Skye O'Malley: A Love For All Time Part 30

Skye O'Malley: A Love For All Time -

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The master enslaved by his slave. This was hardly the picture that Conn O'Malley had of his wife's plight as he entered the house of Osman the astrologer in Algiers with his three brothers. A white-robed servant ushered them into the main salon of the house, and said in perfect French, "The master will be with you shortly, good sirs."

The O'Malley brothers gazed about the beautifully tiled room. In its center was a fountain in whose middle was a two-tiered basin from which water dripped into the main fountain. There were thick colorful wool rugs upon the floor, and the lamps were all of polished silver and ruby gla.s.s. There were several low overstuffed couches in red velvet and beautiful low bra.s.s tables set upon ebony bases. It was a lovely and very rich-looking room, and the brothers, escorted by Sir Robert Small, looked about goggle-eyed much to Robbie's amus.e.m.e.nt.

He was an old friend of long standing of Osman, and he knew this house almost as well as he knew his own for it had originally belonged to his first trading partner, the renegade Spaniard, Khalid el Bey, who had been Skye's second husband. Osman had bought the house from the widowed Skye when she had fled to England after her husband's death to escape the unwelcome attentions of the commander of the Kasbah fortress who had designs not only on her person, but her vast wealth as well.

"This was once your sister's house," he told the O'Malley brothers, and then fleshed out the tale.

They listened to him openmouthed for such incredible adventure was beyond belief to Brian, Shane and Shamus O'Malley who despite their privateering activities led very circ.u.mspect lives. Conn, however, knew the story, and noted that Robbie did not tell them that Khalid el Bey was the Great Wh.o.r.emaster of Algiers at the time he was married to their sister. Robert Small, knowing the small minds of his audience, simply told the brothers of the Spanish merchant who was their eldest niece's father. It was enough to keep them interested until, as Robbie had known, Osman the astrologer viewed them secretly through his spy hole, and then made his entrance.

He entered the room quietly, and at first Conn thought that this gentle-looking man of medium height with his hairless pate and his bland, moon-round face was naught but a servant. Certainly his garb of plain white robes with its dark silk embroidery about the neck and the sleeves was not the impressive garment of the powerful man that Robbie had said that Osman was. Then, however, Conn looked into the eyes of the man, and he instantly knew that this was Osman. The golden-brown eyes were not simply intelligent, they were knowing, and Conn realized somewhat eerily, at least a thousand years old. How he knew this he did not understand. He just did.

"Robert!" Osman embraced the little Englishman. "As always you look not a day older. In antic.i.p.ation of your visit I have found the most exquisite twin sisters. You have not lost your appet.i.te for sweetmeats, I trust."

"I'll never lose that appet.i.te, Osman, my friend," grinned Robert Small. "I may be going gray," and Robbie ruefully ran his hand through his fading ginger-colored locks, "but my c.o.c.k's as randy a fellow as ever! Let's get to business, and then I'll partake of your expansive hospitality, man!"

Osman smiled warmly back at the Englishman. He was deeply fond of him for he was an honest man in a world where honesty, it seemed, counted for very little. Then before Robbie could make the introduction he turned to Conn, and said quietly, "You will be Lord Bliss. You look very much like your sister. Your eyes are a mirror of your soul. Do not be afraid for your wife, my lord. She is a very strong woman."

"You saw her?"

"Several times before she left for Istanbul. The dey is a friend of mine, and my position allowed me. access to his harem where another man would certainly not be admitted."

"She is gone then?" Conn looked crestfallen.

"Several weeks ago, my lord. You could not possibly have reached her in time, and she is by now in Istanbul. She will be safe there."

"Safe? In bondage to some infidel? Fash, man! Ye don't know what it is ye say!" Brian O'Malley looked belligerently at Osman.

"I have neglected to introduce my brother to you, my lord Osman," said Conn with grave understatement, and the great astrologer's eyes twinkled. "This gentlemen with the quick tongue is Brian, the eldest, and next is Shane, and then Shamus."

Osman nodded politely to the three elder O'Malley brothers, and then he said quietly, "Are not all women in bondage to men? As for being an infidel," and he chuckled, "why is it that when we both wors.h.i.+p the same G.o.d we each think the other an infidel?"

Brian had the good grace to flush uncomfortably, but before he might excuse his quick speech Osman spoke again.

"This being your first visit to Algiers, brothers of my dear friend Skye, I have planned what I hope will be a delightful diversion for you." He clapped his hands, and instantly a servant appeared. "It you will follow Ali, my three new friends, he will lead you to the baths where you will be refreshed after your journey. Captain Small and Lord Bliss will join you later when we have discussed our business for there has been a minor complication of sorts with which we must deal."

Somewhat surprised, but nonetheless intrigued, Brian, Shane, and Shamus departed the room trailing in the wake of Ali, who bowed low and grinned broadly at them before turning to lead them out with a chuckle. When the door had closed behind them Robbie began to smile.

"They will be happy men when they come from your baths, Osman."

Osman returned the smile. "But happier when they see the luscious companions I have chosen for them during their stay. Each one, my old friend Robert, is a veritable houri. It will be a delightful experience for them after the tavern wenches they have no doubt tumbled enthusiastically along the Spanish Main."

"We are not staying in Algiers, my lord Osman," said Corm. "We but came to learn what we could from you regarding my wife, Aidan."

"That, Lord Bliss, is the minor complication I am talking about. You are staying in Algiers for the present, and there is nothing that even I can do to expedite matters. On the fourth day of August the Portuguese met the forces of the sultan at Alcazarquivir. They were very badly defeated, and their young king, Sebastian, was killed. As a consequence the slave markets have been flooded with captives, most of them Portuguese, but as contingents from virtually every country in Europe were represented in the Portuguese army, there were Spanish, English, French, Flemish, Dutch, Germans, and Italians captured also.

"The sultan is extremely annoyed that countries who claim to want relations with him would send their forces into battle against his forces. He is therefore clamping down on trade and all s.h.i.+ps of non-Muslim nations entering his ports, of which of course Algiers is one. The order came through just last week, and I could not inform you, and warn you not to come."

"Does that mean that our vessels are impounded?" asked Conn.

"No, no, nothing of that nature, my lord. It merely means that now that you have made port here the officials of the dey's government who control the harbor facilities will inspect your entire cargo minutely for contraband, and check amongst your crews for runaway slaves. I must warn you here that even though you do not carry contraband, nor have escaped slaves amongst your men, both will be found. That will mean that you will have to pay fines to the dey's government which is, of course, the sultan's government, and then you will have to buy back your men who are accused of being slaves. Do not fear for your men. I will see that no harm comes to them, and I will use my influence to see that you are not stung with regards to the price for them. The market is flooded right now with slaves, and so the prices are not high. It will mean, however, that you will be detained for a time before you are allowed to travel on to Istanbul. When the sultan has gotten his message over to the rulers of Christian Europe things will be normal once again. I am sorry."

"What of my wife, Osman? How will she bear this captivity? She will lose heart when I do not come."

"She does not know whether you will come or not, my lord," came the answer. "Although I promised her that I would send to my dear friend, your sister, the news of her predicament, I warned her that it might not be possible to gain her release. I know that you also have been warned of this eventuality."

"I want my wife back," Conn almost shouted, "and if I must storm the walls of your Sultan Murad's palace to regain her, then I will!"

"Inchallah," said Osman fatalistically.

"What the h.e.l.l does that mean?"

"It will be as Allah wills," said Osman with a small smile. "How like your sister you are, my lord."

"You call my sister by her name," said Conn. "I would be more comfortable if you would call me by mine. It is Conn."

Osman smiled a little smile. "Then Conn you shall be, brother of my dear friend Skye, and now I will talk to you as I so often spoke to her. Your wife has been sent to the most powerful ruler upon the face of the earth as a gift from one of his officials. Understand right now that it will not be possible to ransom her for the sultan is not some common pirate. He will not give her back to you because you ask, and if you did he would most likely order your head removed from your shoulders."

"Then how am I supposed to retrieve her if I can't storm the sultan's palace, ransom her, or even ask for her back?" demanded Conn irritably.

"There I cannot help you," said Osman, "for I do not know Istanbul, or the particular situation that you will face when you get there. It is even possible that you may not be able to gain your wife's freedom, Conn, but unless you try you will not know, and if you turn back now, the question of whether you would have been successful or not will haunt you all your days."

Not get Aidan back? Of course he would get Aidan back! Or would he? Even now the doubt began to a.s.sail him, and Conn felt something that if it was not fear, was very akin to it. They were young, he and Aidan. They had a long and wonderful lifetime ahead of them. He could not imagine spending that lifetime without her. He did not want to spend that lifetime without her! He knew better than to ask Osman for any more hope than the great astrologer had offered him. Had there been no hope at all, Osman would have told him that. The one thing Skye had emphasized to Conn was Osman's honesty.

With a deep sigh he asked, "How long do you think we will be detained in Algiers, my lord Osman?"

"It will be several weeks," said Osman honestly. "Here in the East things move more slowly than in your land."

"Government, no matter whose," remarked Sir Robert Small, "always hurries forward at a snail's pace, Osman, and ye know it."

Osman chuckled. "Yes," he said, "the great and those others in power seem to have a fascination with their own wonderfulness, and are mightily impressed with the wisdom of the words they speak. We rarely really hear ourselves, Robbie."

"What am I to do for several weeks?" Conn wondered out loud.

"Algiers is a good place to wait," said Robbie with a grin.

"Ahh, but since Khalid el Bey there have been no houses of pleasure as fantastic as his. Algiers is not what it once was, my friend. You will have to see that the crews of your s.h.i.+ps behave themselves for the Janissaries are more swaggeringly irritating than usual right now. Since Jamil's death there is no kapitan strong enough to keep them in check. He was a wicked man, but he had the knack of command."

For a moment both men were silent remembering their old enemy, but then Robbie demanded, "I want a visit to your baths, Osman, and then after ye've fed me one of yer fine meals that only yer wife, Alima, can oversee properly, I want those twins! I've a great appet.i.te for everything tonight!"

Osman chuckled again, and arising from his comfortable seat said, "Come, gentlemen, and I will even join you myself, the hour being late, and the day hot."

Conn demurred. "I'll just go back to the s.h.i.+p," he said, but neither Robbie nor Osman would let him.

"Come on, lad," Robbie encouraged. "Ye've not had a real bath until ye've had a bath in Osman's house. Why, bless me, I think it's the only reason I ever come to this benighted city at all anymore! Come along! Don't be shy! I'll wager yer brothers are already addicted to the pleasures of Osman's baths."

And they were, although it had taken Brian, Shane, and Shamus quite by surprise when they had been ushered into the household baths to find themselves greeted by several very nubile ladies who were as naked as the day that each had been born. There were some half-dozen of them ranging in color from very fair to ebony, and they came forward giggling to draw the three startled men into the room, two girls quickly attaching themselves to each man. Before the surprised brothers realized what was happening they found themselves divested of more than half of their clothing.

"Here now, la.s.s, stop that!" Brian O'Malley was a brave man, but he'd never had all his clothing off before a woman in his entire life. Not even his wife, Maggie! He slapped away the facile little hands that had just yanked his s.h.i.+rt over his head.

"Monsieur!" The brothers turned to look at a beautiful black woman who had just entered the room. "You must allow my girls to complete their task of disrobing you. How else can you be bathed? Our master, the lord Osman, would be very displeased." She moved to stand right before Brian O'Malley. "Surely you do not want us punished?"

Brian O'Malley looked down at the woman, and realized that she was one of the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen. Her skin was like polished mahogany, and she had the most elegant head he had ever seen on a woman. It was long, the hair tight curls cropped close to the scalp, the cheekbones high, the dark eyes oval, the nose amazingly cla.s.sical, the lips wide and sensuous. She was very tall for a woman, at least six feet, and as slender as a reed but for her wonderful full big b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Brian felt his l.u.s.t arising, and he wondered if he dared touch those magnificent t.i.ts.

The woman smiled at him knowingly for she had easily sensed just what was going through his head. Her eyes mocked his insecurity, and then she said, "Well, monsieur, will you allow the girls to finish or not?"

"Who are ye?" Brian croaked, his voice husky.

"I am Nigera, the lord Osman's bath mistress."

"Will ye bathe me?" Some of Brian's natural boldness was coming back now.

"I will oversee all, monsieur," she said, "and you may be certain that you will be well taken care of."

Brian nodded, bedazzled by the woman, while his two brothers watched openmouthed. They had, neither of them, ever seen their elder at a loss for either words or direction where a woman was concerned. Still, the black wench was a prime piece of goods, and they hadn't a doubt that Brian would eventually get her on her back.

When all three brothers had been totally divested of their garments, they were led, still somewhat embarra.s.sed by their own nudity, into the baths themselves where they were first rinsed with warm water, and then sc.r.a.ped free of surface dirt before being most thoroughly bathed with sweet-smelling soft soap which the girls took up by the handful from alabaster pots, and smeared over their bodies. They grinned selfconsciously at each other as the bath attendants impersonally cupped and rubbed at their genitalia which became aroused to their personal mortification, but the women bathing them seemed to either not notice, or not care. This might be something new to the O'Malley brothers, but to them it was simply a task that they performed for all their master's guests, male and female alike.

"G.o.d's good c.o.c.k," chortled Shane O'Malley, "this is a nicety I wouldn't mind at home. I don't think I've ever been bathed by a woman before."

"Ye don't ever bathe at all," teased Shamus O'Malley. "A wee bit more to the left, darlin'," he instructed the plump little blond who was scrubbing his back with a large sea sponge. "Ahh, yes, darlin', that's exactly it." He turned to Brian. "Do ye think," he asked switching from French to his native Irish tongue, "do ye think, Brian, that we get to f.u.c.k them later? All this sweet flesh, and our little time at sea has made me as hot as a live coal."

"I'd have to ask Robbie," said Brian thoughtfully. "We wouldn't want to do anything to offend our host for he is Skye's good friend, and he is helping Conn."

They were being rinsed when Osman, Robbie, and Conn, now free of their own clothing, entered the baths. Like his brothers, Conn had been somewhat taken aback by the news that he was to be bathed by a group of pretty women, but far more sophisticated than his elder siblings he had thought little about it other than it was a new experience. Nigera hurried forward to greet her master, and his guests.

"Nigera, ye toothsome wench!" said Robbie smacking her fondly upon her plump bottom.

Nigera smiled broadly at him. "Welcome, kapitan! I have heard that you were here. It is good to see you once again, and in such obvious good health."

"I see," said Osman to the bath mistress, "that my three other guests are well taken care of, Nigera. You had no difficulties, I trust?"

"None, my lord."

"You have done well," said Osman, "and I would reward you. Do you fancy any of the three?"

"The biggest one seems to l.u.s.t after me," she said. "It might prove amusing, my lord, if you would permit me."

"He is yours," came the reply.

Conn looked somewhat stunned by this exchange, and so Robbie explained to him as they were rinsed and sc.r.a.ped by two of the bath girls, the other O'Malley brothers now being ma.s.saged with a sandalwood scented cream by three of the girls.

"Nigera has been with Osman for years. She was practically a child when he first bought her, and her sister, Africana. Osman has never had but one wife to whom he is faithful, but he is very fond of Nigera and Africana, and he spoils them. Nigera is in charge of the baths, and her sister is the housekeeper. They are normal, pa.s.sionate women, and so when Osman has guests who appeal to either of them, he allows them the freedom to seduce his guests. Yer brother, Brian, has obviously taken Nigera's fancy. I've f.u.c.ked the wench myself several times, and she'll give him a night that he'll never forget, I promise ye!" Robbie chuckled. "Aye, she's a rare one! Brian won't soon forget his stay in Algiers."

Soaped, scrubbed, and rinsed the three latecomers soon joined the earlier visitors to the baths on the marble ma.s.sage benches. Conn found the supple hands of the bathgirl as she ma.s.saged him very relaxing, and he fell asleep. He was awakened from an hour's nap with a cool sherbet of fresh peaches. Embarra.s.sed he sat up with a start, but found that the others had also slept. Finished with their drinks, the men were dressed in loose-fitting white robes, and comfortable sandals. Then their host escorted them to the dining room where they sat down upon large pillows about a long, low table where a fine meal was served.

The food was placed along the length of the table for them to help themselves, and the beautiful blue-and-white Fezware plates were soon heaped high from the bounty before them. There was a whole baby lamb upon a bed of greens; a sea ba.s.s that had been braised over a charcoal fire, and was now served surrounded by lemons that had been carved into floral shapes; several chickens that had been roasted golden, and were stuffed with rice and apricots; and a steaming crock that held what looked to the O'Malley brothers like a stew made of meat, and vegetables and cereal which Osman informed them was called couscous. There were artichokes in a dish of red-wine vinegar; and saffroned rice with bits of green and red pepper in it; and pickled cuc.u.mbers; and both purple and green olives swimming in their briny oil. There was fresh flat bread, and a pat of sweet b.u.t.ter, and mountain water flavored with lemon and mint to drink.

When the meal had been totally consumed, the coffeemaker came, and squatted beside the edge of the table. Carefully he selected his beans one by one, and grinding them he brewed each cup of the Turkish coffee individually. Robbie and Osman showed the O'Malleys how to sweeten the bitter brew, and quickly drink it down. Upon the table the slaves had placed plates of gazelle-horn pastries, sugared almonds, pistachio nuts, and bowls of green grapes, fat little golden apricots, and sticky sweet dates.

They sat back amid the pillows now utterly sated, and totally unbelieving as Osman apologized for the scantness of his table tonight, but alas, he had not been certain when to expect them; and in this climate food could not be kept easily, and thus they needed more time for a feast which would certainly be prepared tomorrow. Then he clapped his hands, and the women who had earlier bathed them ran into the room and began to dance for them. They had not noticed the musicians enter the room, but there they were at its end madly playing upon their instruments. Slaves brought in water pipes, and again Osman and Robbie instructed the others in their use, and they sat comfortably watching the colorfully clad women whom Conn thought far more sensual in their sheer gauze garments than entirely naked.

The water pipe was enormously soothing, and then the lamps were dimmed, and Conn noticed that both Osman and Robbie were gone as were the musicians. The women were amid the cus.h.i.+ons with the men, and Conn saw that the beautiful black woman, Nigera, was in complete command of his elder brother, Brian. Shane and Shamus were each entertaining two girls apiece. Conn struggled to arise from the cus.h.i.+ons, but he was pushed gently back by two brown-skinned Berber girls who despite his vehement protests began to stimulate him.

Sinuously they entwined themselves about him, their little hands and their mouths playing with him. He didn't want them, he thought foggily, but his limbs felt like jelly right now, and he couldn't seem to make them understand. Slowly, with great care and skill, they aroused him until his great manhood stood up straight and hard upon his body. Then each took him in her turn, lowering herself upon his shaft to ride him. Yet he was not satisfied, and so each took him in her mouth again before riding him once more, and finally his l.u.s.t burst, and more relaxed than he had been in weeks, he allowed the two girls to help him again to unbelieving heights for as skilled a lover as he was, they taught him things that Conn had never even considered possible. While one girl knelt, presenting her sleek flanks to him, her companion grasped Conn's shaft, and presented it to a place he had heard men used, but he certainly never had.

"Nay, wench, not there," he protested. "I could hurt her."

Both women laughed, and then the one in possession of his c.o.c.k said, "No, you won't, my lord. This is the way of the men of our tribe in the desert. We are used to it, and we like it. I think you will, too, if you will but try."

"Please, my lord," begged the kneeling girl. "I need you to fill me full! Please!"

He was still drunk enough from the water pipe that they were able to persuade him, and so grasping the girl's hips in his hands Conn plunged forward. His first thrust met with resistance, but he persisted, and finally was able to lodge himself within the tightest pa.s.sage that had ever enclasped his throbbing manhood. Slowly he began to pump her as if he were in the proper place, and she moaned with unfeigned pleasure, and came to a quick climax. He was stunned.

"Now, me!" the other girl begged him, and she then presented his still-hard and unrelieved shaft with her plumper bottom. Why didn't he refuse them? he wondered, but he didn't, but with each stroke he gave the girl he thought of his beloved Aidan. Aidan who might be forced to give herself to the sultan even as these two girls so willingly gave themselves to him. Aidan! Aidan! And with a groan burst, and Conn fell into a stupor from which he did not awake until past noon the next day.

When he did awake, however, it with the full knowledge of what had pa.s.sed between himself, and the two girls the night before. He was filled with a loathing for himself, but Osman seeing his distress, and realizing its cause took him aside to speak to him.

"It is not the nature of a man to remain long celibate, my friend," he said. "You have been without a woman for many weeks now, Conn. What pa.s.sed between you and my slavegirls was healthy for you and quite natural."

"But I love my wife!" Conn protested.

"What has loving your wife got to do with the needs of your body? Your wife is not here to satisfy those needs, and they must be satisfied else you build up a store of bad humors within your body which could poison you. It is neither safe nor moral for a man to deny himself the comfort of a woman's body."

"But in my world," said Conn, "a man cleaves only to his wife."

"In your world," said Osman, "a man marries one woman, and plays with many others in secret. Here in Islam we make no secret about that which is normal."

"Yet you keep only to your wife, Osman."

The astrologer smiled. "My desire for women is not particularly great despite the large family I have fathered. The children were to keep Alima happy and busy so that she would not feel neglected because I spend most of my time at my work. Had I taken other wives or even concubines, I should not have had that luxury for they would have all been at me; but even I, my friend, have occasionally dipped my gourd in other wells when desire overtook me." He looked seriously at Conn. "Your wife will have known another man by the time you reach her. Will you condemn her for her conduct because you believe she should cleave only to you?"

Suddenly Conn realized that it was Osman who had seen to it that he had gotten drunk on the water pipe the previous evening. He had done it to make a point with Conn, and that point was that a body had needs that perhaps could not be overcome by the mind. As he had lain virtually helpless being seduced by the two Berber girls, so would Aidan be as sweetly seduced despite her love for him. In their own world Conn knew that his wife would have always been faithful to him just as he would have been faithful to her; but they were not in their own world now. This world was one in which a woman's value was judged by how many goats, or horses, or camels could be gotten for her, and it was, Conn suddenly realized, the same the world over. A woman was considered chattel by most men although he did not feel that way about Aidan. Still females were judged by what they brought men in the way of valuables. He looked directly at Osman, and was bathed by the golden light that came from the astrologer's warm gaze.

"I love my wife," he said quietly, "but I understand what it is you are trying to teach me, Osman, and I thank you."

"But have you learned my lesson, Conn?"

"My heart comprehends what it is that you say to me, Osman, but it is so difficult for my mind to accept it. The thought of my wife in the possession of another man is maddening. It somehow does not seem as bad for a man to take another woman as it is for a woman to accept another man." He sighed deeply. "Yet I want her back."

"Be absolutely certain, brother of my beloved friend. Your wife has suffered greatly in the matter, far more than you ever possibly could. I had not told you, I did not want to tell you until you were perhaps a little more settled in your own mind about this matter, but your wife lost the child even before she reached Algiers."

"Then there is nothing to bind us together but our love," Conn said softly, and then he thought of how once he had so bravely proclaimed theirs a love for all time. Was that love strong enough to withstand the loss of their baby, and the knowledge that she had known other men? Yes! Yes, it was! Whatever their difficulties they were stronger together than they were apart. If he had to come to terms with what had happened then so did Aidan, too, and hers would be the harder battle. She needed him, and he needed her. He needed her now more than he had ever needed her for she was the only woman who could make him happy, had ever made him happy. He wanted her back!

Osman smiled at him, and Conn knew that he had understood what was going through his mind. "It will become easier, Conn, I promise you that each day it will become easier," the astrologer said.

"My sister Skye says that you see things that other people do not, Osman," Conn began. "Will I really be able to rescue my wife, and will we be happy again?"

"Each person's fate depends in great part upon they themselves," began Osman. "We are always offered several paths to follow, and how we go is our choice. Those things we have control of, Conn. Our fate, we call it kismet, controls other things. Illness, the loss of a child, the chance for wealth. Those things we have no control over. Because there are others involved of whom I know little I can tell you nothing beyond the fact that you will see Aidan again. That much is in both your stars, and I will not lie to you about anything else for I have not built my reputation upon hocus-pocus as some have. Your sister has, I know, told you that I am an honest man above all."

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