Naruto System Within Naruto Chapter 109

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Published at 1st of January 2019 01:25:05 PM Chapter 109: 109

Tsunade looked up and saw Linley with his open eyes looking at her as she had layed with him in the bed while hugging him . . .

Ughh . . . I wanted to sleep with you . . . : Tsunade

Then you don't have to crawl like that . . . : Linley

Linley placed his hands around her waist and brought her together before giving her a light kiss . . . .

Tsunade blushed by this but instead of lowering her head, she kissed him back making him open his eyes wide from being surprised . . .

Furthermore adding more to her blus.h.i.+ng she kept going leaving him no room to breath . . .

Whh . . . . attt . . . Has . . . gottt . . . . ttttteeennnnn in . . . . . . . you . . . . . . . . . . : Linley

It didn't take long to see her with tears in her eyes stunning him more than the kisses they had now, and he actually figured it out . . .

Silly big sis . . . All of you will continue to be by my side no matter who come . . . : Linley

Tsunade started shaking and more tears fell from her eyes as she kept replaying the fact that she could have died losing everything . . .

At that moment something cut her off, something was poking her a bit lower from her belly and when she looked at Linley she saw him blus.h.i.+ng which was quite a surprise as he was the one who usually caused her to blush . . .

She raised a bit the blanket and saw something with a red face . . . She instantly stood up but contrary to her leaving as Linley had thought at this moment .

She bent down and placed herself in his crotch and her crotch was on Linley's mouth . . .

Wait, Tsunade . . . : Linley

Tsunade ignored him and pulled his pants down revealing a weird looking hard rod to her face with a prudent smell . . .

She was a big girl now and knew about all these kinds of stuff, therefore she gently touches it with her hands and put it in her mouth which a split second later wanted to puke because of the smell . . .

Linley groaned when she did that even more so when she started licking it and sucking it with her lips . . .

Tsunade kept going and going and eventually Linley couldn't hold his voice down as he said lightly I'm c.u.mming!!! filling her mouth and throat without warning with his s.e.m.e.n . . .

Tsunade choked as she swallowed quite a bit of it and she could feel his body s.h.i.+ver from enjoyment before she could get up it was her turn to s.h.i.+ver as Linley took her underwear down and placed his tongue in her hot and wet p.u.s.s.y . . .

She was trying to keep her voice down as he was sucking her and at the same time trying not to puke from his s.e.m.e.n in her throat . . .

It didn't take long for her to also come and fell weakly in his d.i.c.k as it poked her head while she in his face . . .

After staying like that for a few seconds Tsunade got and turned around as he was facing Linley who had a blissful smile that made her blush . . .

She sat on her belly and bent forward to kiss him at least that's what she wanted but his d.i.c.k was throbbing and poking in her p.u.s.s.y wanting to enter inside . . .

She raised a bit her thighs and Linley brought it directly under her making her slowly sat on it as it caused her pain with every millimetre of it entering inside her . . .

Eventually, she bore the pain and they had finally connected with each other as a small train of blood could be seen in the lower part of his d.i.c.k . . . His b.a.l.l.s . . .

Linley then started moving his hips upwardly meaning he was thrusting at her causing her to feel more pain as more power was ravaging inside her . . .

Both of them had locked in each other embrace as they were moaning from pleasure especially Tsunade who was really trying to lower her voice . . .

At that moment she felt something inside her s.h.i.+ver before she could say something she felt her insides burning with lava at least that's how she felt before twitching and falling weakly in his embrace . . .

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