A Good Catch Part 42

A Good Catch -

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A few months after his death, Mickey and Loveday came to see Greer. Jesse's death had hit her hard. Jesse had been everything to her, and her whole life had revolved around him. Her father had been roped in to manage the day-to-day affairs along with Mickey manning the boats. Edward Behenna and his wife were in deep shock at this unexpected blow to their family and it wasn't clear that Jan would ever recover. But both Hal and Freddie were surprising everyone with their handle on the business. Ideas of college had been forgotten for now, but she was glad that she'd encouraged Freddie with his school work. He had a good head for numbers.

Loveday had been a rock for Greer. As well as mucking in alongside everyone with Behenna and Clovelly, she had also helped Greer to keep her interior design business afloat. Greer hadn't taken on any new commissions, but in the back of her mind she hadn't quite given up on it.

Mickey and Greer took a walk down to the beach while Loveday prepared them a light lunch and sat down looking out at the Sand Castle, Jesse's cheerful family boat, which still lay moored, waiting for its skipper to take it out.

'Can I ask you something, Mickey?' Greer was still perfectly groomed, but her previously slim frame was now noticeably underweight, and grief and sleepless nights had all aged her in the last few months. Creases now appeared around her eyes and lips.

Mickey put his arms around his old friend. He knew Greer could be a cold fish, but he'd always felt a soft spot for her and wished he could do more to help her through this.

'Of course.'

'Do you think he killed himself?'

Mickey stared out at the big blue sea, calm today, but unpredictable and unknowable. He thought carefully about what to say for a moment. 'His mum always used to say still waters run deep with Jesse.'

'It's just ...' Greer's voice caught and she struggled to get the words out. 'We had a big row. At our anniversary. I said some awful things that I didn't mean and he said ... he said I wasn't his first choice.'

Mickey held her closer as sobs escaped her tiny frame.

'The thing is, Mickey ... I've got this horrible feeling that Jesse wasn't happy. That all of this ...' She swept her arm backwards to indicate the house and everything that went with it. '... Behenna and Clovelly, all of it ... none of it was what he really wanted. There was something missing. Am I right, Mickey? Please tell me I've got it horribly wrong.'

Mickey thought about his best friend. The Jesse that he knew.

'Jesse did the right thing all his life, Greer, and deep down, I know that he wouldn't have changed a thing. We'll never really know what was in his mind that day, but I do know that he loved you and Freddie.'

Loveday's voice rang out behind them. 'Hey, you two. Lunch is up.' Loveday plonked herself down on the other side of Greer and put her arm around her too.

'I'm starving,' said Mickey. But Greer said nothing and continued to stare at the horizon, ensconced between her two friends but alone with her thoughts.

It was a sparkling February day and the clouds were racing across the bright Cornish sky. The small gathering of Trevay folk stood respectfully watching the handsome young man on the dais.

'And so I'd like to thank everyone who helped make this memorial to my father a reality.'

The crowd gave a round of applause and Freddie looked over his shoulder at his mother, who was standing with her hands folded over her neat navy coat. The wind had pulled a whip of hair from her neat bun and her face was expressionless.

'Mum.' Freddie held out his hand to her. 'Would you do the honours?'

She blinked away whatever memories she'd been sorting through and smiled. 'Yes.'

The blue velvet curtains opened smoothly as she pulled the cord, and revealed a simple plaque with Jesse's name and dates on it. There was a short inscription detailing his years with the RNLI and the event that led to his death.

More applause, and a few flashbulb pops as the local paper recorded the moment.

Freddie turned to face the crowd again, now joined by a smiley, pet.i.te blonde, who was holding a toddler on her hip.

'The mystery of my father's death may never be solved, but his memory lives on in Trevay. Sadly, we lost my granny, my dad's mum, at Easter, but I like to think she would be very proud of this memorial to her son. In fact, if we don't keep it polished, she'll come and haunt me.'

The crowd laughed.

'But I'm glad to say that my parents' best friends, Mickey and Loveday Chandler, have come all the way back from New Zealand to be with us today.'

The crowd swivelled, hoping to identify them.

'All right!' Mickey raised a hand and beamed at everyone. There were murmurs of recognition as the crowd spotted the tanned and smiling couple standing on the edge of the crowd.

Freddie continued, 'We had supper with Uncle Mickey and Auntie Loveday last night and they've asked me to tell you that anyone going over to New Zealand can have a free holiday with them, stay as long as you like.'

More laughter.

'But seriously ...' Freddie quietened the crowd. 'They sound as if they're doing all right with their fis.h.i.+ng trip business, and as soon as Jesse Junior,' he turned to the toddler on the young woman's hip and chucked him under the chin, 'and Miri and I can, we'll be coming to see you!'

Mickey put his hand up and waved, to another round of applause.

Freddie scanned the crowd. 'Hal? Where are you? Come up here.'

Hal, as tall and lanky as his father, was standing with Loveday and Mickey. He ducked his head when his name was called, hating public attention as much as Freddie loved it.

'Come on, Hal. Don't be shy,' urged Freddie.

Hal made his way through the people and stood next to Freddie, looking as uncomfortable as he felt.

Freddie put an arm round his shoulder. 'Hal Chandler is my best friend. Without him I wouldn't have coped when Dad died, or been able to learn the business without his help. He's got the brains from his mum not his dad!'

Loveday blushed and Mickey squeezed her hand.

Freddie laughed and carried on. 'We share the same birthday, Hal and I, and are brothers in all but name. Even though it's not our birthday till October, I'd like to give him an early birthday present. It's in recognition of all that your dad meant to my dad.' Freddie's voice developed a crack and he swallowed hard before managing to continue. 'Mum and I reckon this is what Dad would have done if he'd been alive, because he always treated us the same. From now on, the company formerly known as Behenna and Clovelly will be called ...' He paused and looked into Hal's eyes. Loveday held her breath. Mickey clenched his jaw. '... Will be called ... Behenna, Clovelly and Chandler.'

The End.


Inspiration for stories comes from all sorts of unusual places. Last year I cycled around Sri Lanka (as you do!) and visited the ruins of the amazing Royal Palace at Sigiriya. The story of two princes one legitimate, the other a b.a.s.t.a.r.d caught my imagination and so A Good Catch was born.

I owe big thanks to David Flide, the Divisional Launch Authority for the Padstow Lifeboat, who arranged an unforgettable trip for me including a launch down the slip! and has been my expert in describing life on board. Any errors are entirely my own!

By the way, if you're in Padstow, I recommend the Bas.e.m.e.nt Cafe where you may be lucky enough to find David cooking breakfast. He's good!

Thanks as always go to my lovely editor Kate Bradley, who just leaves me to my own devices while sending encouraging thoughts and ideas.

To the elegant Luigi Bonomi, who I am so grateful to have as my literary agent, and to the wonderful John Rush, my agent but also my great friend and sounding board.

To my darling Phil, children and cats who put up with me.

To the lovely Liz Parker, who boosts my ego to an unhealthy level (the sign of a great publicist)!

To the wonderful team at HarperCollins, who continue to have faith in me.

And finally to you, who have been generous enough to pick this book up. I hope it was worth it.

I'm a lucky woman.

With love, Fern.

November 2014.

If you loved A GOOD CATCH, bring summer home and look out for these other t.i.tles from the wonderful Fern Britton, all available now!.

When Christie Lynch, journalist and single mother of two, appears as a guest on a daytime TV talk show, she could never have imagined that it would lead to a new career. Spotted by hugely successful talent agent, Julia Keen, Christie can't help but be impressed by Julia's charm and stellar client list. And once Julia takes Christie on as a client, Christie's life changes for ever as Julia secures her a high-profile presenting job on a daily chat show.

Christie is immediately thrust into the limelight and, despite the intrusion of the paparazzi in her front garden, she starts to enjoy her new-found wealth and fame. But as her career soars to new heights, her home life starts to suffer when she's forced to spend more and more time away from her children.

Will Christie find a way to balance her role as a mother with her increasingly demanding job? And can she make it in the cut-throat world of entertainment? Whatever happens, Christie's going to give it all she's got ...

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Helen Merrifield has said goodbye to her philandering husband and her swish West London house to live in an idyllic country cottage in the heart of a postcard-perfect village in Cornwall.

Putting the past behind her, Helen throws herself into country life and soon makes a new set of eccentric friends. To her surprise, Helen finds herself the love-interest of two very different men: the kind, gentle, desperate-for-love-and-s.e.x Simon, and the darkly enigmatic local historian Piran.

Whilst Helen is getting to grips with her new life, her oldest and dearest friend, Penny, a hot-shot TV Producer, has decided that the village is the perfect setting for her new TV series. When the cast and crew descend, two worlds collide, and Helen is thrown headlong into 5am wake-up calls and temperamental celebrities.

In the midst of all this, Helen stumbles across a forgotten old tin chest full of Edwardian treasures. Who do they belong to? Will the unpleasant historian Piran help her to find out or will Simon have the key?

As Helen finds herself the focus of Simon and Piran's attentions, it looks like her ex-husband is planning to put in an unscheduled appearance. Will Helen embrace the future, or is it too difficult to let go of the past?

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Two sisters, one house, a lifetime of secrets.

Set on a Cornish cliff, Atlantic House has been the jewel in the Carew family crown for centuries. Each year, the Carew sisters embark on the yearly trip down to Cornwall for the summer holidays, but they are as different as vinegar and honey.

Prudence, hard-nosed businesswoman and married to the meek and mild Francis, is about to get a shock reminder that you should never take anything for granted.

Constance, homemaker and loving wife to philandering husband Greg, has always been out-manoeuvred by her manipulative sibling. But now that Pru wants to get her hands on Atlantic House, Connie is not about to take things lying down.

When an old face reappears on the scene, years of simmering resentments reach boiling point. But little do the women know that a long-buried secret is about to bite them all on the bottom. Can Constance and Pru put their feuding aside for the sake of everyone else, or will this family holiday push them all over the edge?

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When the residents of the Cornish seaside town of Trevay discover that their much-loved theatre is about to be taken over by coffee chain, Cafe au Lait, they are up in arms. It is up to Penny Leighton, hotshot producer and now happily married Cornish resident, to come up with a rescue plan. Armed with only her mobile phone and her contacts book, she starts to pull in some serious favours.

The town is soon deluged by actors, all keen to show their support and take part in a charity season at the theatre. One of the arrivals is Jess Tate, girlfriend to TV heartthrob Ryan Hearst. His career is on the rise while hers remains resolutely in the doldrums. But when opportunity comes calling, it isn't just her career prospects that are about to change. Trevay is about to put on the show of its life but can the villagers, and Jess, hold on to the thing they love the most?

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And you'll also love these warm and witty short stories from Fern!.

Best friends Penny Leighton and Helen Merrifield have swapped their hectic London lives for the leisurely pace of life in the pretty Cornish village of Pendruggan.

Penny is in constant demand and juggling her life as a vicar's wife alongside her day job as a hotshot TV producer is exhausting.

Helen is at the end of her tether. Cornwall has been battered by the worst storms in living memory and the roof of her little cottage is in a terrible state. Her other half, the brooding Piran, isn't being much help.

The two women cook up a scheme to leave their Pendruggan men behind and get back to London for a weekend of blissful indulgence. But you know what they say about the best laid plans ... Will Penny and Helen's stolen weekend be everything they've dreamed of, or something else entirely?

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Piran Ambrose is the epitome of brooding male. But Pendruggan's Mr Rochester is in danger of becoming its Ebeneezer Scrooge when he is driven to distraction by the villagers' over-the-top Christmas celebrations. How could the cringe-worthy amateur village production of Aladdin bring seasonal cheer to anyone, he wonders? And do the village children really have to arrive at his cottage door every single night in December with their terrible recorders and discordant singing?

But when Piran's bad temper risks spoiling Christmas for everyone, something drastic needs to be done. So, over one Christmas Eve, three very special people pay Piran a visit, determined to show him what Christmas is really all about ...

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About the Author.

Fern Britton is the highly acclaimed author of four Sunday Times bestselling novels. Set among the same Cornish seaside community, her books are cherished for their warmth, wit and wisdom, and have won Fern legions of loyal readers.

A hugely popular household name through iconic shows such as This Morning, Fern is also a much sought-after presenter and partic.i.p.ant in shows such as Fern Britton Meets ... and The Big Allotment Challenge.

Fern is deeply committed to a number of charities, in particular the Genesis Research Trust founded by Professor Robert Winston to help create healthy families. Fern lives with her husband Phil Vickery, the well-respected chef, and her four children in Buckinghams.h.i.+re and Cornwall.

In 2015 Fern will embark on #Challenge 57 to help Genesis Research end miscarriage. To find out more, connect with her at, @Fern_Britton and

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