The Life Hacker System 51 Arriving

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Taka looked at Snow incredulously.

"Please tell me you're not going to start talking like a knight from the no 9th century?"

Snow looked back at Taka and his smirk couldn't go unhidden.

"I know not what you mean sire."

"Really Snow? Really?"

Snow just laughed, followed shortly after by Taka.

Several minutes of laughter ensued till both of them calmed down.

"So how you feeling?" Curious to know just how much of a difference Snow could feel.

"Stronger, definitely stronger and faster, not just speed wise either. My mind feels faster, my reflexes, even my metabolism feels faster." Snow spoke with excitement "I've never felt this strong before, it's almost like I could fly if I tried hard enough."

Taka smiled knowing just how much stronger Snow had become.

"Your sword skills have improved too, have they not?"

"You noticed that did you?" Snow asked.

"Hard not to, the intent coming off your sword is overwhelming almost suffocating if I'm being honest." Taka nodded. "That's mainly due to the ability you awakened when you became my knight."

"It is?" Snow asked surprised. "What exactly is the ability I awakened?"

"From what I know it's called supernatural swordsmans.h.i.+p." Taka paused before continuing to speak. "Basically it gives you the ability to wield the sword with supernatural proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing you to perform seemingly impossible feats with ease, such as cutting through invulnerable or intangible things and blocking or deflecting things that should be impossible to block or deflect. Oh and it also allows you to manifest sword intent using it to slash targets or fire it off at will, which is why when you hold your sword you release it unconsciously."

"That would explain a lot." Snow nodded in agreement. "It's quite the powerful ability though, isn't it?"

"It seems to be but I've got no one else to compare you too, as you're my first knight and all." Taka replied, while Snow nodded in understanding.

"Suppose we should be getting a move on, wouldn't wanna keep the royal a.s.s hats waiting." Snow in a bored tone.

Taka barked in laughter at the comment before replying.

"Hmm I suppose we should."

They both quickly got in the car and continued on their journey.


During the time that Snow and Taka were on the road, preparations for Taka's arrival were underway. The streets of The Citadel cleaned, Feasts cooked and clothing prepared.

While all this was taking place, Fen simply lay there a relaxing in the throne room in her wolf form. Her ears twitched every now and then at the noise of the preparations. Sitting nearby were the Queens, trying not to look nervous in the presence of Fen. They had appearances to uphold after all.

People in the citadel began to wonder who was actually visiting because for as long as they could remember no one had, had a welcoming like the one being prepared.

The only time anyone came close was when the Queens had returned from war.


The rest of the journey was pretty uneventful as you could imagine. Scenery changed, forests pa.s.sed, mountains grew and shrank, river's appeared and disappeared. All in all a pretty uneventful drive.

Finally they'd arrived.

Getting out of the car, both stretched. While Snow turned to Taka and spoke.

"Next time we run or find a quicker form of transportation. Seriously my aches have aches."

Taka smirked.

"I'll see what I can do the next time we go on a journey to fight royal supernaturals that are potentially plotting my demise from the shadows." Taka deadpanned.

"Right." Snow said slightly embarra.s.sed. "I see your point. Not gonna happen that often."

Taka Laughed. "I hope not but honestly who are we kidding, trouble follows me like a bad smell ahahaha."

Now it was Snows turn to laugh. "True, true. Since I've known you, you've always been getting into trouble but at least it keeps life interesting."

Taka laughed. "You got that right."

They both turn to fast the direction of the citadel.

"I guess we should go and introduce ourselves." Taka spoke jovially.

Snow nodded "After you, Your highness."

With that they began their stroll to the entrance of the citadel.



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