Info-Psychology Part 4

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s.p.a.ce Migration Intelligence Increase Life Extension We are designed to Use our Heads (I2) in order to Use Time (L.E.) in order to Use s.p.a.ce (S.M.).

Of these three a.s.sociated imperatives Intelligence Increase is the most important. When the human has learned how to use the brain as instrument to: 4.selectively re-imprint the four terrestrial circuits 5.control the body 6.master the creation of multiple realities by means of serial re-imprinting 7.imprint (i.e. experientially identify with the DNA code) 8.decipher nuclear-quantum intelligence then Life Extension and s.p.a.ce Migration will be attained.


14. A Metaphysiological, Neuro-atomic Eschatology: Biology Evolves to Quantum-Gravitational Contelligence.

The ultimate question is: what is the end point of biological evolution?

The exo-psychological answer: contelligence mutates by fusing with, being absorbed by metaphysiological structures found in nuclear-quantum-gravitational force fields.

Neurologically it could be said that the emergence of each new neural circuit involves a "death-rebirth." The Neonate infant molts and becomes the mobile child. Although the "reality" of the infant is surely different from that of the "same" individual at age 18, the first brain remains linked to, part of the evolving neural network. Thus, in the evolution of the individual, the emergence of new neural circuits defines a series of incorporative re-incarnations. Metamorphoses.[1]

Genetics defines another, more enduring form of perpetuation. The DNA code is designed to keep itself alive, to remain immortal. If, as exo-psychology suggests, we can imprint DNA, learn how to consciously decipher RNA signals, we can experience the DNA time blueprint which contains the program of neural evolution back three billion years and forward for several billion years. The DNA registers and remembers signals received by the body and the nervous system which it currently "drives." Each of us thus lives on via absorption in DNA.

But neurological and genetic re-incarnation processes are still biological. Contelligence at the level of nerve cells and protein molecules obviously cannot compare with the scope, speed and power of elemental sub-nuclear processes.

The egocentricity and geo-centricity of larval philosophy has over-estimated human intelligence in relations.h.i.+p to other energy forms - in particular the DNA code and the atomic nucleus. Larval science would have us believe that the universe is made up of chemical elements and atomic particles which operate in blind pa.s.sivity to physical laws; that at a certain point in the history of planet earth certain molecules were accidentally induced by means of lightning bolts to form the protein-nucleotides which, through chance, began to replicate; and that through a process of random selection and mutation the biological forms evolved. The summit of this blind evolutionary process, we are told, is h.o.m.o-sapiens. "Man" is believed to be the only self-conscious, intelligent form on the planet and probably in the universe!

Exo-psychology suggests that this flattering self-appraisal is false - an error which leads both the arrogance and the frightened pessimism which characterize human philosophy.

From the exo-psychological point of view all biological forms are transient robots created by DNA to house and transport the genetic "brain" DNA, just as the Third-Circuit L.M. muscular mind designs and constructs machines to serve human purpose, so has DNA built fragile, replicable organisms, including humans. It is apparently difficult for the human mind to conceive of the degree to which DNA intelligence is superior to the human intellect. The complexities and time spans dealt with by DNA are as superior to human intelligence as the human is to a wind-up doll.

The great primitive exo-psychologist William Blake posed the question: "Tyger, tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?"

The answer is DNA. And what enduring intelligence burning bright in the forests of the night-time sky designed DNA?

The genetic code is surely not an accidental adhesion of molecules. It is an instrumental message, an energy directive created by a meta-biological intelligence.

This intelligence is astrophysical and galactic in scope, pervasive, ubiquitous, but miniaturized in quanta structure. Just as the multi-billion year blueprint of biological evolution is packaged within the nucleus of every cell, so may the quantum-mechanical blueprint of astronomical evolution be found in the nucleus of the atom.

We have defined consciousness as energy received by structure. And we have defined intelligence as energy transmitted by structure. The contelligence of life-forms is shaped and limited by anatomy and organic form. Sub-atomic-gravitational force fields are obviously capable of faster, more complex and more extensive levels of consciousness and intelligence.

Exo-psychology hypothesizes that the evolution of astro-physical structures involves a contelligence as superior to DNA as DNA is to neuron-brains.

The direction of organic evolution now can be stated. Starting with unicell organisms, life produces a series of neural circuits and increasingly more complex-and-efficient bodies to transport and facilitate higher contelligence. The culmination of this biological process is the seven-circuit brain which is able to communicate with DNA, i.e. receive, integrate and transmit information at the level of RNA.

Among the byproducts of the seven-circuit brain contelligence are telepathy and inter-species symbiosis (including symbiosis with the more advanced species which probably exist on half of the millions of inhabited planets in our local galaxy).[2]

The eighth phase of evolution is transformation of contelligence to meta-physiological, neuro-atomic structures. This quantum-mechanical process does not necessarily involve the destruction of organic memories or biological contelligence - but probably an incorporation of the neurogenetic into the nuclear-gravitational-quantum.

Metaphysiological contelligence transceives at the speed and frequency of nuclear particles and can create matter, i.e. arrange atoms in architected patterns. Such a level of contelligence could construct pre-programmed DNA codes as simply as humans now build computer-directed manufacturing processes.

It is, of course, almost impossible for the primitive L.M. symbolic mind to conceive of the capacities of quantum intelligence. Does not logic, however, force us to accept the probability of this Higher Form of contelligence? The only other cosmological-eschatological alternatives currently offered are: *accidental, haphazard cl.u.s.tering of proteins and carbohydrates triggered by lightning bolts in the Pre-Cambrian slime leaving "man" the highest dismal form of a ruthless survival battle, or *anthropomorphized police-court Jehovahs of monotheism.

The very fact that some primitive human beings can conceive of superior meta-physiological contelligence specifically based upon current scientific evidence encourages us to a.s.sume that Higher Contelligence can at least equal our extrapolations and empirically-based speculations. To put it bluntly, if we can figure out the possible nature of a higher quantum mechanical Contelligence, certainly "they" who await in the genetic future can do as well or better.[3]

To summarize this summary of the 8th Eschatological Circuit: organic life evolves to become part of a metaphysiological contelligence which is nuclear-gravitational in structure, and which creates unified force-fields, galactic in scope, quantum in nature.

[1]Exo-psychology predicts that, in the development of the individual child the activation of each unfolding circuit is preceded by a pre-molt crisis. Psychologists and educated parents in the future will learn how to antic.i.p.ate, recognize the emergence of pre-molt crises and to guide the child through the unsettling phases.

[2]Telepathy (i.e. neuro-electric communication) is a post-terrestrial phenomenon. Telepathic communication cannot occur while we are crawling around on the bottom of a 4000 mile atmosphere ocean any more than vocal-symbolic communication can occur among marine animals. We have to crawl out of the water to activate the Third-circuit (left brain). When we leave the surface of the planet and live in free s.p.a.ce, telepathy (Sixth circuit contelligence) will occur.

[3]Who are they? They are we-in-the-future.


15. Neural Chauvinism: Every Body Has a Favorite Reality.

Larval realities are defined by islands of local environment attached to the nervous system at the time of imprinting.

From the scientific viewpoint reality is an ocean of electromagnetic vibrations whirling constantly through different cycles of speed and swirling momentarily into temporary structures including bodies with nervous systems.

The human nervous system is genetically designed to receive a small band of waves along the cyclic frequency spectrum.

Human consciousness, i.e. personal reality, is determined by the point along the frequency spectrum where the neural dials are tuned.

In a previous section it was suggested that the nervous system has evolved through twelve larval-terrestrial stages and will in the future metamorphize through twelve post-terrestrial stages. As new species emerged, new and more complex stages of the nervous system evolved. Uni-cellular species remain at the primitive level of approach-avoidance. Most mammalian forms remain at the level of individual muscular dominance. Others, the herd-flock species, reach a level of pre-symbolic social communication. Primitive humanoids remain at a level of symbol-manipulation and artifact construction but do not attain domestication and the division of s.e.xual responsibility manifested by h.o.m.o sapiens and some insects.

In companion books The Periodic Table of Evolution and The Game of Life, it is hypothesized that systematic seasonal variations in solar radiation create alterations in DNA templating at the time of conception which determine human neurogenetic "types." And that the twelve Zodiac "signs" may crudely personalize twelve species very different in neurological wiring which reflect and recapitulate twelve stages of phylogenetic and human evolution. Each Zodiac "species" thus represents the mastery of one of the twelve neurological stages which are involved in the evolution of life on our planet - preparatory for extra-terrestrial migration.[1]

Just as the members of insect colonies are genetically pre-programmed to play certain roles necessary for hive survival - worker, drone, warrior, fertile male, brood queen - so are there twelve larval types of human.

These genetic types have been vulgarly popularized as the twelve Zodiac signs, the first twelve Tarot personages, the twelve Greco-Roman divinities. Each of these twelve types can be considered as genetically separate; each contributes to the human larval evolutionary process and each carries a printed-out nervous system geared to a specialized survival task.

In addition to genetic specializations, the environmental models imprinted at the four periods of individual development define island realities which vary from person-to-person and from group-to-group. The language and dialects to which the child is exposed during the emergence of the Third Circuit lay down muscular patterns in the larynx and hand which are fixed and which limit the cognitive-symbolic reality.

This unique specificity of reality means, among other things, that we find twelve larval species and numerous cultural-imprint groups of human beings wandering around the planet, for the most part existing in different realities. To add to the confusion, since the 1960's we have several million half-mutated Hippies floating aimlessly.

People unconsciously recognize this selectivity of island realities. Social avoidance and cl.u.s.tering tend to respond to these reality chauvinisms. Anyone who is different is crazy or alien. Xenophobia is based on primate neurology. The hive cannot tolerate other realities.

Ontological chauvinisms are deeply rooted in fixed genetic and neural structures. In spite of the ignorance about their neural machinery, human robots manage to communicate with each other about material needs with amazing efficiency.

[1]The tradition of using twelve peers in a trial by jury may be an unconscious recognition of the twelve species of humans which populate larval society.


16. Imprinting is a Single-flash Exposure of the Neural Film which Defines and Limits the Neuro-umbilical Reality.

The discovery of neural imprinting could be one of the four most important intellectual achievements of the human race. The other three are: the Einsteinian-quanlum-mechanical equations involving s.p.a.ce-time-energy; the astronomical location of earth in the highly populated galaxy; and the decoding of the genetic-evolutionary process which makes possible bio-chemical longevity, genetic control and symbiotic communication.

Understanding of the sequential imprinting of the nervous system adds the fourth card to the Psi-Phy deck.

Imprinting is the process by which neural circuits mediating specific neuro-umbilical survival behaviors (along paths of discharge laid out in advance) select the stimulus in the environment, internal or external, which determines the timing and direction and object of the discharge.

The imprint is a neuro-umbilical life-line extended from the nervous system to that energy cl.u.s.ter on the planetary surface that offers material, survival stimuli. Once attached, the larval nervous system is hooked for life - unless retracted by accidental trauma; or retracted deliberately - in which case post-larval contelligence is attained.

The facts about imprinting originally came from the science of ethology, "The comparative study of animal behavior under natural conditions or of laboratory study which utilizes methods and problems suggested by field observations," (William Etkin).

Konrad Lorentz and Nico Tinbergen were recently (1973) awarded the n.o.bel Prize for their pioneering work in this field.

The most fascinating aspect of the imprinting process is this; the original selection of the external stimulus which triggers off the pre-designed response does not derive from a normal learning process but a short exposure during a brief, specific "critical period" of the animal's life.

The infant body is like a s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+p floating on the strange new planet. The imprint is a life-line extended in blind robot fas.h.i.+on groping for hospitable surface to which it attaches and roots - thus creating the reality island.

"If imprinting is not accomplished during the first few days of existence, it will not "take" at any other time. Such an animal will fail to respond appropriately to any other animal, and no amount of a.s.sociation with members of its species will bring out the response." (Etkin.) It has been found that "if young birds are handled by the experimenter during their first few hours of life, they will thereafter react to him and to other human beings as they normally would to their parents." The groping neuro-umbilical attaches to the first warm, moving body it contacts.

"Most remarkable, indeed, is the fact that when the animal which has been imprinted to a human being becomes mature many months later, it will show courting responses to humans even in preference to its own species. Hand-trained birds commonly display courting behaviors to the trainer's hands."

The implications of imprinting theory applied to human behavior are embarra.s.sing to our rational conceptions of self, ego, conscious choice; indeed, they suggest an ontological helplessness which takes on the dimensions of a Sci-Fi robot tale. The neurological situation is as follows: The human body is made up of many receiving organs and discharge systems which are controlled by the nervous system, a communication network of some thirty billion cells. Each organ of the body is wired by a complex pattern of nerve fibres. Each neuron receives, evaluates and transmits information to as many as 60,000 other neurons. The particular wiring pattern which triggers off each organ and action system of the body is programmed by imprinted stimuli. The specific stimulus which activates each neuro-umbilical survival system is determined by accidental coincidence - the external factors present during the "sensitive period." Human Beings are robots programmed and directed by neural imprints which trigger off standardized discharge patterns in response to accidentally imprinted cues.

The newborn baby is equipped with the behavior patterns necessary for immediate survival: to turn towards the mothering stimulus and suckle. Shortly after birth the baby's nervous system takes a picture, i.e. focuses all the sensory equipment on the soft, warm, milk-producing stimulus and permanently photographs this picture as "survivally good" and safe. If this viscerotonic imprint is not taken because of absence during the critical period of the appropriate stimulus, the basic "survival security" system is not effectively wired-up to human contacts.[1]

A most crucial aspect of neural imprinting is that the four larval neural circuits unfold chronologically. Each of the four neuro-umbilical life-lines is extended in turn when each neural circuit emerges.

For example, before adolescence the s.e.xual circuit is rudimentary. During adolescence dramatic physiological and anatomical changes occur in the primary and secondary s.e.xual organs. These changes are so p.r.o.nounced that we might with wisdom speak of a metamorphosis a.n.a.logous to the transformation of the insect from larva to b.u.t.terfly. At this time the neural circuit which mediates s.e.xual activity unfolds. There is a critical or "sensitive" period of s.e.xual imprinting. The s.e.xual antennae emerge and blindly scan for a place to root.

The first time the s.e.xual system is fired in all-out response, a s.e.xual imprint is taken. The state of activity of the entire neural system at the time of imprint determines the way the s.e.xual system is wired - i.e. the cues which arouse it. The sensory, emotional, mental and social stimuli form a pattern (s.e.xual climate) which facilitates subsequent arousal and discharge.

The accidental vicissitudes of Fourth Circuit s.e.xual imprinting have been well known to psychiatrists. Early erections and can create kinky fetishes.

The mechanics and neurologic of the mental symbolic Third Circuit imprint are less familiar. The acquisition of speech and manipulative behavior involves a special imprinting of third brain wiring of laryngeal and manual muscles. Thinking is accomplished by moving the nine muscles of the larynx. During the period when the child is mastering speech, the mental style of the contiguous human models is being absorbed. These models are parents, and, more important, older children. The tender tendrils of symbolic mental activity are extended. This is a most vulnerable period. The mental styles and emotional models of the people in the environment determine whether the child's mind is open, trusting, or withdrawn, rejecting.

The child imprints (wires up) a specific method of thinking. Once this intellectual pattern is imprinted, subsequent education has little effect on the modes of mental manipulation. The eight cognitive modes used by the laryngeal-muscle-mind are described in Chapter 3 of The Eight Calibre Brain. The imprint attaches to the model present at the critical period of extension.

1.Circuit 1 biosurvival language is global. The movements and sounds which say, "I am safe," "you are safe," are recognized by almost all animals regardless of culture. Behaviors which express pain or physical threat are also generally recognized. We speak here of eating, vomiting, sucking, disgust, embracing, moaning, physically aggressing or menacing.

2.Circuit 2 emotional language: Gestures, postures and verbal tones which communicate a status message are almost universally recognized. The gestural signals for affiliation, dominance, submission, begging, giving, coercion and pa.s.sive complaint require no cross-cultural dictionary. However each culture has a specific vocabulary of status - accents, gestures, ornaments, conspicuous possessions, postures.

At one point a Cadillac car indicates highest status; shortly later a Cadillac indicates a pimp or cocaine dealer from the slums. And so it goes.

3.Circuit 3 L.M. language: Symbols and artifacts are limited in comprehensibility to cultural groups which share the similar imprint, i.e. were exposed at the critical period to the same styles of laryngeal dexterity and manual symbolization. Cla.s.s, caste, and craft-guild issues are important. Included in these Third Circuit cultures are: artifact groups verbal dialect groups literacy groups scientific groups occupational groups sports and game groups A central concept in exo-psychology is this notion of personal neural-reality, which differs from person to person. Each of us deals with a world which is defined by a unique pattern of neural wires and fixed umbilical life-lines. Just as we can try to understand the emerging stages of human development by a.n.a.logy to the metamorphosis of insects (since we are too close to the situation to appreciate metamorphosis in ourselves), so we can understand the electro-neural uniqueness of "reality" by considering the consciousness islands of other species.

Consider the snake. Observing with our optical scanners we "see" a mouse run across the floor and a snake turn its head and strike. We a.s.sume that the snake "sees" what we see: a furry, brown animal. A study of the snake's neural receptors indicates, however, that the snake uses heat receptors to locate prey. What the snake senses is a neon spot of "warm" moving across its screen. It is robot programmed to strike at "heat."

Human beings often interact across similar "reality" gulfs. They are robot-programmed as differently among the selves as the human and the snake.

Humans vary in the number of L.M. languages they can exchange. Some, the most primitive, communicate only in the oral dialect of their childhood neighborhood and can manipulate only the simple muscle-moved artifacts of village life.

The highly civilized larval has mastered hundreds of L.M. symbol systems. An educated Russian or American can speak and write each other in several languages, cooperatively manipulate a wide variety of mechanical artifacts, professional sequences, scientific codes, sports and game rituals.

In communicating with a larval, once it has been established by non-verbal cues that Circuit 1 is safe and Circuit 2 is cooperative, the next step is to establish which L.M. muscle-thought languages are shared and can be appropriately exchanged. Most larval interactions are brief and limited. Artifact transactions. Buying. Selling. Service performances. Superficial socializing designed to elicit cultural rea.s.surance. Extended L.M. symbol conversations are loaded with complexity because emotional factors inevitably intrude. The giving of information to others is often resented because the possession of information implies power.

The Third Circuit of the nervous system is activated when the young child is in a position of weakness. Those who teach the L.M. symbol systems are adults or superiors. The ability to learn symbols is determined by the emotional context - the person with the information is placed in a superior position over the receiver.

The nervous system is interconnected by means of synaptic links. The synapse is the gap between two neurons across which the nerve impulse flows. The synaptic connection is chemical, just as chemicals "fix" the photographic image on film, so is the neural image of the island-reality "fixed" by synaptic chemical bonds at the time of imprinting.

The robot truth is this: the patterns of neural connection create the picture of reality.

The human nervous system imprints social cues. A child growing up finds a certain stability and consistency in the social cues SHe imprints. Hir parents speak the same language, share rituals with the family next door. This consensual agreement provides the illusion of a "reality" shared with those in Hir culture group. "Sanity" is defined in terms of one's ability to convince oneself that SHe perceives what others do. Festinger and other social psychologists have conducted "cognitive dissonance" experiments which show how easily and naturally human beings distort objective data to fit neural expectations.

Social consciousness is a web of neuro-umbilical fabrication woven by conditioning and continual adaptive distortion.

We believe what we are imprinted to believe. We think that the tiny turf to which our neuro-umbilical life-lines attach is "reality."

The fact of separate, subjective realities based on individual imprints (reality islands) is frightening for the pre-neurological human to accept. We recall the parable of the eight blind men and the elephant. This separateness accounts for the terror that is felt in the presence of an "insane" person. In many cases the person called "insane" or "hallucinating" is actually aware of the neural insulation which separates people and might be considered more sane and accurate than the deluded "normals." Ontological terror is the naive reaction to the discovery that there are other realities beyond one's own imprint and learned neural patterns.

We have used the metaphor of neuro-umbilical life-lines to describe the attachment of the nervous system to local environments via imprint. Security means that the imprinted life-lines are securely fastened to a stable island-reality.

Another metaphor often used by neurologicians to describe the creation and limitation of subjective reality by imprint is the "bubble." Castaneda's don Juan gives a good description of the reality-of-the-imprint which he calls tonal.

"Sorcerers say that we are inside a bubble. It is a bubble into which we are placed at the moment of our birth. At first the bubble is open, but then it begins to close until it has sealed us in. That bubble is our perception.[2] We live inside that bubble all of our lives. And what we witness on its round walls is our own reflection... The thing reflected is our own view of the world. That view is first a description, which is given to us at the moment of our birth [more accurately, the moment of imprint] until all our attention is caught by it and the description becomes a view," [that is to say, a reality]

from Tales of Power, pp. 246-247 [1]Failure on the part of the neonate to imprint a human target for the First Circuit creates childhood schizophrenia, the autistic child. This process and its remedy are discussed in sections 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 of the book The Eight Calibre Brain.

[2]Don Juan consistently uses the word "perception" to describe consciousness. The formation of the "imprint bubble" can be clearly "seen," experienced during L.S.D. sessions.


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