Poison Study Part 22

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I hesitated outside the door, uncertain if I should heed this unusual request. If it had come from Valek or the Commander I wouldn't have doubted, but being expected to follow Mogkan's orders rankled. My worries grew as I imagined Brazell attempting an I was about to search for Valek, when he burst into the throne room, his expression hard as he hurried toward the Commander's office.

"What are you doing out here?" Valek demanded. "Haven't you tasted his breakfast yet?"

"I was ordered to wait. He's with Brazell and Mogkan."

Sudden fear crossed Valek's face. He pushed past me into the office. I followed. Mogkan was standing behind the Commander with his fingertips pressing into the Commander's temples. When Valek appeared, Mogkan stepped away. He said smoothly, "You can definitely feel, Sir, that this is an excellent way to ease a headache."

Animation returned to the Commander's face. "Thank you, Mogkan," he said. Glaring at Valek's intrusion, he demanded, "What's so important?"

"Disturbing news, Sir." Valek stared daggers at Brazell and Mogkan. "I would like to discuss it in private."

The Commander rescheduled their meeting for later that day, then dismissed them.

"Yelena, taste the Commander's breakfast now."

"Yes, Sir."

Valek watched me taste the food. An intense expression lined his face, making me nervous. Did he think the food was tainted? I rechecked the cooling tea and lukewarm omelet, but detected no foreign substances. I placed the tray on the Commander's desk.

"Yelena, if I have to eat cold food again, I'll have you whipped. Understand?" The Commander's voice lacked pa.s.sion, but the threat was genuine.

"Yes, Sir," I replied, knowing an excuse was useless.

"You're dismissed."

I fled from the office, barely noticing the bustling activity in the throne room. Walking past the entrance, I paused. "Hungry," said a flat voice in my head. My stomach growled; I was ravenous. I headed toward the kitchen.

When I rounded a corner, Adviser Mogkan stood there, blocking my path. He linked his arm through mine and guided me to an isolated section of the castle. Going with him seemed natural. I wanted to pull away. I wanted to be afraid, terrified even, but I couldn't produce the emotions. My hunger had dissipated. I felt content.

Mogkan steered me down a deserted corridor. A dead end, I thought, still unable to conjure a reaction. His silky gray eyes stared at me for a moment before he unhooked his arm from mine. His fingers traced the line of black diamonds down my uniform sleeve.

"My Yelena," he said possessively.

Fear blazed up my arm and exploded in my chest the second physical contact with Mogkan was broken. My emotional ennui had dissolved, but I couldn't move. The muscles in my body wouldn't obey my mind's frantic commands to fight.

A magician! Mogkan had power. He had used it during the brandy meeting, tipping Valek off. But further contemplation on this revelation was cut short when Mogkan stepped closer.

"Had I guessed you would cause such trouble I never would have brought you to Brazell's orphanage." He smiled at my confusion. "Didn't Reyad tell you that I found you?"

"No." My voice was husky.

"You were lost in the jungle, only six years old. Such a beautiful, bright child. Such a delight. I rescued you from the claws of a tree leopard because I knew you had potential. But you were too stubborn, too independent. The harder we tried, the more you resisted." Mogkan cupped his hand under my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. "Even now, when I'm locked into you, you're still fighting me. I can command your body." He raised his left arm, and my own left arm mirrored his movement. "But if I tried to control both your mind and body, you would eventually thwart me." He shook his head in disbelief, as if the whole concept amazed him.

"Fortunately, subtle pressure is all that's required." He pulled his hand away, and then made a pinching gesture with his fingers and thumb.

My throat closed. I was unable to breathe. Powerless to defend myself, I sank to the ground. My mind's screaming went unvoiced. Logic grabbed the panic and wrestled it to the ground. Mogkan was using magic. Maybe I could block it before I pa.s.sed out. I tried reciting poisons in my mind.

"Such strength," Mogkan said in admiration. "But it won't save you this time." He bent down and kissed me tenderly, almost fatherly, on the forehead.

Peace flowed through me. I stopped resisting. My vision blurred. I felt Mogkan take my hand, holding it in his own.


RECLINING AGAINST THE WALL, I clung to Mogkan's hand as the world faded around me. I felt an unwelcome jolt, then the tight blockage in my throat released. Gasping for breath, I came to my senses and realized I was lying on the floor. Next to me sat Valek atop Mogkan's chest. Valek's hands were wrapped around Mogkan's neck, but his eyes were on me.

Mogkan smiled when Valek stood and yanked him to his feet. "I hope you're aware of the penalty for being a magician in Ixia," Valek said. "If not, I'd be delighted to enlighten you."

Mogkan smoothed out his uniform and adjusted his long dark braid of hair. "Some would say your ability to resist magic makes you a magician, Valek."

"The Commander thinks otherwise. You're under arrest."

"Then you're in for a big surprise. I suggest you discuss these false accusations with the Commander before you do anything drastic," Mogkan said.

"How about I kill you right now?" Valek stepped closer to him.

A hot, searing pain stabbed my abdomen. I yelped and rolled into a tight ball. The agony was relentless. Valek took another step. I screamed as fire blazed up my back and circled my head.

"Any closer, and she'll be a corpse," Mogkan said, a cunning sleekness in his voice.

Through eyes tearing with anguish, I saw Valek s.h.i.+ft his weight to the b.a.l.l.s of his feet, but he remained in place.

"Well, now. That's interesting. The old Valek really wouldn't have cared if I killed his food taster. Yelena, my child, I just realized how incredibly useful you are."

The intense pain was unbearable. I would have gladly died to escape from it. Before I pa.s.sed out, my last glimpse was of Mogkan's back as he walked away unharmed.

I woke to blackness. Something heavy pressed against my forehead. Alarmed, I tried to sit up.

"It's all right," Valek said, pus.h.i.+ng me down.

I touched my head and pulled off a damp cloth. Blinking in the light, I looked around at the familiar furniture of my own room. Valek stood next to me, a cup in his hand.

"Drink this."

I took a sip and cringed at the medicinal flavor. Valek insisted I finish it. When the cup was empty, he placed it on the night table.

"Rest," he ordered, then turned to leave.

"Valek," I said, stopping him. "Why didn't you kill Mogkan?"

He considered for a moment, tilting his head. "A tactical maneuver. Mogkan would have killed you before I could finish him. You're the key to too many puzzles. I need you." He strode to the door but paused at the threshold. His grip on the doork.n.o.b was hard enough to whiten his knuckles. "I've reported Mogkan to the Commander, but he was..." Valek's hand twisted on the k.n.o.b, and I heard the metal crack. "Unconcerned, so I'll be guarding the Commander until Brazell and Mogkan leave. I've rea.s.signed Ari and Janco as your personal bodyguards. Don't leave this suite without them. And stop eating Criollo. I'll taste the Commander's Criollo. I want to see if anything happens to you." Valek pulled the door shut, leaving me alone with my swirling thoughts.

True to his word and much to the Commander's annoyance, Valek didn't leave the Commander's side. Ari and Janco enjoyed a change in routine, but I made them work hard. Whenever I wasn't tasting the Commander's meals, I had Ari drill me with knife defense and Janco give me more lessons on picking locks.

The Generals' departure was scheduled for the next day, which meant it was time to do some of my own reconnaissance. It was early evening and I knew Valek would still be with the Commander until late. I told Ari and Janco that I was going to bed early, and bade them good-night at the threshold to Valek's suite. After waiting an hour, I slipped back into the hallway.

The corridors of the castle were not as deserted as I had hoped, but Valek's office was located off the main throughway. I approached his door, scanning the hallway for activity. Seeing no one, I inserted my picks into the first of the three keyholes, but my nerves made popping the lock impossible. I took a couple of deep breaths and tried again.

I had two locks sprung when I heard voices approaching. Standing, I pulled the picks out of the keyhole and knocked on the door just as two men came into view.

"He's with the Commander," said the guard on the left.

"Thanks," I replied and started to walk in the opposite direction with my heart beating like a hummingbird's wings. I glanced behind me until they were gone, then raced back to Valek's office. The third lock proved to be the most difficult. I was covered with sweat by the time I popped it. I hurried into the room, locking the door behind me.

My first task was to open the small wooden cabinet that held my antidote. Perhaps Valek had locked the recipe in there. I lit a dim lantern to peer inside. Gla.s.s bottles of various shapes and sizes gleamed in the light. Most of the bottles were marked Poison. A growing sense of urgency consumed me as I searched. All I uncovered was a large bottle containing the antidote. I poured only a few doses into the flask I had hidden in my pocket, knowing that Valek would notice if I took too much.

After relocking the cabinet, I began a systematic search of Valek's files, starting with the desk drawers. Even though his office was strewn with books and maps, his personal dossiers were well organized. I found files on Margg and the Commander and was tempted to read them, but I stayed focused on finding any folder bearing my name or a reference to b.u.t.terfly's Dust. Valek had written many interesting comments about my tasting abilities in my personnel file, but there was no mention of the poison or the antidote.

When I finished with the desk, I moved to the conference table. Books on poisons were interspersed with files and other espionage doc.u.ments. I sorted through the piles. My time was running out. I had to be back in Valek's suite before he escorted the Commander to his apartment.

I suppressed my disappointment as I finished with the table. There was still half of his office left to search.

I was halfway across the quiet room when I heard the distinct sound of a key being inserted into the lock. One click, then the key was withdrawn. I snuffed out the lantern as the second lock clicked open. Diving behind the conference table, I hoped the boxes piled underneath would hide me from view. Please, I prayed to the forces of fate, let it be Margg and not Valek. A third click made my heart squeeze.

The door opened and closed. A light tread of footsteps crossed the room. Someone sat at the desk. I didn't risk peeking, but I knew it was Valek. Had the Commander retired early? I reviewed my meager options: be discovered or wait Valek out. I eased into a more comfortable position.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door.

"Come," said Valek.

"Your, ah...package has arrived, sir," said a male voice.

"Bring him in." Valek sc.r.a.ped his chair on the stone floor.

I heard the rustle of chains and a shuffling step. "You're dismissed," Valek said. The door clicked shut. A familiar rancid smell of the dungeon reached my nose.

"Well, Tentil. Are you aware that you're next in line for the noose?" Valek asked.

My heart went out to the doomed prisoner. I knew exactly how he felt.

"Yes, sir," a voice whispered.

Pages crackled. "You're here because you killed your three-year-old son with a plow, claiming it was an accident. Is that correct?" Valek asked.

"Yes, sir. My wife had just died. I was unable to afford a nanny. I didn't know he had climbed under." The man's voice was pinched with pain.

"Tentil, there are no excuses in Ixia."

"Yes, sir. I know, sir. I want to die, sir. The guilt is too hard to bear."

"Then dying wouldn't be adequate punishment, would it?" Valek didn't wait for a response. "Living would be a harsher sentence. In fact, I know of a profitable farmstead in MDa4 that has tragically lost both the farmer and his wife, leaving behind three sons under the age of six. Tentil will hang tomorrow, or so everyone shall believe, but you will be escorted to MDa4 to take over the operation of a corn plantation and the job of raising those three boys. I suggest your first order of business should be to hire a nanny. Understand?"


"The Code of Behavior has been excellent at ridding Ixia of undesirables, but it is somewhat lacking in basic human compa.s.sion. Despite my arguments, the Commander fails to grasp this point, so I occasionally take matters into my own hands. Keep your mouth shut, and you will live. One of my a.s.sociates will check on you from time to time."

I huddled behind the boxes, frozen in disbelief. Hearing Valek use the word compa.s.sion was as incomprehensible to me as the thought of Margg apologizing for her rude behavior.

There was another knock on the door.

"Come," Valek said. "Perfect timing as always, Wing. Did you bring the doc.u.ments?"

I heard a rustle of papers. "Your new ident.i.ty," Valek said. "I believe our business is concluded. Wing will escort you to MDa4." Chains clanked to the floor. "You're dismissed."

"Yes, sir," Tentil said. His voice cracked. He was probably overwhelmed. I knew how I would feel if Valek offered me a free life.

After the men left, a painful quiet descended. I feared the sound of my breath would give me away. Valek's chair sc.r.a.ped. Two faint thumps were followed by a loud yawn.

"So, Yelena, did you find our conversation interesting?"

I held still, hoping he was guessing. But his next statement confirmed my dismay.

"I know you're behind the table."

I stood. There was no anger in his voice. He lounged in his chair with his feet resting on the desktop.

"How did you..." I began.

"You favor lavender-scented soap, and I wouldn't be alive today if I couldn't determine when someone had picked my locks. love to ambush, leaving dead bodies behind mysteriously locked doors. Fun stuff." Valek yawned again.

"You're not angry?"

"No, relieved actually. I wondered when you would search my office for the recipe to the antidote."

Sudden fury welled in my throat. "Relieved? That I might try to escape? That I rifled through your papers? You're that confident that I won't succeed?"

Valek c.o.c.ked his head to one side, considering. "I'm relieved that you're following the standard steps of escaping, and not inventing a unique plan. If I know what you're doing, then I can antic.i.p.ate your next move. If not, I might miss something. Learning how to pick locks naturally leads to this." Valek gestured around the room. "But, since the formula has not been written down and only I know it, I'm confident you won't find it."

I balled my hands into tight fists to keep them from wrapping around Mr. I-Know-Everything's superior neck. "Okay, so there's no chance for escape. How about this? You gave Tentil a new life, why not me?"

"How do you know I haven't already?" Valek put his feet on the floor and leaned forward. "Why do you think you were in the dungeon for almost a year? Was it only luck that you happened to be the next in line when Oscove died? Perhaps I was merely acting at our first meeting when I seemed so surprised that you were a woman."

It was too much to bear. "What do you want, Valek?" I demanded. "Do you want me to give up trying? Be content with this poisoned life?"

"Do you really want to know?" Valek's voice intensified. He stood and walked over to me.


"I want you...not as an unwilling servant, but as a loyal staff member. You're intelligent, quick-thinking and becoming a decent fighter. I want you to be as dedicated as I am at keeping the Commander safe. Yes, it's a dangerous job, but, on the other hand, one miscalculated somersault on the tightrope could break your neck. That's what I want. Will you be able to give it to me?" Valek's eyes seared deep into mine, searching for an answer. "Besides, where would you go? You belong here."

I was tempted to concede. But I knew that if I wasn't poisoned or murdered by Brazell, the wild magic in my blood would eventually explode, taking me with it. The only physical mark I would leave on this world would be a ripple in the power source. Without the antidote, I was lost anyway.

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