The Threshold Child Part 61

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The young Shar mustered up a look of supreme disdain. "How could a large group of ragged prisoners get past our guards? There were s.h.i.+mat stationed at every exit! No, they must still be hiding somewhere in the fortress."

Breyen frowned. His expression was not quite suspicious, but Kendan knew it would be soon if he did not cooperate.

"Perhaps we can cover both ends," suggested Breyen. "We can continue the search here in the fortress and send out a party to examine the surrounding area."

Kendan's arguments were becoming weaker and weaker. "Why risk splitting our forces? We need every available s.h.i.+mat if we are to find them and return them to their cells."

Breyen gave a condescending smile. "We have more than enough s.h.i.+mat to do both."

Kendan knew he could not resist any more without throwing suspicion on himself. He pretended to consider his options for a few more moments before giving a single nod. "Very well. Send out a party, and instruct them to search in an expanding circle."

"That will not be necessary," replied the older man. "It is obvious that they will head north."

Kendan shook his head stubbornly. "Adesina might be counting on that a.s.sumption. We must check all possibilities."

Breyen clenched his fist and took a calming breath. "In that case, Shar Kendan, it would be best to send out more than one party."

He turned on his heel and stalked out of the room, not leaving any time for Kendan to object.

The young Shar knew that he could stall for no more time. He prayed that Adesina had gotten far enough away to be able to evade the s.h.i.+mat who would now be coming after her.

He continued to pace for a moment longer before pausing to glance at the s.h.i.+mat still standing at attention. He dismissed the first two, but addressed the third.

"Where is the girl?"

The s.h.i.+mat was confused. "Shar?"

"The girl," he repeated impatiently. "The girl that they threatened in order to stop Adesina."

"She is being held in one of the cells until it is decided what is to be done with her."

"I am surprised they did not take her with them," Kendan murmured to himself.

The s.h.i.+mat answered, even though this wasn't directed at him. "They tried, Shar, but she fought back."

Kendan turned his back on the s.h.i.+mat, his expression weighed down in sorrow. She had been given the opportunity to escape this life of murder and lies, but she had not known to take it. He wished that she had gone with them. He wished that he had gone with them.

An idea came to him, and he straightened slowly. "Bring her to me."

"What?" came the startled reply.

He turned sharply on the s.h.i.+mat. "Bring her to me!"

The man scrambled to obey. He rushed out of the room, leaving Kendan by himself.

The young man slowly moved around his desk to sit down. There was nothing more that he could do for Adesina, except perhaps save her friend from execution or a life of imprisonment. He wanted to do that much for the woman he loved.

If nothing else, he had to do at least that.

Adesina stared at the three burial mounds that now covered the remains of her friends. There had been an emotional discussion about whether or not to take the bodies back to Pevothem with them. In the end, no matter how many tears were shed by all parties, it was decided that they could not risk the delay.

The holes in the ground were dug as quickly as possible, and therefore not as deep as one would wish. The words spoken over them were brief, then the group hurried to prepare for their flight. Much time had pa.s.sed since their escape, and they were certain to be followed.

L'iam and Adesina continued to stand beside the mounds. He reached over and took her hand, speaking in a strained voice.

"What if they dig her back up and use her in their experiments?"

Adesina didn't have an answer for him right away. She thought about it for a moment, trying to find some words of comfort.

The graves were conspicuous by the freshly overturned earth. It was very likely that the s.h.i.+mat would come across them as they tracked the escaped prisoners.

As she considered this, and idea suddenly came to her. She connected to her vyala and sent energy into the ground. She searched for the seeds that had been left in the dirt and helped them to flourish. It only took a few moments for young gra.s.s to spread over the mounds.

L'iam gave her hand a squeeze by way of thanks and she smiled at him. "No one would guess that these graves were new."

He nodded in agreement. "I hope that no one will guess that they are graves at all. I want her body to rest peacefully."

Ravi appeared at her side with a concerned expression on his face. "Ma'eve, we must hurry. A search party has been sent, and they are only a league or so behind us."

She didn't question how he had come by this knowledge. Instead, she let go of L'iam's hand and hurried back to where the group had gathered. There were eighteen L'avan, but only eleven horses. They doubled up where they could, trying to evenly distribute the weight of the riders with the strength of the horses.

L'iam gave the reigns of his horse to Me'shan and helped another L'avan to mount. Then he walked over to Adesina and offered to help her up.

She gave him a questioning look. "Are you riding with me?"

He smiled wearily. "Yes. I fear I will be too distracted if I try riding on my own."

She understood that he was talking about L'era. She also would have trouble focusing if she had lost her own brother. Adesina touched his arm briefly in a sign of sympathy and then climbed into her saddle. L'iam mounted behind her, putting his arms around her waist.

She looked back to make sure that everyone was situated, then she spurred her horse into a run. They galloped through the woods and out into the open gra.s.sland. Adesina did her best to provide a s.h.i.+eld that would hide them from the eyes of any onlookers, but she was so tired that she was not certain if she was successful.

They rode hard, not stopping for any breaks. L'iam fed energy into the horses, but they could only push them so far. Eventually, they had to find a secluded area to hide while they rested.

They found a small cl.u.s.ter of knolls amid the open plains. The L'avan rode into the middle of the hills and dismounted. Adesina immediately lay on the ground, letting the energy of her surroundings seep into her body.

L'iam hurried to get her some water before seeing to the others. When she was finally left on her own, a few feet from the rest of the group, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The Dream came without warning.

Adesina felt herself pulled into it forcibly, leaving her disoriented. She turned in a circle, trying to get her bearings.

She was standing in the field of carnage she had seen in the Dream she had before entering the fortress. Bodies were strewn everywhere, lying in pools of their own blood. The stench of rot came upon her in waves, and the deathly silence chilled her heart.


She whirled around to see who had spoken and saw E'rian walking towards her.

She gasped in relief. "Mother! What are you doing here?"

"You must hurry, Ma'eve. Your mission is far from over."

Adesina stared at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

E'rian gestured to the scene of horror around them. "It is not over. Only you have the power to bring it to an end."

She felt her stomach clench. "Do you mean this is really happening? Is Pevothem under attack?"

Her mother didn't answer her question, but looked up at the sky, which was swirling black and crimson. "Things will get much worse before they get better."

In the distance she heard someone calling her name, and she felt that the Dream was coming to an end.

She quickly turned back to E'rian. "Mother, what should I do?"

The older woman shook her head sadly. "Only you can decide, my child."

The pull of her own world was becoming stronger.

"What if I choose wrong?" she asked desperately. "What if I cannot do what is expected of me?"

Sorrow leached over the light of E'rian's delicate features. For the first time since Adesina had known her, she looked weary.

She tried to smile in encouragement, but it fell short. "You are stronger than you know, Ma'eve. You will choose right because you want to do right. Trust yourself and trust those around you."

Adesina could fight the call of her own world no longer. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to cross over.

She jerked awake and sat up to find Ravi and L'iam right next to her. L'iam placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Adesina! Are you all right?"

She nodded, feeling strangely heavy. "I am fine."

Ravi's golden eyes were ominous as he studied her face. "Your Dream, Ma'eve. What did it show you?"

As she looked at him, she had another flash of intuition. He had been having the same Dream over and over again ever since they had first seen it together. He already knew what was happening in the L'avan homeland. In his homeland.

She got to her feet without answering his question. The look on her face told him everything he needed to know.

"We need to go."

L'iam looked between them with a bemused expression on his face. "Why? What is happening?"

Adesina did her best to shake off his concerns. "There is no time to argue. We need to get back home."

They alerted the group that they would be leaving again, and everyone quickly climbed on their mounts. The horses were doing their best to maintain the pace set for them, but it wore on them as time pa.s.sed. Even the energy that L'iam gave them was not enough.

Finally they stopped to get some sleep. Adesina volunteered for the first watch, even though she was completely exhausted from the drain of her vyala. Ravi sat up with her and, to her surprise, so did L'iam and Me'shan.

"How far behind are the s.h.i.+mat?" asked her father.

Her eyes narrowed in worry. "Not far enough."

L'iam studied her face. "Can we afford to stop, then?"

She sighed. "Not really, but we have no choice. They must rest their horses as well, and more frequently than we have. That gives us a bit of time."

L'iam reached over and took her hand, his face bearing the heartbroken expression that told her he was thinking of his sister. She pressed his hand with both of hers, doing her best to comfort him.

"Was it all for nothing?" he asked quietly. "Did I throw away L'era's life?"

Adesina wasn't sure she had an answer for him. Yes, the mission had saved a number of L'avan, but the loss of L'era and Aleron seemed like a tragic waste. It had appeared as if fate had been keeping them together, but the only result had been their deaths. How could that have been their fates?

She gave his hand a squeeze and sighed. "I wish I had an answer for you, L'iam, but I do not. I have seen terrible things happen to good people, and no one deserved to live more than your sister. However, I am starting to believe that nothing ever happens without a reason, even if we do not know what that reason may be."

L'iam's cheek twitched in a sort of half smile. "You are starting to sound like a woman of faith."

Adesina also smiled. "I will not deny that I have seen some miraculous things since I completed my s.h.i.+mat training. Perhaps there is some sense of order in the chaos of life."

"A fine concession," he said in a teasing tone.

Me'shan watched this exchange with a guarded look to his eyes. Adesina took note of this and gave him a questioning glance.

He tried to draw her attention elsewhere. "They say that you can Dream."

It was her turn to scrutinize him guardedly. "Yes."

"What is it like?" he asked in a fascinated tone of voice.

Adesina couldn't help but smile at his obvious interest. "It is like being awake, only more vivid. Colors seem richer, smells are more clear, emotions are more powerful."

"What do you Dream about?"

Her mind immediately turned to the most recent Dream and she shuddered involuntarily. The only one that seemed to notice was L'iam, who was still holding her hand. His brow furrowed, but she hurried to act as if nothing had happened.

"Most of the time I see Mother."

Me'shan's eyes fixed on her in shock. "Youayou see E'rian?"

Adesina nodded. "I am able to speak with her spirit."

The longing in her father's eyes was almost unbearable. "What does she say?"

She leaned back and closed her eyes, imagining her mother's face before her. "She was the one who showed me the truth about the s.h.i.+mat order. She showed me why I was raised by them."

He frowned, perplexed. "Showed?"

"Through her memories and the memories of others."

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