The Threshold Child Part 5

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Ravi began to move forward quickly, as if they were walking along the most brightly lit path. Adesina buried her fingers in his thick silky fur, and tried to move with equal confidence. Kendan led the riding horses along, and the packhorses followed obediently.

The whispers grew louder and more understandable the further into the forest they walked. The voices were chaotic, each speaking over the others, and they all spoke in tones of poignant longing.

"...lost child..."

"...pure bloodlines..."

"Never to be found..."

" the advent..."

"...of this people yet not of this people..."

"Fear, like a caged beast..."

"...stands on the threshold."

"...will lead my chosen..."

"...waiting to be set free."

Adesina had never been superst.i.tious, but these disembodied voices struck her with deep terror. "What is it?" she asked their guide in a shaking voice.

Ravi's response was firm and soothing. "Do not be afraid, Ma'eve. They cannot hurt you."

Adesina wondered if Kendan was hearing the same things she was. She looked back at him and saw him pale with fear. He clutched at her hand, muttering at the voices he heard. "No, you are wrong. I am not!"

Adesina put aside her own fear and gave his hand a rea.s.suring squeeze. "Kendan?"

Ravi glanced back. "He cannot hear you. He hears only the voices in his soul."

"The voices in his soul?" asked Adesina.

Ravi nodded. "In truth, this forest is silent. The only sound most people hear comes from inside themselves. This is a magical place that gives voice to one's innermost soul."

They walked for several minutes more without speaking. Bit by bit, Adesina took strength from Ravi's confidence and slowly put her alarm behind her. She was still far from being comfortable, but her anxiety became more manageable. She began looking for things to talk about, just to keep her mind preoccupied.

"You said there was something in this forest for me."


"What is it?" she asked.

Ravi shook his head. "That is not for me to reveal."

Adesina pursed her lips in irritation. "What is the use of having a prophetic companion if I still have to find everything out on my own?"

A deep melodious chuckle rumbled in Ravi's chest. "Yes, I would imagine that could be rather frustrating."

Adesina rolled her eyes. "Rather."

Time seemed to lose meaning as they walked through the black forest. When Ravi said it was time to sleep, Adesina found a small clearing where they could set up camp. She let go of Kendan's hand as she set to work.

He was still quite pale and a bit unresponsive. She had to ask him to build a fire a couple of times before he nodded in understanding. His face was covered with a sheen of sweat and he was shaking badly, but he set to work immediately.

Adesina took care of the horses and made sure that they were well tied to a tree. After everything was set up in the camp, she made a simple meal of bread and soup. When a bowl was offered to Kendan, he sipped it slowly and distractedly, still muttering under his breath. Adesina, who was famished, got a bowl of her own and sat down next to him.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

After a heavy pause, he shook his head. "How can you stand it?" he said in a strangled voice. "The voices..."

She shuddered slightly. "I know. I do not like them either."

"You seem so calm," he whispered.

Her glance turned to Ravi, who laid down next to her with the softest hint of a purr. He sensed what she was thinking and shook his head. "I cannot take credit for that."

Kendan's tortured eyes fixed on hers. "They know things about me...things I wanted to forget. My parents..." His gaze jerked to rest on the fire. "I saw them die when I was only a child."

Adesina suddenly felt a pity for her former Shar that she had never experienced before. The whispers that followed her were disjointed puzzles that filled her with apprehension. The voices he heard, however, made him relive his darkest memories.

She wrapped a blanket around his shoulders and encouraged him to rest. He obeyed and fell asleep quickly, due to the fatigue of his high emotions. Adesina tucked her knees under her chin and studied the feline face of their guide.

"Will he be all right?"

Ravi looked unconcerned. "That really depends on him. If he chooses, he will be fine."

She sighed in aggravation. "What does that mean?"

"It means that he has more control over what happens to him here than he realizes."

Adesina still didn't understand, and it was apparent by the blank expression on her face. Ravi paused for a moment as he searched for the right words. "You were afraid when we first entered this forest, but you did not allow yourself to be overcome by the fear. Kendan is choosing to be swallowed up by the darkness he has experienced rather than letting it go."

She bit her lip as she turned this over in her mind. "What can I do to help him?"

"Nothing," the Rashad replied. "It is something he has to learn to do for himself."

The young s.h.i.+mat was not willing to give up so easily. "How much longer until we are out of this forest?"

"A day or so."

She nodded in relief. "Then we will just have to travel as quickly as possible."

Aside from her concerns for Kendan, the constant whispering was really starting to get to Adesina. Ravi seemed to sense this and began sing softly. It was not in any language that Adesina recognized, but she focused on the soothing sound.

There was no doubt that he had the most beautiful voice she had ever heard. Its tone was rich and deep, just like when he spoke, and the notes seemed to swell up from the heart of his being. As her attention fixed on the unearthly music, she discovered that the whispering voices were dimming.

Adesina pulled a blanket around her own shoulders and curled up next to the fire. With the warmth and the soothing music, she began to doze into a peaceful sleep.

It was the sudden silence that jerked Adesina awake. She sat up and looked around, her hand resting on the throwing knives on her belt. The fire was out, but bright moonlight filtered down through the trees. Adesina frowned in confusion, wondering how the moon could be so bright now when it had been invisible only moments before.

Other concerns soon invaded her thoughts as she realized that Ravi and Kendan were nowhere to be seen. Adesina jumped to her feet, but remained crouched, ready to defend herself. There was a soft rustling just in front of the young s.h.i.+mat, and the figure of a woman moved into the moonlight.

She was arrayed in a flowing white dress that was belted with an elegant silver chain. Her thick hair fell freely down her back, occasionally tousled by a slight breeze. The tresses were jet black in color, but the locks surrounding her face were a rich chestnut.

Adesina stood slowly, not quite ready to let her guard down. The woman beckoned for her to come closer. "Come, Ma'eve. Walk with me."

Adesina stared at the woman in confusion. "Who are you?"

The woman smiled and began to walk away, not choosing to respond. At first Adesina wasn't sure what to do, but after a moment of deliberation, she followed her cautiously. They walked in silence for several feet before entering a meadow filled with thousands of flowers. The woman stooped to pick a few.

Now that she was closer, Adesina could see that the woman's face was remarkably like her own. There were a few small differences other than the hair coloring. The woman's eyes were a pale metallic yellow with flecks of purple, and she did not have Adesina's light sprinkle of freckles. Overall, the woman's face had a more delicate look to it than Adesina's own features. Standing side by side they were almost exact in height and build. Adesina, however, had the look of more physical strength, while the woman exuded feminine grace.

The young s.h.i.+mat had a strange feeling growing in her chest as she studied this stranger before her. The woman knelt down among the unseasonable blossoms and indicated that Adesina should do the same. "Are these not lovely?"

"Who are you?" Adesina repeated.

The woman smiled again. It was a warm, enchanting smile. "Do you not know?"

Inexplicably, Adesina did know, but she hesitated to voice what her heart told her. "Mother?"

The woman nodded. "Sit with me, Ma'eve."

Adesina did so numbly. "I am still asleep."

Her mother nodded again. "Yes, you are."

"This is only a dream," said Adesina in disappointment.

Her mother tipped her head slightly to one side. "Are dreams not real?"

Adesina paused in uncertainty, then shrugged her shoulders as if asking to be told the answers. Her mother waved a hand as if to brush it aside. "That is for you to decide, but not in this moment. There are things we must discuss."

Adesina felt a strange mix of apprehension and longing. "Like what?"

"You, my daughter."

The feeling grew stronger. "What do you mean? What about me?"

Adesina's mother's gaze was direct, not unlike her own. "Why are you here?"

This question took Adesina by surprise. "Iaam going to the High City."

Her mother gave an encouraging nod, but said nothing. Adesina continued. "My a.s.signment was to go there, and I shall fulfill my duty."

The last comment brought a raised eyebrow. "Duty? And what duty is that?"

Adesina's answer was almost automatic. "I am a s.h.i.+mat. My duty is obedience to the Sharifal."

Her mother's sweet smile became sad. "To what end? To what extent?"

Adesina became defensive. "This is the life that you gave me! I have always done what was asked of mea"far better than my peers, I might add. My entire life I have worked and struggled, all to achieve what was expected of me."

Her mother shook her head. "It was not my choice. I knew that this was not your path."

"Then what?" the young s.h.i.+mat asked in an almost pleading voice. "What do you want of me?"

"It is not what I want that matters, dear one. Not now."

Adesina's frustration was growing. "Then what does matter?"

"The answer to my question."

She furrowed her brow. "What question?"

Her mother replied patiently, "Why are you here?"

Adesina bit back an exasperated sigh. "I answered that question. I am on my way to the High City."

There was a gentle shake of the head as the older woman leaned forward. "That is not what I meant. Why are you here in this Dream?"

"You would know better than I," responded Adesina a bit tartly.

Her mother's expression did not change with Adesina's lack of manners. "You are the one who called me to this place, Ma'eve, not the other way around. Everything that happens in this forest is of one's own making. That is the gift of its magic."

A confused frown crossed Adesina's face. "I do not understand."

"You are not here because of me, I am here because of you. Why have you called me to this place?"

The young woman was speechless. "Iado not knowa"

Her mother prompted her gently. "Was there something you wished to ask me or tell me?"

Adesina could do nothing but repeat herself. "I do not know."

With an understanding nod, her mother got to her feet and began walking back towards the woods. Adesina followed; hanging on the soft-spoken words of the woman she had spent her whole life imagining.

"Do not trouble yourself, my daughter. When you find the words, I will still be here. Understanding will come in time."

Adesina saw they were approaching her camp. "Are you leaving?"

Her mother's smile became sad again. "It is time for you to awaken."

"Will I see you again?"

The older woman gave her a significant look. "I have answered that question, Ma'eve."

She felt a bit childish, but pressed on. "I just want to hear your promise."

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