MY KING SAW MY STAR 72 A Night For Two?


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To say that Ayanna was nervous was putting it lightly. Sleeping together with a man that makes her heart take flight on the same bed? her body was already hot from all the flas.h.i.+ng scenes running around in her head, her body s.h.i.+vered, oooh! just stop! stop thinking so much will you? she admonished her taughts.

The Prince could sense her obvious nervousness and decided to make it easy for her, he can't say being in the same room with the very beautiful Princess wasn't doing things to him since after their date, they have been opportune to meet so many times but not once since he told her how he felt have they been left alone, each time they met there were always people around them, he was preparing a surprise package for her and the way he feels about her he just have to make her his wife as soon as can be, she is a h.e.l.l of a woman, as long as she was willing to be his woman he will definitely take care of her. so he spoke first, I will run the bath for you to bathe first, please get me an extra blanket and a pillow I intend to sleep on the settee.

Ehm! oh!.....Okay, she stuttered her response.

The prince smiled and walked into the bathroom.

Ayanna went to Ken's room knocked and when he came out she told him she came to ask him for any of his not yet worn polo s.h.i.+rt and boxer, which he smilingly gave her without saying anything.

Ayanna took it and went back to the room then she got the extra blanket and pillow out and arranged them on the settee for him.

He soon came out of the bathroom, to announce to her that the bath was ready she should go bath, Ayanna just nodded and went into the bathroom and soaked herself in the hot bath, which helped to ease all the tension in her body and soul she soon relaxed and because she was so tired she soon fell asleep in the bathroom's bath tub.

After waiting for such a long time, the Prince taught she should have been out he went to the door and gently knocked on it, but there was no response, after knocking again and still no response he called out her name severally but still no answers he was now worried something was wrong so he gently opened the door only to find her peacefully sleeping form in the bath tub, he called out again still she didn't steer so went to the built-in closet in the bathroom found a towel rus.h.i.+ng to her side he picked her up from the bath tub gently and wrapped the towel and round her stilling himself not to stare, he marched to the bedroom and lay her down then he went in search of her night gown and found them in the same closet he took a night gown and gently wore it over her making sure he didn't wake her up then he gently set her down on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

Prince Ade Ade then headed to the bathroom to have his own bath of cold water to bring down the temperature of his body from touching all those smooth skin and molds the d.a.m.n woman was too tempting, he taught to himself, that he should just pocket her so that no one else will stare at her elegant beauty, yet he knows that she isn't the kind of woman anyone can pocket ah!

He left the bath tub after feeling all refreshed and clean and went back into the room wore the polo s.h.i.+rt and boxers she had dropped for him, put off the light after kissing her forehead and went to lie down on the settee he then used the blanket to cover himself.

Soon enough he drifted off to sleep and into a beautiful dream where his Princess was already his and they were in a very majestic palace holding hands as they walked the great palace grounds only stopping to steal kisses and laugh into each others eyes, he was so happy that unbeknownst to him he was actually smiling in his sleep.


The Princess woke up first, and as soon as her eyes landed on her night wear she tried to remember putting it on then she turned and saw the smiling sleeping Prince curled up his long frame on the settee and she blushed red, she must have fallen asleep from exhaustion and he must have been the one that dressed her and put her to bed he must have been so gentle that her she wasn't disturb wow! this feeling am feeling right now is it what one feels when he or she is being doted on by his or her lover? oh! my! my heart will soon run away, wow! I think am falling in love with him he is co cute, yet manly, she got up quietly not switching on the light for the room was gently illuminated by the outside light reflection just enough for one not to into anything and see their way around.

The Princess sat close to the Prince on the settee and gently stared at the smiling sleeping Prince and wondered what he was dreaming about that got him smiling like that looking at him so closely made her heart rate increase bdump, bdump, bdump..without thinking much she raised her hands and touched his handsome exquisite face which made the Prince to smile even more he reached out his hands and touched the hand that was touching him and opened his eyes and stared straight at the Princess, for what seem liked eternity they stared at each other the Prince thinking am I still dreaming?... or is she really in front of me?

The Princess also taught to herself he is awake? oh G.o.d! he is awake, I should stand up and go but her body refused to move instead her body trembled unconsciously making the Prince to softly call out Ayanna? you need something?, she breathed out, then she managed to stand up and as she tried to remove her hands from his which was sending waves after waves of electric shock to her body he drew her right back on the settee and another tug brought her body on top of his, he then gently moved her hair away from her face which was dishevelled from her sleep making her look even more alluring, this beauty that was hunting his dreams as the two of them were pulled in by a strong magnetic force their lips found each other and gently tasted each other in a kiss of two people drowning in their own need for the other, soon Ayanna tugged at his polo she wanted to feel his skin under her fingers and he pulled his s.h.i.+rt off for her, both their bodies was on fire, he kissed her eyes her neck it was so sensual that she actually moaned out loud which made his chairman rise in response, he removed her robe and stared at her flushed face and her two oranges calling for his attention but instead of ministering to them he picked up her robes and put it back on her and wore his s.h.i.+rt while Ayanna watched with questioning eyes, he then took her by the hands and gently made her lie down then he joined her on the bed and pulled her into his embrace from the back.

Prince Ade Ade then proceeded to tell her that in as much as the chemistry between them was hot he had to stop there for both their sake, since he wanted to marry her they had to go and perform the necessary marital rites first as long as she accepts to marry him.

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