn't, He called his friend that day and I didn't get the chance to apply your formula on him."

"Where were you for two last two days ?" Shriay asked him as she couldn't see from that very day. Ever since she knew him, he never took a leave. Naveen is known for his duty mindedness and professional ethics.

Shriya sometimes wondered "Doesn't he have any family ?" but never dared to ask him that.

He smiled and replied "I went to my parent's place. They are missing me so much" and she smiled.

Geetika was feeling a little dizzy with all the dancing and all. She felt the surroundings around her spin and her body heat up a little.

Her face was all red and soon she was losing her footing because of her dizziness. When she was about to stutter something she was given to Abhi and seeing him very close to her she felt like she was in a dream.

She have had a crush on him for a very long time and felt very lucky to be starred in the same movie with him as a debut. She thought she is very fortunate but when she learned that he already has a girlfriend she couldn't take it.

But now he is with her. She is only a few centimetres away from him and could feel his touch. She placed her hands on his face and stroked his cheeks with her finger tips. His expression changed and his eyes darkened.

He didn't react and looked around and all his friends looked inhis direction.

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