Across Time And Space Chapter 214

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Published at 25th of October 2019 05:20:14 AM Chapter 214

The old lady smiled as the Princess obediently address her as grandmother .

"I didn't know that you would be here as well," Princess Lingchen said . The last time Lu Wei had come to see her, he had told her that Chief Ye was busy with the tribe matters .

"My grandchild is going to be engaged to you . Of course, I have to come . " Chief Ye tightened her grip on the Princess's hand and led her to the chair . "Come, let's sit down . " Chief Ye stared at the Princess and frowned . "You look tense . What were you discussing with Wei Wei earlier?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Princess Lingchen felt the corner of her lips tilted up as she heard the Emperor of Qian Rong's nickname .

"What else could we discuss if it is not regarding the nation's matters," she said .

Chief Ye narrowed her eyes before she turned to her grandson . "Wei Wei, did you bully my granddaughter-in-law?"

Advertis.e.m.e.ntLu Wei raised the teacup on his hand and slowly took a sip . "When did I bully her? Grandmother, we were just discussing a few stuff before you arrived . "

"Will a discussion turned her expression so bad? Wei Wei, I'm telling you . You cannot bully my granddaughter-in-law," Chief Ye said . She gave him a dissatisfied look and continued, "First, I have to find out from others that you were getting married to the Crown Princess, and now, you're bullying her . "

Princess Lingchen watched as Chief Ye continued to scold her grandson . Lu Wei might be the Emperor of Qian Rong, but he would turn into a paper tiger whenever he faced his grandmother . The sight was definitely amusing to watch .

"Grandmother, you should not be too quick to address the Crown Princess as your granddaughter-in-law," Lu Wei said . "Although the engagement was set and the Emperor of Da Cheng has agreed to it, the Crown Princess has not agreed to my proposal . You know that I do not like forcing people to do stuff they don't like . If Princess Lingchen did not agree to this proposal, then, there was nothing I could do but to back off . "

When Lu Wei finished his words, the grandmother and grandson turned to look at the Princess .

"You haven't agreed to it?" Chief Ye asked . "Why haven't you agreed to Wei Wei's proposal? Is it because he bullied you? Princess, you should tell me if Wei Wei bullied you . I will do my best to discipline him . "

Facing against Chief Ye, Princess Lingchen found herself tongue-tied . She glanced at Lu Wei and saw him smiling smugly when his grandmother was not paying attention to him .

"He did not bully me . You can be at ease, Chief," Princess Lingchen bit her tongue when the old lady stared at her . Then, she began to change her words, "Grandmother . "

"Then why haven't you agreed?" Chief Ye persisted . "My Wei Wei might be a bit lazy, but I can a.s.sure you that he's a good man . You look at him . Don't you think that Wei Wei had a good looking body?" She went to his grandson's side and turned him around . Without any warning, Chief Ye slapped her grandson's b.u.t.tock with a straight face . "You look at him . Not bad, right?"

"Grandmother!" Lu Wei put both hands on his back to protect himself . Then, he inched away from his grandmother and gave him a hostile look . His grandmother's smack was not painful, but it was embarra.s.sing to have his bottom smacked in front of the Princess .

Princess Lingchen could only watch the two of them with her eyes wide . Her face gradually grew hot after witnessing how Chief Ye smacked her grandson's backside . Should she laugh?

"You be quiet . I'm trying to persuade the Princess to accept your proposal . "

Lu Wei watched his grandmother speechlessly . How was smacking his bottom considered as persuading?

The Crown Princess felt a s.h.i.+ver when Chief Ye turned to her with a smile . "Grandmother, don't listen to him . " She turned to Lu Wei and felt the urge to push him from a tall building .

What proposal? When did he propose to her? Weren't they were just discussing whether Qian Rong citizens would agree to join Da Cheng or not? How was that a proposal?

"I have never said no," Princess Lingchen continued .

She didn't exactly say yes, either . Her parents had agreed to let her marry Lu Wei, and as an obedient daughter, she never thought of going against their arrangement .

Chief Ye's lips curved into a smile . She patted the Princess' hand softly and said, "That's good . I was worried that you might not agree to marry Wei Wei . Next time, don't give grandmother a scare again . " She exhaled loudly and continued . " Princess Lingchen, I like you . Naturally, I was overjoyed when Lu Wei told me that you were going to get married . Although my grandchild is a bit useless, I can a.s.sure you that he will be around when you need him . "

Princess Lingchen could only smile as she continued to listen to Chief Ye's speech . Sometimes, Princess Lingchen was not sure whether the old lady was complimenting Lu Wei or insulting him .

"Actually, there is one other reason why I come," Chief Ye said after a long time berating her grandson .

Seeing the way Chief Ye was gazing at her, Princess Lingchen knew that the old lady has something she wanted to ask from her . "Grandmother, you can be at ease . If it is something that I can help, I will definitely do it . "

"Of course, it is something that you can help," Chief Ye said . "I have something to communicate with Yang Yun, and I need your permission to enter the area . "

Previously, the area around the sacrificial tree was locked down once they found out that the tree could be used as a portal to connect their world to others . Since then, the soldiers under the Crown Princess guarded the place . No one was allowed to enter or leave without her authorization .

"Is there something wrong?" Princess Lingchen asked . For Chief Ye to travel all the way from Sui Country to Da Cheng, the Chief must have an urgent matter .

"I don't know what was going on in the world where Yang Yun and his wife went to," Chief Ye said . "But whatever happened to the other side might affect our world as well as we were connected through the tree . Through divination, the elders of the tribe found that if we didn't cut off the connection to the other world in time, then bad things will happen to our world as well . "

The Crown Princess felt her heart jumped . "What kind of bad things?"

"Nature disaster that will lead to plague and later, death . "

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