Dungeon Core Online 124 Chapter 124

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Chapter 124

"This floor is ridiculous." Troll'd was speaking to no one, and everyone, as the group made their way down the creaking wooden path that James had created. They had, of course, survived the swarm of mobs James had thrown their way. Though, that was to say, they didn't have the easiest time with it. The mobs were all level 33, putting them just a level higher than the Knights, and three levels higher than the Boss Slayers. As far as basic mobs were concerned, that meant they weren't enough to completely overwhelm the group of seasoned veterans.

Besides, it wasn't like the mobs had ridiculous buffs to their skills… at least, not yet. James still had mob points to upgrade his third-floor mobs with, he just hadn't yet. Because, it was always fun to see what the mobs could do first, before he truly started messing with them. He had already eyed a few improvements that not only were going to make his mobs even more effective but were sure to get a few chuckles from some of the adventurers, especially Z's group and anyone with an understand of old school movies. Because, based on some of the upgrades he had seen, the developers had definitely been pulling ideas from their past. James was really glad he had been enlightened by the Knights.

With the reinforcements joining the fray, the fight had taken the raid party a good 10 to 15 minutes to actually clear. James had been pleased to see the lite knight did a great job at supporting the Giant Plaython, giving it a glowing buff that actually made a glowing needle appear around the Plaython, st.i.tching its wounds shut as soon as it had them. Meanwhile, the funky monkey had attempted to buff the plaython as well, doing its best to give the snake a speed buff with Get Funky. However, it seemed Turk, the Eagle, was having none of that, and so Z's pet dropped a badger on the monkey's drum session. Which led to the monkey going slap happy as it attacked both Turk and Badgy.

The group of mobs James had sent as support had been a mounted knight on a snuggle-woof, with a lite knight in tow. As much as James had wanted to send in the cavalry with the group that had three snuggle woofs, 3 mounted knights, a light knight, and a funky monkey, that group of mobs had sadly been too far away.

Regardless, just as the raid party had gotten the giant plaython down to about half life, the reinforcements had arrived, adding more chaos to the mix. The snuggle woof and mounted knight had blasted through the side, catching Troll'd and Faust completely by surprise. Meanwhile, the additional lite knight added its own healing ability to the giant plaython. The mobs obviously knew that ma.s.sive snake was their path to victory, and they were doing all they could to keep it alive.

The turning point, oddly enough, in the fight, had been when the giant plaython had gotten close enough to Oak to use its struggle snuggles on the immobilized, terrified, poor poor Indra. The snake's ma.s.sive, soaking wet form wrapped tightly around Oak, even as the others did their best to burn down its hp. As it constricted around the Indra, James could see Oak's eyes go white with sheer terror, as swamp water and soggy patches wrapped around him and began to tighten.

The Giant Plaython, James was sure, had thought it had just snagged an easy target. However, apparently the stuffed snake had never heard what people said about cornered animals being the most dangerous.

In a moment of sheer terror and panic, Oak unleased everything. And James meant that literally. The Indra utilized all of his cooldowns and blew all of his skills in a single instance. Normally, people didn't even do that during boss fights. So, when the level 32 Indra did that against the level 33 mob, well, it turned the tide in an instant.

What James had learned from the first time Oak had faced off against the Terminus as an Indra, was that the cla.s.s had given him a cooldown that differed greatly from his other ones. Of course, Oak still had his ma.s.sive damage reduction cooldown which greatly decreased the amount of damage he took. However, the Indra cooldown, was an explosive eruption of energy, that transformed Oak from an elf, into an 8-foot-tall being of electricity, which grew two additional arms. These two arms each held a curved dagger made of pure energy, and they were brutal.

So, immediately after Oak's form disappeared within the soggy and likely smelly patches of cloth and stuffing that was the Giant Plaython, Oak immediately reappeared, in his Super Saiyan form, as he called it. The electrically charged, glowing energy form of Oak let out a scream of both terror and rage, and began wailing on the Giant Plaython, even as the mob did its best to try and tighten its hold on him.

Of course, because Oak had blown all of his cooldowns, he was taking 50% less damage, and as the s.h.i.+elder cooldown dictated, his regular attacks were doing 90% less damage. Oak didn't care though, because in his "super Saiyan" form, his energy daggers didn't do regular damage. In fact, they didn't actually take any of his stats into consideration when he attacked. Instead, the energy daggers drained .5% of the enemies maximum hp per strike. And, from what James had observed, Oak was able to get about 20 hits in with his daggers while he was in the glowing cooldown form, as it lasted for only 30 seconds. Meaning, that with both cooldowns active at the same time, he was taking 50% less damage, dealing 10% of the enemy's life in damage, and healing for that amount as well. It was a bit broken. Of course, the Indra form had a 15-minute cooldown compared to the 10-minute cooldown for his s.h.i.+elder ability, so there was a reason for that.

From there, the group had rallied around Oak's sudden action, and used that moment to overwhelm the Giant Plaython. Even while the mob had 2100 maximum HP, and 650 fluff, it had already been at half its fluff and about half its life when it had attacked Oak. So, when all of a sudden Oak took another 10% of its life from it, and it had three archers, an axe champion, a mage, and a gnome with daggers turning on it too, well, it didn't stand a chance. Of course, the raid party had managed such a burst because Skar had been holding off the snuggle-woof and mounted knight thanks to the combined healing given to him from Med Ic and Olivia. Long story short, James needed to throw more mobs at them next time.

"I don't know man, I kind of like it." Elm looked back at the Troll and shot him a wink, motioning towards Oak, who was walking, shakily, in the middle of the party. Skar had taken the lead as tank, as Oak still needed some time to get over his phobia apparently. From what James had heard Z and the others say, this wasn't the first time Oak had broken down when he encountered snakes in a game, but they a.s.sured everyone that he eventually came to terms with it for the game.

"It's not often we get him to shut up." Oak shot Elm a nasty look as the elven elemental archer continued to pick on the Indra. "Heck, with a phobia like his, maybe he should put on a snake costume, and call himself 'SnakeMan'"

"I hate you." Oak grumbled, but it was hard for anyone to take him seriously, as he was constantly scanning the entire area for more Giant Playthons and jumping at every sound from the swamp.

"Hey Rue," James commented as the party made their way deeper. They were making decent time, and he could tell they were nearing the area with the shrines. From there, he was sure they would have no problem farming the rest of the mobs on the floor, though he was also hoping they would take on the boss. Mainly because he wanted to see how the boss did, and totally not because he was looking at the tasty experience they had right now.
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"Mhmm?" The pixie looked up at him, her mouth full of milk duds. Seriously, did she just raid the movie theater concession stand for her treats?

"Remind me to use some resources to add in some actual snakes to this map." The pixie nearly choked on her candy as she started laughing, even as she nodded to let him know she would.

He was always looking for ways to step up his floor, and if he could mess with Oak a little at the same time, he figured why not. It wasn't at all because he was secretly jealous of Oak's awesome secret cla.s.s and was trying to find a way to keep him from being too overpowered on his third floor. Definitely not that.

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