Just Mine 143 Our Boy

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Sky smiled after she finished making the call. Anton, our boy is changing, he just volunteered to use all his savings for someone else.

Now you sound like Mr Jay.... 'Our boy'... What does he want? Anton asked as he worked on his laptop.

He seems to have a friend in Sky memorial whose in dire need of surgery. And they need Doctor Feige and he will only listen to one person, that's Mrs Jane the owner of Sky memorial. I already called her.

He's in luck then, cause Mrs Jane is very fond of you cause of your name and personality, Feige was a close friend of Mrs Jane's late husband, Skylar.

Yeah she promised to call him. Dwayne's money can't cover the surgery, he asked me for a loan which I already agreed to give him but I told Mrs Jane to put the bill in my name but Dwayne doesn't know about it yet.

Who's this person he's willing to use all his savings for?

All I know is that her name is Somadina. Q. Chukwa. I didn't ask much.

Ok that's all I need to know. Anton said as he punched her name into his system.

Wow that was fast, i didn't expect you two to meet today. So how did it go? Sky asker her sister as she ate her spaghetti bolognese.

It went well, I acted like my bigsist. He asked me if you planted me there, he's quite blunt sist.

Hmmm so what did you do?

What you will do sist. But i'm sure I've got his attention now.

Ok I trust you. But i thought you were happy to live alone, what's this sudden fear of staying alone?

I've never stayed alone sist, i didn't know it'll be like this.

But you'll have to learn to stay alone, if things go as planned, two weeks should be enough. If you think you really can't sleep alone, I'll have Stone bring you here every night OK? But I need you to try Jenna.

Ok sist. I'll try my best. Jenna said as she joined her sister to eat.

Dwayne was able to speak to Soma that night and promised her everything will be ok. There's something about Soma that makes him want to be around her. After the doctor arrived, Dwayne went to the reception to ask how he was going to pay for the surgery, but the nurse told him that everything has been taken care of, he didn't need to ask who did it. He pulled out his phone to dial her number but hesitated. Its best if he goes over to her place, he'll go there first thing in the morning.

The next morning Sky and Anton went over the things they are suppose to do for Mr Jay.

Even after his death, It still feels like he's alive. Why do you think he's so interested in Dwayne Sky? Here it says Dwayne should attend training abroad. We've done everything he asked except for these two, the last one state here that his private lawyer will contact us when its time. December will make it three years since he died, when do you think it will be time?

I should be asking you all this Anton, you were like a son to him, maybe he told you something he didn't tell me. Well there are series of training going on now in Europe and America especially the ones Dwayne needs, i think its time we send him out, he's ready and maybe after we do this Mr Charles will contact us. That reminds me, he replied my email and he was so curt. "Stay calm, I'll be back in two weeks time"

Is he always like this? I mean Mr Charles

Yeah Sky that's his personality. So that's all he said? Maybe it means Aidenn is his son or stay calm cause you have nothing to worry about? f.u.c.k! I hate being confuse. But do you think this is the last thing we are suppose to do?.... .. Maybe Aidenn is his son and we are suppose to help him run the company?

I don't think so, If this was planned by Mr Jay, it won't come from Mrs Rose, Kayla's mom is even better, Mrs Sheila. But we all know Rose. If only there's a way to have a DNA test done.

They both looked towards the direction of the door, as they heard the doorbell . Who could it be, It's too early for anyone to visit, did you ask Bones over?

No I didnt, its 6:00am, who could it be, Anton said, he stood up, walked out of the study and went to get the door.

Hey man, why are you here this early, Is everything alright? Anton asked as he looked around to see if Dwayne was alone.

Yeah i have something important to discuss with Ms Sky. Morning Mr Anton.

Oh, morning to you Dwayne. It's good you are here, we have something to say to you too.

Forgive me Dwayne, please come in. Anton said as he realized he was blocking Dwayne from entering.

Dwayne rubbed his palm nervously. Errm I'd like to speak to Ms Sky alone Anton, if you don't mind.

Ok no problem, hold on. I'll tell her you are here. Anton said as he walked away. He went to Sky's room and picked her robe. He opened the door to the study and threw her robe at her. Dwayne is here to see you. He said as he turned his back to leave. Sky cleared her table immediately and put on her robe, she was wearing one of her night dress... It was quite short and light. She quickly put on her robe. Why is Dwayne here so early? She asked herself.

Dwayne knocked softly on the door before he went in. Morning Ms Sky, i'm sorry I came this early but I didn't want to have this conversation in the office.

Morning Dwayne, how are you? Hope you slept well?

Yeah I did ma'am and you?

Dwayne you don't have to call me ma'am when we are alone. I slept fine. what is it you want to talk to me about?

First of all i'm still going to apologize for what happened on Sunday. I'm sorry I asked you for money yesterday, I just couldn't allow Soma's father to die like that. They told me you already paid for everything, i intended on doing that Ms Sky, you should'nt have.

Yeah that reminds me, how did the surgery go?

The surgery is this morning. I just came here to thank you and to tell you that I'll pay you back.

Dwayne do you know why I paid for it? The fact that you thought of someone other than yourself, made me do it. I can't allow you use all your money, if its for something else I wouldn't have done that, but its a good deed Dwayne and you need money now.

All the same, thank you ma'am. Thanks to you and Mr Anton, i can now look at a woman without thinking of s.e.x. I watch you almost die and it made me realise something ma'am.

You are welcome Dwayne, you should thank your stars. Mr Jayden is the reason why you are here today, i don't know why he likes you but I suspect you reminded him of who he used to be..... Anyway that's that. I need you to get ready, you'll be traveling out soon.

But maam I don't understand, i thought you wanted me by your side? Why do you want to send me abroad.

Well, you know my DOD is close. And after I deliver, I'll go on maternity leave. You'll help Anton in running the company so I need you to go study more about running a company. Anton will tell you the rest but first I need you to teach Jenna how to catch a player. We need to get Aidenn to confess fast.

Confused, Dwayne nod his head and left the study to join Anton. Why is she sending him abroad? And he can't run the company. Maybe this is a test, maybe she's trying to see if he's interested in the company. Well he can't blame her, alot of things has happened, so it's ok if she don't trust him.

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