The Threshold Child Part 50

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L'iam shook his head in disbelief. "But you said that Pevothem was in no danger!"

"I said that the Dream did not necessarily indicate that Pevothem was in danger. It is still a possibility."

He sighed wearily.

The young prince s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably in his seat. "How can one know the difference between symbol and literal reality?"

Ravi gave a smile that was weighed down with his many years of experience. "That is the trouble with Dreams. It is difficult to know for sure until viewed in retrospect."

"So, what do we do?" asked Adesina.

He shrugged slightly, his expression uneasy. "Go forward as we have, keeping the Dream in mind, until we have more information. What else can we do?"

Adesina knew he was right, but still wasn't satisfied. She got to her feet and brushed herself off. "I am going for a walk."

Her guardian fixed her with a stern glance. "I would much rather you stay near the camp."

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Why? There are no robbers or miscreants. No one comes near this forest."

"That does not mean that it is without peril," he insisted. "The old vyala is strange, and it has grown wild over the centuries."

L'iam also got to his feet. "I will go with her," he offered.

Ravi still wasn't mollified, but the two walked off before he could object any further.

She threw a sideways glance at L'iam as they retreated from the glares of her guardian. "You know, he hates it when you do that."

"Do what?"

"Take my side. Enable me to do what he does not want me to do."

L'iam chuckled softly. "Well, he can hardly expect less of me."


After a moment of hesitation, he simply replied, "Because he grew up with me, and he knows what I am like."

They fell silent as they moved away from the camp. The trees were like black pillars in the cathedral of the forest, and the moonlight filtered through the thick foliage in feeble streaks. The whispers grew louder, drifting like a restless wind.

"ataking no heeda"

"Far from the hearta"


"aletting uncertainty guidea"

"Darkness battles Lighta"

"ain the confines of the soula"

"Wandering childa"

Adesina shook her head. "These voices are unnerving."

He nodded his agreement. "Yes, they can be."

"I do not understand why they are so audible out here, but I could hardly hear them in the camp."

L'iam pursed his lips thoughtfully. "I think it is because the spirits respect an area in which we choose to reside. When we come out here, we are in their land and must meet them on their terms."

Adesina looked around the forest, wondering what the spirits would look like if they were visible. A thought came to her as she was considering the possibilities.

"What would happen if I were to connect with my vyala while in this forest?"

He glanced at her and raised his eyebrows. "I do not know. Only the Rashad know anything about the old vyala. Only they would know how it would react with the new vyala."

She gave him a mischievous smile. "Should I try?"

It was clear that he was much more apprehensive than she was. "I do not know if that is a good idea, Adesina."

She waved aside his concerns and turned to face the heart of the forest. She reached down inside of herself and gently beckoned her vyala to awaken. It heeded her call, filling her with warmth and power, and lighting her vision with a glow.

It seemed to her that the entire forest jolted in surprise at the appearance of her vyala. As Ravi had said, it had indeed become wild over the centuries, and it viewed her tamed vyala with curiosity.

Adesina was bewildered by the myriad of life that was only visible through her new eyes. It was not merely that the trees, rocks, bushes and streams had a life force of their own. They were all sentient beings, with a deeper intelligence than humankind could imagine.

The whispering spirits were also now visible to her. They were white, glowing beings of all shapes and sizes, wandering among the trees like lost children. Adesina recognized the forms of the "mythical" creatures that Ravi had told her inhabited the old world.

They crowded around her, speaking in voices that were no longer whispers.


"Have the Serraf come at last?"

"Nay, nay, this child is not a Serraf. Canst thou not see that she is among the human children yonder?"

"Why, then, does she bear the Life that has fled from the outside world?"

"Yea, thou art in the right to question her origins."


Adesina looked around, trying to find the source of this last voice. It was deep and ringing, yet gentle; powerful, yet silent.

Regard her mind, and see the confusion there.

It finally struck her that this was the voice of the forest. She stared at the trees in wonder, sensing that it was almost like a parent figure to all of these wandering spirits.

From whom did you inherit your Life, child?

It took Adesina a moment to find her voice. "The L'avan are the children of the Serraf."

L'iam looked at her in concern, unaware to whom she was speaking. "Adesina?"

She held out her hand to him, inviting him to join her in this other world. After a moment's hesitation, he took it.

One of the small spirits, no taller than Adesina's hip, pointed to L'iam. "Look! Another!"

Tell us of these L'avan.

She looked to her companion for help. It took him a moment to grasp the situation, but once he did, he hurried to offer an explanation. "Our forefathers wed the Serraf, and we are their descendants. That is how we bear the same gifts."

Remember all you know, and we shall hear your thoughts as well.

Adesina didn't know as much about L'avan history as L'iam did, so she left the remembering up to him. She stood quietly while he held his silent communication with the spirit of the forest.

We see. We see all that has pa.s.sed since we fled from the outside world.

"Everything?" asked L'iam.

Yes. Through your memories and the memories of your people.

Adesina frowned. "How is that possible?"

All beings are connecteda"past, present, and future. We see where you have come from, and where you are headed. We see what will happen when you arrive at your destination.

The two L'avan exchanged glances. "You can see what is going to happen?"


She gave a grim smile. "I do not suppose you can tell us."


In spite of antic.i.p.ating the answer, she still felt disappointed.

Nevertheless, as the children of our sisters, we will grant you a boon.

"A boon?"

Yes. You will come this way again. When you do, we will aid you in your return home.

L'iam frowned. "How can you do that?"

It is not needful for you to know all things at this time. Trust us, and know that we will care for the children of our sisters.

L'iam's voice was sincere with grat.i.tude. "Thank you."

Go now. Dawn approaches.

The two L'avan let go of their vyala, sharply fading back into the regular world. The voices of the spirits returned to disembodied whispers, and the woods were once again silent.

They turned to see Ravi standing behind them, his expression stunned.

Adesina looked at him in concern. "Ravi?"

His golden eyes were filled with disbelief. "The forest spoke to you."

"Is that unusual?" ask L'iam. "I mean, even for those with vyala?"

"It has been unheard of since the days of the old world."

A surprised silence followed this a.s.sertion.

Finally, Adesina asked, "What does it mean?"

He shook his head. "I do not know. The world is changing, and I believe this age is coming to a close."

They slowly made their way back towards the camp. "The boon we have been offereda?" began L'iam.

"Yes," said Ravi, "I am wondering about that as well."

"It must be important."

"Yes," he agreed.

There was some sort of a commotion in the camp as they approached. E'nes was rousing everyone frantically. Adesina and L'iam hurried forward.

"What is it? What is wrong?"

E'nes saw them and let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you had gone!"

She gave her brother an incredulous look. "Why would we be gone?"

He threw up his hands. "For some harebrained idea of saving us from this mission!"

Adesina looked at the expression on her brother's face, and her eyes scanned the others in their company. She could see how important it was to each of them to continue onward, and how committed they were to rescuing the imprisoned L'avan.

Feeling an unexpected rush of warmth, she put her arms around E'nes and hugged him tightly. "I could not go on without you."

When she let go, he was smiling. "Perhaps you are right."

They continued on their way as quickly as possible. The forest persisted in whispering at them, but the words that Adesina heard had changed.

"When you returna"

"adear sistera"

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