The Scum Shou's Survival Guide Chapter 25 Part2

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Chapter 25B

[Ye Ming: Older brother, last night did the blackening value drop?]

[888: It dropped.]

[Ye Ming: How much?]

[888: 10 points.]

[Ye Ming: Hu… that's good then.]

[888: You seem pretty confident you can reduce the blackening value, he he.]

[Ye Ming: ^_^]

Ye Ming sighed with relief. This meant that things were still progressing according to his plan. Last night was a bit risky. If he didn't handle it properly then the blackening value wouldn't only not drop, but might instead rise. Ye Ming knew it wouldn't be possible to make Ming Chong believe him just like that, but at least he had made a start on things.

[Ye Ming: I feel a little bit uncomfortable, could I be sick? QAQ]

[888: You just have a fever, you won't die.]

[Ye Ming: You don't care about me anymore….]

[888: As long as your husband/old "gong" is worried about you, what's the point of my caring. Smile.jpg.]

[Ye Ming: …..] This sentence was logical. He didn't have any response.

Ye Ming opened his eyes and found that he was lying on the bed. His body had already been cleaned. He lightly coughed and peeled back the blankets to get up. As soon as he made a bending motion he frowned. When he looked up he saw Ming Chong coming in through the door.

He stared at the person in front of him for a few moments then s.h.i.+fted his gaze. He reached for the clothes beside him without any expression.

Ming Chong strode over on his long legs to stand in front of him. He grabbed his wrist and ordered coldly, "Lie back down."

Ye Ming hesitated then looked at him calmly with his dark pupils. He said in a hoa.r.s.e voice. "Right now I should be at work."

Ming Chong said quietly, "Right now you need to rest."

Ye Ming pressed his lips together tightly. He said coldly. "I agreed to be your lover, but I didn't agree for you to meddle in my work life."

Ming Chong's eyes also went cold. He stared fixedly at Ye Ming and after a few seconds he suddenly laughed mockingly. "We are business partners, how can it be called 'meddling'?"

He pushed Ye Ming onto the bed and smiled slowly. His eyes were dangerous. "And I personally like business partners who are obedient. If you make me unhappy, then I might do things that will make other people unhappy."

Ye Ming narrowed his eyes. "You're threatening me."

Ming Chong smiled. "You can interpret it like that if you want."

Ye Ming let out a breath then he smiled too. "Why do you care so much if I rest or not. You can't be worried about me, can you?"

Ming Chong's expression froze for a second then he said in a cold voice. "Don't think so highly of yourself."

Don't think so highly of myself ah….. Ye Ming repeated these words silently in his head a few times. Then he closed his eyes and didn't say anything more.

Maybe it is just me thinking too highly of myself. I thought that my apology and my explanation would count for something. But right now I can see that no matter what I say, you won't believe me.

w.a.n.g Heng was right. You're no longer the person that I once knew. The current you doesn't love me at all.

Since that's the case, there's no point explaining things any more.


Ye Ming rested at home for two days. At work the Vice President took care of things so there wasn't any large problems, if there was any occasional needs he could handle it over the phone.

Ming Chong stayed by his side. His att.i.tude towards Ye Ming was very cold and didn't seem like someone taking care of a sick person, but more like a prison guard looking over a prisoner.

This evening Ming Chong brought over the food as usual for Ye Ming.

Ye Ming looked at the dishes in front of him and his eyes revealed a nostalgic expression.

Back then when they were dating, Ming Chong often cooked like this for him. Although back then he was even younger but he took care of Ye Ming very well. After finis.h.i.+ng eating he would wash the dishes then cling onto Ye Ming and want to be intimate…

When it got cold he would be worried that Ye Ming would get cold, when he came home he would be worried that he was tried. He was full of pa.s.sion and love and care.

This kind of sweet life. Even if they didn't do anything and was just together, it would still make him warm from the bottom of his heart. But that warmth left along with that person, and in the end vanished together.

Ye Ming stretched out his hand and took the chopsticks. It was still the familiar flavors. Pain stabbed at his heart. Back then this person was clearly so good, why didn't he treasure him more?

At that time he was momentarily irritated and couldn't be bothered to explain, and so he said those hurtful things.

Ye Ming raised his head and saw Ming Chong sitting coldly there. On that familiar and handsome face there wasn't anything left of the old warmth and emotions…. Ye Ming suddenly didn't have any appet.i.te. In this world the most lonely thing was when the body stayed behind while the emotions were already gone.

He smiled lightly and said. "Actually you don't need to stay here. I won't run away."

Ming Chong turned his head slowly and narrowed his phoenix eyes. His narrow lips raised. "What? Weren't you the one who wanted me to come back? Now that I'm back you tell me that I don't need to be here. Is there a single word of truth that comes out of your mouth?"

Ye Ming thinned his lips. His expression was self-mocking.

That's right. I did want you to come back. But not like this… your heart didn't come back. What's the point of leaving your hate here.

But in the end he didn't say anything. He only tiredly closed his eyes and said. "Do whatever you like."

Ming Chong's hand suddenly clenched and the heat of anger rose up again in his heart. He took a deep breath, got up and slammed the door on his way out.

This kind of resigned att.i.tude from Ye Ming made stretched his rationality to the extremes. Why are you putting on that kind of face as though I'm the unreasonable one here? When clearly the one that's the despicable sc.u.m is you!

Why don't you explain anymore? Is it because you think you can't fool me any longer, so you can't even be bothered making excuses anymore?

Ming Chong knuckles creaked with the effort of his clenching. He had always treated Ye Ming's flowery words as though it were nothing… but now that that person didn't even want to say those things to him anymore, it made him even more angry.

It was really pitiful ah… he had lowered himself to state to even take comfort from those flowery lies.


After a few days Ye Ming recovered and returned to the company to resume working.

Right now the company was doing well. The projects had found new life and it was very busy.

These days Ming Chong didn't call upon Ye Ming so often, making him relieved.

At first he had really missed this person and wanted to get back together with him but right now he wanted to run away from him…. If staying by Ming Chong's side meant that he would only be hated, then what was the point of seeking out his own pain. If they could pa.s.s this year peacefully that would be for the best.

Ye Ming behaved in a very natural manner. He no longer tried to explain anything to Ming Chong nor did he do any overt actions. He fulfilled the role of a perfect lover. Even if Ming Chong accused him of ridiculous things then he only accepted it with silence and didn't make any excuses. His manner was completely that of someone who didn't care.

But the more Ye Ming was like this the more Ming Chong's emotions became suppressed. He really wanted to violently tear of that emotionless mask on Ye Ming's face!

How could this despicable sc.u.m live so peacefully? Now that he discovered he couldn't lie to him, he couldn't even be bothered putting on an act anymore? He looked like he didn't have any regret at all.

[888: If you keep being like this aren't you scared that Ming Chong will really get angry and just leave?]

[Ye Ming: How can he leave? He wouldn't bear to leave me~ speaking of this, do you know when couples argue what makes people the most angry?]

[888: Don't ask me this question. I don't understand how you foolish humans think.]

[Ye Ming: ….]

[Ye Ming: The thing that makes people angry the most is not arguing or you explaining or admitting fault, its when you don't care. If instead of arguing back you say, "Okay, everything you said is correct. You can think whatever you like." If your girlfriend heard this she will 100% explode!]

[888: I don't think it needs to be that complicated. You can directly call Ming Chong "my girlfriend" and it will achieve the same purpose.]

[Ye Ming: Coughcough… it was just an a.n.a.logy. Just an a.n.a.logy, that's all.]

[Ye Ming: Anyway, if he's a man you can't keep doing things at his face. I'll fight him with a cold war for a little while and he definitely won't be able to sit still. Then there will be some developments ma ^_^]

[888: En. It looks like you think you're not going to die quickly enough.]

[Ye Ming: Well, right now if he becomes impulsive it's not a bad thing. If one becomes impulsive one will make mistakes. If he makes mistakes then he can't keep standing in that high place of logic, after all how I can always let him control the setting, hehe.]


On this day as Ye Ming was in the middle of a meeting, his phone started ringing. When he looked he saw it was Ming Chong calling him. Ming Chong rarely ever called him during the daytime. Could it be something wrong? Ye Ming told everyone to discuss among themselves and then went outside to answer the phone call.

Ming Chong's cold voice sounded. "Come over right now."

Ye Ming frowned and said quietly, "Right now I'm in the middle of a meeting. I can't leave. If there's nothing urgent then let's meet at night."

On the other end there was a moment of silence then the other person directly hanged up.

Ye Ming went back to the boardroom and continued his meeting.

Then just as the meeting was coming to an end, the door was violently flung open. Everyone in the room jumped and turned around to look. Ye Ming's expression also changed. Ming Chong had actually come over to the company, this person had never appeared here before!

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