Beautiful Crazy Part 2

Beautiful Crazy -

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He couldn't remember the last time he'd had such a compulsion to be with a woman. Maybe never. Where her earlier bravado had been the gauntlet thrown down to challenge him, this new, more cautious woman was one he wanted to protect. Nurture. Pleasure. Either way, he wanted her out of her clingy f.u.c.king dress before he tore it off.

First, Mason needed to a.s.suage her fear and wipe away her uncertainty. He was a man of action. That's how he'd been so successful in business. Well, up until yesterday, when he'd been notified of his apparent incompetence at the job that had become his life. Before the buzzkill of his employment situation could take hold and overshadow his l.u.s.t, or before Kevan's anxiety became more tangible and derailed his intentions, he made a decision.

He caught her hand in his and pulled her close before turning her. Moving his hands to her curvaceous waist, he gently, but firmly, pressed her against the door.

More than anything, he wanted her to say yes, but he'd give her another chance to back out. Mason looked directly into her eyes for a confirmation or rejection. He would walk away if she really wanted him to, but it might kill him. Brutally. Could a man actually die from blue b.a.l.l.s? He really didn't want to find out.

Kevan nodded, but her hooded eyes and parted lips gave the real approval. Her face lit with an eager, almost greedy smile. Mason went in for the kill, meeting her mouth with his, instantly attacking her with his tongue. He hoped that later he'd have the chance to show her how painfully slow and gentle he could be. But not now. Now he needed this woman. Needed to show her how much he wanted her. Needed to be in her. f.u.c.k her until she screamed his name and clawed her cherry-red nails down his back. Marked him. She made him lose all control, this strange, radiant woman he'd just met. He prided himself as a thoughtful-although dominant-lover. It was all about the control. The control that was seeping through his fingers like melted ice from her searing heat as he gripped the soft material at Kevan's waist.

Mason didn't just kiss her. No slow work up once she parted her soft lips and opened to him. Her invitation was clear. Take me. So he took. Plundering her mouth, he nipped at her full lips. The soft intake of air spurred him on as he demonstrated with his tongue what he was going to do with the rest of her body. Take. Give. She showed no hesitancy. No slight withdrawal or push. Her hands grasped his shoulders as she pulled him to her. Her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s and luscious body pressed into his hard, firm one. Like she aspired to merge with him. When her hands wandered down his chest and started pulling at his belt, he realized if her sneaky fingers made it inside his pants, the night would be over before it even started. So much for his legendary control.

Reaching down, he grabbed her narrow wrist and placed it by her head against the door. Pulling back briefly, he looked into her dilated eyes. Her breath hitched when she realized she was pinned. Her chest heaved as her panting increased. Apparently, his new saucy friend liked his little show of dominance. He filed that juicy tidbit away for future use. No, not the future. Tonight. There was never a future with him.

Her eyes sparkled as she licked her swollen lips. Her jaw tensed and eyes widened when his fingers gripped her wrist tightly. Eyes locked, she took her free hand slowly, deliberately from his shoulder and placed it on his hardened c.o.c.k. The corners of her mouth twitched, and one brow rose. His face warmed. Mason attempted his most wolfish smile and grabbed her other wrist and placed both in his much-larger hand just above her head. Her eyes widened again, and he swore she quit breathing for a second.

"Oh my G.o.d, Mason." Her chest continued to heave, and her eyes were "Please. Let me touch you." Not ten minutes in the door, and she lowered her lashes and melted into him. Her nervousness evaporated and morphed into desire as she gave herself to him. Holy s.h.i.+t, this girl is amazing. Gorgeous. Energetic. And hot as f.u.c.k.

Her need ratcheted up his desire at the same time it gave him back a little of the control he craved. She pushed her hips toward him, and his erection collided with her belly. Well, so much for his control.

Her want, her touch, fueled him. Mason had to stop acting like some college freshman with his first hot chick. Been there. Done that. He wanted nothing more than to show this amazing, writhing woman with the preoccupied eyes how f.u.c.king beautiful she was. To prove his conservative exterior was a front for a powerful and s.e.xual man. Then he'd worry about all the other s.h.i.+t floating around in his head. Like the idea that kept bugging him about tomorrow. And more.

"You are the s.e.xiest woman I have ever seen," he said. "We need to slow down."

She frowned, and he instantly regretted his tone. But the pink glow on her cheeks was adorable.

What the f.u.c.k? Adorable? When did he ever think anything was adorable?

His gut churned with anxiety. The kind that makes a person introspective and a little uncomfortable. What was it about Kevan Landry that twisted him up like a Twizzler? He cleared his throat, needing to stall a minute and regain some semblance of dignity. Get your s.h.i.+t together, Dillon.

Probably best to go with honesty here. "I want to f.u.c.k you, Kevan, probably more than I've wanted anything in a long time. But if we don't slow down, I'm gonna lose it like a teenage boy. Understand?" He tucked his finger under her chin and gently tilted her face up. She nodded, and her cheeks turned an even darker shade of red. Yeah. f.u.c.king adorable. He smiled. She grinned back, and he crushed his mouth to hers once again.

"Now take me to your bedroom," he said.

She pulled her hands free and ducked under his arm. Flas.h.i.+ng a shy smile over her shoulder, she pushed past, knocking him off balance as her warm, lush body left an absence he didn't care to a.n.a.lyze. Then she winked and ran, legs and arms swinging, her playful squeal ringing out across the room just as the little jacket from her dress getup flew past him and landed on a lamp. d.a.m.n. Such a wicked girl.

Mason was all for a game of hide-and-seek. What red-blooded man didn't enjoy a little s.e.xy chase? But truth be told, they'd had enough foreplay at the club. He was more than ready to get her underneath him. And then maybe on top of him, where he could grasp her hips and watch her t.i.ts bounce as he thrust into her. Maybe mark her as his. Ohhh. Enough of this torture. It was time to find his girl and make sure she never forgot him. Instantly, he dismissed the slip "his girl." Sort of.

He let his eyes adjust to the dark and looked around the room before following her down the hall to the right. Thankfully, the apartment was small, and it wouldn't take long to track down his prey. The streetlights outside shone brightly, casting elongated shadows against the walls. The thud of his heavy steps echoed down the narrow walkway.

"Kevan? Where are you, naughty girl? Know what bad men like me do to pretty girls who misbehave?" He hoped he didn't push her too far...before he had a chance to really what? f.u.c.k her? Get to know her?

From somewhere down the hall came a gasp and a giggle. He smiled to himself. She was on board. Somehow, he knew she would be.

"Do you want to know what I'm going to do to you, Kevan?" No answer. He stomped through the bathroom doorway and yanked the shower curtain back. Loudly. "If you're not naked by the time I get to you, I'm going to rip that s.e.xy little fifties number off your delicious body." He opened and shut the cupboard doors, noting how chaotic and out of order Kevan's toiletries were. All types of colorful and glittery tubes and bottles, in addition to piles of clothes, were strewn across the darkened counter.

Mason stalked down the hall, careful not to walk on her discarded dress in a pile on the floor, and stepped slowly to the closed door of what had to be her bedroom. He was out of rooms to explore in her tiny apartment. His ear against the door revealed quiet rustling and heavy breathing. He knocked twice, smiling and chuckling at Kevan's m.u.f.fled screech and then a slight thud. Another quiet giggle.

"If you're not going to answer me, I'm going to tell you, my little Bettie Page." The k.n.o.b, cool to the touch, turned easily. He pushed the door open, and a cloud of flowery scents flooded his nose. A woman lived in this room. This was definitely her bedroom. No doubt.

"Since you've already driven me past the breaking point, I'm only gonna make you come once before I take you." He felt the aging carpet give underfoot as he stepped into the room. No sound except for her labored breathing.

"First, I'll spread you out on the bed and run my hands over your body. Then I plan to squeeze those beautiful t.i.ts and pinch your nipples to see how hard or how soft you like it." He ran his fingers along the textured wall and moved toward the soft moaning sound emanating from the corner of the room.

"When you're squirming under my hands, I'm going to pull your tight little peach a.s.s to the edge of the bed and push your legs apart. I cannot wait to lick my way down and finally find out how you taste."

Kevan popped up in the corner and leaned over to turn a lamp on, flooding the room with a soft light that made her pale skin glow. She was f.u.c.king beautiful. Beautiful. Like a wicked pinup angel or a colorful rainbow breaking through the clouds after a nasty storm. A nervous smile flitted across her face. She breathed deeply, and her chest rose and fell.

"I'm not naked. Are you going to punish me?" She angled her chin down and batted her eyes. Her darkening cheeks gave hint to her battling nerves.

A brave girl. No smile, just a mischievous gleam in her eyes. He stood still for a moment, admiring the way her dark hair fell over her shoulder and contrasted against her pale skin. No, she wasn't naked, but she was standing there in the s.e.xiest lingerie he'd ever seen. She wore lavender silk and gray lace with the garters he'd felt under her dress at the club. Good G.o.d, did women even wear those anymore?

And the shoes. She had left those impossibly high, s.h.i.+ny purple shoes on. Mason was a pretty self-aware guy who recognized his virtual plethora of kinks. But not until he'd seen those shoes on her did it even occur to him to add shoes to the list. Or maybe it's the woman in the shoes, Mason. Again, he pushed his errant thoughts to the side. Instead, he took one long stride toward Kevan.

Her faltering smile was his cue. No more games. He spread his arms wide. "f.u.c.king perfect. Come here." And it was the truth. He'd a.s.sumed she was different-unique-when he'd watched her work her way through the club, but he suspected he'd never met a woman like her before.

She tipped her head down but couldn't hide the relief in the upward curve of her full mouth. He wanted to devour her. Wanted to wors.h.i.+p her. Wanted every single bit of her. And she was going to give it to him.

She took two shaky but resolute steps toward him. Arms still down, she slowly raised her gaze to his. Then he cupped her face in his hand. So gently, though he wanted to yank her to him hard. She deserved better. She deserved more. Without words, he implored her with his gaze, asked if she was ready. Ready for him. She nodded almost imperceptibly.

Thank the f.u.c.king universe.

Mason caressed the smooth skin of her cheek with his thumb, then slowly and deliberately dragged his index finger down her face, feeling the downy texture under the soft curve of her jawline and down the slender slope of her neck. Her skin was satin under his weathered fingertip. She s.h.i.+vered. Her chill lit a fire in him that he'd kept in check until the moment he felt her shake beneath him.

He gently stroked her collarbone and traced the colored hearts tattooed there with his blunt fingers, as he'd done in the bar, and then dragged his fingers to her chest and over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The fullness of the bottom of her t.i.ts fit effortlessly in the palm of his hand. So heavy and full.

She gasped, a soft exhale of a sigh from her open mouth as his thumb abraded her swollen nipple through her silk bra. "Do you like that? Gentle or rough?"

Her head fell back, but still she kept his gaze. No answer.

Mason tugged slightly harder with his thumb and forefinger. Giving enough of a pinch of erotic pleasure and pain to bring her back into the moment. Back to him. She smiled around a quick intake of air. G.o.d, she was s.e.xy.

"Answer me, beautiful girl. Gentle or rough?" His voice sounded alien to him. Low and gruffer than his normal tone. If he wasn't careful, soon he'd give up all pretense of seduction and rut her like a wild animal.

"Rough." Her voice was barely a whisper. Her dark lashes brushed her cheek as she arched into his hand. "Please."

The growl rose deeply from his belly, surprising him when it burst from his mouth. It wasn't that she wanted his hands on her roughly. Oh no, it was the soft but resolute "please" following her answer. This beautiful dark angel with the blue streaks and pinup body liked it how he did. Rough. Pa.s.sionate. Hopefully dirty.

Using more force than he intended, Mason reached around to unsnap her lacy bra and tossed it to the floor. Before he went into complete caveman mode and threw her on the bed, he pulled back to take in her naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressed together by her arms and presented to him in the glowing light of the dull lamp.

"Jesus Christ, Kevan, you're a G.o.ddess," he said.

Her cheeks already pink and warm from desire turned almost red. Her contradictions were refres.h.i.+ng. One minute, the s.e.xy, voluptuous woman was a siren, and the next she was shy and innocent. A woman as stunning as Kevan must have had plenty of lovers. What man wouldn't wors.h.i.+p her body? For some reason, thinking of her with another man burned like acid in his gut. He didn't usually care about a woman's history. But for a moment he imagined what it would be like to claim the effervescent woman in front of him as his own.

Mason pinched her rosy nipple. Hard. He leaned forward to soothe the sting with his tongue, quieting her sharp cry. The woman tasted like vanilla and sugar. So f.u.c.king sweet.

"G.o.d, yes," she keened. "Feels so good." Her hand spread on his chest as she looped the other around his neck. He didn't want to leave her gorgeous b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but he needed to get her into bed. Now. He swept her chest and neck with kisses to find her mouth waiting. Ready for his.

Mason attacked her mouth with his tongue and reached under her knees to lift her into his arms. She squealed. Protesting. "No. Don't. I'm too heavy."

At her withering, guilty expression, he asked, "What idiot told you that? You're perfect. f.u.c.king. Perfect." He gently laid her on the bed covered in piles of pillows and a soft floral comforter.

Lifting her leg with one hand wrapped around her delicate ankle, he ran his hands up and down the silky stocking, savoring the softness of her body beneath the thin barrier, before guiding her shoe off and tossing it to the side of the bed. "I'd love to take you in these heels, but I want you to be comfortable, so let's take them off." He caught himself before he said "this time" as he gently removed the other shoe, adding it to the one on the floor.

In his world, there was rarely a second time. Women were lovely, and he enjoyed their company, but when you added s.e.x to the equation, it became too complicated. Too messy. But it would be nice to have more than one time with Kevan. This woman pushed almost every hot b.u.t.ton he had. He wanted more, but he'd have to be satisfied with their time together tonight. He didn't have time or room in his life for a commitment. He had work, and that would have to be enough for him.

"And we wouldn't want my sharp heels to poke you in that fine a.s.s when I wrap my legs around your hips, now would we?" She'd found her voice. Albeit, it was lower and suppler than earlier. The pinup was back in play.

Good girl.

"But you have the advantage, Mr. Dillon. I'm almost naked, and you still have your suit on. So unless you plan on tying me up with your overpriced tie from Needless Markup, I suggest you take it off and commence with the ravis.h.i.+ng."

Hmm. Another rough-and-tumble s.e.x reference?

Her playfulness threw him off balance a little, but it made him laugh. His encounters with women were usually much more serious, with him in control and his partner not. But not this one. She liked to give as much as she took. Too bad he hadn't taken the chance to get to know her better before taking her to bed. Within a few brief moments, he could already tell she was funny and sweet, and saucy and s.e.xy.

"Ah, there she is." He smiled, catching the slight sparkle in her eyes. "I have to admit, there's something very s.e.xy and very dirty having you laid out naked and me dressed. I find it awfully appealing." He undid the knot of his tie slowly, taking time to pull it from his collar, then laid it at the head of the bed.

"And I have to admit to having a bit of a suit-p.o.r.n addiction."

She laughed and drew her toe down the front of his s.h.i.+rt before settling her foot back on the bed.

Carefully, he removed his coat and hung it across the old-fas.h.i.+oned velvet chaise adjacent to her bed. When he reached down to pull his dress s.h.i.+rt out of his pants and unb.u.t.ton the top b.u.t.ton, she hopped onto her knees and crawled to the foot of the bed in front of him.

She knelt before him and her cherry-tipped fingers brushed his hands away. She unhurriedly undid his top b.u.t.ton. And then languidly worked the next. By the time she reached the third b.u.t.ton, he'd lost all patience with her slow tease.

"f.u.c.k it," he growled and ripped the s.h.i.+rt open, a b.u.t.ton clicking against the side table.

Her shriek, accompanied by a grin, was filled with half surprise and half joy. He kicked out of his shoes and pulled his socks off. Then he yanked down his slacks and boxer briefs, his eager c.o.c.k bouncing against his lower belly, painfully ready for action. Kevan's eyes scrutinized him.

He bent forward to join her on the bed, but she held up her hand. Was she having a change of heart? Now?

"You are an insanely good-looking man." She covered her smile with her other hand. "It hardly seems fair to the women of the world that you hide such a gorgeous body under those overpriced, boring suits."

Her genuine reaction warmed him. Working out and running were his outlets, almost like meditation. He often found his most creative solutions during a run. Other women, even other men, had complimented his physique, but he couldn't care less. It had never really made a difference to him. Kevan's open appreciation and honest compliment gave him a feeling he couldn't quite identify. Pride? Grat.i.tude?

File it away. For later.

He shoved the new emotion aside but smiled as he pushed her compliant body gently against the bed. Mason pulled himself up and over her, his elbows on either side of her head, and gazed directly into her blue-gray eyes. Brus.h.i.+ng a kiss on each eyelid, he continued planting small kisses down her throat, into the soft hollow behind her ear, and on the curve of her neck. She s.h.i.+vered. Her already-hard nipples puckered into perfect tight buds.

"Looks like I discovered one of your hot spots, sweet girl." He continued kissing down her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He caressed and licked each swollen nipple and then moved down across her belly.

She pushed her hands down to cover herself.

"There's no reason to hide from me."

Sighing dramatically, she moved her hands into his hair. When she tugged sharply and he nipped her belly, her moan of pleasure rolled up in him and added itself to the earlier, unidentified feeling. What was this little vixen doing to him? She had his brain all twisted up in knots. Not to mention what she was doing to his c.o.c.k.

When he pulled on her panties, she lifted her hips and he caught the scent of her arousal-spicy woman with hints of vanilla and sugar. His already-racing pulse quickened, the blood throbbing in his ears. Enough f.u.c.king around. He needed to have this woman. Now.

His prize was within his grasp. "Do you know how badly I've wanted to lick your sweet c.u.n.t?" When she smirked at his dirty words, he continued, "How badly I've wanted to see if you're curly or if you're smooth?" No answer other than a sharp intake of breath as he placed his hands against her upper thighs and pushed to spread her legs open, reveling in the feel of her delicate, silky stockings under his calloused fingers.

"Jesus Christ, woman. You have the prettiest bare p.u.s.s.y I have ever seen." He cupped her, the warmth from her body soaking into his hand as she pushed into him with a slight thrust of her hips.

She chuckled, a low, sultry sound-not at all like the twitters of other women he'd been with-that grabbed him deep down in his chest. "I'm not sure that's a compliment in most circles, Mason."

"Trust me. It's a f.u.c.king compliment."

She arched up as he drew his index finger down her smooth crevice and through her honey and spread it back up again. She gasped when he pushed in the first time and continued to pant as he pumped it in and slowly drew it out several times. He added another finger when she pushed into his hand harder, and her eyelids fluttered closed. He plunged in and out, deliberately keeping the pace unhurried and loving the sounds of her wetness and pleasure.

She was beautiful and unapologetic in her s.e.xuality. The way she gave herself over to him completely made him feel powerful and protective. When he moved his hand out and slid his thumb over her slippery, hard c.l.i.t, she cried out and dug her heels into the bed, lifting her a.s.s off the mattress.

"There it is. I'm going to taste you now, because I don't think I can wait any longer." Dragging his tongue up and around her plump, pink folds, then down the center of her core as he rubbed his thumb over her hard nub, he was rewarded with the sweet and tangy, uniquely Kevan taste. d.a.m.n.

When her hips began to thrust into his mouth and her breaths became shallow pants, he placed a hand on her hip bone to steady her and plunged his fingers from his other hand deep inside her channel and sucked her c.l.i.t. "Give it to me, darlin'. Come for me." Her legs shook and her hands grasped his hair. Sharp tingles of pain ran from his head straight to his d.i.c.k.

"Yes." Her breath escaped on a hurried rasp. "Oh G.o.d, yes."

Kevan came with a rush of heat and a keening cry as her honey flooded his tongue. Her eyes slammed shut, and her mouth formed an O. The gravelly cry that tore from her throat was his invitation to grab the condom he'd pulled from his wallet and suit up. He quickly rolled the protection over his painfully hard c.o.c.k and moved up and over her again.

Her chest still heaved from her o.r.g.a.s.m as she panted soft puffs of air through her parted lips. She smiled, and he rubbed her cheek gently.

"That was seriously...yeah. I just don't know. Amazing. Thank you," she said.

"We're not done. Spread wider for me." He brushed his fingertips over her soaked p.u.s.s.y to make sure she was ready for him.

She looked down between their bodies, the peaks and valleys perfect complements to the other. "I'm a little afraid."

He tugged her chin back up to make eye contact. "Of what? I'm not going to hurt you. Just the opposite."

"Don't get a big head... You know what I mean." She giggled nervously. "But you're kind of big."

He pecked her nose with his lips, relief flooding his body. "We'll take it slow."

Pus.h.i.+ng the head of his c.o.c.k into her slick opening, he parted her swollen folds, and her p.u.s.s.y clenched around him. She was so tight, so warm, so f.u.c.king wet. Mason's biceps began to tremble as the delicious torture of her heat surrounded him. It took all his control not to shove himself into her willing body. Kevan's neck arched, and he bent down to bite the tendon there. She wrapped her long legs around his hips and dragged him into her.

"I need you in me now. I need to feel you." As she pulled him in fully, he throbbed with the compulsion to move, to thrust deeper into her soft body. Instead, he cupped her face in his hands and let her adjust to his size, allowing her to set the pace. In truth, he needed a second to catch his breath. Her tight sheath clutched his length like they were made for each other. At that moment, he felt like maybe they were. She moaned. "Please, Mason. Please f.u.c.k me now."

So he did. He dragged his d.i.c.k out from its new home and plunged it into her perfect, wet c.u.n.t over and over with jarring strength, racing for the finish, but desperately trying to hold on to the feelings surging through his body. He covered her as she clung to his shoulders and his waist, their eyes never losing focus of the other. He reached under and clenched her round a.s.s in his hands, pulling her up and into his body. Over and over. In the back of his mind, he knew he should be gentler; she deserved to be made love to and not ravaged, but his control had thinned, an unraveling rope barely holding him together. Only this moment with her mattered and his driving need to brand himself on her. In her.

He mumbled dirty and sweet words, mingled together in a song of s.e.x and sounds and all-consuming fire. Their connection complete, she cried out again as she arched her back and her body stiffened under his. Nails clawed into his shoulders, sending sharp whips of good pain straight to where they were joined. Her body pulsed around his, launching him into a torrential wave of pleasure so strong it bordered on agony. He shouted her name on an o.r.g.a.s.m so ferocious it stole the air from his lungs-from the room-and white lights danced across the insides of his eyelids.

Instead of looking for his clothes and planning his exit like he usually did, he kissed her nose and rolled off the bed to dispose of the condom. He smiled to himself at her quiet whimper. She felt it too. This thing that had just happened between them. When he returned, he lay down next to her on his back, tucking her against his side, the pounding of her heart thumping against his ribs.

Kevan peered up at him through her long dark lashes, her eyes alight with something akin to joy...satisfaction. For a long time they stared at each other. Then she sighed, exasperation permeating the sound. She grinned, her swollen lips without lipstick but s.h.i.+ny from his kisses and bites. d.a.m.n s.e.xiest woman he had ever seen. That was the f.u.c.king truth.

"What the h.e.l.l was that?" she groaned. And they both laughed. Happy. Exhausted. Nervous.

Mason's eyelids felt heavy and his body relaxed. More relaxed than after his most brutal workout. This woman had some kind of special narcotic s.e.x mojo. He might even be able to sleep for a few minutes before he snuck off into the night. The thought of leaving this soft, sweet woman tonight made him feel dark and a little alone. Whoa. Again, with the weird thoughts.

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