Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week Part 10

Eligible Bachelors: Wife For A Week -

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Oh. aA gentleman would offer the sheets to the lady,' she said finally.

aWhatever happened to equality?' Nick's smile was pure rogue.

Hallie sighed heavily. It wasn't always easy, practising what you preached. aOr we could toss a coin.'

Nick dug in his wallet for a coin and sent it spinning towards her. aTails and I get to sleep between the sheets,' he said.

It was tails.

aFine.' Hallie lifted her chin. aI'll stay on top of the sheets.'

Nick's smile deepened.

She lay down on the bed with her back to him and tried to block him out, tried to get her weary body to relax and sink into sleep, but it wouldn't comply. It was no good. She needed something over her. The red satin bedspread that she'd shoved to the bottom of the bed was her only option. She sat up, fully aware of Nick's amused eyes on her as she drew the coverlet over her and lay back down. There. Much better.

Ten minutes later she sighed heavily and shoved the cover aside. She was too hot beneath it. She sneaked another look at Nick. He wasn't working; rather, he was watching her. Laughing at her, to be more precise.

aChange of plans?' he enquired.

aYes. Separation by sheet has been abandoned.' She crawled between the sheets defiantly, wrenching the top one into place so it covered her from chin to toe.

aI don't suppose you have a new plan?' he asked her.

aEr, no.' Nothing sprang to mind.

aWe could always sleep top to tail,' he suggested. aI could have my head up this end and you could have yours up there. That way if we moved towards one another through the night we'd end up next to feet.'

aNo!' she said hastily. aAbsolutely not!' That would be bad, really bad, and it had nothing to do with feet. Because if he pulled the sheet up and she followed it down as she was wont to do, they'd end up next to something altogether different to feet and, dear Lord, she was getting all hot and bothered just thinking about what a man of Nick's obvious s.e.xual experience might think to do in such a situation. Never mind keeping her own rampant curiosity under control.

She was still tender, still a little sore from this morning's lovemaking. What if Nick took it into his head to, you know, soothe her? She'd be lost. Possibly begging. h.e.l.l, she was close to begging already and she was only thinking about it. aNo top to tail.' She tried to make her voice sound firm, had the sneaking suspicion she'd just done a halfway decent Marilyn Monroe impersonation.

aWhy not?' he said.

aBecause I'm a lot shorter than you, that's why, and I might, ah, move down the bed somewhat. Especially if you're pulling the sheets that way. I might not end up next to feet at all.'

aYou're right.' His eyes darkened. aTop to tail is definitely out.' He didn't look amused any more, he looked...dangerous. aI guess will-power will have to do.' He came over to her then, came right over to the bed and tucked the sheet firmly around her. aGet some sleep,' he ordered, and leaned forward just enough to set his lips to hers for a kiss that would have been chaste but for the tip of his tongue that went skittering across her upper lip.

It was enough. More than enough given where her thoughts had been to have her gasping in helpless delight and clenching the sheets to keep her hands from reaching for him. But her body arched towards him anyway, ached for him, and Nick knew it did, dammit. And groaned for the both of them.

aStop it,' he muttered. aStop me. We are not doing this. I have too much work to do.'

aThen go do it,' she whispered, closing her eyes tightly as if maybe, somehow, if she didn't see him he'd be easier to resist.

It was a long time before she fell asleep.

Even longer before Nick finally went to bed.

Hallie woke the following morning snuggled into Nick's side with her head on his shoulder and a hand at his waist. She lay perfectly still, her brain trying to figure the best way to extricate herself from his embrace while her body wondered why she would ever want to, her body being more than happy to stay right where it was. But that wasn't the point. The point was that she and Nick had decided lovemaking was out and it was going to take a joint effort to stick to that agreement. If either of them weakened they were both lost; it was as simple as that.

Hallie held her breath as she eased her hand from his waist and started to inch away from him, watching his face for any signs of waking, but he was sound asleep. There were shadows under his eyes that made him look vulnerable, shadows along his jaw that made him look dangerous. And a strength in his face that called to her even as she railed against it. What was it about this man that made him so hard to resist?

Because it wasn't his face and it wasn't his body, although both were gorgeous. No, it was something far more intrinsic than that, something that called to her very soul. And made it tremble. She backed up some more, felt the edge of the bed with her toes. Almost there. One foot on the floor and now the other as she eased her body from the mattress and stood up. Mission completed.

But she'd taken the sheet with her, which left her with a new problem. To cover Nick up again or not to cover. He didn't look cold. No goose-b.u.mps on that gloriously sculpted chest. She made the mistake of letting her gaze travel down his body and swallowed hard at the substantial bulge beneath his boxers. Never mind if he was cold or not, she needed him covered up. She gathered up the sheet and was just about to float it over his body when some sixth sense made her glance up at his face.

He was awake, watching her through slitted eyes, with a smile on his face and an invitation in his eyes that was practically irresistible. aGoing somewhere?' he said.

Hallie dropped the sheet and took a hasty step backwards, almost falling over her feet in the process. aI, ah, I thought I'd get up early and go down and see if Jasmine needs a hand with the New Year's Eve preparations.'

Nick's smile deepened. aGood of you,' he said.

aYes, well, things to do.' Hallie smiled brightly as her heart pounded and her skin tingled at the sound of his sleepy, s.e.xy rumble. With one last wayward glance for the dazzling display of blatant masculinity spread out in front of her she fled to the bathroom before temptation and Nicholas Cooper's smile got the better of her.

With Nick and John at John's offices and Kai away arranging crab a.n.a.lysis, Hallie and Jasmine got down to the serious business of decorating the house for the forthcoming New Year. There were oranges to stack into small pyramids with incense on either side as offerings to the ancestors, beautiful red envelopes to stuff with crisp new money as gifts for friends and relatives, and exquisite paper lanterns to light up the terrace come nightfall. There was grain to offer the Rooster, for it was his year, and he must be made welcome. There were horoscopes to consult. Nails to paint a bright, bold red, and the services of a hairdresser to arrange for later in the day.

They left the dresses until last. Hallie's choice was simple, she would wear the gold gown. Jasmine had a far greater selection to choose from, but by lunchtime they'd narrowed it down to two. A full-length, midnight-blue satin gown with a demure front and next to no back, and a strapless burgundy gown with gold embroidered accents on the bodice. Both were gorgeous. Neither woman could choose between them.

Kai returned in time for lunch and seemed unusually quiet, even for him. When lunch was eaten, the dishes cleared away and the kitchen spotless, he spoke.

aMay I speak with you in private?' he said to Jasmine.

aIs this about the crabmeat?' Jasmine eyed him curiously.


Hallie watched them retreat to John's office with a nagging sense of foreboding; Kai looked like a man with a lot on his mind. He took off in the Mercedes not ten minutes later and Hallie found Jasmine in her room, standing by the window, her eyes wet with tears.

aHe's leaving for the Mainland next week and he's not coming back,' said the younger girl shakily. She gave a tiny, helpless shrug. aI really didn't think he'd go.'

aOh, Jasmine...'

aI don't want him to go. I thought I did, but I don't.' Fresh tears welled in the younger girl's eyes before she lowered her head, a silky curtain of hair covering her distress.

aI thought you felt trapped,' said Hallie gently. aI thought you wanted your independence.'

aI want Kai.'

aBecause he's always been there for you. Because he's safe.'

aNo! Not just because of that.' And with a sob, aI thought he loved me.'

No prizes for guessing who'd put that idea into her head, thought Hallie, and cursed herself for doing so. She'd been thinking about Jasmine and Kai and the situation they were in; thinking that some time apart would benefit them both. aThink about it from Kai's perspective,' she urged the younger girl. aEven if he does love you he's been your protector now for almost ten years. He knows full well it wouldn't be fair of him to burden you with his feelings. Not when you've had so little opportunity to discover who you are and what you want.'

aI know who I am,' said Jasmine with quiet certainty. aAnd I want Kai.'

aMaybe you do. But wouldn't you rather come to him as an equal? As a woman he can love and respect rather than a girl he feels he needs to watch over?'

Jasmine was silent. Finally she lifted her head and turned to Hallie, uncertainty in her eyes this time, rather than desolation. aOf course I would.'

aThen maybe this is for the best,' said Hallie softly. aI for one think you're a very lucky woman. What more could you want than the love of a beautiful warrior who knows what you need and is willing to give it to you even if it means losing you? Don't you see?' Hallie tucked the hair that was clinging to Jasmine's tear stained cheek back behind her ear with gentle fingers tear stained cheek back behind her ear with gentle fingers. aHe's setting you free.'

Two hours later, after a shower for Jasmine and a cup of tea for them both, they were once again standing in front of the two dresses that hung from the doors of Jasmine's wardrobe.

aGive it a year,' said Jasmine thoughtfully.

aOr two.'

aI don't think I can wait that long.'

aI didn't say you couldn't see him at all,' said Hallie. aAnd I definitely didn't say you shouldn't give him something to remember you by. Is he coming to the ball?'

aI don't know,' said Jasmine. aThere's a ticket for him.'

aI'm thinking the blue dress. The front is demure, it's what Kai expects, but then when you turn around and he sees all that skin...bam! How were you thinking of wearing your hair?'

aUp,' said Jasmine.

aPerfect. What about jewellery?'

Jasmine went over to a small wooden jewellery box and lifted out a long silver chain so fine you could hardly see the links. There was a single teardrop pearl a shade lighter than the colour of her skin dangling from it. aI thought this. It's not expensive, more of a trinket really, but it was my mother's. There's no clasp; it slips over the head. But it's too long.'

aNot if you wear it backwards,' said Hallie.

aOh,' said Jasmine. aNow I'm thinking the blue dress. And I shall ask Kai to dance with me. It's a ball; people do dance with one another at b.a.l.l.s.'

Nothing wrong with the younger girl's feminine instincts, thought Hallie, and nodded enthusiastically. aA slow dance,' she said. aA waltz, so he has to put his arm around you and touch all that skin.'

Jasmine smiled slowly.

Hallie smiled back. Kai was toast.

Nick and John returned earlier than expected around mid-afternoon.

aWe're almost there,' said Nick when Hallie dragged him into the garden to get the low-down. aJohn has his lawyers working on the doc.u.ments now. I've faxed them through to mine, but I can't see any problems. All we have to do is sign them.'

aAnd you're happy with the deal?' she asked him.

aIt's a little less than I was hoping for in some respects, a little more in others. I think John feels the same way.' Nick shot her a weary smile. aI have a new appreciation for haggling as an art form, but in the end we got there. It's a fair deal. We both stand to make a lot of money.'

aSo tonight we celebrate.' Hallie looked at him in concern. He didn't look as if he felt like celebrating. He looked exhausted. aAre you going to make it through to midnight? Why don't you go upstairs and rest for a while? Take a nap.'

aI would, but the bed upstairs holds a few too many memories of you in it. I won't rest if I go up there and I sure as h.e.l.l won't sleep.'

aAre you flirting with me?'

aNope.' He eyed her darkly, a man too tired and tense to bother with the niceties. He needed rest, needed to sleep, but if that wasn't an option the next best thing he could do was take a break. From his work, from the strain of pretending to be married to her, and from the Teys, nice as they were.

aCome into the city with me, then. I have to find a New Year's gift for Jasmine. It'll do you good. Do us both good.'

aHow do you figure that?' he asked.

aI want to relax and be myself for a while. Not Hallie Cooper, corporate wife. Not Hallie Bennett, partner in lies. I just want to be me. I want you to be you.'

aTime Out,' said Nick.

Exactly. Trust a man to use a sports metaphor to describe a burgeoning ident.i.ty crisis, but whatever worked. aSo what do you say?'

Twenty minutes later they were standing on a chaotic sidewalk in downtown Hong Kong, Kai having dropped them off and Nick having a.s.sured him that they'd catch a taxi back. He was tired, he was irritable, and denying his fierce s.e.xual attraction to Hallie really wasn't working for him, but there was no denying her suggestion they take a break was a good one. aDo you have anything particular in mind as a gift for Jasmine?' he asked her.

aI'm sure I'll know it when I see it,' she said blithely.

Nick groaned. This was bad. This was going to take for ever.

aI am open to suggestions,' she added.

There was a G.o.d.

aPerfume,' he said firmly, not two minutes later as they stood at a department-store perfume counter. aWe'll get her some perfume.'

aPredictable,' said Hallie with a sigh.

aReliable,' he corrected, and, staring at the dazzling selection of perfumes on offer, aYou choose.'

aI'll have to smell them first and find the one that fits Jasmine best. Of course, I already know what half of them smell like so it shouldn't take too long.'

Maybe perfume hadn't been such a fast and easy solution to the gift-buying problem after all, thought Nick gloomily as Hallie picked up a nearby tester bottle and sniffed.

aThis one's too overpowering. Jasmine's far more delicate than that,' she said with a grimace, hastily returning the bottle to the counter and picking up another. aAnd this one's too old-fas.h.i.+oned.' She moved along the counter to the next cl.u.s.ter of little gla.s.s bottles, plucked one from the middle and handed it to him. aTry this one.'

He took it, sniffed it. aNice.' But Hallie rejected it.

aIt is nice, but it's all top note, there's no depth. It's too chaste. Jasmine's a woman, not a girl.'

aMaybe she could wear it in one of her more girlish moments,' he suggested, and stifled a sigh at Hallie's measured, aNo.' This was going to take for ever.

The next one was nice too. h.e.l.l, they were all nice, but according to Hallie they just weren't right. And then Hallie pointed towards a small vial high on a shelf and the salesgirl obligingly got it down for her. She lifted the stopper, took a deep sniff of the perfume and sighed happily. aThis is it,' she said. aThis is Jasmine.'

Nick took it and smelled it. Nice. Why it was Jasmine and the others weren't was beyond him, but if Hallie was satisfied, so was he. aI see what you mean,' he said, with a nod for good measure.

aLiar!' Her laughter was warm and spontaneous, a reflection of the woman. aTell me why I chose it.'

aEr, whim?' Her eyes narrowed and her chin came up. He still loved that look.

aI've just given you some huge hints on how to buy perfume for a woman. Huge! You could have at least paid attention.'

aI did pay attention.'

aAlrighty, then.' Her hands went to her hips. aChoose one for me.'

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