Vain 37 Route Downwards

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A tall tower could not reach the heavens and neither would Aileene's effort truly peak, if the obstacle that was the sky could not be removed.
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There was simply nothing she could do, now while the system was still managing her. Though it may not be watching her movement currently, she knew that it would soon come to see her complete the mission that it has set out for her to do. And there was no way for her to reach her goal if that was to happen. She needed a solution, some way to combat against the omnipotent eyes of the system.

Some way that she could be free.

So everything won't be meaningless or pointless, and—

Aileene stopped in her tracks and stared at the faded green book lying on her desk. Out in the light, as if proclaiming its innocence. That it was not the one that turned her to this point.

She grabbed it in her fit of anger and threw it.

Threw it into the depths of the lit fire.

Ashes and cinders float her way, and a single pure white note floated into her hands.

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