Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha Chapter 205.2

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Chapter 205.2

It could be that they dragged me into this Selection Trial so they could try and destroy me in the confusion of it all.

Another possibility was my memory loss.

I may have simply forgotten about them.

In any case, it is a fact that you were chosen by a G.o.d. On that Holy Seat are inscribed your name and the t.i.tle of Misfit bestowed upon you by your Selection G.o.d. (Ahid)

My name was indeed engraved into that Holy Seat.

Along with the t.i.tle of Misfit.

A quarrel during the Selection Trial may cause the death of other G.o.ds. Wouldnt losing their orders be a problem? (Anos)

The G.o.ds involved in the Selection Trial cannot perish. Therefore, no order will be lost. They are maintained by the pact made with the Selection Pledge Jewels. (Ahid)

He stared at the jewel in my hand.

It appeared that this was quite an impressive item.

Now Ive got the gist of it all. However, Im still not interested in this Selection Trial. In fact, I dont want the birth of any Proxy of G.o.d. Not after all the trouble I went through to remove the order of destruction from this world. (Anos)

Thinking about it that way, my Selection G.o.d may have intentionally made me a candidate to put an end to this Selection Trial.

If I destroyed every other contender, I would be the one to reach that position.

Since they knew that no divine power could destroy me, had they settled for turning me into a G.o.d instead?

Whatever your wishes are is irrelevant, Misfit Anos Voldigoad. Since you have been chosen, you only have two paths to take. Either wait the time of trial and follow the path of faith, or turn your back on G.o.d and perish. (Ahid)

So basically, once a G.o.d has chosen you, you cant decline. Is that it? (Anos)

Ahid nodded solemnly.

Exactly. G.o.ds are the order of this world. No one can defy them. Your will is nothing before G.o.d. (Ahid)

For a human, you sure speak like a G.o.d. (Anos)

I now understood the general outline of the Selection Trial.

Since the G.o.ds were involved, it was bound to get messy.

If this dispute only concerned the Underground World, I wouldve paid no more attention to any of this, but I was convinced that getting in touch with me as a fellow candidate wasnt Ahids only reason for infiltrating the Hero Academy.

If it was, then he didnt need to become a student in it.

Finally, here is a word of advice. You should not leave Gaelahesta until you have found your Selection G.o.d and made a pact with them. But you should not stay here in Everastanzetta either. (Ahid)

Oh-ho. And why is that? (Anos)

In Everastanzetta, the nonaggression pact only applies here in the Holy Seat Hall, for this is where candidates may demonstrate their faith. (Ahid)

So this meant that as long as we were in Everastanzetta besides the Holy Seat Hall, anyone was free to fight, huh.

You have exposed your true face to the other candidates here. You have also revealed that you have not yet made a pact with a G.o.d. If you leave this holy city, or in other words, the nonaggression zone, you will become the perfect prey. (Ahid)

Any candidate could summon the G.o.d they had made a pact with.

So they thought killing would be childs play because I hadnt made a pact with any G.o.d?

Ill admit that considering the rules of the Selection Trial, getting rid of your opponents before they gain the strength to fight back was indeed standard practice.

Cant you remember what happened the other day? Who was it again that ran off with his tail between his legs? (Anos)

Ahid didnt react to my question.

If you have not formed a pact with a G.o.d, then what happened the other day is easy to explain. Basically, you are allied with another candidate. And you were borrowing their divine power. he said, feeling like he had seen through my act.

Well, not that I could blame him for thinking so.

The theory that I had borrowed the power of a G.o.d was far more believable than the fact that I was simply more powerful than one.

No one was capable of a.s.suming anything outside of their own common knowledge.

In fact, even I had never imagined that there was such a thing as a Selection Trial.

Although, I have no idea if your alliance partner is here among us. Ahid said, as if to keep the other candidates in check.

But now that I have revealed your trick, it is only natural that your ally would keep their guard up. I dont suppose they would dare lend you their divine power while the other candidates are keeping a watchful eye on everything. You would do well to proceed carefully. (Ahid)

Still, it was oddly generous of him to be so thorough with his explanations, even though I was his enemy.

Maybe it was because he considered this whole thing a trial of the G.o.ds instead of a battle.

Or maybe he was just honest to a fault.

I have one more question: when and how did this Underground World come to be? (Anos)

This is not related to the Selection Trial. I have no obligation to answer a heretic. (Ahid)

Hmm. Well, whatever. If this place is an inst.i.tute, then there should be a history book or two in there. (Anos)

As I mentioned this, Ahid pointed at a magic circle placed at the top of a staircase on the west side of the building.

That magic circle leads to the thirteenth floor of this inst.i.tute. There, you will find a room of stone monuments bequeathing recollections of the past. Including how this world came to be. (Ahid)

Is that something you can tell a heretic? (Anos)

If it is an explanation on Everastanzetta, then yes. (Ahid)

Hmm. What a troublesome religion to follow.

However, outside of this room, the nonaggression pact does not apply. (Ahid)

You already said that before. Misha, Sasha, lets go. (Anos)

The two nodded in agreement.

I turned around, climbed up the stairs with the girls, and stepped into the magic circle.

When I poured my magic power into it, the scenery faded away.

The next moment, we found ourselves in a large room with a great number of stone monuments lined up in it.

In front of those monuments were people dressed in uniforms here and there.

They were probably students of this inst.i.tute.

Apparently, they were in the process of deciphering the characters carved on the stone monuments.

Hmm. Lets hope those are characters we can read. (Anos)

Hmm I think thats pretty unlikely. Even supposing we share the same ancestors, their culture is still different from what we have on the surface, right? Sasha noted, with Misha nodding next to her.

Nonetheless, we walked to a stone monument with no one in front.

I scanned it with my eyes, and sure enough, I didnt recognize their alphabet.

To think you would ignore the cardinals warning, your foolishness truly knows no bounds, heretic. (Gazel)

I heard a voice coming from behind.

It was Gazel, the bald Saint who picked a fight with me earlier.

Oh well. I should manage to figure out their grammar if I read a few of them. (Anos)

But before that, look behind us. Are you sure we can ignore this guy? I think hes talking to you. (Sasha)

Theres no need to lend an ear to someone who never learned his manners. (Anos)

The moment I said that, Gazel grabbed my shoulder.

Receive the salvation of G.o.d, you heretic! (Gazel)

Oh, get out of here. Youre in my way. (Anos)

I lightly shook off his hand as I turned around.


He was blown backwards.

He knocked down about four monuments in the process, and finally stopped bouncing at the fifth one.

The students here shrieked at that.

Ugh! C Curse you How dare you make a Saint such a myself spill my sacred blood! (Gazel)

Gazel twisted his face in fury as he spat blood.

What a sinful individual! I suggest you plead for G.o.ds forgiveness You blasted heretic (Gazel)

Even as he staggered to his feet, Gazel directed his murderous intent towards me.

Gazel, was it? If you want to kill me, feel free to try. (Anos)

I took a few steps in his direction and gazed at him.

Now call out your G.o.d already. Because you wont last one second on your own. (Anos)

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