Duplicity. Part 12

Duplicity. -

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After drinking too much whiskey at my brother's house, I took a cab home, and the second I walked through the door, I decided to text Star.

F: Hey gorgeous. Have had a tell all sesh with my brother and his wife. All's good in the hood ;-) I hit send and then re-read my words. I clearly had whiskey brain. If only there was a way to detract text messages. A reply came soon after.

S: Hey there, handsome. So glad all is good in the hood. You do know you're neither from "the hood" nor American, right? ;-) She made me smile even when she wasn't with me. I instantly hit reply.

F: Imagine my embarra.s.sment when I figured that out! Look I miss you. I mean really miss you. I know you're out with your friends tonight but maybe we can meet up after my first day?

I waited for her reply. And waited...and waited. After thirty minutes, I gave up hope of receiving another message and decided her battery must have died or she was having too much fun with her friends.

Figuring distraction techniques had worked earlier, I decided to choose my outfit for my first day at McKendrick Law-it surprisingly took me less than an hour. And it felt good to know I was prepared. A little drunk, but prepared all the same.

I selected my slate grey suit, white s.h.i.+rt, and silver and black tie, and it was all hanging on my closet door ready. I'd decided I didn't want to wear black as I felt maybe that would give the impression either, a) that I was mourning, or b) that I was on some kind of power trip. Neither was the case.

I was feeling very positive.

I was making my way to the bedroom when there was a knock at the door. My heart rate increased, and I knew exactly whom I wanted to be standing at the other side.

After unlocking the door, I flung it open. There she stood in a fitted black bodice, black mini skirt, and denim jacket. She looked good enough to eat-if you know what I mean.

She tilted her head to one side. "I missed you too," she breathed. And with that, I stepped over the threshold, scooped her up in my arms, and crushed my lips to hers.

Star I awoke on my back to find Fin's huge, sculpted, naked body wrapped around me once again. It was quickly becoming my favourite way to wake up. His left hand was hugging me to his side, his right arm created a halo around my head, whilst his left leg was entwined with both of mine. Each warm exhale that caressed my skin caused gooseb.u.mps to rise and a tingle to s.h.i.+ver its way down the length of my body. Turning my head ever so slightly, I watched him sleep for a few minutes. His blonde hair was sticking up at all angles, and the stubble gracing his angular jaw was now more like a beard.

There was no other word for him right then than delicious. I couldn't help but smile as I watched his eyelids flutter in his REM sleep. He must have been dreaming as his arm twitched a little, and I stifled a giggle.

"It's creepy, you know?" he mumbled.

Huh? His voice startled me as his eyes were still closed. "What's creepy?" I wasn't sure if he was talking in his sleep.

"Staring at someone when they're sleeping. It's creepy." His Scottish accent and gruff morning voice melted my insides, and the smile that widened his lips turned me to total mush. I poked him in the ribs and his eyes opened abruptly. "Hey, Mendoza. You're going to pay for that." With one swift move, he had me pinned to the bed and was blowing raspberries on my neck.

I squirmed and fought whilst giggling like a teenager. "Hunter, no! Stop it! I swear to G.o.d I'll pee in your bed! Please...stop!" Thankfully, the mention of pee on his high thread count sheets stopped his attack and he jumped off me as if I was on fire.

"Urgh! Go to the bathroom, woman! We'll have no incontinence here!" He shoved my naked b.u.t.t, eliciting further giggles from me. I had to virtually hop to the bathroom as I laughed but, thankfully, I made it in time.

Fin Star and I spent the rest of Sunday in bed, taking pleasure in each other's bodies. When we weren't making love, touching, and kissing, we talked at length about our friends, families, and lives. I discovered she was such an intriguing and insightful person, and I asked myriad questions about where she lived in the USA, how she got into photography, what music she liked. It helped that I loved her accent, but honestly, I couldn't get enough of listening to her. And as far as music went, we had such a lot in common.

"What made you want to come to the UK in the first place?" I asked as I drew lazy circles on her naked back. She was laid beside me on her front, her head propped on her hand and her hair in a wild mess. She looked absolutely stunning.

She sighed dreamily. "Oh, I think I just fell in love with the place after reading books set in Edinburgh."

"Let me guess, you read The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie?"

She blushed. "You say that as if it's a bad thing. I love that book. It changed me."

"Hey, no. It's not a bad thing at all. I haven't read it, but I know plenty that have. I cringed and waited for the sharp intake of breath, but none came. "And Edinburgh is a wonderful city, but I'm rather biased, I suppose."

"It really is. And you're allowed to be biased, Fin. It's your home, after all."

"So, what appealed to you the most about it? Surely not the romantic ideal? Things can be very different in real life as I'm sure you've discovered."

She pursed her lips as she thought. "I think to begin with it was the romantic ideal. The descriptions in the book definitely helped with the attraction, but once I got here and visited some of the tourist attractions, that was it. I was completely head over heels. The architecture, the atmosphere, the people, the history."

"Well, yeah. You don't have much of that to go at in the USA," I teased.

She shoved my shoulder and I fell onto my back, laughing. She rose and straddled my hips, arousing me immediately.

Fighting to calm my body, I continued interrogating her. "So, when did the pink hair and the tats happen?"

"Hmm. I've always been encouraged to be my own person. My folks have always instilled in me that it's better to be your real self than a fake version of someone else. The place I grew up wasn't so bad, but some people weren't so open-minded. I used to buy clothes from the thrift store in town and chop them up, sew patches on and such. I always tried to be me. I didn't feel like a skirt and blouse type of girl."

"That's not particularly in keeping with Muriel Spark's novels."

"No, but Jean Brodie encouraged her girls to be strong. To stand up for themselves. And that's what I took from the book. I got my first tattoo in college and dyed my hair blue. Then after I'd been over here a while, I went with Alec when he got a tattoo and I got more. It's kind of addictive."

I traced my fingertips down her arm. "Which was the first one you had done?"

She twisted herself and, incidentally, ground her pelvis into me, causing me to inhale sharply at the sensation. She flicked her head back around to me and grinned as she chewed her bottom lip. Her hair fell over one eye, adding to her allure. Feigning coyness, she pouted. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable?"

I shook my head slowly and swallowed hard. "Um...not exactly. Carry on. The tattoo thing, I mean."

She knew what she was doing to me and twisted again to show me the tattoo of the j.a.panese vine that started on her shoulder. "This was my first. It was small to begin with, but I just loved the way it trailed down my skin, and I decided it needed to be bigger."

I watched, mesmerised, as she touched her own skin and told the story of each of her ink adornments.

"I especially like this one," I told her as I retraced the flowers that trailed from her collarbone and down her arm.

"Oh, yeah. Those were done in memory of my abuela. My grandma. Her name was Rosabel. She died when I was twelve and I miss her like crazy. We were very close. She used to tell me stories about how she met my grandpa just before the war."

"Roses to remember Rosabel. That's really sweet, Star." Her eyes welled with glistening moisture and I pulled myself up to face her. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."

She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Oh, gosh, no. Don't be sorry. I think the fact that I still cry over her just means that I still miss her. She had an amazing life, and I'm so glad I got to spend twelve years of my life getting to know her."

"So...the pink hair?" I rapidly changed the subject. I wanted to get to know more about her, and I didn't want to cast a melancholy shadow over our time together.

She giggled. "Oh, I tend to change my hair colour around once a year. The first colour I tried was blue. Last year it was purple. Pink is maybe a little too girly for me, but I'm sticking with it for now."

I twirled a lock of her hair around my finger. "I like it."

"I'm glad," she breathed, before crus.h.i.+ng her lips to mine. Before I knew it, we were making love again. And my G.o.d, it got better each time.

Crazy but true.

Later, we took a shower, and I was was.h.i.+ng Star's hair. As I worked the shampoo into a lather, she turned to me over her shoulder. "So, you know lots about me, so I think it's only fair that you share too."

"I think you know everything. I seem to remember spilling my guts to you on our first proper meeting."

"Ooookay. I still have questions, though. For example, have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?"

I laughed. " I'm allergic to pain, and they look pretty b.l.o.o.d.y painful from what I've seen on telly."

She turned in my arms and gazed up at me innocently. "So, what you're saying is, you're a giant wuss?"

"Cheeky wee mare. But yes. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. And no, there won't be any tattoos for me any time soon."

She scrunched her face. "Hmm. Well, your beautiful, smooth back is like a blank canvas crying out for a big piece, in my opinion."

I shook my head defiantly. "Na. Not happening. They look good on you, though." I bent and kissed her neck.

She flicked me away and turned around again for me to rinse out the suds. She was obviously not falling for my attempt to change the subject. "Okay. Tell me about your pa.s.sion for music."

"Ah. Well now, therein lies a story. Our housekeeper, Hetty, was a real gem. She used to bring the best CDs in for me to listen to. She was quite the music connoisseur. I'm talking rock music from the seventies and eighties. Whitesnake, Deep Purple, Rainbow, to name only a few. When Dad was working, I used to put on the old Discman she gave me and jump around my room, miming to the songs as if I was on stage." I laughed at the memory and how ridiculous I must have looked.

"Wow. Hetty had great taste, huh?"

I sighed and smiled as I thought about my dear friend. "She sure did. I owe her a lot, actually."

There was a long pause before Star spoke again. "I...I don't mean to speak ill of your parents, but...well, Hetty sounds like she was more of a mom to you than your mother was."

I stood silently as I let her words sink in. She was right. And that fact made me a little sad. She turned to face me again.

Her brow was pulled in and she chewed the inside of her cheek. "I'm sorry, Fin. I should keep my opinions to myself."

I cupped her cheek in my soapy palm. "No, you're right. The more I look back on my childhood, the more I think I was an inconvenience to my mother. And my dad...well, let's just say nothing was ever good enough, and some things never change." She covered my hand with her own where it sat on her damp cheek. I sensed a drop in mood once again and had to lighten things up. "Oh, come on. Let's not get all melancholy, eh? I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

We agreed that she would leave at around eight in the evening so I could do a little more research prior to my first day at McKendrick Law. Well, I say we agreed...Star insisted. I was more than happy to feast on her for the rest of the night, but she quite rightly pointed out that one just does not turn up with s.e.x hair to the first day of one's new and important job. So, reluctantly, I acquiesced.

After we devoured a delivery of Chinese food and shared a bottle of wine, I called a cab to take Star home. The driver buzzed up and announced his arrival, and I walked Star to the door.

I held both her hands in mine. "I've had such a wonderful day. Thank you."

"Me too. I'm so glad I made the rash decision to turn up on your doorstep last night."

I smiled as she used my own words on me; the words I had uttered on the morning I turned up to ask for her forgiveness. "Well, I think it was the best rash decision you ever made." I kissed her nose.

"Why thank you, kind sir. I'm glad it worked to my advantage. So, are you excited about tomorrow?"

Excited wasn't a word I would have chosen to describe the prospect of starting all over again in a new job. "Hmm. Nervous is more like it, I think. I hate the whole settling into new situations thing. I'm much happier just hiding in a corner."

She laughed at me and shook her head. "Says the guy who gets up on stage and rocks out to Soundgarden. And the guy who has just agreed to front a rock band."

I scrunched my face. She had a valid point. "You got me there."

She slipped her arms around my neck and tiptoed up to kiss me. Her lips touched mine lightly. "Have a wonderful first day, and let me know how it goes, okay?"

"I sure will."

She pulled away and I opened the door for her. As I watched her go, my stomach knotted, and I wasn't sure if it was nerves about the job, or sadness at watching her leave.

Fin "And this is your office." Alasdair waved his arm at the plush-looking s.p.a.ce surrounded by gla.s.s walls. I wasn't expecting an office right away so it was a pleasant surprise. I stepped inside and glanced around the room. A sleek modern desk and chair sat against the window wall and was juxtaposed with the period features adorning the ceiling, but it somehow worked. The view from the window was stunning. A clear vista that took in some of my favourite architectural features of the city of Edinburgh.

"Thanks, Alasdair. This is great." I could hear the enthusiasm in my own voice and cringed at my over-eagerness.

Alasdair smiled and patted me on the shoulder. "This is what you should have had for a long while now, Finlay."

" me Fin, okay? I feel like I'm getting in trouble when you use my full name."

He laughed. "Well, we don't want that, do we? Fin it is. I'll let you get sorted in, and I'll get your new secretary to make you some coffee or tea, or whatever you'd like."

"Actually, I'm good at the moment. I called at my girlfriend's coffee shop on the way here and had my caffeine fix."

"Ah, I see. That's fine then. You just get settled in and she'll get you for the morning meeting."

He turned and left me in my new surroundings. I pulled my phone from my pocket and dropped a quick text to Star. I'd only seen her briefly when I collected my coffee, and it hadn't been anywhere near long enough. I had it bad. There was no doubt about that.

F: Hey beautiful. Guess who has a luxurious new office?

After a few minutes, I got my much antic.i.p.ated reply.

S: Hey yourself. Let me guess... ;-) You seem happy.

F: It's been a long time coming and I've only been here ten minutes but so far so good! Speak to you later. Miss you.

S: You're so sweet. Miss you too.

After the morning meeting, Alasdair called me into his office to go through some of the current cases that the firm was working on. I know it may sound a little cliche, but McKendrick Law seemed to be the good guys. They fought for the underdog. The folks who struggled to fight for themselves. I was shocked to discover how much pro bono work went on. And it was clear the pa.s.sion that Alasdair had for his work and the respect he had for his employees.

Things finally felt right.

It was as if, for the first time in my life, someone was actually interested in my opinions. And that, for once, I was going to be a part of something good. I was going to be a part of something positive and fulfilling instead of being both my father's scapegoat and his yes man.

My new secretary, Fiona, was a whirlwind. And a mind reader, so it would seem. It was as if she knew what I needed before I even voiced the request. Dressed smartly in a navy blue pin striped suit, and with her grey hair in a neat knot at the back of her head, she had the appearance of a school headmistress. She was uber efficient and smiley, but not in a fake, annoying way. I got the feeling from our first day working together that things were going to run like a well-oiled machine.

At the end of my first day, Alasdair insisted on taking me for a drink across the way to a place called The Voodoo Rooms. We claimed a curved booth opposite the bar and I took in the surroundings of the place I had never been to before. The ornate carved ceiling and padded seating gave the place the feel of an exclusive gentleman's club.

"So, how are you feeling after your first day?" Alasdair's direct and to the point question caught me off guard.

"Oh...great. Great. A little too easy though, if I'm honest."

Alasdair a.s.sessed me for a moment as he took a long draw from the amber liquid in his gla.s.s. "Too easy? What were you expecting? Walking over hot coals? Being thrown in at the deep end?"

I let out a long breath and pondered my words carefully. "I don't mean the cases are easy. I'm not arrogant enough to feel that. I just mean settling in was easier than I expected. Everyone's been so respectful. Nice even."

Alasdair's responding laugh was genuine. "Well, I'll get them to throw rotten tomatoes and hurl abuse tomorrow then, if it makes you feel at home."

His laughter was contagious. "No, no. Don't get me wrong, it was good to be enveloped in such a positive atmosphere. I can't say it's something I'm used to."

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