Duplicity. Part 11

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I staggered backwards until I leaned against the wall as she ground herself into me and I began to see stars at the sensations of pleasure her body was creating deep within mine.

Star I don't know what came over me.

I was becoming my own version of Jekyll and Hyde. That's what this man did to me. He made me needy for his touch. As I rubbed myself up and down his fabric-covered length, I was ready to let go and cry out. If I just continued a little more...the friction was sending me heaven bound. But I didn't want to give in this way.

I needed more.

Lowering my legs to the floor again, I pulled away from him, and the confusion on his face almost made me giggle. Taking his hand, I pulled him toward the bed and laid myself back. I slipped my black lace panties from my body and let them fall to the floor. I had never behaved so wantonly in my life, but it was exhilarating. I was taking charge. Asking for what I needed without using words. And he understood fully. Removing his boxers and allowing his erection to spring free, he bent to the drawer in the night stand and took out a condom.

Once he had sheathed himself, he stalked toward me like a predator cornering his prey. Crazy really, as I already considered myself caught, and very willing to surrender to him. The bed ducked as the weight of his body pressed onto the mattress and he gazed down at me.

"You really are beautiful, Star," he told me as he lowered himself down. Holding himself up on his elbows, he trailed kisses along my jaw and down my neck. Sparks of pleasure lit like bolts of electricity everywhere his lips touched. My skin tingled, alive with desire for him. I lifted my legs to wrap them around his waist, needing to feel him against me, feel the warmth of his skin covering me.

Lifting his face once more so he could watch me, he slowly sank inside my body and began to move. The overwhelming delight of welcoming him in made me roll my head back and moan. His lips traced warm, wet patterns along my flesh until my nipple was sucked into the heat of his mouth and I almost fell apart right then. I had never been on the verge of o.r.g.a.s.m by being kissed this way. But Fin had a magic way with his mouth, and everything he did caused my muscles to clench around him, pus.h.i.+ng me closer and closer to release.

My nerve endings tingled in recognition of the building sensations deep within my core, and I moved in perfect rhythm with Fin as he kissed and caressed me wherever he could reach. Our mouths took what they needed and our kisses became urgent.

Before long, I was catapulted into outer s.p.a.ce, gasping as I clenched around him, the intensity of my o.r.g.a.s.m taking my breath away. I finally and unequivocally understood what people meant when they talked of the earth moving.

My ecstasy triggered Fin's, and he came undone with a loud, erotic cry before burying his face in the crook of my neck and nuzzling until his breathing settled.

"Wow," he panted as he flopped onto his side and laid his head on his arm. And that one word pretty much summed up the experience for me too.

"Oh yeah." I turned my face toward him and couldn't help the grin that made its way across my face.

Reaching out, he pulled me into his side and then stretched toward the end of the bed and pulled the tartan blanket up over our naked bodies. We drifted to sleep wrapped around each other, without further conversation.

Fin When I woke the following morning and stretched out my arm to feel for Star, the bed was cold and my eyes sprang open. I was alone. s.h.i.+t. Did she leave? As my brain gained consciousness, I heard water running, and singing. I smiled at the sound and rolled onto my back, taking a quick glance at my clock. It was almost seven. I languidly extended my taut muscles and replayed the intensity of the night before. As I remembered the feel of her wrapped around me, my whole body awoke, ready to indulge all over again.

Climbing out of bed, I walked into my bathroom and was immediately coc.o.o.ned in the steam billowing from the shower enclosure. She likes it hot. The errant thought made me chuckle and the singing stopped.

Her head poked out of the shower screen. "Good morning, Mr. Hunter. Care to join me?"

The seductive tone of her voice and her accent excited me. I didn't need to be encouraged, and so I climbed in behind her, sliding my hands around her stomach and pressing my erection into her back.

At around eight, as we ate scrambled eggs on English m.u.f.fins, I kept catching her watching me in my periphery. There was something on her mind.

I smirked and shook my head. "Come on. Out with it, Mendoza."

She scrunched her brow and her cheeks turned a s.e.xy shade of rose. "Out with what?"

"Oh, come on, Star. I may not have known you long but all the signs are there. You have something to say, so say it."

She placed her fork down and pushed her plate away. "I...I think I'm waiting for you to ask me to leave." Her voice was a fragile whisper, and she momentarily let her head fall forward.

"Really?" I placed my own cutlery down and pushed my chair away from the table. What had I done to elicit such a negative reaction? "Come here." I patted my lap.

The pink in her cheeks grew brighter. "What? Why?"

"Just come here," I insisted, and thankfully the strong-willed woman acquiesced, walked around, and positioned herself in my lap. I tucked the curly strands of damp hair behind her ear. "Star, whatever I've done to make you feel that way, I'm sorry. I don't want you to leave. Although I know you have to go to work soon, so I'll let you off for that. But I do want you here. I want to get to know you. All of you. I know we rushed into things the first time and I acted like a total w.a.n.ker, but now I know what I want, and that's you, here with me. I want us to see where this is going because, I don't know about you, but I...I feel this could be something important. you?" I swallowed hard, suddenly overcome with anxiety at what I was suggesting. In not so many words, I was telling her I wanted a serious relations.h.i.+p. I hadn't known her very long but I just...knew.

A sweet smile spread across her lips and she took my face between her palms. "I really do, Fin. It feels right. Which-as you pointed out last night-is totally crazy considering the length of time we've known each other. But, every relations.h.i.+p has a beginning and I'm happy to see where this goes."

On hearing her affirm her feelings about us, relief and excitement surged in my veins and I pulled her down so I could kiss her deeply.

And my G.o.d, I wanted her again.

Star It was great to be home.

Not from Fin's. No, I hated leaving there. I mean from the coffee shop. Alec had badgered me for info all day long at work and told me my ever present smile was beginning to look sinister. I couldn't help laughing out loud at that. Luckily, I knew he was only joking. Jeez, a girl couldn't win.

On more than one occasion, I found myself humming "Strange and Beautiful" and realised I was drifting off into a dreamland where only Fin and I existed, wrapped around one another in his oversized bed.

Even after arriving home, making myself a peppermint tea, and sitting down on the couch to drink it, I was off in some fantasy world that almost caused me to scald myself. I caught the slipping mug just in time as the phone began to ring.

"h.e.l.lo?" I asked breezily.

"Hey, pumpkin. It's Mom and Dad. How's our little Star doing?"

I rolled my eyes, thankful they couldn't witness my petulance. "Hardly little, Dad. But... I'm good, actually."

"Hey, sweetie. I know that tone of voice. Who is he?" my mom's voice chimed in.

My G.o.d, how were parents so attuned with their kids when they lived so far away? "I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about, Mom."

"Oh, come now, Star. I'm your mother. You can't fool me."

She was so right. I sighed but did so with a huge grin on my face. "He's gorgeous and his name is Fin. Oh, and did I mention he's a lawyer?"

There was a heavy silence down the line and I just knew they were having one of their silent, mouthed conversations. "Oh my gosh, a lawyer," Mom would be mouthing, and Dad would be responding, "Atta girl, Star. Help him to change the world, Princess." I fought the giggle trying to escape. "Mom? Dad? Are you still there?" It was hard to keep a straight face.

"We sure are, sweetie. So, tell us about Fin. How long have you known him?"

"Oh, not long. But...well, I think this could be something. We just...we click. They say opposites attract, right? And I think that's us. He's all corporate suits and formality, and I'm all tattoos and pink hair."

"He...he sounds very serious, honey. Are you sure he's right for you?" Mom, ever the worrier. Thankfully, I knew there was another side to his personality.

"Oh, Mom, you have no idea. He has an interesting hobby."

My dad gasped. "Oh, G.o.d. Tell me he's not into all that kinky stuff you read about in those erotic romance novels. Not that I've read any, but...well, you hear things. And I know we're very open, honey, but I'm not sure I-"

"Jerry, for goodness sake. Let the girl speak, will you?"

"Sorry, Martha, but I just don't want her-"

"Mom! Dad! Stop! He's a singer. Okay? He sings. That's all. Jeez."

There was an audible sigh of relief down the line. "Oh, that's great, honey. What kind of music does he enjoy singing? Opera?"

I snorted, almost choking on the mouthful of tea I had just gulped. How the heck had they come to that conclusion? Was it the mere fact he was a lawyer? Talk about judging. It surprised me as they weren't normally so quick to a.s.sume. "Opera? Um...not exactly. He sings rock songs. Loud, gravelly rock songs. And his voice, ohmyG.o.d, it's enough to melt your p..." Suddenly remembering I was talking to my parents, I just about stopped the word panties from falling from my lips. "...heart. He melts my heart with his voice."

"Awww, you sound smitten, kitten," Dad replied, and it was my turn to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, Dad. I kind of am. It's all been very sudden but we're just seeing where it goes."

"Well we're very happy for you, sweetie. You deserve someone wonderful."

"Thanks, Mom. I think so too."

The rest of the conversation centred on what the family were doing back home, and what my old friends were up to. Alec walked in just as the call was coming to its usual emotional ending and I was feeling kind of homesick. But once I hung up, I was back to evading Alec's questions about my night with Fin. Alec was the master of distraction techniques, and he knew very well when I needed them to be used on me.

"So, was it better this time, Twinkle?" he called from the kitchen.

"I am not having this conversation with you," I replied in a bright, sing-song voice.

"Oh, come on. We share everything, you and I. Just tell me. Was it better knowing that he has feelings for you?"

Rolling my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that day, I replied, "Oh my G.o.d, is nothing sacred? Yes, okay? Yes, it was amazing. He is amazing. Happy now?"

Alec's head poked around the door into the living room. "I knew it. You're falling for him."

Bit late for that. I covered my face to hide the fact that I was blus.h.i.+ng and grinning like a maniac. "I think he's sweet. That's all I'm saying."

Alec chuckled, and as I peered at him through my fingers, he made some dramatic gesture with his hand. A kind of 'talk to the hand' thing. "Yeah, whatevs. I know that b.l.o.o.d.y expression. careful, okay? He hurt you once before and I don't want to see you go through s.h.i.+t you don't deserve. Tell him I'll sort him out if he hurts you again."

I lowered my hands from my face and was met with an expression of deep concern. I stood to face him and placed my hands on his arms. Looking him directly in the eyes, I boldly told him, "I'm a big girl, Al. I'll be fine."

Oh, please G.o.d let me be right for once.

"I sincerely hope so, Twinkle." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

Fin The weekend rolled around and I was getting 'Star withdrawal'. I hadn't seen her since our date on Wednesday, and although we'd chatted on the phone and texted each other in the few days since, I hadn't had my quota of her. I had hoped would make up for that but she had a prior arrangement with a group of friends. Thankfully, my brother called and invited me for dinner, complaining that he'd feared I'd dropped off the face of the earth. I apologised and accepted willingly, figuring I had so much to tell him-and it would be a good distraction from pining like a pathetic love-sick teen.

"So, how are you feeling about the s.h.i.+t with Dad now?" Callum asked as he poured me a gla.s.s of wine. It was early evening, and Tori, his wife, had cooked the most amazing lamb tagine. She was ready to burst with their first child but she wouldn't rest.

I took a deep breath, followed by a long swallow of my drink. "I feel numb to be honest, Cal. Hurt that he could treat me like that, but numb at the same time."

"Well, he was always a stubborn b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I don't see that changing any time soon. Why do you think Tori and I keep out of his way these days? She doesn't need it in her condition. But to be honest, I suspected things would go this way."

Callum's admission surprised me. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you tried so hard to be what he wanted, Fin. And there was bound to come a day when you realised you had to live your life for you. The thing with Elise was never going to work. You two were forced together. It was tantamount to a f.u.c.king arranged marriage. That shouldn't have happened. Not in this day and age. But you had to realise that for yourself. I couldn't help you there."

I almost choked on my drink. "But that's the thing. She dumped me. I would've married her. That's how f.u.c.king stupid I am. That's how important it was to me to please him. What does that say about me? The fact that I was prepared to marry someone I wasn't in love with just to make him happy. My G.o.d, what a pathetic a.r.s.e I was." Anger and resentment fought for priority and my skin p.r.i.c.kled.

Callum reached across the table and grasped my forearm. "Hey, you are not an a.r.s.e. And there's nothing pathetic about wanting to make your dad proud. And believe me, brother, all this says more about him than it does you. And I think if Elise had turned up, you would have realised when the vicar got to the 'Has any one got any objections' bit. And if you hadn't, I would have said something at that point. Either way, you wouldn't have been marrying her, I can a.s.sure you of that."

"Well, it's all a moot point now, anyway. And anyway, I have more news. I've been offered a job and I start on Monday." I could hear the hesitance in my own voice.

Callum sat up straight and eyed me warily. "b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l. That's quick going, but great, obviously. Sorry, go on. I'm guessing from your tone of voice that you're worried about telling me."

I laughed. He was right in a way. "I'll just come right out and say it. It's with McKendrick Law."

Callum's eyebrows rose and he glanced at Tori who had just come back from her fifth trip to the loo. He nodded. "Well, spank my a.r.s.e and call me Mandy, my little brother has grown a pair." A wide grin spread across his face. "I'm proud of you, Fin. You have the potential to actually be recognised for your talents there."

"Funny, McKendrick said the same thing."

Callum rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "From what I've heard outside of Dad's little bubble, Alasdair McKendrick is a decent bloke. Very family orientated. Good luck, brother." He held his hand out to me and I grasped it and shook hard as relief washed over me.

"I think it's wonderful too." Tori stood and began to waddle around to me.

"No, stay put, madam," I chastised playfully, and went around to hug her. It almost felt that in losing a relations.h.i.+p with my father, I had gained a better one with my brother. A phoenix from the ashes, if you like.

"That's not all." I stood between my brother and heavily pregnant sister-in-law. "I've kind of got a new hobby."

"Please don't tell me it's skydiving. I think I may go into labour right now." Tori laughed, rubbing her swollen belly.

"No. I kind of accepted the gig as lead singer in a rock band."

It was Callum's turn to almost choke on his drink. He stood quickly. "f.u.c.k! Seriously?"

"Yep. We start rehearsals next weekend. They saw me singing at DeBas.e.m.e.nt in the city and, well the rest is easy to suss, I guess."

"b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l, Fin. I'm so f.u.c.king impressed right now. This is b.l.o.o.d.y amazing. You're actually fulfilling a lifelong dream at last! What have you done with shy, mousy Fin? Where's my brother? What have you done with him?" He laughed.

I shrugged and grinned again. "What can I say? They think I'm awesome."

"Well, you always could sing. I just never thought you'd have the guts to actually do something about it. That's b.l.o.o.d.y brilliant, Fin." He grabbed me and hugged me hard.

I laughed as he slapped me on the back. "G.o.d, I feel like this is some weird tell all chat show. I have other news too."

"You won the lottery? 'Cause it sounds like you're having a winning streak, brother."

My cheeks heated as I realised I'd saved the best news 'til last. "Ha ha, it kind of feels like it, but not literally, no. I met someone."

"This it a guy or a girl?" I smiled at my brother's question. Clearly, he was expecting it to be a day of admissions. "Because you know we love you and it would make absolutely no difference to us."

"I know that, Cal. She is a beautiful American girl called Star. And she's...she's just amazing."

Callum clapped his hands together and laughed. "Don't tell me you've fallen in love for real, Finlay Hunter?"

"Well, it's a bit early to say, but there are definite feelings. And I may be falling, yes."

"b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l! I'm cracking open that bottle of Glen Carragher. This is all cause for one b.l.o.o.d.y mahoosive celebration. Good thing you've got a cab coming to take you home, brother." And off he went to the cellar where the good liquor was stored.

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