A Slave Who Became Emperor Chapter 88

A Slave Who Became Emperor -

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Published at 20th of August 2019 08:42:00 PM Chapter 88

Pinaka heard the chief and looked at him skeptically . . he said, 'I understand that the treasure is enormous . . if we move it in open now . . will it not attract attention and make it easy for bandits or greedy neighbors act against our country? ' the chief looked at Pinaka and said, 'Prince, I am not so foolish to ask you to openly move the treasure . . we understand that you are good in planning out strategies . . we want you to plan how to handle this . . dealing with bandits and thieves is easier than dealing with evil spirits . . speaking of which I think you brought a spiritual member from your empire . could he help us? ' Pinaka said, 'he is our Raj guru . . he is here to help you keep the evil force at bay . . ' the chief nodded and said, 'holy one . . please help us . . ' Raj guru closed his eyes and chanted a prayer . . he removed his Garland of Rudrakshas . . held it in one hand . . then removed the holy Ganga water . . he mixed Vermillion in the Ganga water . . he walked towards the chief's chair and said, 'chief, hold this lemon in your hand . . ' the chief stood up and placed his right hand palm upwards . . Raj guru placed a lemon on his palm . . then he started uttering a holy chant . . they were able to sense ripples in the surrounding air . . Raj guru sprinkled holy water on the lemon, drop by drop . . the lemon slowly turned red . . then Raj guru said, 'evil is here . . summon your sorcerer . . ' the Chief summoned the sorcerer . . he came . . the sorcerer looked mysterious . . he had beads around his neck . . he was naked except for a piece of cloth covering his private parts . . he looked as if he was in a daze . . he was muttering to himself . . he saw Raj guru and said, 'I tried everything . . nothing worked . . ' it seemed as if he already knew who the Raj guru was . . there was a familiarity in his tone . . even the Raj guru looked at him as if he knew him . . . the ways of spiritual people were mysterious . . . . Raj guru said, 'it will take the two of us to ward the evil away . . but we can do it . . '

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The Raj guru held the sorcerer's hand and chanted a prayer, then said, 'you need to concentrate and find where the evil is currently located . . . the exact location . . . I will do the rest . . ' the sorcerer closed his eyes and sent out his spiritual sense . . he opened his eyes in few minutes and pointed a finger towards a direction . . there was nothing there . . the Raj guru immediately tossed the Garland of Rudraksha with force . . it stopped in mid air . . the beads of Rudraksha freed themselves from the string and got alligned in a circular fas.h.i.+on . . then Raj guru sprinkled Ganga water at that region and shouted . . 'reveal your self . . ' a clear ringing laughter filled the area . .

Everyone was shocked . . the laugh was high pitched . . slowly there was a flas.h.i.+ng light in the area surrounded by Rudraksha beads . . there was a black smoke that emitted and took a shape . . the figure represented a perfectly proportioned woman but the figure was filled with black smoke . . there were red horns on the head portion and white vampire teeth protruding from the mouth area . . nothing else was visible . .

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