Reversion - A Novel Part 19

Reversion - A Novel -

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aHave you thought of what else you might do?a she asked with a peculiar glint in her eye.

aYou mean the SUPLSORG program?a She laughed guiltily and looked away.

aAlice aa I began in my most horrified tone.

aI knew it!a she snarled. aYou think it would be grotesque and disgusting, donat you!a I blinked, surprised by her sudden attack.

aIall tell you whatas disgusting,a she proclaimed. aEverything is always easier for men! You can hang an extra c.o.c.k anywhere you want: hips, elbows a nose!a She laughed, eyes dancing. aCan you imagine a guy with a functional c.o.c.k for a nose? The program even puts two nostrils in it.a aUgh!a aSocial customs must be a lot different in the 24th Century!a aClara explained that,a I said, taking a reasonable tone. aThey want to encourage more s.e.x a" really more conception.a Her lip curled in disgust. aThey wouldnat need it if they hadnat pa.s.sed that law against in-vitro fertilization.a I nodded. aTheir culture is a curious mixture of logic and prejudice, like all human societies. Alice, you know what these supplementary s.e.x organs are really for.a aGroup s.e.x,a she said, then sighed. aI guess we should save them until we have a compatible group.a aI take it you read how they furnish more intense and enduring climaxes.a aYeah. I read it.a aWell, if womenas climaxes were any better, I donat see how they would survive.a She grinned. aDonat be jealous, Timmy. Bend down here and stick out your tongue. Iam ready for a womanas climax.a I slipped around between her legs but paused with a grin of my own. aDid you note the Cunnilinctus Enhancer? Forgot the program name.a aThe what?a Her fingers suddenly beat a tattoo on my shoulders.

aItas under SUPLSORG.a aWow!a she exclaimed after a moment, adding, aA man or a woman could do that, though it would mainly be done to benefit a woman.a aThatas why it has cunnilinctus in the t.i.tle.a I had to laugh. aRemember the old joke, about the most popular man in the world?a aAh, yes. He could breathe through his a.s.shole.a aAnd part his hair with his tongue.a She frowned at me. aBut this doesnat change his r.e.c.t.u.m. It makes a nostril between his shoulder blades.a aI guess with my harem around me, I ought to consider it, eh?a She sniffed. aWell, if you do, I want to be first.a * * *

Alice reacted well as my c.o.c.k grew. aAt last!a she exclaimed, f.u.c.king me vigorously when it had reached typical adult size. But it quickly grew thicker and longer, apparently to her delight. aOh, G.o.d, Timmy, it fills me so intensely!a At the full predetermined size it was agreeably fat, she said, but not so long that it hurt her. She complained, however, that she could not fit it into her mouth as easily as before, that holding the teeth so widely separated became tiresome. I suggested she grow her mouth larger, but she dismissed that notion with scorn.

aI intend to have a cute face this time around,a she insisted, aand that precludes a wide mouth.a She grinned at me speculatively. aRosalind should have no trouble with it. Iave seen her almost swallow that poetas c.o.c.ka aIs his fatter than mine?a aItas about the same girth, Timmy, but youare an inch longer.a aYou know that from personal experience, I take it.a aOf course I do. Now stop talking and get on top.a aI want to slurp on you some more,a I objected. aYouave acquired a marvelous t.w.a.t.a aMarvelous how?a aWell, ah, the texture is silkier a and I believe itas more resilient, more compressible. I know I love to tongue it.a She stared at me. aDo you think itas larger?a I blinked at her. aYou know, thatas an interesting question. Doesnat an empty c.u.n.t more or less close up inside? How can you get smaller than closed up?a Her eyes glinted. aDo you mean to say you never noticed any difference in tightness?a I shrugged. aOnly in virgins.a aWell, put it in and see if it feels tighter now. I think you have the largest one in my experience.a aHow about Gregor?a She looked away, frowned and shook her head, taking a deep breath. aYouall laugh.a aAt what? At Gregor?a aAt me. Truly I canat remember if Gregor did us or not.a aWeare you drunk?a aOn c.o.c.k.a as.e.m.e.n is intoxicating, you think?a aPerhaps not, but s.e.x obviously is! Come on, Timmy. Kiss me and give me a ride on your magic wand.a Once more I mounted the exciting young woman, but as I penetrated the slick tightness, I heard Claraas voice from the doorway.

aSave some for me, Timmy.a When I looked around Alice pulled on me impatiently.

aNot now, Clara!a she protested. aGive me a few minutes. Iam expecting a big one.a The abig onea arrived soon upon a strenuous series of full strokes. Alice yelled without inhibition and wrapped her legs tightly around me. My point of no return was rapidly approaching. Clara caught my shoulder and disentangled me from Alice, who growled wordlessly at the interruption.

The woman pushed me onto my back with the explanation, aI want to taste it.a Her lips quickly covered the tip of my erection while her tongue flitted at the hole. With a yelp I gushed almost immediately, smearing her mouth and chin. She opened wide for the next spurts, taking them completely within her mouth. After pumping the residue onto her tongue, she swallowed the mess.

aThat was mine!a Alice objected with a pout.

Clara could not respond, because my distended c.o.c.k filled her mouth.

I realized I would get little sleep again that night. My changing body had developed an amazing capacity for s.e.x. I was convinced I could f.u.c.k any three women to exhaustion. I thought of Rosalind at that point, the third member of my harem who had been visiting her mother downstate throughout my period of unnatural growth, and smiled at the prospect of surprising her, shocking her with my new body. As Clara and Alice argued about which of them would have me next, I wondered how Rosalind might respond.

aDo you have a cold, Timmy? You sound hoa.r.s.e.a It was Rosalind on the phone announcing her return to Chicago after two monthas absence. My voice was indeed different from what she remembered; I was now a grown man.

aNothing catchy,a I replied. aMay I come over?a aThatas why I called, silly. Iave missed you. Iad like you to spend the night, if you can get away.a aSpend the night? Do you have a new linguistics treatise for me to peruse? Have you translated Fannie Hill into Gothic?a I winked at Clara and Alice, watching from the living room.

aTranslated what?a She laughed. aDo you know a gothic reader who cares for dissolute English tarts?a aPerhaps not, only for dissolute doctors of linquistics. Are you ready to dissolve, Ros?a aOh G.o.d, Timmy! My mother would hardly let me out of her sight. I melted every candle in her house. Please hurry. A little boy will feel like a horse.a aA little boy? You may be disappointed there, Rosalind.a aHuh? Donat tell me Alice has worn it down to a nubbin!a aNot exactly. All right. Iall be there in an hour with a toothbrush. And Iam glad youare home, Ros.a aOh, me, too; me, too!a aTch! Tch! Such grammar!a aWhat will you tell her?a Clara asked after I hung up. aYouall have to say something.a aThatas obvious,a I replied. aWhat do you suggest? The truth?a aShe already suspects a lot, Timmy,a Alice spoke up from the couch. aShe knows that weare responsible for her big And after her experience with us in Was.h.i.+ngton, sheas ready to believe anything. She once accused us of being witches from outer s.p.a.ce, but she was drunk at the time.a aMen are not witches,a I protested. aTheyare warlocks.a aDo tell!a Alice responded snidely and returned to her book.

aShe already knows weare from another time,a said Clara as she straightened my collar. aPerhaps you should tell the entire truth, Tim. I a.s.sume she wants to take up the apprentices.h.i.+p you offered. In fact I suspect she wants to join our team to remain near you, and I have no objection to that.a aMe neither,a Alice piped up.

I asked, aBut do you think sheas prepared to accept the reality of our powers? Time travel is the stuff of fantasy stories, something she can comprehend after a fas.h.i.+on. But weare involved in much more than that.a aThatas true, Timmy,a Clara replied, abut sheall have to learn the truth at some point. Iall leave it up to you. But whatever you tell her, donat lie.a aI wouldnat do that,a I declared, aShe might be frightened to hear the story all at once. Iall play it by ear.a I chuckled. aBy ear! My ears are about the only parts that havenat changed. The most immediate problem is this new body of mine. How will I explain that?a Clara pulled me into a light embrace, her cheek against my upper chest. She caressed my back with a roving hand and confided in a low voice, aSheall like the new you, Timmy. Youave retained your old magic, but there is now so much more of you.a aEnough to go around?a I asked, nuzzling the top of her raven head.

aMore than enough,a she replied and tilted her face upwards for a kiss.

I went upstairs to shower. Outside it was a hot day in late summer, but the interior air-conditioning had not prevented the stickiness resulting from an intense f.u.c.k with Clara. Physically I was equivalent to a twenty year-old, past my s.e.xual prime according to those who reckon that apex at eighteen. But I was indefatigable. Not that I was newly driven by constant s.e.xual urges; I was no hornier than before. The fact was that I could f.u.c.k for hours, enjoying it all the while, with numerous splendid climaxes. On more than one occasion in recent days I had alternated between Alice and Clara without respite until they lay limp on the mattress, too utterly spent to be more than mere pa.s.sive receptacles for my rigid c.o.c.k. That performance may have contributed to their willingness for Rosalind to become a permanent member of our group.

It was past nine and dark had fallen when I arrived at Rosalindas apartment ten minutes earlier than promised. In response to my light rap Rosalind flung open the door in excitement, but her eager, happy expression quickly dissolved.

aWho a who a?a she stammered, eyes widening in the beginnings of recognition.

I stood speechless before her with limp arms at my side and shuffled nervously, playing it aby ear.a Her eyes grew round and her mouth opened in wonder.

aYou canat be a" Does Timmy have an older brother?a I said gravely, aIam not Timas brother, Rosalind.a aBut, but aa When I moved to embrace her she stepped back quickly with a frown.

aI donat know you,a she declared firmly, then added in a weaker voice, aDo I?a aYes, you know me and I know you a in every sense. Iam all grown up, Ros. Itas hard to explain, but itas a fact.a aT-Timmy?a she asked tremulously with parted lips.

I nodded. aYes, my dear.a aYou canat be Timmy! Grown up in two months?a She shook her head in a wild grimace. aDonat be silly!a aWhy not? Silliness has its place sometimes.a She ducked her head. aThat sounds like Timmy. But youare taller than I am. You canat be human, not if you are a" were a" Timmy!a aIam as human as you,a I protested. aI could get you pregnant, if I wanted.a aIf you wanted! Donat I have something to say about that?a aIam sorry,a I apologized. aWhat I mean is that Iam not an alien, that Iam just Tim as an adult.a aI think I prefer the other one,a she declared. aHe was improbable, but still more believable than a" than you.a aIave only changed physically, Ros. Iam the same person as before. Whatas happened to me is the same as the growth of your b.r.e.a.s.t.s, only on a larger scale.a aClara did this, didnat she? Is she the alien? Did she create you somehow?a Rosalind's fear transformed to defiance. She a.s.sayed me from head to foot.

aShe did a good job, I must admit,a she sneered. aYou could pa.s.s as an ordinary human.a aEven in front of an X-ray machine.a aNo kidding a" as good a job as that!a Her sarcasm was thick. Actually I had lied. The diamondoid armor around my torso would be only too apparent to X-rays. That may have been a mistake.

aBecause I am human!a I protested again. aI have a mother and father in Indiana.a I hesitated. aRos, you already know about us.a aOh, yeah?a she sneered. Her voice sobered. aIam beginning to realize I know nothing.a aYouave already guessed the main fact,a I said in a calm voice, deciding to admit as much as she was willing to accept. aIam from the future.a aOh? Do you know H. G. Wells? Did you borrow his time machine?a She spoke snippily, staring up at me from beneath lowered brows.

aWells died four years ago,a I told her. Like the witch-to-warlock, sometimes I am full of irrelevances.

This one bore unwelcome fruit. She asked, aDid my Timmy die two months ago?a I thought a moment before answering. aIn a sense the 15 year-old body is gone, Ros, but itas hardly dead. Every molecule is still here, plus a lot more. And the mind is the same, the mind that loves you.a Her lip curled, though perhaps more with longing than disgust. ad.a.m.n you, Tim! I liked the impertinent little s.h.i.+t who sat down beside me in the cafeteria two years ago.a I smiled. aI remain impertinent as ever, Ros. For example, did you know that you have a brown mole just inside your upper b.u.t.t crack?a Her eyes narrowed. aOn which side?a aThe, ah, left.a Her lips began to form a grin. I saw the old Rosalind return, ready for any adventure.

aI have no time machine, Ros,a I said softly. aI canat go back. Youare stuck with me.a aAm I? Whatas next? Are you going to change some more?a She placed a palm on my chest, tentatively as though I might disappear in a poof. I drew her to me with hands firm on her hips. She did not resist. I was now taller than she. Our noses almost touched.

aNo,a I said with my lips grazing hers. aIall remain like this.a We kissed like old lovers. She hesitated at first but then became pa.s.sionate.

aI recognize the kiss,a she murmured into my neck after a moment. She wriggled against me. aAre you grown up all over?a aI think youall be pleased,a I replied, cupping one of her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s. aAlice says Iam larger now than your poet.a She began to unb.u.t.ton my s.h.i.+rt as she stared intently into my face. The tip of her tongue protruded as she bit lightly upon it. Apparently she was nervous.

aIs Alice also grown?a she asked, pulling the s.h.i.+rt tail from my trousers.

aYes,a I said. aHer body is fully mature, although she decided to retain the face of a young girl.a aShe decided!a Rosalind stepped back suddenly.

aI can explain,a I a.s.sured her. I reached out to palm her cheek.

aNo, no,a she responded, pressing my hand to her lips. aYou can tell me about it another time. Just promise me you wonat turn into a monster.a aIam as human as you. I wonat change again.a I shrugged to a.s.sist her in removing my s.h.i.+rt. She ran hands across my chest, upper arms and shoulders. She savored the touch of my flesh with her face expressing pure wonder.

aMy G.o.d, Tim!a I grinned and clenched my arm into a bicep pose. aYou like it?a aMy G.o.d!a aDonat get carried away.a aIam sure you could do it.a Wondering eyes turned up to mine. aAre you the Holy Spirit who has come down to impregnate me with the savior?a aWhat?a I had to laugh. aI didnat know you were religious, Ros.a She undid my belt and pulled aside my trouser top so forcefully that the b.u.t.tons flew off.

aI was 14 before I realized what that meant. But youare right. Iam not religious.a She fell to her knees before me, jerked down my trousers, then the underpants. The clothing gathered around my ankles. I heard her gasp at my half-erection.

aYouare an Adonis!a she cried, her hand enclosing me and withdrawing the foreskin.

I asked whimsically, aWhere did you ever find a cla.s.sic Greek with d.i.c.k intact?a aYou mean the statues? I know: theyare broken off a" noses too. But this isnat broken!a aIam no Adonis, Rosalind. I tell you Iam human, your human.a aOh, G.o.d, I donat care whether youare human or not!a She took my limp c.o.c.k into her mouth and greedily sucked it to straining erection. She had easily engulfed the boyas c.o.c.k many times. I had wondered what she might do with the new eight inches. Working her head side to side, she took in almost the entirety. Practice on the poet?

I stood with knees slightly bent, my fingers in her soft hair. I knew her intent and did not attempt to withhold my pleasure.

aBe careful, Ros,a I cautioned. aI shoot more nowadays.a She continued sucking noisily, heedless of my warning. Her hands moved eagerly up and down my thighs. She had about half my c.o.c.k in her mouth when I grasped her head and yelped with the first spurt. Although she recoiled slightly in surprise at the force of it, she did not release me but continued to suck with head now motionless. Two more blasts quickly followed the first, choking her, forcing her to back away, but a fourth one splattered her face. She looked up at me with j.i.s.m streaming from her nose and cheeks, oozing from an open mouth and drooling down her chin. She finished me by hand, grinning in triumph.

aYouare a mess,a I observed, stoking her hair affectionately.

She rose to her feet and rushed to the bathroom without a word. I soon heard water running in the sink. I stepped from my tangled clothes and climbed onto the bed to await her return. The room was dim, illuminated by a street lamp through the window shade. Rosalind was splendidly naked when she reentered the room, large b.r.e.a.s.t.s bouncing, and crawled onto the bed to cuddle in my arms. Her breath smelled of toothpaste.

aWill you be my guy, Timmy?a she whispered into my ear.

aYouall have to share me,a I replied, stroking her head like a beloved kitten.

aI know,a she said plaintively. aI know.a She clung to me possessively, somberly quiet, so unlike the gay young woman who had just sucked me off.

When she finally spoke her words surprised me. aWhat you said about getting me pregnant. I believe it a" with that much come! Will you do it?a I kissed her cheek with a pleased chuckle. aNot tonight.a aWill you leave me?a aIf you mean, will I drop you, the answer is, aNo.aa She pulled on me, wanting me to mount her without foreplay. aMake love to me, Timmy.a She sighed and kissed me desperately as I penetrated her. Weeping softly as I stroked her with increasing force and speed, she thrust back gamely and held me tightly with her arms.

aDonat ever leave me,a she cried. I responded with kisses that she accepted greedily. She became wild, scratching and screaming when her first o.r.g.a.s.m struck. She lay quietly only after four more. I moved to get off her.

aYou havenat had your pleasure yet, darling,a she protested, clutching to me.

aBut I did,a I corrected her, aover by the door.a aNo, no. Thatas not enough. Pretend youare making a baby.a I resumed, slowly this time for my own satisfaction. She caressed my body with arms and legs. She kissed my face and cooed to me in encouragement until I felt the magic tingle.

aYes! Yes!a she exclaimed when I came, seeming to share my pleasure.

We slept little that night. Rosalind regained her old playfulness and in the near darkness we frolicked like genuine lovers. I think I amazed her with my ability to sustain an erection even after numerous

aIall conquer you,a she announced as we grappled, but in the end it was she who wearied and fell exhausted into a slumber. I remained wide-awake, cuddled to her long body as she lay on her side facing away from me. I inhaled the feminine scent of her hair and explored her flesh idly with the tips of my fingers. She was special to me.

I awoke to her call. She stood fully clothed at the foot of the bed with the morning sun s.h.i.+mering through her auburn hair from behind.

aLetas get started, Tim.a I stretched and smiled. aAt what, Rosalind? Youare not dressed for my game.a aWeall do that later, maybe down at the lake.a Her hand went to her crotch. aI havenat felt this way since a Oh G.o.d, Timmy! A p.u.s.s.y that loves you needs to stay in practice.a aIall keep you in practice.a aThatas what I mean. I want to get started being with you, Tim, as a member of your aa aFamily?a Her head drooped. aHarem.a I studied her. She looked up, returning my gaze inquiringly. She said, aThatas what it is, isnat it a" what itas always been?a I nodded complacently. aI think that now I can keep three women satisfied.a Her face twisted. aKindly donat brag about it, please!a aNo. I wonat brag about it.a I sat up in the bed. aWill you move in with us, Rosalind?a She sighed. aI guess Iall have to, wonat I? But what will the others say?a aTheyave already agreed, the ones who have a voice in it.a She stared at me and chuckled incredulously. aImplying that you have children in that house a" or slaves?a aWait and see, my dear. How about pouring me a while I get dressed?a * * *

A day or two later Rosalind arrived at Claraas place shortly after supper complete with clothing, books and typewriter all in the trunk of her taxi. She would sleep with Alice or me temporarily, mostly with Alice, I understood. I carried up the typewriter but left the rest of her stuff to the girls. Clara didnat want the taxi driver in the house.

When the three of them came into the kitchen for a beer a" Rosalind is fond of that stuff a" she looked around with approval. aWhat a house!a aOh?a Alice countered. aIsnat your mother wealthy? I would expect hers to be far more impressive.a aWell, itas bigger. I mean, this one is so clean!a She smiled at Clara. aIam amazed that youad go to so much trouble just to welcome me.a I had to burst that bubble. aItas always this clean, Ros. Even I canat throw my shorts on the floor and expect them to stay.a aWhen you wear any,a she retorted dryly.

aI expect I wear them more often than you wear bras.a Her eyes lit. aSo youave noticed!a aNoticed what?a She smiled. aI love the expression on a manas face when he sees them bounce.a aYou mean, this look?a I said, leering pointedly.

She responded by rocking her shoulders. Indeed they waltzed all over her chest! All three females laughed at my new expression.

aBut you have an advantage, Tim,a she said, smiling indulgently. aFor you Iall take off my s.h.i.+rt.a She suited action to word. The halter-top popped over her head. Big, pale t.i.ts rippled out, unrestrained and bouncing. Again I was treated to female laughter at my expense.

aA month ago that would have annoyed me,a said Alice, presently wearing a housecoat. Her hand riffed through the front b.u.t.tons. It flew open to expose mammaries of comparable size and fullness. The difference was nipple color. Rosalindas were pinker, as one would expect with reddish-brown hair, while Aliceas were tan in accord with a light brunette. Both sets were mouth-watering. On both girls the shoulders and torso were well rounded and smooth with no trace of the underlying rib array that sometimes mars upper chest perfection even in plump women. The skin of both was creamy with the faintest lace of blue. Rosalind exhibited a light dusting of freckles and several prominent moles on her shoulders. I would wager that in a few weeks probably the freckles and certainly the moles would be gone.

Rosalind shook her head in appreciation of Alice. aIave already told you how stunning you look! You couldave made them larger than mine if you wished, couldnat you?a aI suppose,a Alice admitted demurely.

aIf either one of you were much larger,a I interjected, ayouad need 20 more pounds on your a.s.s as a counterbalance.a I shouldave known better.

aHow crude!a sneered Rosalind.

Alice sniffed. aWould you believe I talked him out of a 15-inch c.o.c.k?a Rosalindas eyes grew large as marbles. aGood heavens, he said it was 15 inches!a aI what?a The females exploded again in laughter. I started to protest that they all three knew everything about my eight-incher, but Rosalind stiff-armed Aliceas shoulder in an inimitable feminine gesture. aThey say thatas why women are poor judges of distance.a They laughed even harder. I didnat get it.

Clara smiled in sympathy. aDo you feel out-numbered, Tim?a I grinned unhappily. aAm I destined to be the odd man out around here?a She lost her smile. aHardly. You are the reason our little group exists, Tim, and that will remain true no matter how large it becomes.a The two young women fell silent, regarding me speculatively.

Clara continued. aRosalind will come to see that too.a Our new member shrugged. aBelieve me, I already do.a * * *

An hour later a blood-curdling scream reverberated inside the house. I happened to be holding forth atop Clara. Because of our new physical maturity the old s.e.x games have undergone revision. I bounced to my feet with the alacrity of reflex. Nothing compares with a full-bore female scream to fix your attention.

I made it into the hall in time to see a small bundle of fur fly down the stairs. Almost instantly a nude Rosalind popped out of the girlsa bathroom, big t.i.ts jiggling. I froze. Her mouth was wide open and foaming a" literally.

aDid you see that?a she yelled and pointed down the stairs, foam dripping from her chin.

Alice, at the foot of the stairs, answered for me by demanding, aWhatas wrong with Alazar?a Rosalind stared back and forth between Alice and me. I felt Clara at my back. Fingers on my thighs brought the information to my retinas that Alazar was currently located in the maintenance closet, having entered there eight seconds ago.

Into the I asked, aDid he do something to your mouth, Rosalind?a aOh!a Her hand flew to her face. aI was brus.h.i.+ng my teeth.a aAnd what happened?a She blinked rapidly. aWas that a monkey? That was a monkey!a aActually a capuchin,a I responded. aHis name is Alazar.a She shook her head as if recovering from a punch. aExcuse me one second.a She turned back into the bathroom, from which emerged the sounds of spitting and gargling.

I said to Alice, still at the foot of the stairs, aSome kind of practical joke?a She sniffed. aNot one of mine. I was reviewing the history of the Fifties, considering how Sputnik might affect our plans for s.p.a.ce.a I looked over my shoulder at Clara. She returned my gaze blandly. Sheas been known to indulge in gentle teasing but prefers more to worry about the impact of new information.

I mused, aApparently Alazar surprised her, and a"a aSurprised, you bet!a Rosalind had returned to the hall. The foam was gone but her eyes were fiery. aYou try brus.h.i.+ng your teeth while something wet licks right up the middle of your a"a She paused in evident recognition. aIt had toave been his tongue!a aHe licked what?a I asked.

But Rosalind was grinning narrowly down the stairs. aYou trained a monkey to perform c.u.n.n.i.l.i.n.g.u.s?a Alice replied indifferently, aThat one didnat need any training.a Again Rosalind shook her head. aWhatas going on here? You keep a monkey as a pet?a I sighed. aWe planned to explain everything tomorrow morning, after a good nightas sleep. But I guess Alazar has let the cat out of the bag.a I looked at Clara. aDo I understand correctly that he, ah, attended Rosalind without invitation or permission?a Clara sighed also. aIam afraid so.a She moved past me to peer down the stairs. aAlice, do you want to oversee his punishment?a aOversee what?a I looked over Claraas shoulder into an upward-directed glare.

The girl demanded, aWhy does he need punishment? Heas only behaving as you taught him.a aHe merits it for presumptuousness.a Aliceas lip curled. aDo you really think you can explain the difference between familiar women and strangers?a aPerhaps not. But I can require him to get my permission beforehand.a aOh,a murmured Alice. She grinned darkly. aAnd let you monitor who uses him.a Clara sniffed. aI have other methods for that.a aWell,a Alice concluded, aI think he merits no punishment. We depend on male presumption.a Rosalindas head had been turning back and forth during the argument. Now she sniffed as Clara held her piece, aImagine needing a monkey for that!a She c.o.c.ked an eyebrow at me. aHave you been so distant, Tim?a I shook my head. aThat in fact is the least of his duties. Put on your robes, ladies, and letas reconvene in the kitchen. Clara, I think itas time for another demo, even if you canat show the sparrow until tomorrow morning.a * * *

By three inches and 15 pounds Rosalind was our largest woman. She enthralled the capuchins. Though casting covetous eyes at Rosalindas Valkyrie skin whenever exposed to him, Alazar remained true to Alice a" did I detect Claraas fine hand in that? a" but almost every member of his company of either s.e.x waited upon Ros whenever she deigned to permit it. I even caught Melita licking the back of Rosalindas head. Iam pleased to report that when the monkey saw my expression, she broke off and ran out of the room.

Rosalind obviously returned the affection, but I believe she enjoyed the wasps more. I discovered it in an interesting manner.

Pa.s.sing Aliceas room one afternoon about a week after Rosalindas arrival, I spied the two girls together on the large bed, naked, indulging in a lezzy 69. The room door stood wide open. Carelessness? A very slight bit of fingerwork would have told Alice that I was computing on my own bed, likely to walk down the hall at any moment. This was an invitation, I concluded.

Alice was reversed atop Rosalind, the latteras long legs hanging off the end of the Hollywood bed. Throwing my robe on a chair, I presented myself between them, rubbing Aliceas bent forehead with my flaccid d.i.c.k, just beginning to stiffen. Proving to my satisfaction that indeed an invitation had been intended, she raised her head enough to gobble me into her mouth. A few expert tongue strokes soon effected a full stand. When I withdrew, she charmingly held Rosalindas l.a.b.i.a apart for me to enter.

Perhaps the larger girl was not party to the invitation. She stiffened and burbled under Aliceas groin. Both hands released Aliceas hips and descended upon me in exploration. What she found must have been satisfactory. Her hips began to roll.

Alice and Clara will not often indulge me in this exchange of mouth and p.u.s.s.y. Apparently the p.u.s.s.y owner objects to the frequent withdrawals while the mouther necessarily loses her concentration on sensations from the other end. But this time it worked. When I put back into Ros the fifth or sixth time, all three of us came, howling and twisting. I do love that contrast!

I backed away and sat against my robe in the chair. aThank you very much, ladies, for thinking of me.a Alice sat up, slithering her b.u.t.tocks away from Rosalindas face. Seminal fluid dripped from her chin. Her eyes widened with indignation. aThinking of you? Of all the conceited comments I ever a"a aYou did leave the door open,a I explained with a grin.

aHeas right,a said Rosalind, raising her wet face and matching my smile. aOoo, I do love a c.o.c.k and a tongue together!a aSo we gathered,a agreed Alice dryly. Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. aYou know how interested we all are in your welfare, Tim. We want to protect you. So I warn you, in the future when you come upon two women making love, it is hazardous in the extreme to a.s.sume they want a man to horn in.a aaHorn in,aa repeated Rosalind. aThe exact words!a She laughed at her own wit.

Alice sighed, her eyes dropping. aOf course, you did make yourself such a lovely c.o.c.k!a Rosalind chimed in, aItas hard to imagine anyone rejecting it.a I said with a smirk, aThat thought never crossed my mind.a Alice leaned forward, swiped a finger between the otheras l.a.b.i.a and raised it, dripping. She grinned. aAnd now we have an even better reason for our dry bath.a I protested, aYou donat need to douche for my benefit. Today Iam harmless.a aI refer to the hygienic advantages,a Alice remarked. aOut of bed, Ros. Theyare on the way.a The two girls bounced to their feet on the carpet and stood completely nude, arms slightly spread away from hips, eyes twinkling at me expectantly. A white streak appeared on one of Rosalindas thighs and began its descent.

As interesting as those long, round thighs were, a thrumming in the hall distracted me. Suddenly a huge ma.s.s of wasps, forming a tight cloud large as a heavy man, swept into the room, fluttering the hair on my arm as they curved over my chair. The cloud split into two approximately equal parts. In a moment each girl was covered, head to toe, in a writhing and glittering ma.s.s of wasps.

aOh, G.o.d, oh, G.o.d, that tickles!a proclaimed Rosalind, twisting slightly.

aHold still!a warned Alice. aBe sure to keep your fingers spread and your hands away from your body.a Their teeth flashed when their mouths opened to speak, admitting enough light to reveal red tongues in sharp contrast to wasp-covered faces. Everywhere else on their bodies not one glimmer of pink skin was evident, not even their nostrils, although I had to a.s.sume the insects left airways open.

The wasps attended only upon the females; none approached me even when I stood up in a mixture of awe and consternation. I opened my mouth to demand an explanation, but at that moment the wasps withdrew from Alice completely and from Rosalind everywhere but her groin and inner thighs. They could not have been in contact more than ten seconds. Most of them departed from the room, pa.s.sing around me with enough speed to create a short-lived breeze. Iall confess I flinched back slightly. Shortly the clump in Rosalindas groin rose to join the remainder hovering in the air.

aNow the bottoms of our feet,a Alice declared brightly.

Both girls pitched themselves onto the bed, rolled on their backs and extended their feet off the side. The wasps divided into four small, one coating the sole and toes of each foot.

Rosalindas feet twitched and jerked. aOh, G.o.d, I canat stand it!a I had once driven her to distraction with a feather in the arches of her feet. I dared to stoop for a closer view. The wasps writhed between toes and all along the bottom. I distinctly saw their mouthparts working on skin in the manner of houseflies sucking the moisture from peach slices. In a few seconds the insects lifted away and buzzed out of the room.

I arose to find both girls regarding me with dancing eyes.

aWhose idea was this?a I asked.

aMine!a declared Alice proudly. She regarded me with a suggestive sneer. aOnly a few people can benefit from a dry bath.a aA adry bath,a is it?a I laughed harshly. aI certainly agree with you about the afew people.a How many do you know with trained vespidae?a aThatas not what I mean. Clara doesnat use them, for example.a I nodded. aThat figures. Clara loves water.a aNor that either!a she a.s.serted testily.

I shrugged. aOkay. Congratulations then to you and Rosalind.a She actually snarled. ad.a.m.n you, Timothy Kimball! People need willpower to take a dry bath.a aWillpower?a I said curiously. Of course I knew what she was getting at, but itas fun to tease her.

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