The Threshold Child Part 11

The Threshold Child -

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It was Mistress Caryl's turn to look smug as she sat back. It looked as if Adesina was finally going to get a few moments to listen to the arguing Governors, but the dinner was now over and the conversation put away for the time being. They all moved into the sitting area for the evening entertainment.

Each of the men took a turn telling a story about their own exploits. Adesina suspected that the majority of these stories were exaggerated, but smiled politely as if she believed them. Then, to end the evening, Gainor and her sisters sang a song. It was simple and pleasant, but Adesina could not truly appreciate it because she was spoiled by the exceptional music she had so often heard from Ravi.

There was a polite but strained conversation about who would have the honor of walking Adesina to her home. After some quiet debate, it was decided that Gainor would walk her home alone. The two visiting Governors and their wives looked disappointed at the missed opportunity, but let it go. They all shook Adesina's hand warmly and reminded her of her promise to visit each of them soon.

Gainor chattered without restraint all the way to Adesina's home. She would have been grateful if the volunteered information had been of any use to her. Unfortunately, Gainor's thoughts were filled with the trivial that night. Ravi padded quietly behind them, humming a cheerful little tune.

Master Ha.s.s and Mistress Jelana were still waiting up when she walked through the door. Jelana smiled warmly. "Did you have a nice time?"

She nodded. "Yes. They were very hospitable."

It was obvious that they were unsure how closely they could question her without offending her sense of independence. Adesina didn't really feel like talking about the dinner, so she gave them a benign smile and walked up to her room.

Chapter Eleven: Fruitless Lessons.

Adesina didn't sleep very well that night. Her thoughts were a flurry, unable to even arrange themselves in a coherent manner. Strangely, the thought that seemed to dominate was the fact that she hadn't Dreamed since entering the High City. For some reason, that bothered her. Just after midnight Adesina sat up in exasperation.


He lifted his head immediately, as if he had been awake the whole time. His golden eyes glowed in the moonlight. "Yes, Ma'eve?"

"My mother told me that I did not need the forest in order to Dream."

Ravi inclined his head, following her train of thought in spite of her lack of clarity. "That is true."

"Then why have I not Dreamed since leaving it?"

A soft sigh escaped Ravi, as if he were preparing for a long explanation. "The gift of Dreaming is a skill that takes practice. The forest is a special place that makes Dreaming easier to those who have the ability. You simply need to learn how to Dream without that extra help."

A slight frown furrowed Adesina's brow. "Will you teach me?"

There was a hint of hesitation in Ravi's eyes. "I can try, but it would be difficult. Especially for one such as you."

Her pride was immediately piqued. "What do you mean?"

Ravi smiled at her reaction. "Merely that you have been trained to think a certain way your entire life. The gift of Dreaming requires a different sort of perception."

She leaned forward, eager for a challenge. "How do I begin?"

Ravi nodded his head toward the window. "Look out and tell me what you see."

Adesina did as she was bid. The moon was waning, but the white buildings seemed to amplify the light. Everything was silent, almost as if any sort of noise would not be allowed in a city such as this. "I see white buildings, all evenly s.p.a.ced from each other. Cobblestone streets painted white. Lots of reflected light and open s.p.a.ce."

She turned around when she heard a quiet chuckle. Ravi was shaking his head. "That would be helpful to know if I were trying to sneak through the city, but is that all that there is?"

Adesina looked again. She wasn't sure what kind of answer Ravi wanted to hear. She began studying the details of the scene before her. "Each house has a garden and each yard is surrounded by a white picket fencea"

Ravi appeared noiselessly at her side. "You are only looking at the obvious, Ma'eve. You must be able to see deeper than what is immediately apparent."

She nodded. This was a principle that was taught at the s.h.i.+mat fortress. However, Ravi had stated that her s.h.i.+mat training would be different from what he was teaching her. She blew out her breath as she turned her eyes to the window again. "What am I supposed to be seeking?"

Ravi returned to his place on the floor next to her bed. "Keep looking. When you see it, you will know."

Adesina sat at the window for the remainder of the night. She studied the street until she knew every minute detail. Still, she could not see anything miraculous. She did not know what Ravi expected her to see. Even as the first rays of dawn crept through the city, her perspective didn't change.

She even neglected her exercise routine that morning in favor of this new training, but could not help but think it was a waste of time.

Jelana appeared at the appointed hour to encourage her to hurry downstairs. Adesina gave Ravi a reproachful glance as she got ready for the day. "I still do not see anything."

Ravi nodded as if that was what he had expected. "Keep looking, Ma'eve. It will come to you in time."

Days pa.s.sed and Adesina could see nothing out of the ordinary. Any time she observed something new to Ravi, he smiled and shook his head. Finally, after a week of this, Adesina gave it up in frustration. She went back to her s.h.i.+mat routine every morning with a glare shot at Ravi, daring him to comment.

Even though she had given up her daily vigil at the window, she still studied her surrounding more carefully than she had done before. She had never failed a challenge before, and she didn't intend to fail now.

The afternoon after she resumed her s.h.i.+mat training, Adesina and Ravi were alone in the shop, which was a rare occurrence. Ravi had settled in a patch of sunlight and closed his eyes as if to sleep. Adesina knew he was wide awake and usually liked to use their limited time alone to talk. Today, she felt should be an exception and she left him to immerse himself in whatever deep thoughts swirled around in his head.

Adesina picked up her tools and began finis.h.i.+ng the repairs on the chairs she had been a.s.signed by Ha.s.s. There was a sort of content absorption that filled Adesina's mind when she sat to do carpentry work. All of her focus turned on the task, freeing her thoughts from the drudgery of her everyday life.

As she sat smoothing a replacement rung, a quiet noise penetrated her consciousness. Her hand paused as she turned her attention to the sound. It was a voice singinga"a rich baritone that swelled with poignant emotion. Almost involuntarily, Adesina got to her feet and followed the music, which led to the medical clinic next door.

She had never taken the time to meet their business neighbors. Her brief encounter with the lumberers was the only time she had seen anyone other than Ha.s.s and his customers. Adesina saw that the door to the clinic stood wide open. She was met with a curious a.s.sortment of sights and smells. There were many shelves filled with containers of all shapes, sizes, and colors. All of these were labeled in a neat feminine handwriting. There were quite a few chairs lining the wall and a couple of tables where patients could lie down, and one of the back corners was curtained off for privacy. There were also a large number of drawings and notices attached to the wall. Some encouraged cleanliness, some showed diagrams of human hands or feet, and so forth.

The source of the music was in the middle of the room. Adesina recognized the curly haired head of the boy who had b.u.mped into her at school. Aleron, she had been told was his name. He sat facing away from the door, mixing together herbs for his mother's trade. He sang in a voice that rivaled Ravi's. He was alone in the clinic and did not notice Adesina standing in the entrance.

The hidden darkness behind closed eyes The silent fear that pursues the mind A lost generation that longs for rebirth The lost turn of time wasted by its own We sing of the legacy left by our fathers We sing of a purpose that has not been fulfilled To bring the sun from its faded glory Back to the light of its first birth Look to the stars and See them in truth For in the Heavens all Knowledge is written Through the eyes of the G.o.ds all darkness flees And the world can be seen in the purity of light The last notes died away, leaving behind traces of the powerful emotion that had filled the song. Adesina quietly backed away, not wis.h.i.+ng to make her presence known. She went back to her work frowning slightly and oblivious to her surroundings. She did not even notice that Ravi was studying her with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The words of the song ran through Adesina's mind in a maddening circle. She wished she had heard the beginning of the song. Perhaps then she would have been able to make the connection that stood just outside her reach. Her focus destroyed, Adesina put her work away for the day and began closing up.

As she was locking the door to the shop, Aleron was leaving the clinic. He spotted her and gave a friendly wave. "I did not know that you were an apprentice to Master Ha.s.s! Just think of all the boring afternoons I suffered through, when I could have walked next door and talked to you!" He offered his hand to Adesina. "I do not believe we have been formally introduced. I am Aleron."

Adesina took his hand, a little wary of his enthusiasm for a stranger. It wasn't the open curiosity and slight suspicion she was accustomed to meeting. It was almost as if he considered them to already be friends.

"My name is Adrie."

He did not question her about her origins or give her unusual features an inquisitive glance, for which Adesina was grateful. Instead he nodded with the happy manner that seemed natural to him. "I walk past Master Ha.s.s's house on my way home. May I walk with you?"

Unlike some of the young men she had met, Aleron was actually asking permission. Adesina had a feeling that, regardless of her answer, he would walk through the Square with a content look on his face. Aleron seemed to be the kind of person that let nothing dampen his spirits. In that way he reminded her of Lanil, her childhood s.h.i.+ friend.

Adesina nodded. "Yes, you may."

A sunny grin broke across his face. "Thank you."

As they turned to walk away from the shop, Adesina caught a glimpse of Master Chatham glaring at them from his window next door. She reached out and rested her hand on Ravi's back, which had become a habit.

"How well do you know Master Chatham?"

Aleron was surprised at this choice of subject. "Not very well. Why do you ask?"

She shrugged. "I have only met him once, but he seems to dislike me. I do not understand why that would be so."

"Well," Aleron frowned, searching his memory, "I remember hearing that he left the High City when he was young and no one knew where he went. When he came back, years later, he was very bitter. I do not think anyone knows why."

The young woman shook her head. "What does that have to do with me?"

He shrugged. "Perhaps it has nothing to do with you personally. You sort of represent the outside world, and maybe his anger is directed towards the world rather than an individual."

She was surprised by the wisdom in his simple words. He was unlike anyone she had met in the High City, and she decided that she wouldn't mind getting to know him better.

Their talk turned to lighter subjects. Aleron was eager to learn her opinion of the city, their school, her peers, and so forth. Adesina was cautious in her answers, but found herself being more honest than expected. There was something about Aleron's open and understanding expression that made Adesina feel like she could say anything she wanted. She was careful to answer as Adrie, but each reply was colored with her own opinions.

Aleron was not only open to what she said, but he agreed with her on the majority of the points discussed. He was aware of the pretension of the city and felt the same dissatisfaction. He looked around to make sure no one was listening and then leaned towards Adesina confidentially. "Right now I am training to be a healer with my mother, but as soon as I come of age, I am leaving the High City."

He looked as if he had done something very daring by expressing such intentions.

Adesina suppressed a smile of amus.e.m.e.nt. "And where will you go?"

He shrugged. "I do not know yet. Tunith is a large continent, and they say that there are lands beyond the seas! I have always wanted to travel around and help people who could not get it otherwise."

Adesina couldn't help but smile at this statement. "That is very idealistic of you."

His expression became worried. "Is it an unlikely goal?"

She felt a twinge of regret from causing him to question his aspirations, yet she didn't want to give him false hopes. She considered her words before answering. "Wellait will be difficult, but not impossible."

Aleron looked relieved. "Oh, I am not afraid of hard work."

The smile returned to Adesina's lips. "Of course not."

At this point they had arrived at Master Ha.s.s's house. She wasn't sure how to bid him farewell, but he saved her the trouble of working it out by simply giving her another cheery smile and a wave as he walked away.

Jelana met Adesina at the door with curiosity in her eyes. "Was that Mistress Breena's son?"

She nodded. "Yes. His name is Aleron."

"He walked you home?"

Adesina hesitated. "Was it improper of me to allow it?"

Jelana hastily shook her head. "No, no. It just surprised me."

The s.h.i.+mat had the uncomfortable feeling that a number of interesting ideas were brewing in Jelana's imagination. To avoid further questioning, Adesina hurried upstairs.

Jelana had made it clear that she thought it wise for women to marry young, even if that meant sacrificing the completion of their education. Adesina suspected that she wouldn't be too picky about whom Adrie chose to marry, as long as he was a citizen of the High City.

Ravi, who seemed to be having the same thought, chuckled softly as they walked to Adesina's room. "What will you do when they find a suitable match for you?"

Adesina snorted. "Politely decline, and bid them to mind their own business."

She sat down on the bed and watched Ravi stretch out on the floor. "There are worst things in this world than having people care about your happiness and well-being."

Adesina reached for the small dagger she kept hidden under her mattress. She twirled it in her hands absently, leaning back to stare at the ceiling.

Chapter Twelve: Alone.

Adesina had now been in the High City for six months. The late autumn and winter had pa.s.sed and spring had arrived. Adrie had found her niche in the High City society. Although she was still viewed as an Outsider, she felt that she had discovered how to fit in.

Five days a week she went to school, where she led her cla.s.s academically; much to the mortification of some of her cla.s.smates. Four days a week she went to Ha.s.s's shop right after school and worked until evening. Aleron always walked her home, chatting about anything that came to mind, but not in the mindless manner that was typical of Gainor. Sometimes Ha.s.s joined them, and sometimes they walked alone.

She appreciated the friends.h.i.+p she had developed with this young man, but she was often reminded that it was founded on false pretenses. Most of the time she was merely playing a part, and that left her feeling very alone.

Adesina missed being herself, and she missed the life of a s.h.i.+mat. Most of all, she missed spending every day with Kendana"the way he challenged her to go beyond her best; the familiar banter that pa.s.sed between them; the way he looked deep into her eyes, as if trying to read the etchings on her soul; and, more recently, how he had reached for her hand and warmed her with his touch. She missed all of these things; sometimes so much it was painful.

Now she was surrounded by the pretension of the High City, living among those she knew were not her equal. She did her best to keep Kendan from her mind, but that was difficult.

Adesina was often paraded around the city as if she were some kind of prize. This was usually done by one of the Governors, but it was also done by those who called themselves her friends. She had thought that she would be caught up in the political maneuvering of the city, but it seemed that she was wanted for nothing more than to be seen with certain high-ranking citizens.

A good deal of her time was spent in the company of Gainor, Deasa and Rina. With the aid of these girls, Adesina was given a whole new set of lessons that had never before been presented to her. She watched the girls with a growing fascination as they practiced their charms, flirted shamelessly to get what they wanted, and displayed a wide variety of etiquette that was adaptable to almost any situation. These strange lessons ended with the fading light and Adesina returned to her host family for a quiet supper and an evening of storytelling, music, or individual amus.e.m.e.nts.

To the casual observer, it would have seemed like the happy, simple life of the majority of the citizens of the High City. But the casual observer would not have seen that Adesina was awake long after the others had gone to bed and up again long before dawn. Every day she reviewed her mission information, more out of habit than need. She practiced her skills in weaponry, and made sure that she remembered every lesson that she had been given during her years of training. There was only so much she could do in her limited s.p.a.ce, but she did the best she could.

Once a month, in the dead of night, Adesina slipped out of the High City through a drain grate she had discovered early on. She would then steal across the open field to the refuge of the forest. There was a small hidden cave where she met her s.h.i.+mat contact and reported on her status.

Kendan always greeted her with a tender smile and a squeeze of the hand. At first, Adesina found these attentions to be confusing, but now she looked forward to them. She began dreaming of him taking her in his arms and holding her close, but he never did. Instead he would touch her hand, and his eyes would twinkle when he noticed the blush on her cheeks.

Their time together was limited, and therefore precious. In these stolen hours or half-hours, Adesina finally felt that she was with an equal, and the fluttering of her heart whispered that maybe it was something more than that as well. She tried not to look too deep into those feelings, afraid of what she might discover there. Instead she attempted to act as if it didn't matter, even if she knew she was lying to herself.

Adesina rarely had anything of importance to report, and was frequently admonished to be patient while waiting for her first a.s.signment.

But she was impatient.

Her task had been to establish herself in the High City so she would always have a solid alibi. With the exception of Chatham, who continued in his irrational dislike, anyone that Adesina had come in contact with would swear for Adrie's character.

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