Reversion - A Novel Part 13

Reversion - A Novel -

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The three of us lay entangled and sweaty upon her large bed. At Aliceas insistence we had adjourned early tonight for our usual evening calisthenics. The girl had behaved toward me with unusual tenderness. I thought snidely that the monkeys must be less than satisfactory a" but I didnat say it. She even detected my approaching climax, abandoned Claraas c.u.n.t and swung down in the bed to take it from me orally. Afterwards she looked up at me with a pleased smile, a dollop of s.p.u.n.k on her chin. I could only stare in grateful disbelief until our breathing eased and Clara distracted me.

I took the modified opera but she held on to them, pointing out features with the fingers of her other hand. aWe all have perfect vision, so I set the eyepiece to a fixed focus and converted the focusing k.n.o.b to a zoom control. Play with it and youall see how it works. This new b.u.t.ton is the pause and release. Hold it down for two or three seconds and it will restart a scene at the beginning.a She released the device and handed me something from the headboard. aHereas an earpiece.a Both females were watching me. With a shrug I fell back beside Clara, tucked in the earpiece and put the to my eyes but saw only dim grayness even when directed at the ceiling light.

aNothingas on,a I said as I might in ten years whenever the TV was uninteresting.

aPress the restart b.u.t.ton,a Clara advised.

When I did so, sound arrived at my ear: the background rumble of a city and someoneas boots crunching in the snow. The scene presented to my eyes was a snow-lined neighborhood street along whose sidewalk the camera was moving with a slight bounce. I recognized it: 59th Street. Suddenly the camera a" I know it wasnat a camera but after years of using camcorders thatas how I thought of it a" turned in a sidewalk to a familiar apartment building and began to descend the stairs to the bas.e.m.e.nt. I recognized the scuffed door. This was Rosalindas place.

I pressed the pause b.u.t.ton and looked into Aliceas intent eyes. aYou went to see Rosalind today?a aThis afternoon.a I looked around at Clara. aWhere was your ladybug, on her cap?a aNot exactly,a the woman answered, eyes twinkling.

In the depicted scene a gloved fist rose and banged on the door. I also heard feet stomping, possibly to dislodge snow and stimulate blood circulation.

aWhoas there?a Rosalindas voice came m.u.f.fled from behind the door after an annoying wait.

aItas Alice. Open up! Iam freezing!a Stomping feet sounded again. After long seconds the gloved fist rose to knock again just as Rosalind called, aItas a bad time, Alice. Could you come back later?a aNo!a the girl shouted angrily. aItas ten degrees out here. Let me in!a Again a wait. Alice began to kick the door with one foot, persistently but not too hard. Finally the lock clicked. The door opened a crack, just wide enough for Rosalindas nose and half her face to peer at me directly. Suddenly I realized this camera must have been on Aliceas face itself.

aI have a visitor,a the older girl whispered urgently. aYou canat come in now.a Aliceas face thrust toward the door. She grunted as it flew open. Rosalind was obviously thrown off balance. As she staggered backward her robe parted. Without its scant cover she would have been fully naked. The camera flicked oddly around the suddenly revealed room a" a capability the ladybug had never demonstrated a" and came to rest upon a young man lying stark naked atop the bed. He made no effort to conceal the smug grin on his handsome face or an erect p.e.n.i.s of modest dimension.

Out of sight behind the camera the door shut solidly. Rosalindas voice emitted stuttering objections. The camera rolled back and forth but remained centered on the erect member, as Alice shed her parka and pulled off blue snow pants in what must have been a comfortably warm room. The guyas d.i.c.k was thicker than my twelve year-old specimen but not much longer.

aHah!a the fellow snorted in an amused baritone when her outer garments lay on the floor. aI thought you were a boy.a She was probably still wearing a dress. The camera advanced beside the bed and stared pointedly at the d.i.c.k too dry to have seen recent use. Alice sneered, aIf I were a boy Iad be better equipped than you.a The guy rose onto an elbow to retort indignantly, but Rosalindas shoulder heaved into sight between them.

aYouad better go,,a she said in a fl.u.s.tered voice, looking around at Alice behind her.

aLittle d.i.c.kyas not finished,a Alice taunted. aI can wait. He wonat take a second.a aThatas right!a the guy exclaimed and pulled Rosalind onto the bed.

He rolled atop her in a flash. His hips thrust unmistakably. The girlas eyes went wide.

aGet off!a she screamed, flailing at the man. Apparently he was too heavy to dislodge. She wailed, aYouare not wearing a rubber!a Alice reached down to seize the manas hair in both hands. She pulled fiercely and Rosalind pushed. Their joint effort succeeded, sending him sprawling to the floor with a thump. Scowling, he jumped adroitly to his feet. His mouth opened as though to issue a stream of profanities, but instead he smiled. After a graceful wave of his arm with a courtly bow he collected his clothes and took them into the bathroom.

The two girls stared wordlessly at each other during the minute required to dress. He returned to the room ready for outdoors.

aSorry about the misunderstanding, Ros,a he said with an arrogant grin. aIall see you after cla.s.s tomorrow.a With an amused glance at Alice and a slight toss of the head he left the apartment. Neither of the girls spoke until they heard the outside door close upstairs.

aHe put it in me!a the older one exclaimed bitterly. aDo you think it was rape?a aPerhaps.a Alice sat on the bed beside her. aBut didnat he only catch you by surprise? It was a playful way of saying good-bye after I interrupted your f.u.c.k.a Rosalind glanced quickly at the smaller girl and then examined her fingernails. aYou did interrupt, of course. We intended to spend the afternoon together.a aSo now you have an unscratched itch,a Alice responded snippily. aIall tell Tim. Iam sure heall rush over to help.a Rosalind flushed slightly. aBy the way: what are you doing here?a aTo make sure youare all right. Tim couldnat reach you on the phone.a aHe called?a aYes, this morning. Heas in cla.s.s. You and I donat have one on Monday afternoons, so I came to see if you had some good reason not to answer the phone.a I heard the smirk in her voice. aNot a very long reason, was it?a Rosalind giggled. aI had a special use in mind for that short one.a Suddenly her face was serious. aWhat happened yesterday, Alice?a aYou mean after we left you?a aDidnat the FBI take you home? What I mean is, why did it happen? Iam a language student, remember? And Iam pretty sure that kidnapper you ran from spoke to you in Russian.a aI didnat understand it either,a Alice responded in tones that I recognized to imply no big deal. aMy Russian studies havenat got that far yet. But would you believe it was all a wrong number?a Rosalind blinked. aWould I believe it?a I chuckled, pleased that Alice could also be guilty of anachronisms.

Ignoring the question, the young girl asked airily, aYouave heard of Anastasia, the lost daughter of Tsar Nicholas?a Rosalindas eyes widened. aBy now shead be in her forties!a aIt seems the Russians thought we were her children.a aGood heavens!a aJust a case of mistaken ident.i.ty.a Aliceas hand appeared in a deprecating gesture. aDoes being here mean youare through with Tim?a Rosalind smiled slowly. aAre you jealous for Tim?a She chuckled. aNo need for that. Tim and I are just good friends.a aThatas what Tim says,a Alice retorted. aBut donat you f.u.c.k regularly?a aNo.a Rosalindas lips curled down, but her finger toyed with back of the girlas hand. aI think heas been avoiding me since the party a" until Sunday, at least. And look what happened!a Her voice softened. aTim was my first guy, you know.a aMine too,a Alice admitted quietly and tangled a finger around Rosalindas.

aI thought so,a the larger girl said, taking the otheras hand. aBut I hesitated to asked him about it because youare only ten and also his cousin.a Alice sighed and studied the other girlas face. It denoted sincerity, perhaps an offer of friends.h.i.+p.

aIave only recently begun to enjoy s.e.x,a the younger confided. I heard a smile in her voice. aIad like to try it with other guys before, you know, Tim and I settle down together.a aThat should be years away, donat you think?a the older said cheerfully. aYou could have dozens of guys by then.a She raised an arm that seemed to go around Aliceas shoulders. Her head drew closer.

Alice asked boldly, aHow about hundreds?a aHundreds!a Rosalind squealed in delight. aWouldnat that be something?a aIad mainly like to feel a adult c.o.c.k while Iam still small.a The older looked serious. aWhy would you want that, Alice? Some of them can be rather long. They can hurt.a Alice snuggled close and fingered one of the older girlas curiously small b.r.e.a.s.t.s. aAt least Iad like a fat one to fill me up. Have you ever been hurt? I mean after the first time.a Rosalindas face and neck began to flush apparently in response to Aliceas unexpected attention to a nipple. aThe second guy,a she murmured in a distracted voice. aHe was too long.a aIf it hurt maybe you put him in the wrong place.a Rosalindas stuttered, aBut, but aa aRight!a cried Alice with a giggle. aThey canat be too long there.a aAre you a sure?a aTry your big guy and youall see. Of course they can be too fat there. Was he too fat?a aOh, no!a Rosalind breathed dreamily. aHe was perfect that way.a d.a.m.n it!

aI want that too.a Aliceas hand frankly palmed the breast. Suddenly Rosalindas cheek was so close the proximity cut off the light. Apparently Alice had kissed it. aDo you ever play with dolls?a she whispered.

I had a glimpse of Rosalindas full face before the scene dimmed again. aIave never had a live doll,a she said in a quivery voice whose pa.s.sion I recognized.

Both fell back onto the bed. Alice must have landed atop the otheras naked body. Both made tiny moaning sounds in curious harmony. After many mewling kisses Alice brushed her face quickly over the small b.r.e.a.s.t.s and flat stomach to find the moist pubic bush. With the experience of decades plus recent practice with Clara, Alice well knew what stimulates girls. She rapidly brought the elder to a screaming climax.

Shortly she backed away from an inflamed, wet c.l.i.toris and stood up. The darkness of her dress pa.s.sed upward over her eyes, but she remained focused on Rosalindas face, still registering its surprised delight in the quickness and deft satisfaction of that o.r.g.a.s.m.

When Alice arose after removing panties and stockings, the reclining girlas eyes raked her thoroughly. aYou have the legs of an older girl, but the rest of you is only ten.a aAlmost eleven,a Alice corrected and returned to cuddle on the bed.

They were soon squirming their bodies together. The scene in the viewer wobbled enough to make me dizzy. After a while Alice fell back. Rosalind crouched beyond the hairless crotch to explore her new doll, to kiss its body, to fondle it and from the visible wrist contortion, to insert some fingers.

aI had to do that,a Rosalind giggled, tasting them afterwards. aI needed to prove you were truly not a virgin.a Alice giggled. aWhat if I had been?a aI donat know.a The elderas eyes widened at first but narrowed with a scornful laugh. aNot a chance of that! No virgin would know how to make me come so quickly.a She took a breath. aExcept for your legs, you look exactly like a little girl, but now I know better.a She chuckled. aMaybe you told that waiter the truth. I think you could certainly handle a grown man. If it were summer Iad have a cuc.u.mber and we could pretend it was a fat c.o.c.k.a aI prefer the real thing,a Alice remarked agreeably. aBut right now Iad like something more gentle.a Her hands appeared, pulling Rosalindas head lower.

aIave never done this before,a the older girl protested nervously, but allowed her face to approach the soft stomach.

aYou know how, Ros. You know exactly what to do.a Aliceas hands fell away. She seemed to wait in total pa.s.sivity after raising her knees and turning her hips upward. Rosalindas eyes, staring with an almost ludicrous mixture of antic.i.p.ation, timidity and reluctance, hovered just above the pale flesh at the bottom of the young belly a" which writhed suddenly, accompanied by a soprano gasp.

aOh, yes!a Alice sighed after some moments. aNow do me fast!a Her whole torso quivered and a the lights chose that moment to go out just as the young girl screamed.

Then I understood. She had clenched her eyes shut. Had Clara actually put her acameraa inside the girlas eye?

The eyes fluttered open in time to reveal Rosalind rising to hands and knees.

aWas that good?a the elder asked. aDid I do it right, darling? As good as Tim?a Her face approached. They folded into a gentle embrace.

aAs good as Clara,a the young girl admitted dreamily.

aClara!a Rosalind exclaimed, her eyes large in excited surprise. She sat up with an avid expression. aDoes Tim do Clara too?a aYes.a aYou certainly have a naughty family,a the older girl remarked with a nervous laugh.

aThatas true,a Alice admitted. The perspective changed. Perhaps she had risen on an elbow. aBut you love naughtiness too. Well, we can be naughty for the rest of the afternoon. Do you have any, uh, toys to play with?a Rosalindas pretty face took on an adventurous look. aI have a kielbasa,a she said with rising excitement. aItas not as thick as a cuc.u.mber, but aa aItall do,a Alice declared, lying back languidly on the bed. Again the lights went out.

aIall be right back!a Rosalind said breathlessly. I heard the unmistakable sound of a drawer pulled open, but the scene remained dark.

One afternoon about two weeks later when I had hung up my coats and flopped on the couch beside Clara, I found Fuzzytop waiting with a gla.s.s of on ice. Thatas the way I love it, but the ice crusher built into the refrigerator door hasnat been invented yet. A monkey, however, who is able and willing to take ice cubes from the freezer compartment, bash them up with a hammer in a cloth bag, the results into a tumbler and pour over it, is even better than the machine, which after all can only do a part of that.

But as I thanked him and took the gla.s.s, the little b.a.s.t.a.r.d widened his tongue and deliberately licked my fingers. It tickled, almost causing me to spill the drink. He knows I hate that, at least from another male. He sat back on his haunches, stared up at me and made the aTch-tch-tch-tcha sounds that Clara has declared to be Capuchin laughter.

aYou little devil,a I intoned, which sent him away, chattering more frenziedly.

aHe loves you, Tim,a advised Clara behind a warm smile, aalmost as much as I do.a aWhy does he love my taste so much?a Her smile became a giggle but she shook her head. aThatas not why he licks your fingers.a aYeah, I know. What he really loves is to annoy me.a aNot even that, though he does love for you to recognize his existence. Think about it. When was the last time you washed your hands?a I blinked. aI guess this morning.a aRight. The Capuchins have much better developed senses of taste and smell than we. If he could speak Iam sure head tell you everything youave handled since you left here this morning.a I sneered, aNo doubt including how many times I stroked my d.i.c.k.a She chuckled, though with less humor. aIam interested in that too, Tim. If it were possible, Iad love to follow you around and do it for you.a I had to laugh a little. aYou almost sound like you mean it.a aOh, I do, Tim. You have the sweetest little organ in the world.a I cringed. aEmphasis on little, eh, Alice?a The girl looked up with a snicker. aEnjoy it while youave got it.a aEnjoy it?a aAsk Clara. More bang for the buck in the little ones a" for the owner, that is.a aWhat are you talking about?a aTell him, Clara.a The woman looked at me. aThe lower blood volume and surface area result in marginally greater overall stamina.a aYou have measured this somehow?a aNot I, but I have the results of a kinsey investigation in, ah, 2104, your reckoning, which produced such measurements. It only stands to reason, Tim.a I spread my hands. aThat may very well be true. That you claim it is good enough for me. But donat you broads understand the problem better than that?

aBroads!a repeated Clara.

aHey, donat knock it!a Alice advised smugly. d.a.m.ned if she didnat sit straighter and twist her a.s.s around! aWhat problem do you mean?a aThe problem of having a little d.i.c.k!a I thundered.

Both sets of brows knit. aExplain, please,a intoned Alice.

aWho cares about stamina? The problem with having a little d.i.c.k is you women prefer larger ones.a aWe do?a asked Alice.

aMy G.o.d! Am I suddenly in the Land of Oz? Didnat you and Rosalind go ga-ga about fat ones just this month?a They stared at me. Clara smiled slowly. aWe all love your little one, Tim.a That made me feel slightly better, especially when Alice chimed in agreement. I sat back, sipped my and commented with a touch of smugness, aAt least itas the largest one in this house.a aAnd weall take care of it,a Alice declared. aJust wait till you grow up.a I sniffed. aIam afraid to ask what that meansa a" which was literally true and suggested a fast change of subject. aWhat do your histories say, Clara, about the date when Chicago gets a reliable TV station?a aYou want to watch television?a asked Alice. aI canat believe you said that.a She looked at Clara. aHe bragged that he wouldnat have a TV in his house.a aThatas not true,a I retorted. aMy palmtop could receive the news. On nine-eleven I hardly looked at anything else.a aNine-eleven?a asked Clara. aOh, you mean those buildings in New York.a aPoor Tim is bored.a Alice got to her feet and crossed the room to hand me an opera gla.s.s and an earpiece. aHere, if you want to watch TV.a aWhat is it? a" not more of you and Rosalind, I hope!a Alice didnat smile. aJust my family obligation.a I took the device almost reluctantly. She studied me contemplatively.

In the viewer I was again seeing through her eyes. She shrugged off a heavy woolen coat immediately upon entering the foyer of some building, tossed it on a chair near the front door and looked back at the man behind her. I recognized him from my own experience of the last two weeks: FBI Agent David Campbell. He was more deliberate and hung his coat on a rack. They were in the commuter lounge, empty as usual because most local students preferred the dorm population to their own company.

The girl, tall for a ten year old, stood close to the large young man and grinned into his face. aBut you know itas true,a she said insistently, obviously continuing a discussion begun earlier. aYouave been briefed. Iam really not ten years old and you donat have to treat me like a little girl.a He shook his head. aIave been told some strange things about you and your cousin, Alice, things I donat think about because frankly theyare incredible, whoever says so! As far as Iam concerned, youare just what you appear to be: a kid no older than my brotheras daughter.

Clara had improved the again. I could feel the tension in my own face when Alice scowled, as she did now. She went into the main room where she flopped on a davenport, one leg half raised against the back of it while the other splayed to the floor. Her skirt bunched up to reveal shapely legs from white anklets to panties. She obviously knew what she was doing, because she ran fingertips along one inner thigh and stared up at the man, who took a chair nearby.

He groused, aIam not supposed to be talking to you, except in an emergency. h.e.l.l, Iam not even supposed to follow you in here, at least not into the same room. You know all that, donat you?a She shrugged. aI donat care about your rules.a He took a breath and asked patiently, aWhat was so urgent, Alice?a aDoes your brotheras daughter sit in your lap?a she asked, now palming the thigh and kneading it.

aSometimes, sure.a he replied in a distracted voice, his attention riveted on the exhibition before him.

aAnd squirm around deliberately?a aDeliberately? I, ah, I donat a"a aDoes she m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e?a His eyes widened in shock. aWhat? How would I know? She, she must be too young for a"a aMany girls start at that age,a Alice persisted, a finger now tracing a crease in the front of her panties. aThey discover the pleasure even before they develop hair or Campbell gawked as the girlas hand slipped beneath the elastic top of her panties.

She asked as if continuing the statement, aYouad put a grown man in jail for violating a ten year old, wouldnat you, Davy?a It was a reasonable question to ask a lawman but she spoke the words distantly. She brazenly began to diddle herself.

aYes, of course!a he replied with a nervous squeak, mouth agape. aSuch guys should be shot!a aBut which is the greater sin a" ravis.h.i.+ng a young body or corrupting an innocent mind?a She stared at him intently.

His mouth sagged, eyes following the masturbating fingers, but he managed a copas response. aThe law does not make a distinction. The age of consent is specific.a aThe age of consent!a Alice exclaimed. She wriggled languidly against the fist in her panties. aItas the mind that drives s.e.x, not the body. Canat you imagine a b.o.o.bless grown woman who has shaved her to resemble a ten year old? Would she not meet your age criterion?a Campbell shook his head as if to clear it. He smiled broadly. aYes, thatas true, but why would an adult man be s.e.xually interested in a hairless and t.i.tless female body?a Alice uttered a small gasp and her body stiffened momentarily. Iall say Clara had improved these a" I even felt a tingle!

The girl retrieved her hand from the panties and raised it to her face to suck on the forefinger.

aWhy? For curiosity, perhaps,a she answered with a lascivious grin. aEspecially if close up the woman could not be distinguished from a real ten year old.a aThat would be a perversion!a the man objected, yet his voice faltered.

aYes,a Alice cooed seductively, awouldnat it?a He stared blankly at her then stood and moved toward the hallway, perhaps seeking to put some distance between himself and the young temptress on the couch.

aYour aunt is waiting for you,a he said without turning to her.

aShe knows I sometimes stop at the library.a Alice got to her feet and moved silently to stand behind him, adding in childish tones, aWe have at least two hours, Davy.a She caressed his back.

He emitted a squawk and faced her. She stood close, more than a head shorter than he, her ponytail not quite grazing his chin. She took his hand in hers.

aI know a private place we can go,a she said softly with head against his chest. aAnd I know how to keep secrets better than anyone in the FBI.a With hands gently on her shoulders he held her back to gaze into eyes that were limpid and inviting, judging by the reflected expression in his own.

aThis is not right,a he said unconvincingly, even to himself.

Without a word of retort she took his hand and pulled him along the hallway to a door with flaking green paint. It opened to reveal a narrow, dusty staircase that led to an upper level above the lounge.

aTim and I discovered this place last week,a she exclaimed in a tone of rising excitement. She closed the door behind them and pushed him up the stairs before her.

The stairs opened into a desolate windowless room, empty except for a wooden chair, a table and a bed at the head of which lay a rolled up, striped mattress. Campbell seemed reluctant to leave the head of the stairs, but Alice thrust him inside.

aNo one ever comes here,a she whispered encouragingly yet with a hint of caution.

aHow would you know?a he objected. aYouare as new to the university as I.a He surveyed the place like a cop, which took just seconds considering the small, bare s.p.a.ce. When he turned to the bed he found that Alice had rolled down the mattress and was sitting upon it demurely with hands in lap. He stood awkwardly in front of the girl and glanced at the stairway.

aRelax, Davy. I bolted the door from the inside.a aWhat is this place?a aTim and I think it was meant for an after-hours guard or caretaker. But they found they didnat need him.a She patted a spot next to her.

aAlice,a he began and then fell silent.

Clearly whatever had induced him to accompany the girl up the stairs was rapidly dissipating. Alice pulled on his arm. He sat stiffly beside her, leaning slightly away. She put her arms around his neck to bring him close.

aLetas start by kissing,a she breathed against his lips.

He moved away abruptly and almost stood. aPlease, Alice! Youare too small.a aToo small? At least you didnat say too young. Iad like to experience something big, Davy. Do you have it? Iam not a virgin, you know. You wonat hurt me.a aNot a virgin!a He laughed scornfully. aWhat have you tried, the little boy next door?a She smiled. aYou guys would have a record of that, I expect.a She held up her forefingers about a foot apart. aWould you believe a" I mean, Iave used a kielbasa this long.a aYou a" Youare pulling my leg. You couldnat begin to get that in you.a aCanat I? Yours isnat that long, is it, Davy?a aAh, not quite.a aOoo! Iall bet itas lovely.a aG.o.d, kid, do you have any idea what youare doing to me?a aMaking that lovely thing hard as a rock, I hope.a aOh, Jesus!a Whether because of curiosity or l.u.s.t or more likely both, the man surrendered. Sadly declaiming, aYouare proving one thing: I for sure donat belong in the FBI!a he embraced the girl for a kiss and ran his free hand up an illicit, smooth thigh until finger tips found her panties and the soft l.a.b.i.a. I heard one small thud on the wooden floor and then another as Alice kicked off her boots. They leaned back onto the mattress, kissing pa.s.sionately, his hand inside the panties, fingers exploring the hairless groin.

aKiss me down there!a she gasped. aYouall never find one fresher.a In an instant he was on his knees pulling the panties down graceful young legs that dangled off the bed. With trembling hands he pushed up the skirt to see more clearly the naked, puffy lips with c.l.i.t hood protruding invitingly. Doubtlessly he was familiar with the anatomy but never one so new, except perhaps glances stolen of careless sisters. He paused to gaze, tongue extended, then set to work with deft, practiced kisses, licks and gentle sucking. Alice responded immediately, squirming in delight, groans quickly reaching a crescendo until she cried aloud and pushed insistently at his head.

aDo it now!a she pleaded in a ragged voice, pulling on his ears, wanting him atop her.

But her lover had sudden second thoughts even as he undid the belt and unb.u.t.toned his fly. When he raised his head to look at the girl he discovered she had undone her blouse to expose a flat chest with small nipples surmounting vague puffiness. As if in a dream he continued to expose himself, pus.h.i.+ng down trousers and underpants, but his mighty manhood began to shrivel at the sight of a half naked ten year-old.

aI canat do this,a he moaned to the girl, who raised herself on elbows to a.s.sess the problem.

aJesus Christ, man!a she exclaimed in outrage. aYou canat leave me hanging!a aIam sorry, Alice,a he said resolutely, although his hand caressed a soft thigh. aI canat f.u.c.k a child.a aGet up here!a she commanded like an angry aunt and grabbed his arms.

He rose to his feet and then lay beside her on his back with no evident intention to proceed further. Alice had other plans. She knelt above him with a hand grasping his soft member. After several futile pumps she leaned down to take the head of it into her mouth. This had the desired effect, and it quickly grew to seven or more hard inches. With a determined look on her attractive face she swung a leg over the man and wriggled the pole into her until she sat comfortably upon his groin.

aMarvelous!a she exclaimed, a note of triumph in her voice. aJust marvelous!a With the deed done, Campbell seemed to relax and enjoy the experience. He ran his hands up and down the girlish thighs and began to thrust urgently. When she leaned down to kiss him, he embraced her and finally f.u.c.ked in earnest. His powerful, lengthy jabs did not cause her any distress. Moaning excitedly, she covered his face with kisses. Her o.r.g.a.s.m was not dramatic or particularly loud; a delighted aEek!a marked her finale. Campbell, however, roared like a bull soon afterwards Alice sat upright atop him as the p.e.n.i.s wilted inside her. She appeared to be very pleased with herself.

aIave wondered what it would feel like to have this small body f.u.c.ked by a large c.o.c.k,a she announced in high spirits. aThe first time it happened I was too drunk to really appreciate it.a His l.u.s.t abated, Campbellas troubled expression revealed conflicting emotions; fear of the consequences, disgust at himself and love for the impish girl-woman. He reached up to finger a boyish nipple.

aI could get a place for us, Alice,a he said fawningly. aSomewhere we could meet together. It would be exciting to watch your body grow to adulthood.a aI doubt you could afford that on a copas pay, Davy,a she responded cruelly as she dismounted. aAnd besides I know being around you all the time would bore me. I was just curious. You did a good job, but this was a one-shot experiment, a one-night stand, if you know what I mean.a The manas face betrayed both anger and consternation. aYou canat mean you just used me for your own pleasure!a he exclaimed indignantly. aI suggest you think over my offer more seriously.a aCanat I mean it?a Her menacing expression was reflected in his wide eyes. aThis never happened, Davy. If you insist that it did, youall be very sorry. I suggest you think that over!a

Chapter 10: And a Little Child Shall Lead Them.

When the last seminar of the day finally ended, I remembered my appointment with the dean and hurried across the campus, egged on by the bl.u.s.tery cold day and my interest in teasing Margery Holmes. Sitting at the offset secretaryas desk, she looked up from a book as I closed the door behind me. To my dismay her face failed to dissolve in its familiar fond smile.

aWhat is it, Tim?a she demanded.

aUh, time for my monthly check-in. Donat I have a standing appointment?a She sighed and licked oddly tense lips. aProfessor Dell is not here, Tim. I mean heas no longer dean of Graduate Studies.a Although she usually did business from behind her desk, now she rose and came to me in the middle of the room. The pretty blonde was clearly fl.u.s.tered. Always before she had seemed to enjoy my friendly and precocious teasing when I came to visit Professor Dell. She reacted by tousling my hair and commenting on what a apretty boya I was, laughing when I pretended annoyance. Today, however, she acted as though I were an adult, or at least someone responsible enough to understand grave matters.

She placed a hand on my shoulder and lowered her head slightly to look directly into my face. She was six inches taller than I.

aMen with badges took him away this morning,a she whispered as if people were eavesdropping in the hall. aI canat imagine what itas all about. No one has told me a thing except that Professor Buckholtz from the Philosophy Department is to be the interim dean. He wonat be here until tomorrow. What do you suppose has happened?a The lilac aroma of the woman excited me. I inched a little closer.

aItas either s.e.x, money or politics,a I said flippantly, also whispering.

aPolitics?a Her cute nose wrinkled in incomprehension.

aMaybe heas a spy,a I said in a very low voice with my face almost touching hers.

aWhat kind of spy?a she asked incredulously.

The Cold War had not quite begun. The Soviet Union was still a valiant, suffering nation in the eyes of most Americans, an att.i.tude that would soon change with the Berlin Airlift.

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