Reversion - A Novel Part 7

Reversion - A Novel -

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aI was fourteen. I awoke one morning and discovered myself to be another person. From that moment my only goal was to come here, where you werenat yet born. I fantasized about how I could become your mother. It was so silly. When I matriculated at the university, you were already almost a year old. I flirted with your father, but when he proved to be incorruptible, I married his best friend.a aDad told me about the later affair. Did you still think you could capture him?a aNo, Timmy. I was just lonely. I missed my husband, and I wanted to feel a man again.a aDo you need a man, Clara? I donat have much to offer. Iam just a boy.a aYouall grow, darling,a she replied with her hand stroking my modest equipment. aBefore long youall take me as a man, as the Master.a aI donat want to be athe Master.aa aItas not up to you, sweetest. Let me lick on you.a I had never imagined being adored by another person, certainly not by a beautiful woman whose only seeming purpose was to give me ecstatic pleasure with her hands and lips. She dwelt with her mouth pressed to my right thigh, whimpering in s.e.xual excitement. Then I felt a warm moistness surround my hard c.o.c.k. She wanted to consume my seed, I knew, so I did not warn her when it was imminent except to place my hand gently upon her head. I spewed grandly, and she emitted a rapturous sound as if it were her o.r.g.a.s.m rather than mine. When I was thoroughly finished, she snuggled to me. We were about the same size, although she was fully mature. Physically, we seemed to be a perfect match.

aDonat,a she protested, when after a few minutes I began to explore her body with my mouth. aCome on top of me now.a We coupled, and with her knees raised high she pressed her thighs against my waist.

aOh, yes, oh, yes,a she murmured into my ear, holding me tightly to her body without moving.

Then she uttered a choking gasp and began to f.u.c.k me wildly. I matched her thrusts and eventually set the rhythm. I was astounded by her o.r.g.a.s.m, or perhaps several strung together. She screamed without inhibition for what I thought was a long time. I was conscious of Alice bursting through the door, but I ignored her and cried out in the most spectacular climax of my life.

aYou stay away from him, you old witch!a Alice yelled in outrage even before I had caught my breath. She fell upon the bed to pummel Clara who was scarcely conscious.

aShe didnat hurt me!a I screamed, then realized that the harm in question was not mine. I threw the girl aside violently and she thumped onto the floor.

aI died for you!a she screamed at me as I looked down on her from atop the mattress. She began to wail piteously.

Clara pressed on me from behind. aGo to her,a she urged insistently, pus.h.i.+ng with her hands and feet until I fell onto the floor next to Alice.

I took the distraught girl into my arms and quieted her with gentle kisses and love words. aClara is not your rival,a I said softly as I cuddled her. aYou have no rival. Sleep with her tonight and do girl things together. I know youall come to love her.a Alice did not protest my suggestion. I helped her stand and she climbed willingly onto the bed where she laid herself close to Clara. The woman ran her fingers lightly over the girlas immature body.

aIave never had a girl before,a Clara said shyly. aHave you?a Alice nodded affirmatively just as I turned off the lamp.

aTeach me.a I heard Claraas voice in the dark as I left the room.

The next morning we sat on the s.p.a.cious back porch with our coffee.

I had to ask, aIs my theory well known in the future?a Clara smiled at me and nodded. aFrom the middle of the twenty-first century it became generally known that one could travel into the past of an alternate universe, but only a few facilities existed to apply the process, because, as you know, everything about it was incredibly expensive.a aLet me guess,a Alice commented. aOnly the rich and well connected were able to revert.a aQuite right, Alice. And thatas the way it remained for almost a century. Organized religion was extremely hostile to what was popularly called aThe Kimball Leapa, except for the Hindus, who found it consistent with their notion of rebirth. Eventually the medical profession came to accept it as a legitimate procedure for terminally ill patients. Until then doctors scorned the practice, because it involved killing the patient, a violation of the Hippocratic oath. Your elegant theory, Timmy, was not enough to convince them that the ill person would actually revert to a healthy body.a aWhat caused them to change their minds?a I asked in fascination.

aIt was inevitable,a Clara continued. aA young man who had reverted from an alternate universe revealed himself. Of course your theory was already widely accepted, so he was not met with incredulity. He only had to demonstrate his knowledge of the future. Thatas why the medical profession accepted your procedure as a legitimate therapy. It became hugely popular, and the general population clamored for it to such an extent that governments had to include the procedure in their health care schemes, at least the governments of the wealthier countries. The practice was narrowly limited to terminally ill persons and to anyone over 85 years old. Some hard line conservatives wanted to use it to empty prisons of criminals serving life terms, but that proposal was soundly rejected as being grossly immoral.a aThatas a good point,a said Alice. aWhat about the morality of it? What about Timmy here tricking young girls and boys into his bed? What about what we intend to do: to get rich by exploiting our foreknowledge?a Clara grinned at the girl and then at me.

aIs that true, Tim? Have you been seducing your playmates?a I said nothing, but I wanted to kick Alice in the s.h.i.+n.

aWell,a Clara continued with a chuckle, adonat worry about it. Have fun. It was decided legally and by popular consensus that a person who reverted was only as old as his body, that his previous memories did not disqualify him from interactions with his contemporaries, even s.e.xual ones. Actually it was never a serious issue. Less than 100 cases of arriving reverters were recorded in over two centuries, perhaps because people wanted to avoid the notoriety or because such a mult.i.tude of universes exists. The number of them has been heatedly debated for hundreds of years. Some argue that there is an infinity of them.a aI favor that view,a I said. aPeople keep trying to find limits in s.p.a.ce-time and consciousness, but no intrinsic reason is evident.a aThe conservation of energy?a she suggested.

I grinned, aWhich may easily be only a local phenomenon.a She grinned back. Her hand snaked out and tousled my hair. Her eyes widened. aOh! Sorry!a aDonat apologize. You may touch me anytime and anywhere.a I had to chuckle. aTo you I must represent the perfect example of mixed emotions.a She took a deep breath, smiled and continued. aSince the Calamity anyone who reverts has a weighty moral obligation to warn about the Calamity and its cause. We need to save as many universes as possible from that unspeakable horror.a aThereas a logical flaw here, Clara,a I protested. aIf your universe were warned, you would not be here.a She shook her head. aBut we were warned! The records were there in the archive computers that survived on the moon. Itas just that no one took the warnings seriously. We must find a way to make the lesson more effective.a aBut aa I sputtered, recalling my glib response to Dadas concerns about a deterministic future. aIf it hasnat happened to us yet, we can change it. Is that your conclusion?a aYes, of course.a aDoesnat that smack of the creation of a universe with every different decision? Talk about violating Conservation of Energy!a Alice grinned. aLetas talk about s.e.x instead, Timmy.a aYes, indeed,a Clara agreed. aIave heard such arguments about reversion ad infinitum. But the twenty-fourth century is almost as prudish as the nineteenth. Alice and I had a most remarkably wonderful time together last night. The only thing lacking was you.a Alice leered at me and placed her hand high up on my bare thigh, touching the hem of my shorts.

aSo, you two ladies want to do it three way. Iave never experienced that,a I lied.

aI havenat either,a Clara replied breathlessly, obviously excited by the prospect.

aI have,a Alice said smugly, abut not with another girl.a aYou did two guys at the same time?a I exclaimed in astonishment.

aTimmy, you lived such a sheltered life. Even before the sixties I was a flower child who learned s.e.x early and well. I canat imagine how you ever got laid.a aI was raped,a I replied in a.s.sumed indignation. aI was twenty and she was twenty four.a aTell me about it,a Clara asked eagerly and leaned toward me. aI was also a late bloomer. As Clara I didnat do it until my wedding night with Clifford.a aWere you still pretty, Tim?a Alice asked.

aI suppose, but in a more grown up way, although I didnat have much body hair.a aTell me!a Clara insisted and took off her sheer nightie to expose a lovely body.

Alice was already naked.

I shrugged. aWhy not? It was at camp on a late summer day. I was a junior counselor and Esther was my supervisor. Shead been ogling me since camp began, always nearby pretending to instruct me. She never lacked an excuse to touch me. She had large bones. She was heavy but not fat. She weighed more than I, and her powerful legs made mine seem almost girlish.a aThey look girlish now, Timmy,a Clara panted and pulled on my shorts.

I raised my b.u.t.tocks and allowed the woman to take them off.

aAfter midnight on the third day she came into my cabin where I was in charge of eight young boys, eleven and twelve year olds who were all fast asleep after a strenuous morning and afternoon of swimming and running. She awakened me with a hand on my stomach. aCome outside,a she whispered. I was reluctant because I was wearing only underpants and my c.o.c.k was half hard. aCome,a she insisted and twisted my arm.

aI didnat want any of the boys to awaken, so I obeyed, gritting my teeth.

aaItas a lovely night for a swim, Timmy,a she said and dragged me toward the small lake nearby.a Clara grasped my hard c.o.c.k as she listened with rapt attention. Alice moved her chair close to us and placed her hands on each of our nearest thighs, leaning forward expectantly.

aHow did she rape you, Timmy?a Clara asked, pumping my c.o.c.k with her fingers. I was surprised at her obvious excitement. She giggled. aCan one rape a man?a aSome would claim you are doing so now,a I pointed out, hastily adding, abut donat stop!

aEsther insisted that I take off my underpants. I refused, frankly because I was frightened. She was a large, homely woman whom from our first meeting I had perceived as threatening. She pushed me to the sand, leaned down and ripped off my underpants. I was petrified, although my c.o.c.k hardened fully when she took off her clothes as she stood above me. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were enormous. Her thighs were like those of a wrestler. She had a thick, dark patch of pubic hair that completely covered her groin. She reached down and pulled me forcefully to my feet.

aaLetas go swimming,a she said, leering at me in the moonlight and dragging me into the water. When we were chest deep, almost to our shoulders, she jumped on me, wrapped her legs around my body and squirmed herself onto me with such deft skill that I imagined she might have done it a thousand times before.

aI had never antic.i.p.ated the absolutely marvelous feel of f.u.c.king. She insisted on kissing me as she wriggled on my c.o.c.k, which was completely hard, although I was too terrified to be aroused emotionally.

aShe used me for her pleasure. She became very excited and sucked a hickey on my neck as she f.u.c.ked me in that awkward position. She soon gasped and m.u.f.fled a cry against my lips. I suddenly came. My c.o.c.k had been too challenged, although I had no feeling for the woman. I grasped her ample b.u.t.tocks with my right hand and pushed a finger all the way into her a.s.s. aDo you want me there too?a she a"a aTimmy!a Alice yelled. aYouare making all this up. Youare playing games again.a aI want to believe it, Alice,a Clara gasped in arousal. aI really do. I want you to do me in the behind, Timmy. I never felt that before a" and youare still slender.a Clara spat into her hand, moistened me and got onto her hands and knees.

aWait,a Alice insisted. aIave done it before and I know youall need more lubrication than that.a The girl returned immediately from the bathroom with a glob of clear grease in her hand. As she slimed my member, I commented, aHow fortunate we are to have the benefit of your wide experience!a aYes, you are,a she agreed flatly. aIave done it often, as recently in fact as aa When her voice petered out, I suggested, aAnother of Tonioas talents?a She giggled. aIn fact he had a long, very slender c.o.c.k, much like a young eel. It was too long for cervical comfort but just right in the r.e.c.t.u.m.a aGood G.o.d! And to think he was always such a self-effacing little man!a aAround you!a the girl agreed.

aTonio Amorosanto?a asked Clara surprisingly as the girl slathered her a.n.u.s.

I had to chuckle. aYou know of him?a aAs your lab a.s.sistant. Your life became my hobby once I saw that scan of you. He reverted too, you know.a aDid he!a aWho cares?a asked Clara indifferently, a tone I was not displeased to hear. aNow do it,a she commanded, kneeling on the bed with her head close to our ready bodies.

I spread Claraas b.u.t.tocks and positioned myself at her pucker. I pushed forward and she moved back. The woman sighed as I penetrated but she displayed no distress. Alice, close upon us, reached with her two hands under Claraas body to diddle the womanas c.l.i.t. Clara was moderately quiet as I thrust into her, but she suddenly cried out aOh, G.o.d!a and collapsed onto the bed, leaving me unfinished.

Alice regarded me with great amus.e.m.e.nt. aYou look like a puppy who didnat get its dinner. Letas go take a shower and wash your s.h.i.+tty c.o.c.k, then I want us to get in the tub and show me how to do Estheras water trick.a It went on like that for the rest of the day, one thing after another. Dusk fell with me lying utterly wasted on the bed as Clara ate out Aliceas hairless pudenda for at least the third time.

I thought about it. In my first go-around as an adolescent I had enjoyed no s.e.xual opportunity whatsoever a" at least if I did I didnat notice it a" whereas now it seemed likely that I would never have to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e again for the rest of my life! Without sublimation of my s.e.x drive into the pursuit of physics, would I ever invent the techniques that made possible such uninhibited indulgence? Here was another argument for Claraas implication of the created universes. But was it a serious one?

aAn automatic dishwasher?a I asked incredulously when I realized what it was. My little boy had visited Aunt Claraas kitchen many times without noticing its peculiarity of everything boxed in: electric stove at one end of a line of cabinets with the sink at the other, refrigerator inset into its line of cabinets on the adjacent wall, with high cabinets built onto the walls above it a" in other words, a typical kitchen of 1980 or later, except that the appliances were white. I guess white appliances were the only color available in the Nineteen-forties. But for the first time I noticed the white enameled box on the end beside the sink, brand name aKitchenaid.a Clara smiled at me. aYes, of course. Just now theyare common only in hotels and restaurants, and the detergents are hard to find, but Iam only slightly ahead of the curve.a I shook my head. aThis kitchen would give you away to a reverter even more reliably than your Mandelbrot paintings.a aDo you think so?a She chuckled. aIam informed that the Rockefeller mansion has one very similar to it.a aIncluding a microwave oven?a aWell, no,a she admitted, eyes twinkling.

aI donat see a brand name.a aIt was homemade.a aYou made it?a She sighed. aI grew impatient for the convenience. A friend of my husband delivered the klystron without knowing my use for it.a aThey have millimeter radar in 1947?a aWell, no, I donat think so. But a little careful machining let me emphasize a high harmonic.a aOn the power output side? Aha! You invented feedback plumbing, didnat you! Have you considered a patent?a She shook her head. aThat technique will be patented in 1958. I donat need to steal the money too.a I went to her and put my hands inside her robe to caress her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s. aClara, you are a most remarkable woman.a She kissed my cheek. aTimmy, you shouldnat be surprised that the twenty-fourth century knows the accomplishments of the twentieth. And compared to you I am nothing. You took a hodge-podge of half-baked ideas in Quantum Mechanics and produced the Thorn Equation. Oh-h-h! That they are your hands on my b.r.e.a.s.t.s makes my knees weak!a I fully opened both our robes and pulled her naked body against mine. We indulged in a languorous, very wet kiss. Her hand gripping my erection finally made me back away. I laughed self-consciously. aWould you believe itas sore?a aThere!a she cried, eyes lighting. aIave finally caught you in an anachronism.a aOh? You canat mean that. Weare nothing else but!a aI mean in mundane speech. aWould you believea to introduce a trial balloon became idiomatic only after the Get Smart television series of 1965.a I stared at her incredulously. aWhat a ma.s.s of trivia youave packed into that pretty head!a Her laughter died. aIam sorry. Did you actually mean that your p.e.n.i.s is painful to the touch?a aA little,a I admitted, awhen bent.a I leered at her. aA sore twelve year-old d.i.c.k has got to be most uncommon.a aI suppose,a she agreed. Her eyebrows rose inquisitively. aBut why is it sore?a That question astonished me a" which must have been only too plain. She laughed a little. aWhat did I say?a She had told us practically nothing about her prior life. aClara, how old were you when you reverted.a Her eyes twinkled. a112.a aOne hundred a" my G.o.d!a aA long life by present standards. But not long enough.a aI just realized youave said nothing really about Ellen Lundquist. How about telling us about yourself?a She sighed. aI can deny nothing to the greatest man who ever lived.a Her voice held no trace of sarcasm.

I squirmed. aWhat are you trying to do, embarra.s.s me?a Her hand touched my cheek. aTimmy, please believe me: I shall never knowingly do anything to discomfort you!a I turned away. aWell, then, youave discovered a fine way to avoid questions.a At the refrigerator, much larger than my motheras, I took out the that was my present reason for entering the kitchen.

She frowned. aSometimes you can be quite exasperating, you know! What have I done now? You are the greatest man who ever lived! Millions of people think so.a Opening the drink at the bottle opener mounted on the side of the sink, a fixture in kitchens of that era, I remarked dryly, aWho was it said, aIf a hundred people believe it, it may be true, if a million it is certainly wrong?aa Her eyes widened. aHow could anyone know that?a I had to chuckle. aSometimes you take things much too seriously, Clara.a aPerhaps we are both guilty of that. Is your p.e.n.i.s truly sore?a I sniffed. aJust when itas erect.a She studied me. aI can only characterize that expression as a leer! What have I failed to note about your p.e.n.i.s?a I laughed. aThat it can wear out.a aIt can what?a Taking a slug of the sweet, peppery drink, I asked her with a grin, aHow many men have you a known s.e.xually, Clara?a aThree now.a She grinned. aUnless you qualify as two, in which case, four.a aFour? I mean, as Ellen Lundquist.a aNone.a aYou lived a 112 years without s.e.x?a aI didnat say that.a aBut, but you told Alice you had no experience with girls! Oh, I see. You wanted to give her confidence.a aI told her the truth.a I stared. aWhatas left? I donat count masturbation.a She hesitated, finally responding, aMy lover was man-shaped, but of course he was different from a natural man in important respects. Is your soreness caused by the attention Alice and I have shown you?a aAttention! Alice has pursued what she calls athe big onea diligently for the last three days, every time she found me apart from you and sometimes under your nose. How many three-ways have we tried: three, four? But donat get me wrong, Iam not complaining. I just need a few hoursa break, is all. But this is fascinating. For 112 years your lover was only a machine?a She smiled slowly. aYou want to know about Ellenas life? It was much as I imagine Aliceas to have been in many respects. She ought to hear my recital too. Is she asleep?a aYes. I left her curled on the big bed.a aThen letas wait for her to awaken. In the meantime do you want a snack?a aNo, Iall wait for dinner. What are we having?a aRoast beef. I want a snack, Timmy.a She patted the edge of the dinette table. aSit here, please.a I took the indicated seat. She maneuvered a chair to face me and sat down, leaning forward to part my robe and my legs. Her face sank into my groin. Her lips enclosed me as her hands came up inside my robe to clasp my hips.

I noted, aIf we did this on the couch, I could lick you too.a She did not respond and I refrained from repeating the suggestion. Females, even my two, are not so often careless of their own pleasure that I could afford to pa.s.s up this opportunity. But a snack?

aSweet Clara,a I mentioned with a sigh, aAlice finished me off. I hate to disappoint you if seminal fluid is your objective.a She made no reply, but I noticed something different. Instead of bobbing her head in the usual way, she was content to hold the pitifully small shaft fully behind her lips. Her tongue seemed to be probing in the eye a" the urethral opening. It felt strange though not unpleasant. I could almost believe it was penetrating some little distance up the urethra!

The novelty was stimulating. In its twitchy way the organ began to swell. As it grew she backed away, though her tongue continued to work in the same odd manner. Her hands tightened on my hips. Did she fear I would try to get away? Hardly!

But even this novelty was insufficient. Though half oneas d.i.c.k stuck into a pretty womanas face is a compelling sight, the thrilling pangs never arose, even after a few minutesa work. If she would lower her tongue, perhaps, and lap the underside of the head, that would probably a"

She released my hips and backed completely away to grin at me, taking my wet d.i.c.k in one hand. aHow does it feel now?a aHuh?a aLook.a Using both hands she bent the middle of the stiff shaft about 30 degrees. aDoes that hurt?a aNo!a I declared in amazement. aWhat did you do?a Her eyes sparkled. aI merely eased one of the differences between my natural and mechanical lovers. Shall I resume? I still want a snack.a This time one arm encircled my hips while the otheras fingertips ma.s.saged my little s.c.r.o.t.u.m. She and sucked me noisily, head bobbing madly, to freeze at the first seminal spurt a" which appeared in about 15 seconds. When she had drained me, she leaned back and stuck out her long tongue with sides curled up to cup a whitish puddle. Her eyes twinkled. The tongue withdrew. aKiss me,a she murmured, opening her mouth.

Clara certainly knew how to shut off my questions!

Ellenas history was simple. She was born on aZeroday,a the first day, of Year 148 AC a" After Calamity, which corresponded to July 12, 2286, on our calendar. She trained to be a abiotechnician,a apparently an amalgam of present-day Chemistry and Biology, and was employed most of her life in a research house. In her time it was possible to restore oneas youth. A thicket of laws and customs had grown up around those techniques, however, that limited such arefittinga to twice at age 50 and above. Ellen had undergone her first at age 50 and her second at age 79. 33 years later she directed her own reversion, using the new long range techniques.

aI recalled my early infatuation with you, Timmy,a she remarked with love in her eyes. aYour era was my target.a She grinned at Alice. aAnd as you noted, I hit the jackpot.a Alice raised her head to respond. aDid you ever!a We were entangled on the big bed in Claraas room. Alice lay full length upon me, legs spread over my hips to maintain my penetration. She had been languidly tonguing Claraas c.l.i.t during the womanas recital. aTell us about your robot lover.a Clara chuckled. aHe was inexhaustible and totally undemanding, both qualities touted by his makers.a She touched my cheek. aUntil I became Clara I had no idea that a woman needs a man to need her!a * * *

My s.e.xual indulgence actually increased after Clara sucked me off in the kitchen, but my d.i.c.k was never sore again. One does not miss pain, but I thought of its absence in connection with another curiosity of life at Claraas. We waited from the middle of October nearly to the end of November in her house for our first interview with her friend at the University of Chicago, indulging in all manner of s.e.x several times daily. I realized suddenly that Clara had shown no evidence of menstruation, yet by her own account Clara Pelham Edgeworth was only 30 years old. I supposed that I might have impregnated her, and she might even desire such a result, but foolishly I couldnat believe she would fail to consult on it. I thought about discussing it with Alice but something a" peace in the family? a" held me back.

Alice found another mystery. Towards the end of our month she led me to a nondescript door in the upstairs hall. aOpen it.a I tried. aItas locked.a aThink you can pick it?a This was a far better lock than one expected to find on a closet door. It was at least as formidable as a caras ignition. aNot a chance,a I retorted. aWhat do you think it is a" her cash reserve?a aA cash reserve that hums?a aHums?a She put her ear against the door. aIt doesnat always do it, but itas humming now. Take a listen.a Indeed with my ear against it I heard a low buzzing, varying slowly in pitch both above and below that of the standard electrical power hum with which our lives are permeated and everyone ignores.

aWhat do you think it is?a I listened for a while and stepped away, shaking my head. aI never heard the like. Some kind of audio equipment?a aHuh! Well, Dr. Kimball, as a girl I lived on a farm. Iave heard it before. It sounds like a beehive to me.a aA beehive in a closet?a I scoffed. aWhy donat you ask Clara?a aMaybe I will.a But we never did. When we went downstairs, Clara was on the telephone and her facial expression was clearly apprehensive.

Chapter 6: To the University.

aWhat is it, Clara?a I asked, pausing at the foot of the stairs. Alice clattered against me.

The woman held up a hand and said into the telephone receiver, aDid he tell them where Tim had gone?a At that question both Alice and myself grew quiet and watched Claraas face for clues from her expressions. She listened to the rattling instrument. aYes,a she said, abut theyall find that tutor I hired to administer the exams. We gave his name and address to the school board.a She listened, returning our stares. Her eyes were apprehensive. aI agree, and we shall immediately. But Frank, what could they be after?a Alice suggested in my ear, aThe cops again.a aIn that case theyare after you,a I guessed a" wrongly.

Clara was speaking. aBut the F.B.I., Frank! Surely they donat investigate merely because a lad suddenly shows unexpected brilliance.a Alice and I looked wonderingly at each other while Clara listened to a longer exposition. She sighed. aYou may be right, though such an intense reaction is hard to believe. Thanks very much for calling, Frank. We shall leave tonight.a aNo,a she declared decisively after a short pause, aif itas an espionage issue they may be here before morning. Iall call you, and thanks again.a She hung the phone and turned to us. Her fists were clenched. aTim, run upstairs, dress for a trip and pack enough clothes for two or three days. Alice, you do the same. Oh. You have no suitcase. Thatas all right, weall pack your stuff with mine.a aWhat is it?a I asked. aSurely not the F.B.I.!a aBut Iam afraid it is. That was your father. Two agents questioned your school about you this afternoon. Apparently he didnat care for their tone. He was kind enough to call your father this evening. Now hurry! In the car Iall tell you everything your father said.a aWhere will we go?a aTo my house in Chicago, about a week before we would have gone anyway.a aIf they trace me here, canat they find you there from the real estate records?a aThis is 1947, Tim: no computers. Besides, that house is still in my husbandas uncleas name. Now do you still want to be planning this when the agent knocks?a * * *

I drove first, perched atop my adriveras pillow,a while the two females, Clara in the seat beside me, alternated in brus.h.i.+ng the otheras hair. We got away about ten. Traffic was light and a drizzling rain isolated us in our steel coc.o.o.n. It was the second week in November, before the first snowfall, but the trees were almost bare. When the car engine heated, the warm air flowing over our legs was most welcome.

The facts reported by Dad had been brief. Two F.B.I. agents had appeared in Schiffmanas office just after school let out. They wanted to know all about me including grades and relations with teachers and peers. Apparently Schiffman had bristled at their demanding demeanor and volunteered nothing a" surprising to me in light of his reverence for governmental authority a" but they had inquired about my cla.s.s schedule, leading to the disclosure that I had been excused from further attendance, that in fact I had pa.s.sed the examinations for a high-school diploma at the age of twelve. According to Dadas report, that news had lit their faces like suns.h.i.+ne, as described by the, who denied knowing where I had gone with my freshly-printed diploma.

Clara asked me, aDid you reveal in your science cla.s.s that you knew how to build an atomic bomb?a aI started to,a I admitted, abut I claimed the information came from a comic book. Donat tell me it got back to the F.B.I.!a I had told Dad about that incident.

aYour father speculated something like that must be behind their interest. What else could it be?a What indeed! Alice asked sarcastically, aMust you always be a know-it-all, Timmy?a aOnly about you,a I replied. aWhat does agur-r-rka mean when youare coming?a She answered tartly, aThat Iam trying to suck in at all openings.a aOh, is that how it feels to a girl, like sheas sucking in?a Beside me Clara laughed stronger than the weak exchange justified.

I asked poutingly, aWell, how does it feel?a aI am merely appreciating your old manas well-developed defense-mechanism against accusation.a aMy what?a aSee? You donat even notice it. You change the subject automatically.a aThat reminds me,a I said, changing the subject. aIave been meaning to ask you if the original Claraas ancestors emigrated to New Zealand.a aHuh!a sniffed Alice. aWhy would they do that?a aBecause everyone on Earth in Ellenas time must have derived from the New Zealand survivors or perhaps from someone returned from s.p.a.ce.a aOh.a Alice leaned forward in her seat to search the womanas face in the occasional light of oncoming cars.

aYouare right, of course,a Clara admitted with an indulgent smile. aSally Whitmond was born in 1917 in Christchurch. Ellen Lundquist reverted into her mind when Sally was 14. I convinced her she had to leave, not too difficult a task. She was a shy student, and her homelife was unhappy. In 1933, I lied about our age and Sallyas experience and secured employment as a scullery maid on a visiting pa.s.senger liner bound for San Francisco. That was an interesting experience because of the men. I knew I was too early for you, Tim, but I saved my maidenhead nevertheless because of the premium set upon virginity in your era. In America I simply jumped s.h.i.+p, changed my name and made my way to Hightower University, where I found your father already married, although you were not yet conceived. I almost threw myself upon him but realized in time that although he might give me a child, it could never be you.a aMy G.o.d!a Alice exclaimed in a voice of awe. aYou worked pa.s.sage across the Pacific on an ocean liner?a Clara chuckled. aI was a healthy 16 year-old. The work was arduous but hardly complex. The s.h.i.+p took nearly a month, stopping in Papeete and Honolulu. The problem was the men, both pa.s.sengers and crew. It was impossible for a young scullery maid to fend off the men in such a closed environment in 1933 a" or probably any other time!a aBut you managed it?a I said.

aNot quite.a She laughed. aI told you the truth about my s.e.xual experience except in one respect. I have known only three separate men, and indeed you took an a.n.a.l virginity, Tim. But on that voyage I swallowed s.e.m.e.n 89 times.a She sniffed. aCan you believe it never occurred to me to spit?a aMy G.o.d!a breathed Alice, now with her arms crossed and elbows resting on Claraas seatback.

a89 times a" how precise!a I remarked.

aIn 26 days,a Clara added, atwo of which were spent tied to the dock in San Francisco. I had become so popular that it was hard to get off the s.h.i.+p. One rich man offered to set me up in business with a ladiesa hat shop. This is apparently how you establish your mistress if youare wealthy.a She chuckled. aIt gave me a certain confidence on my way to Hightower. I felt I could always fall back on the oldest profession.a I think Iave remarked that Clara does give surprisingly good head on those few occasions that Alice permits her.

She also picked up on that. aWhat about it, Tim? Is the confidence deserved?a I tried to be diplomatic. aThe mouth is not a womanas best orifice.a She sniffed. aI guess it depends on whoas coming and whoas going. Actually, Clara, in 26 days Iam surprised you only had to satisfy 89 men. Didnat the big liners carry hundreds?a a1037 souls,a the woman averred, aaccording to the manifest. But it also bore a great many women. I think the entire female crew and no small number of pa.s.sengers entertained men at night. Maids and the like were selected for complaisance. That was obvious from the purseras questions when he hired me.a aSuch as?a I asked curiously.

She deepened her voice, pretending to masculinity. aaPleasing the pa.s.sengers is what you are really hired for. I want to know if there is anything you might refuse to do for them.a The girl in front of me said, aYes.a He didnat ask her what she would refuse. He said, aWe canat use you. Please depart by that companionway.a When it was my turn, I knew the right answer.a aMy G.o.d!a declared Alice again. aWas it an American line? You shouldave sued them.a aThis was 1933, in the height of the depression, and the s.h.i.+p was in New Zealand, which was then still British enough to believe that serving-girls were hardly more than Besides, I was curious to see what it was the other girl would have refused. I found that out the first night we stood to sea.a She laughed. aWhen I suggested oral relief instead, the man, who happened to be the same purser, seemed surprised but agreed immediately. I was pleased at the ease with which I obtained his emission. All the others were the same. Perhaps it was the sea air.a And perhaps it was something more personal to Clara. I had not forgotten how easily she obtained my emission in the kitchen after curing my d.i.c.k of the soreness from using Alice as a wheelbarrow not half an hour before.

We drove all night, spelling each other, taking a pit stop in a small town with an all-night gasoline station and another in the actual bushes, where I squatted along with the females because the bushes were only waist high. We arrived in the outskirts of Chicago shortly after dawn. The rain had ceased and the sun was peeking through the clouds when we pulled into a Pancake House. I ate four eggs scrambled in cheese and sausage, toast, real b.u.t.ter, jelly and coffee with real cream. Clara fed the three of us, including my meal adequate for two, and paid with two one-dollar bills, including tip.

Watching me devour the food, Alice observed, aGood for you.a At ten she still picked bird-like at her breakfasts despite frequent exercise as a wheel-barrow and lap-squatter. aClara and I shall take full benefit from all that cholesterol.a aYouare thinking of oysters,a I corrected. aBesides, cholesterol hasnat been invented yet.a Clara regarded me askance. aPerhaps Tim is about to undergo a growth spurt.a Alice leered. aOh, heall spurt, all right!a aWhereas that waitress?a I asked, looking around ostentatiously. aMaybe they do serve oysters.a Alice managed to laugh despite a yawn. aI need my beauty sleep. How much farther is your place, Clara?a aG.o.d, listen to yourself!a I directed in disgust. aaAre we there yet, Mommy?aa Automatically, without the slightest thought of consequences, she kicked my s.h.i.+n under the table. Anthropologists claim that the principle task of females in all human societies has ever been to keep the male clean. Maybe so, but keeping the male silent figures in there somewhere too.

Claraas house was in Hyde Park, about four blocks from the University of Chicagoas campus. It was a two-story, set in a small lot surrounded on three sides by high hedges for privacy. Clara was driving, so she gave me the key and sent me to open the attached garage. When she had killed the engine, I groused, aSurprised you donat have a remote control door too.a aIave hardly lived here,a she answered, smiling despite my ill humor, produced by lifting the amazingly heavy door. No wonder: its panels were solid oak! She added, aPerhaps youad like to build it for me.a I agreed dryly, aThe weight of this door is certainly an incentive!a The house was furnished with dust covers pulled over everything. aIt belonged to my husbandas uncle and has hardly been used since he died. It has three bedrooms. Take whichever one you want. Theyare all the same distance from the bathroom.a I had to sigh. aIn a house full of females! Iam going to miss your three bathrooms, Clara.a She shrugged. aThen weall just add a couple more.a When we had chosen bedrooms, we spent the day uncovering furniture and stocking the bare larder. Finally after a tasty supper at a nearby Italian restaurant we fell together on the large bed that by common agreement had been reserved for Clara.

By this time our s.e.xual threesomes had shaken down to a few common patterns. My immature c.o.c.k seemed to fit best in Aliceas even more immature p.u.s.s.y, which of course was still incapable of conception. I had already mentioned the risk to Clara, who seemed unconcerned nevertheless, but by common consent Alice usually received my first, richer discharge. So our first s.e.x in Chicago occurred between Claraas legs. Alice and I lay in coition on our sides, aided by the pressure of the womanas knees, our heads together at her groin, two childish tongues licking her l.a.b.i.a, c.l.i.t and each otheras faces as fingers pulsed in the mature v.a.g.i.n.a and a.n.u.s. What a sweet tangle! I was becoming jaded, however, so that despite such thorough sensual contact, the females achieved two or three climaxes while I produced one. I donat suppose full adults could manage such a coupling unless one of them was quite a large woman a" or a man, who could also play the central role except of course that it would kill him.

When we disconnected to catch our breath, Clara excused herself and went downstairs, presumably to the bathroom. Alice, her head on my shoulder, murmured, aI called my mother today.a aYou what?a aWhile we were at the market, between Claraas calls to the university. Imagine using a nickel at a pay phone!a She noticed my expression and chuckled. aDonat worry, Tim. Iam sure you remember how long it took to trace a call in this era. We didnat talk nearly that long, even if the cops are monitoring her line, but why would they be?a aSheas still at home, then?a aThey put her away long enough to dry out. To no oneas surprise, that cured her irrationality. She was so glad to hear from me that she cried. I can understand that, of course. So would I, if it were one of my kids. I felt sorry for her. I want to send her some money. Will you help me explain it to Clara?a aI see no problem. Weall set up an account she can draw on. Is she staying off the sauce?a aShe wasnat drunk today. But, Tim, Clara is in love with you, not me.a aIsnat she? That raises an interesting point.a I studied her sweet face. It would never possess great beauty but with or without wrinkles it was infinitely precious to me. aHow do you feel about Clara?a She didnat ask me what I meant. She smiled slightly. aI confess to some ambivalence. She is my lover, my confidante, my only girlfriend and at the same time my surrogate mother. She is also my greatest rival.a A soft finger on my lips stopped my protest. aI know you said I have none, but in fact she is!a The girl took a deep breath. aTim, I accept her despite it, because in a way youare right. Iam beginning to understand that sheall never take you away from me.a I kissed her tenderly. Alice had not said exactly what I wanted to hear, but at least a split between my women apparently was not in the cards.

Clara established a ten-year annuity for Aliceas mother with a draw-down of $50 per week, adequate in that low-cost time even to afford a visiting housemaid.

We had disturbed a lot of dust during the first day or two of removing and storing furniture covers. On the third morning Alice and I prepared the eggs, sliced bread and bacon, and Clara cooked our breakfast of French toast at the antique electric range while the two achildrena set the table.

aWhen did you do this?a I asked Alice as we waited, pointing to the clean dinette tabletop, constructed of the enameled sheet metal typical of that era. The previous evening she had spilled a gla.s.s of milk in sleepy clumsiness on that surface, to which she had taken a few swipes with a rag. Now it gleamed spotlessly.

She followed my fingertip and looked up with raised eyebrows and a smile. aI guess I did a better job than I realized.a Or Clara came along behind you, I did not say. But when did she have time? I shrugged and forgot the issue as the woman laid plates before us loaded with aromatic squares already b.u.t.tered and syrupped. I had always loved sweet breakfasts, and this one was superb.

But I recalled the incident latter that day and added to it a few more. The dust that we had continued to disturb during the second day was now conspicuously absent. Furniture and walls glistened as if new or newly painted a" without a tell-tale odor. I entered the kitchen for a and found the considerable mess of breakfast, pans and dishes left soiled in the sink, now removed. The kitchen was spotless as the rest. That should have been at least a half-houras work even for an experienced housemaid, but Clara had been apart from us hardly at all. I realized that the same phenomena had been apparent in her home in Hightower. Alice had even remarked on it: everything constantly spotless without an apparent causative agent.

Considering all this, I had to grin. At least I had never been asked to do it!

As we waited in the parlor for Clara to apply makeup in the bathroom preparatory to further investigation of dinner restaurants, Alice pulled me into the hall.

aWhat is it?a I demanded, annoyed by her forceful tug.

aOpen this closet.a aHuh?a I twisted the k.n.o.b and pulled. It didnat budge. Suddenly I recognized a high-quality inset lock to match the closet door in Hightower. I declared in amazement, aThat wasnat here yesterday!a aPut your ear against it,a she directed.

It hummed within, the same as the closet in Hightower.

She saw the amazement in my eyes and asked, aWhat should we do about this?a aAsk Clara, what else? Although I cannot imagine how she managed it. We havenat been out of the house today. No one could hollow out the door for this lock without attracting attention.a She shook her head. aNo.a aWhat do you mean, aNo?aa aYou agree that she has to have done it or had it done?a aWho else? I didnat do it!a aBut she said nothing about it, did she!a aWhat are you up to, Alice?a aIam thinking that when she wants us to know, sheall tell us.a I took a deep breath and nodded a" despite my amazement that Alice could so restrain her own curiosity! Then I had to laugh.

aWhatas funny?a aMyself a" how easily I forget youare not the little girl you seem.a * * *

aThis should be it,a I said with relief, a244.a aaBegley Seminar Room,aa Alice read from a plate on the door. aIt had better be. I was beginning to think just finding it was the first test.a Clara, standing behind us, groused, aHow silly it is to make you appear before them empty-handed, as if a scientist would ever experiment without access to references!a I grinned at her. aDonat tell me youare nervous!a She shook her head. aI just hope youare not overconfident.a Alice sniffed. aI hope he avoids blatant anachronisms.a We had already discussed both these points to death. I knocked and we waited. We stood half-way down a long hall on the second floor of the Physics Building, lit by morning sunlight streaming through a latticework of windows at one end. A clock somewhat further along showed ten, the appointed hour. We were its only occupants, which rather surprised me. Most colleges of my experience liked to change promptly on the hour. Perhaps Chicago was different or perhaps no cla.s.s met on this floor. But the building certainly was not empty. Distant voices, sonorously lecturing, accompanied by bangs and thuds, filled the background.

The door opened and a fairly tall man looked out over our heads.

aDown here,a muttered Alice.

He lowered his gaze to Clara. aMaaam, are you perhaps on the wrong floor? I think the nursery is in the bas.e.m.e.nt.a I could top that. aOh? Do you mean to say that the gravitational focusing experiment is discontinued?a aThe grava"a He blinked down at me. aIt was operating yesterday.a I inserted maximum sarcasm. aNext to a nursery?a His stare became a twinkle. aI may be mistaken about the nursery. Is it possible I am addressing Mr. Timothy Kimball?a aIn person.a I advanced Alice slightly with a hand at her back. aAlong with Miss Alice Edgeworth and our aunt, Mrs. Clara Edgeworth.a Alice had adopted Claraas adopted last name because the Chicago police were looking for Alice M. Colsen. Unfortunately, despite the FBIas interest, it was too late for me to change my own last name.

He took a breath. aI am Perry Ellison, a.s.sistant Professor of Physics. Pleased to meet all of you. Iam sorry for the insult. Now I understand some cryptic references in the deanas request.a He stood back. aWonat you please come in.a We filed in before him. It was a small room with a central table and six chairs around it. A tall but narrow window in the back admitted daylight as a steam radiator hissed beneath it. Two men waited at the table, one with a shock of gray hair, the other dark with black hair and eyes, possibly an East Indian.

With a gesture Ellison said, aThese, ah, small people are the applicants, accompanied by their aunt, Mrs. Clara Edgeworth. This is Dr. Carrington, Professor of Physics, and here is Dr. Charkhandra, Professor of Mathematics.a I spoke gravely despite my piping voice, aWe are very pleased to meet you gentlemen.a Charkhandra nodded, one eyebrow c.o.c.ked in reservation, but the gray head uncoiled and rose to his feet to start around the table, muttering in evident disgust, aI have better things to do with my time than this.a I remembered him. He had almost discovered the pion. aRoy Carrington?a He stopped, half-way around the table. aYes.a I shook my head sadly. aA cloud chamber simply doesnat have enough resolution. But you can buy Powellas emulsions from the Ilford Photographic Lab.a His face contorted and he literally ground his teeth. His expression would have been comical under other circ.u.mstances. aWho wouldave ever thought to stack photographic plates a" Are you sure about that photo lab? Whereas it located?a aIam sure. Ilford. Ask for the Nuclear Research Emulsion.a I shrugged. aSomewhere in England. Iall bet the information operator can get you the number.a Oops! Did trans-Atlantic telephone exist in 1947? At least the idea of calling didnat seem to faze him.

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