Scanguards Vampires - Oliver's Hunger Part 11

Scanguards Vampires - Oliver's Hunger -

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Oliver brought the car to a stop and confirmed with a look in the mirror that Zane had done the same. "What is it?"

Her hand trembled when she pointed it toward something past the winds.h.i.+eld. "There. The sign for the import/export company. I ran past it." She swallowed. "The building where they held me is just around the corner. Right on the next block."

Oliver put the car back in gear and inched forward.

"No. Don't go too close," she begged.

He glanced at her. "You'll have to point out the building to us, and since I doubt you want to get out of the car, I have to drive closer to it."

Oliver noticed her jaw tightening in concert with the rest of her body as if she was trying to steel herself against an invisible attacker.

"Don't worry, if anybody approaches us, we'll speed away." And then he and his colleagues would come back later without her. But he didn't tell her this.

"Which building is it?" Zane asked.

Oliver turned the corner, slowing to a crawl, then his eyes followed Ursula's outstretched hand.

"That one."


The four-story building was built of bricks, and it looked just as foreboding as it had the night she'd escaped its walls. A chill ran down Ursula's spine just looking at it. Fear tightened her throat, making her unable to say anything else.

"The brick building?" Zane asked over the loudspeaker.

"Yes," Oliver confirmed.

"Looks dark. There are no cars in the vicinity, no movement I can detect. Nothing. I say it's deserted. I wouldn't normally do this tonight, but let's not waste any time and check it out now."

"No! No, they'll catch you. You'll need more people," Ursula warned, overtaken by panic. If they went in there just the four of them, they could easily be overpowered. And then she wouldn't be any further than before: her kidnappers would recapture her.

"Cain, stay with the girl. The rest of us, let's go."

Before she could stop Oliver, he opened the car door and got out. She saw how the two other vampires, Zane and Amaury, left the Hummer.

Oliver had described Zane to her earlier while they'd been waiting for him and Amaury. But even his comment that Zane only looked tough because of his bald head, couldn't have prepared her for what she saw. He was tall and lean. When he briefly turned his head to look in her direction, his ice-cold gaze chilled her to the bone. His mouth was pressed into a thin line. His gait was determined, purposeful, and she knew instinctively that those long legs could chase down their prey in seconds. She never wanted to be caught on Zane's wrong side.

Amaury seemed different. Compared to Zane, he looked like a cuddly bear, but she wasn't fooled. He was just as deadly, and with more ma.s.s than his colleague, he could crush any human or vampire without effort. Those two were dangerous, deadly vampires.

She watched as they joined Oliver and marched toward the building. When they pa.s.sed a streetlight, she noticed that all three of them carried guns. She pulled in a quick breath: she hadn't noticed that Oliver had been armed when he'd left the car.

"Don't worry, they know what they're doing," Cain said from the driver's seat.

She shrieked. She hadn't seen that he'd also exited the van and taken Oliver's spot while she'd watched the three vampires walk toward her former prison.

Cain shrugged. "Just in case we need to make a quick getaway."

Ursula wrapped her arms around her torso, feeling cold and scared. The vampire next to her wasn't like Oliver. Yes, he seemed friendly on the surface. He didn't carry his hostility on his sleeve like Zanea"even seeing Zane only from the distance she'd felt thata"but there was something unreadable about him. It made her feel uneasy around him. Oliver, on the other hand, unleashed an entirely different feeling in her. She felt drawn to him in the most primal way she had ever felt. Was it the fact that he was the first man who'd kissed her in over three years? Was it because she was so starved for physical intimacy that she had temporarily pushed aside her disgust for vampires when he'd pressed his lips onto hers?

Whatever it was, the intensity of it scared her. Because she knew that if it happened again, it would be as impossible for her to push him away as it had been to refuse his demand to touch him.

Wanting to silence her thoughts, she searched for a topic of conversation. "How long have you been working for Scanguards?"

Cain's eyes narrowed, suspicion rolling off him. "Why are you asking?"

"No reason."

She looked out the window. Oliver and his colleagues had disappeared. Had they entered the building or walked around it? "Where are they?"


At his nonchalant voice, she glared at him. "Aren't you worried?"

"They know what they're doing. Amaury and Zane are the best."

Her legs trembled. She pressed her palms onto her thighs to hide the fact that she was full of fear. "And Oliver?" Why hadn't Cain said that Oliver was one of the best too?

Cain hesitated. "He's still . . . young."

"But he can defend himself, right?"

"Of course he can. You worry about him?"

Ursula pressed herself back into the seat. "No."

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

"Then stop fidgeting. If what you say is true, and those vampires run some sort of blood brothel, my colleagues will pose as clients to get the lay of the land. They won't start a fight tonight."

Why hadn't Oliver told her that? Was he afraid she'd find a way of warning her kidnappers? Did he still not believe her?

"And the guns?"

"You've got good eyesight."

"That doesn't answer my question," she shot back.

"Maybe I'm not in the mood to answer questions." He looked at her, his eyes hard and unyielding. "I've read your file cover to cover. The police reports, the newspaper articles. Add to that what you told us yourself. The fact that you escaped from that place." He motioned his head toward the building. "Looks like a pretty hard thing to do, particularly if there are as many vampires on the premises as you claim. Something about your story stinks. And just because you managed to wrap Oliver around your little finger, doesn't mean you'll have as easy a time with the rest of us. I, for one, don't think with my d.i.c.k!"

Ursula huffed angrily. She opened her mouth, but he cut her off.

"Save your breath!"

She folded her arms over her chest and looked out the window, watching the building intently. It was dark, but that didn't have to mean anything. All windows were either painted black from the inside or boarded up, or in some cases hung with heavy drapes, so that no light could penetrate. Likewise, no light could escape to the outside. She was certain her captors had done this on purpose so that n.o.body would be drawn to the building and start asking questions.

How they attracted clients, she could only guess. Word-of-Mouth most likely. They couldn't very well advertise that they had blood with special blood for hire.

Time seemed to stand still. Nervously, Ursula chewed on her fingernails, when she finally saw a movement at the door to the building. The entrance door opened, and one-by-one the three vampires stepped out, then walked straight toward the van.

Anxiously she waited. All three walked to her side of the van, but Zane was the first to reach it. He opened her door, las.h.i.+ng an angry glare at her.

"What that f.u.c.k was that about?" he asked.

Jolted by his harsh tone, she shrunk back from him. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened! Absolutely nothing!" Zane ground out. "Waste of my f.u.c.king time!"

Ursula's gaze darted past him, searching Oliver. When he met her eyes, she saw something akin to disappointment in them.

"Oliver," she begged.

Oliver hesitated a second before he spoke. "The place was empty."

Automatically she shook her head. "No, no, that's not possible." She pointed her hand toward the building. "That's the house. I'm absolutely sure. That's where they imprisoned me."

Oliver cast his eyes down as if trying to avoid her. Behind him, Amaury's face was set in stone.

"There's nothing in there," Amaury added. "No vampire, no human, no furniture."

In disbelief, she shook her head. "No, you're lying! They're in there. They have to be!"

"We have no reason so lie!" Zane snarled. "You, on the other hand, have been leading us on a wild goose chase. I don't know what your game is, but honestly, at this point I don't care. Because it ends here."

Equally shocked and frightened by Zane's words, she felt her hands tremble. What was he planning to do to her?

"Please, I can prove it! I'll show you where I carved my name into the wall of my cell. I cana""

Zane leaned in, his face half a foot from hers, interrupting her. "I don't care for your lies. Whatever your game is, I'm not playing it."

Then he turned toward Oliver.

"Wipe her memory, and then you and Cain will put her on a plane to Was.h.i.+ngton DC. Send an anonymous message to her parents to pick her up from the airport. If anything goes wrong, I'll make you responsible. Are we clear on that, Oliver?"

No! she wanted to scream, but fear of what Zane would do if she did clamped down her vocal cords.

Oliver stared at Zane. "Listen, there must be another way."

His bald-headed friend glared at him. "Do as I say!" He pointed back toward the building. "You've been in there. It was empty."

"Yes, too empty. And it smelled clean too, as if a cleaning crew had been through there just recently. Don't you think that's suspicious?"

"Doesn't have to mean anything."

"I think we should wait until Gabriel is back from New York."

Zane narrowed his eyes. "What for?"

Oliver motioned him farther away from the car and lowered his voice, not wanting Ursula to overhear his suggestion. "He could look into her memories and tell us what she's seen."

"That won't help if somebody planted false memories in her."

"I disagree. Gabriel was able to see in Maya's memories where they had been altered by a vampire. He would recognize it if somebody had tampered with her memories. I think we should wait."

Zane shook his head almost instantly. "Listen, Oliver. There was nothing in there. If she really escaped from that building last night, why didn't we find any traces of anything in there? I tell you why: because they were never there in the first place. My order stands. You can either take care of it together with Cain, or Cain will do it on his own!"

"No!" Oliver protested. He didn't want anybody manhandling her. "I'll do it." And he already hated himself for it. But he couldn't dispute their findings: the property was empty and there was no trace of any other vampires or of the girls Ursula had mentioned. She had lied to him again, and as much as he wished he were wrong, he couldn't simply set aside the evidence.

Zane nodded, but before he could walk away, his cell phone rang.

"Yes?" he answered it with a bark.

Oliver's sensitive hearing picked up the voice on the other end, Thomas's.

"A couple of crazy vamps were spotted in a nightclub downtown! I need all available men! Now!"

"s.h.i.+t!" Zane cursed, waved Amaury toward the Hummer, then looked to Cain, who still sat in the minivan. "Change of plans: Cain, we need you. We have a lead on those vamps going berserk."

"f.u.c.k!" Cain cursed as he jumped out of the van.

"If we hurry, I think we can get them this time!" Zane answered, tossing a look back at Oliver and pointing his finger at him. "You have your orders. I don't like sending you on your own. Don't make me regret it!"

Then he and his two colleagues jumped into the Hummer and sped off.

When Oliver looked back at Ursula, he noticed her pleading look. Her brown eyes looked like saucers, a rim of wetness around them. He shut the pa.s.senger door without a word and averted his gaze.

Oliver got into the driver's seat and pulled the door shut. Without looking at Ursula, he turned the key in the ignition and put the car in drive. Then he turned the van around and watched how the building disappeared from the rear-view mirror when he turned at the next intersection.

He headed toward the freeway that led to the airport which was located a half hour south of San Francisco. Traffic was light.

"Please don't do this," she pleaded, her voice sounding choked up.

He kept his eyes on the road, afraid that he would falter if he looked at her. "I have no choice."

Without Scanguards' backing, he couldn't do anything else for her. His trust in her was shaken. He'd actually believed her when she'd told him about her imprisonment, even more so when he'd seen her break after hearing the news that her parents believed her to be dead. What a fool he'd been to allow a pretty woman to cloud his judgment.

"You always have a choice," she claimed. "You just don't want to believe me."

He spun his head to stare at her. "I did believe you! But you lied to me and my colleagues. You led us around by our noses." And me by my d.i.c.k, he should have added. "I'm afraid, I'm all done with believing in lies for tonight."

"They're not lies!" she cried out, glaring back at him.

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