Just Mine 37 Hickey

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Sky was surprised to see Dwayne as she didn't call for him...Mr are here? Yeah Mr Dwayne was nice enough to bring you breakfast, he called earlier to ask what you liked, plus we have a few things to talk about, Anton picked the food by his side and handed it to Sky, the chicken fried rice arrived ten minutes before Dwayne arrived. Smiling at Sky, he said here you go boss. Ooh how thoughtful of you Mr Teffa, you shouldn't have gone through the stress of getting me food but thank you. Dwayne was the food he got was for Anton but Anton already got food for his boss, calming down he said to himself...well at least I bought her breakfast. It's no problem CEO, I hope you like the food he said. You can call me Ms Sky....smiling brightly, Sky sat by Anton as they both ate their food, feeling awkward as Dwayne watched them eat she said, you can join us Mr Teffa. Dwayne refused politely as he watched her eat.... she seem to be enjoying her meal as she hummed to herself and picked some chips from Anton's plate. They look good together he thought to himself, and somehow he didn't feel good about that.

Something in Sky's neck caught Anton's attention, it must be from last night with Neto...smiling he touched the hickey at her should cover this dear, we don't want the whole world seeing it...Sky quickly touched her neck, remembering yesterday, she was sure Neto left a mark...d.a.m.n you Neto she cursed. Feeling embarra.s.sed she tried to use her jacket to cover it but it was no good. Don't worry dear, I'll cover it with some make up, Anton said smiling, seeing his boss blush and the look on Dwayne's

face...he's gotten just what he wants.

Dwayne couldn't believe what he was seeing, if his boss was sleeping with Anton, then why does she need him.....she has the right to have s.e.x with any man she wants but he has to become a monk. Adjusting his tie, he said...Ma'am, Mr Anton please if there's nothing more, I would like to take my leave. Sky looked at Anton asking him if that would be all. Anton picked the tissue paper as he wiped his mouth and his hands...Walk with me Mr Teffa? Dwayne had no choice than to nod his head and follow Anton out. Sky watched the two as they left her office, just what is Anton up to...shaking her head, she went back to eating her food. Remembering her family, Sky lost appet.i.te immediately....her mom hasn't spoken to her except for when she called to tell her about the blind date, Brianna hasn't spoken to her either...This weekend is suppose to be her weekend with Tega and she didn't know how to ask her sister about it. She really wished they would talk to her, sighing she covered her food and went to her desk to continue her work.

Walking behind Anton, Dwayne thought to himself, the guy isn't bad after all and even if he's with the boss that's not any of his business, he would try to tolerate them and complete his part of the deal so he can go back to living his life. Anton walked Dwayne to his office(Dwayne's office) After they got in, he released the b.u.t.ton on his suit jacket as he said...I'll be away for a while, am traveling out for business...during this period, you will take care of her. We have to begin your training soon, you have alot to learn, you have to become a gentleman, I'll send you the time of our meeting. Remember Mr Teffa, I will be watching you so don't think you can out smart Sky, she's a good lady, don't spoil her reputation. Anton's phone rang, removing the phone from his jacket, he picked the call as he waved Dwayne bye...he responded to the call in Chinese. Dwayne watched as Anton walked out of his office...just what the h.e.l.l have he gotten himself into

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