Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week Part 11

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Nick stared at Hallie, stared at the perfumes, all two hundred odd bottles of the stuff, and nearly broke out in a cold sweat. aI could use a hint,' he said.

Hallie moved down the counter again, to yet another cl.u.s.ter of bottles, her hand hovering over one particular bottle before finally picking it up. aHere. This is one my mother used to wear; it brings back some wonderful memories of her. It's warm, elegant, beautiful. I love it, but I don't wear it.'

aYou call that a hint?'

aBig one.' Her voice was grave, but her eyes were laughing.

Nick sighed heavily, took the perfume her mother used to wear out of her hand and sniffed. He knew that smell, loved its memories because Clea wore it too. It wasn't Hallie; she was right. But it was close.

He attacked the problem systematically, working his way through the entire cl.u.s.ter of perfumes in front of him and rejecting all but three bottles. He took his time with these, undecided, before making his final choice and handing it to her. aThis one.'

aAre you sure?' she teased. aHow do you know? Because I swear your nose went on strike ten bottles ago.'

aSmell it,' he urged.

She took a deep sniff. It had some of the same ingredients as her mother's perfume, the same warmth in the base, but it was different too. More exotic and youthful. More vibrant.

aWell?' he asked gruffly.

aI like it.'

aHow much do you like it?'

aA lot.'

Nick's relieved smile was boyishly endearing and Hallie felt her heart stutter. He was a curious mixture, Nicholas Cooper. Smooth as silk one minute, as sweet as Friday's child the next. aPromise me you'll wear it for me tonight,' he murmured.

Yep, just as smooth as silk. aNow I'm going to choose one for you,' she told him.

aDon't!' he said, clearly horrified by the notion. aWalk with me through the alleyways for half an hour. That's all I want. Let me show you the Hong Kong I like best.'

She could do that.

She loved doing just that, because it was here that she found what had been missing in the spotless airport and glittering department stores; here she found the hawker stalls and the food carts; the scent of yesteryear and the bustle of an exotic, vibrant culture.

This was the Hong Kong Nick liked best? She should have guessed. Nick would always seek out the real, add a dash of what if and colour it magical. It was part of his charm.

What kind of woman would he choose when he finally did take a wife? Hallie wondered. Would she laugh with him and delight in the boy beneath the man? Would she be worldly and elegant? An a.s.set to his business interests? Would he choose a real corporate wife? Hallie was so preoccupied with her thoughts she almost fell over Nick as he knelt down to examine a tiny street urchin's meagre fake watch selection that had been lined up with military precision on a dirty sc.r.a.p of towel.

aCartier,' he said, grinning up at her. aBargain. You want one?'

Dammit, she knew this would happen. She was falling for him. aThat one,' she said, pointing towards a plain-faced gold watch in the middle of the row. aDoes it work?'

aThe hands are moving. That's always a good sign,' he said as he handed over enough money to buy ten fake watches and waved away the change. aWhere to now?' he said, handing her the watch.

aBack to the Teys' if this watch is correct. I have to be back by five-thirty if I want the hairdresser to style my hair.'

aAnd do you?'

aAbsolutely. I'm off to a ball in a designer gown and there'll be dancing and music and a countdown to midnight. I want the works. Tonight I'm going to feel like Cinderella.'

aDoes that mean I have to be your Prince Charming?'

aYou can try to be my Prince Charming,' she countered with a smile. They were standing beside a busy road and a taxi was heading their way in the centre lane. Nick saw it about the same as time she did and stepped to the side of the pavement and raised his hand. The taxi swerved abruptly and shoehorned itself into the side lane to the accompaniment of blaring horns and rude gestures.

aI think he's seen us,' said Nick.

aYeah, but do we want to get in a car with him?' she muttered. The taxi wasn't slowing down. If anything it was speeding up. aHe's not stopping,' she said and stepped back from the kerb just as someone stumbled into Nick from behind, pus.h.i.+ng him onto the road.


It all happened in a screaming blur. She lunged for his s.h.i.+rt, caught the very edge of it and heaved him backwards with all her strength as the taxi sped past, mere millimetres from the guttering. There was nothing to break her fall as they tumbled back in a heap, her elbow connecting painfully with the cement, her head hitting it moments later, followed by Nick's big body pus.h.i.+ng every last ounce of breath from her body as he landed on top of her. Then he was on his hands and knees beside her and she was seeing double, triple even. Either that or the entire population of Hong Kong was staring down at her.

aHallie. Hallie! Can you hear me?'

Nick's face loomed above her, a familiar face against a sea of oriental ones, and she clung to it as a s.h.i.+pwrecked sailor clung to a beacon. aHe wasn't going to stop,' she whispered.

aNo. He wasn't.' Nick looked almost as shaken as she felt as his hands carefully brushed a stray strand of hair from her eyes. aHow do you feel? Where do you hurt?'

aI sc.r.a.ped my elbow,' she said. aI hit my head.'

aHow many fingers am I holding up?'

aNone. Your hands are in my hair.'

aRight,' said Nick. aHow many now?'

aTwo.' Her head was starting to clear, her vision was returning. She tried to sit up, and was immediately a.s.sisted by a hundred helpful hands that didn't stop at sitting but lifted her gently to her feet. aThank you,' she said, and, aThank you, again,' as someone handed her her handbag and the bag with the perfumes in it. There was an animated discussion going on somewhere in the crowd, lots of shouting and hand-waving. Finally a business-suited Chinese man approached them both.

aYou were pushed,' he told Nick. aThis man says he saw it.' He pointed to a wizened little man at the back of the crowd. aHe says it was a man wearing a red cap, zip jacket, and jeans. A young man.'

Nick nodded, thanked both men.

aI thought I saw someone push you too,' said Hallie, abut I didn't see a face.' She'd been too busy trying to grab him.

aC' mon.' He was leading her towards a quiet doorway of a shop that had already closed for the evening. aI think we should get you to the hospital. Get you checked out.'

aNo, Nick! That'll take hours!' They'd miss the ball. aI fell over and you landed on top of me, that's all. I grew up playing football with my brothers, I'm used to it.' Okay, so she was exaggerating. Just a little. He didn't look as if he was buying it anyway. He lifted her arm for a closer look at her elbow; she turned her arm so she could see it herself. It was a nasty graze. d.a.m.n. Hallie scowled. aThis is so not going to go with my gown.'

aBe serious,' he said gruffly. aYou could have concussion.' He threaded his hands through her hair and tilted her head forward, examining her skull with gentle fingers.

aOw!' She winced when he hit the spot that had connected with the concrete.

aIt's swelling,' he told her. aYou're going to have an egg.'

aI'm also going to have the services of a hairdresser. You'll never know it's there. Really, Nick. I'm okay.'

His eyes were dark and searching as his hands moved from her hair to frame her face. aYou scared me,' he said simply. And lowered his lips to hers.

He was very gentle, very careful, and Hallie trembled at the tenderness she found in his embrace. She closed her eyes, lifted her hands to his shoulders, and opened her mouth to him, revelling in his warmth and the dark, delicious taste of him. He took his time, such an agonizingly long time he took before his tongue touched hers and duelled. There was no rush, no haste and he built that kiss so slowly and surely that stars exploded in her head for the second time that afternoon. Here was what she'd been waiting for all her life. Pa.s.sion laced with sweetness. Strength tempered by caring, and she wound her arms around his neck and drank in that sweetness and that strength with no thought for anything but the aching need to have it.

It was Nick who broke the kiss, his breathing ragged as he rested his forehead against hers. aWe have an audience,' he muttered. aAnd we're in a public place. The way I figure it, we're still within the rules here.'

aLucky us,' she whispered. It didn't feel as if they were still working within the rules. It felt as if they were breaking every last one of them.

He stepped back, seemingly reluctant to let her go. aDo you want to see a doctor?'

It was a question, not an order, and drove home the point that for all the similarities between Nick and her brothers, in this he was quite, quite different. Seeing a doctor was her call, her choice to make and she made it. aI'm fine,' she said firmly. aJust fine.'

aC' mon.' Nick didn't know whether to curse her stubbornness or applaud her spirit. aLet's get you home.'


aWHAT happened?' cried Jasmine when she opened the front door to them, sweeping them through to the sitting room and settling Hallie into the nearest chair. aStay there,' she ordered and disappeared at a run. When she returned she had Kai and a first-aid kit with her and Nick almost sighed his relief as Jasmine fished cloth and antiseptic from the kit and set to work on Hallie's elbow. She'd scared him half to death when he'd seen her lying there on the pavement looking so small and broken and only half conscious, and her decision not to consult a doctor didn't sit well with him. aShe hit her head as well,' he told Jasmine.

Jasmine's gaze flew to Hallie's eyes. aWe need a torch,' she said firmly. aWe need to check her pupils for dilation.'

aI'm not concussed,' protested Hallie. aI'm fine.'

aDon't argue,' he said. aJust let her check.' And with a wry smile, aFor my sake if not for yours.'

aYou are as bad as my brothers,' she grumbled.

aYeah, but my delivery's far better.'

aWhat happened?' Kai asked him quietly.

aI was trying to hail a taxi and stood a little too close to the kerb. Hallie pulled me back and we fell.'

aYou were pushed,' said Hallie, and to Kai, aSomeone pushed him off the kerb and into the path of an oncoming taxi. I only saw a big jacket and a cap but there was an old man there who saw his face. He said it was a young man and that he did it deliberately.'

aYou were pushed?' asked Kai.

aSomeone stumbled into me,' he countered. aI don't know that it was deliberate.'

Hallie stared at him defiantly. aIf it was an accident, why didn't he stick around to make sure you were all right?'

aMaybe he was too scared to.'

aDid you get the old man's name?' asked Kai.

aI didn't think it was necessary,' said Nick. aWhy?'

aI checked on the sick diner from the restaurant. He's in a coma. The doctors suspect some kind of poison. I took the crabmeat to a private lab for testing, but so far the tests have been inconclusive. If it does contain poison it's a rare one.' Kai paused. aThere is another disturbing fact about last night's incident,' he said quietly. aThe platter was not meant for that particular party. It was meant for us. And if it is as I suspect and only the topmost portion of crab was poisoned, that means it was meant for you.'

aWhat? You're saying someone's trying to kill me?' Whatever direction he thought Kai's conversation was going to go, this wasn't it. aAre you serious?'

aI'm always serious,' said Kai. And with his next breath, aLet me know if you still wish to attend the ball tonight and I'll arrange extra security.'

Nick had taken the news that someone could be trying to kill him surprisingly well, thought Hallie as she watched him pace their guest room not ten minutes later. aDo you have any idea who would want to kill you?' she said thoughtfully.


aMaybe it's someone who doesn't want you going into partners.h.i.+p with John. Maybe they've invented a game just like yours and will lose everything if they don't stop your product from hitting the market.'

aHallie...' he began warningly.

aOr a resentful distributor who failed to get your business,' she said. aHow many did you reject before you decided to go with the Tey Corporation?'

Nick rolled his eyes. aA few, but I really don't think- aOr a woman scorned. There's a thought. I bet there are plenty of those.'

aI do not scorn,' he snapped. aI just...'


aYeah, and, since we're on the subject, I'm terminating your contract. I'm sending you home.'

aOh?' She was prepared to be calm, at least for now. aAnd why is that?'

aI don't want you involved in this. I want you back home and safely out of the way.'

Now he was definitely starting to sound like her brothers. And she'd had such high hopes for him too. aWhat happened to we're in this together as equals?'

aIt stopped when I found out someone was trying to kill me. You didn't sign on for this, Hallie. I don't want you involved.'

aI want to stay and help,' she said stubbornly.

aNo,' he said, equally stubborn. aYou can't help with this.'

aI did today.'

aAnd look what it got you! A busted elbow and a concussion headache!'

aI do not have a concussion headache,' she said indignantly. aIt's just a normal one.'

aLook...' His expression softened. aYou saved my life today; don't think I don't appreciate it, but I don't want you getting hurt again. Not because of me.'

aFine,' she said, waving him towards the telephone. aBook the plane seat.'

Five minutes later he slammed the phone down in frustration. aYou knew there wouldn't be any seats available,' he said accusingly.

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