Heart Of A Vampire - Valmont's Trinity Part 6

Heart Of A Vampire - Valmont's Trinity -

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Taken, as always, he looked into Valmont's eyes. "I was never lost to you, my friend, isn't that obvious?"

Valmont's smile widened and his eyes misted over. His hand slipped from Serge's cheek, slid gentle fingertips down his throat to his chest. A thumb brushed Serge's already taut nipple. The icy heat enflamed him and he slanted his lips over Valmont's, slid his tongue with hot need against his lover's.

As the kiss deepened, Serge felt his robe falling open. His lover's fingertips brushed his skin and the heat of his touch conveyed his hunger. A warm palm closed over one side of Serge's chest, and squeezed the muscle. A second time he brushed his thumb over Serge's nipple. Each stroke sent icy heat through Serge's chest, making him groan. Serge felt himself being worked skillfully into a frenzy, as Philippe had done with the brawny vampire of his dance.

Serge groaned softly into Valmont's mouth. His lover's musky flavor filled his taste buds, rousing his hunger to a pitch. He groped for the belt of Valmont's robe, yanked it open and gratefully slid his hands over that rugged chest. Ohh, how he'd missed that chest, the swirls of ebony hair, the round, hard, bronzed muscles. The answering moan vibrated into his mouth. He felt large hands yank his robe completely off and then push him back onto the bed.

Valmont's bronze skin was flushed, his lips swollen from their kisses. He knelt immediately in front of Serge and caressed Serge's thighs. The soft kisses on his inner thigh made Serge pull in a breath. Valmont had always been wicked with his tongue and the whisper of touch only promised more mind-blowing pleasure.

The kisses turned to licks along the sensitive skin. His breath hitched and he reached out to stroke Valmont's short hair. How he'd missed the feel of that sleek ebony hair against his fingertips. His eyes fluttered closed and he lost himself in the feel of Valmont's lips moving closer to his c.o.c.k.

A warm hand closed lightly around his c.o.c.k, sending a warm thrill right down into his b.a.l.l.s. He moaned. Time seemed to stop in antic.i.p.ation of Valmont's mouth.

Valmont licked the head of Serge's c.o.c.k. Serge groaned. Moist warmth engulfed him, swallowing him in deeper. From under heavy lids, he watched his lover's velvety mouth. A pleasure Serge hadn't known in centuries was now his, the feel of his beloved's mouth ma.s.saging his erection with eager, hot strokes.

Valmont swallowed him in to the base then pulled back and traced the ridges of the head with the tip of his tongue.

Serge groaned. Tiny lights exploded behind his closed eyelids from sheer ecstasy. One of Valmont's favorite things had been going down on his lover, sometimes for an hour or more at a time. Now seemed no exception as that skilled mouth moved his licking and sucking to Serge's b.a.l.l.s. A hand ma.s.saged his c.o.c.k while his lover ran the tip of his tongue over each side. Eager fingertips stole between his b.u.t.t cheeks and caressed the sensitive hole.

Serge gave himself over, let his lover spread his thighs wider then leaned down to lick the place his finger had been. He teased the small hole with the tip of his tongue, pushed it in deeper, enough to make him practically shoot off the bed.

For what seemed forever, Valmont ma.s.saged Serge's b.a.l.l.s and c.o.c.k with his hand, while feasting on his now-relaxed hole.

"Valmont," he hissed.

Large dark eyes in a face flushed with hunger looked at him. "Do you want me to f.u.c.k you?" His voice came out in a hoa.r.s.e whisper.

Serge nodded. "Get up here immediately."

Valmont grinned. "Whatever you wish." He climbed onto the bed and settled his large, muscular body between Serge's thighs.

Serge embraced him, hooked his legs around his lover's hips. "I've missed you," he whispered.

His words were rewarded with a low, sensual growl. Valmont's dark eyes glowed with l.u.s.t and he took Serge's mouth in a hot kiss. Their bodies rubbed together as they kissed and Serge caressed Valmont's broad back. His fingertips remembered every bulge and ridge as if they'd never been apart.

Valmont pulled his mouth away to wet his palm and smoothed the moisture on his c.o.c.k. In the next second, Serge felt the push against his tight opening. Ohh, to be joined once again. He stared up at his lover, not wanting to miss a second. Valmont pushed again. One pinch and then nothing but sheer, hot pleasure as that thick erection filled him all the way until their bodies met.

He slid his hands down to Valmont's a.s.s and squeezed. Deliciously hard, flexing as his lover pulled back and took him again. He tightened his muscles around Valmont's c.o.c.k and bucked his hips.

Valmont's lips curled. A groan ripped from his throat and he started thrusting faster, gathering speed with each push of his hips, each time sinking his c.o.c.k deeper and harder into his lover's tight hole. Their bodies moved together in perfect rhythm, a blend of familiarity and pa.s.sion.

Serge bucked his hips against Valmont's movements, clutched the hard round muscles of Valmont's b.u.t.tocks. No one had ever given him a good pounding the way Valmont did each and every time they'd ever been together, and for a moment he felt as if no time had pa.s.sed since they were last together.

Valmont groaned and Serge felt his lover's hot c.u.m fill his pa.s.sage. The last barrier between them seemed to crash down. The past washed away and all that existed was Valmont, buried deep inside him and the heat simmering between their naked bodies.

He felt Valmont slip out. His lover lowered his body and took his c.o.c.k in his mouth again. He groaned, unable to move while his lover's hot mouth ma.s.saged him. He lay helpless as Valmont licked his erection then pulled it between his lips.

He clutched the sheets. Pleasure invaded his body. All he could see was Valmont's dark head bobbing over his c.o.c.k and the sheer bliss. Only moments pa.s.sed before he came, emptying himself into his lover's mouth. He felt Valmont's throat tighten with each swallow, never releasing him until he'd imbibed every last drop.

"Come here," Serge whispered. He tugged Valmont up to lie beside him, which he did, pressing his sweaty body to Serge's back. His breath pulsed hot against Serge's skin.

Serge closed his eyes, breathing in the scent of their s.e.x and listening to his lover's husky breathing.

"Would that we could just lie here like this for the rest of eternity, Sergei."

He heaved a sigh and snuggled closer. He wished the same thing. Well...almost, dammit.

For centuries he'd waited for this moment to happen again and now that it had, his contentment was tinged by the jealousy and burgeoning feelings he harbored for Philippe. Oh well, sometime tomorrow he'd deal with that issue. For now, Valmont's naked body was entwined once again with his, something he'd not believed he'd ever have again. He decided to savor it now because as life had taught him so cruelly, anything could happen.

When he awoke, Valmont's arms were still around him. He lay quietly, listening to his lover's steady breathing until he stirred and opened his eyes. Valmont seemed almost completely healed, giving Serge the nagging feeling that his speedy recovery was due in no small part to the nourishment he'd gained from Philippe's blood.

Valmont immediately rolled over and fitted his body on top of Serge's. "I haven't begun my day in this fas.h.i.+on for quite some time."

Serge grinned up at him, pus.h.i.+ng away the nagging feeling that simmered in his gut. "Nor have I."

Valmont kissed him, his erection stirred between them. Serge's c.o.c.k responded to the delicious friction and he moved his hips, making their hardening c.o.c.ks rub together. He groaned as his lover deepened their kiss, tasting him with growing abandon. He gyrated his hips, grinding his c.o.c.k against Serge's with gathering speed. Many times after a long night of lovemaking, they had begun the next day with a quickie, rubbing their c.o.c.ks together until they both came. And they did so now.

Serge came first. His seed spurted against Valmont's stomach, pooling between them. Valmont ground against him faster, his c.o.c.k slick from c.u.m until he, too, came, adding his seed to the moisture between their bodies.

They lingered for what felt like a long time after that, kissing and caressing each other, savoring their reunion. Finally they rose, bathed and dressed, ready to make their rounds of the house and see the progress.

Serge noticed that Philippe did not come to the room. The CE's absence was noticeable, at least to Serge, whose anger mounted, irrational as it was. He knew he had no legitimate reason to be upset and yet he couldn't help the rising tide of indignation that swelled inside him. He followed Valmont downstairs, intending to look right away for Philippe.

Pa.s.sing through the great hall, he spotted the huge muscular vampire who'd f.u.c.ked Philippe the night before. His face burned and he wanted to stalk away but forced himself to ask the goon where Philippe was.

The kitchen. He braced himself and went in that direction, parting from Valmont who headed outside to the vineyards. Philippe's back was to him as he sanded a spot on the kitchen wall and he was working alongside the vampire Cherry with whom he seemed to be especially friendly. He'd taken his s.h.i.+rt off and his golden body glistened with sweat. His lithe, sculpted muscles flexed as he worked. The striations in his shoulders and back roused Serge's hunger even as his anger flared.

Philippe must have sensed Serge's gaze on him for his hand holding the sandpaper stilled. He lowered it and turned around. His blue-green eyes lit up. "Good morning." He took a step toward then froze. The light in his eyes went out and his smile faded. "Serge, is something the matter?"

Cherry and her companion stopped working and looked at Serge.

He returned their look. "Leave us alone, please."

Both vampires turned to Philippe. He nodded at them. "It's all right."

Serge waited until they were alone. He didn't even know why he was bothering. He had no claim over Philippe. The CE had come here on an a.s.signment, so to speak, to help two estranged lovers reunite. He had succeeded, and would soon leave. Serge cleared his throat, unable to stop himself. "That was quite a little show you gave last night," he mumbled. The words slipped out even though deep down, they weren't at all what he wanted to say.

Philippe's eyes widened. "I beg your pardon?"

Serge wanted to turn and walk out before he said horrible things but another potent wave of jealousy overtook him, drowning out everything else. "I didn't know that dance as you call it included the live s.e.x demonstration."

The blond vampire's handsome face clouded, his aqua eyes turned gray. "You and Valmont seemed to derive much pleasure from it. You disappeared right afterward. I a.s.sume, to be alone. Apparently my little show had the intended effect."

Serge gritted his teeth. He felt like a first-cla.s.s b.a.s.t.a.r.d but couldn't help himself. He was crazy...mad...dammit, in love. "You shouldn't be such a slave, you know, taking it up the a.s.s for everyone who wants it. It's demeaning."

Philippe's golden complexion darkened and the aqua hue of his eyes returned, deep and stormy. His sensually full lips curled and his hands balled into fists. The sandpaper he'd been holding fell to the stone floor. "You have a f.u.c.king nerve."

Serge almost stepped back. He hadn't imagined Philippe capable of speaking to anyone this way and he could see the haughty actor he must have been in his Elizabethan days.

Philippe's nostrils flared and his eyes glowed with bloodl.u.s.t. He stepped away from the wall, his hands still curled into fists. "A mere two days ago, you could barely bring yourself to be civil to me. I bathed you, pleasured you, fed you and your lover. I helped bring him out of his shock so you could be together again. You have no claim on me nor have you given me one sign that that's what you'd want. You've every right to your opinions, but you'd d.a.m.n well better not voice them to me." A sound like a growl vibrated in his throat. He whirled around and stalked to the kitchen door. "b.a.s.t.a.r.d," he muttered, then threw the door open and stalked out.

Serge watched him go. Of course, he couldn't follow him out into the sunlight, not without being burned to a crisp, literally. "f.u.c.k." He clenched and unclenched his hands. Not only had he made a complete a.s.s of himself, but he'd treated Philippe cruelly, the one being in the world who'd been the kindest to him. And all because he couldn't just come out and tell the CE he wanted him all to himself.


He turned at the sound of Valmont's voice behind him.

Valmont's smile faded. "Serge, what in h.e.l.l happened?"

He heaved a sigh and raked one hand through his hair. "I just treated Philippe like complete s.h.i.+t and he left." He fell silent and looked down.

Valmont approached him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, squeezing the muscle in a way that was comforting. "Don't tell me, you got on his case about last night."

"How did you know?"

His lover chuckled. "Come on, you can't be serious. From the first moment you and I met, you were the singularly most readable person I'd ever encountered. You should have seen your face when Philippe went down on his knees in front of that vampire."

Serge raked a hand through his hair. "Aren't you p.i.s.sed at me?"

"For treating Philippe like s.h.i.+t?" His friend's velvety dark eyes sparkled with a touch of humor. "Or for being jealous of Philippe' partner?"

He looked down. "For being jealous, of course."

A gentle hand squeezed his shoulder again. The touch conveyed nothing but affection. "I'm the last one in the world who has a right to feel jealous of you in any way. Besides, how could I question your love and devotion to me after all that's happened? You could fall in love with a hundred other vampires and I'd still know you loved me."

He heaved another deep sigh. "That's true." He glanced at the door. "Now I have absolutely no idea in h.e.l.l of how I could apologize. I was a real f.u.c.ker."

Valmont chuckled again. He gave Serge's shoulder a few affectionate pats. "Don't worry, my love. You'll be able to apologize after you give him some time to cool off. Take it from someone who's been one of the biggest f.u.c.kers ever." He pointed to himself.

Serge found himself grinning. His friend's words were true enough. At the first opportunity, he'd go and grovel.

Philippe sat on the rock where he'd first found Valmont pa.s.sed out. He was glad Serge couldn't follow him out here. Anger burned through his veins, heating his immortal blood. He'd shocked himself at the way he'd spoken back to Serge, allowed his anger to flow. The vampire had humiliated him with the things he'd said, made him feel dirty.

His fists were still clenched. He relaxed them and stared down at the gra.s.s. d.a.m.n, maybe he was dirty. After all, from the first moment he'd touched Serge, he hadn't wanted anyone else and he'd been with someone else...two others, in fact, right in front of Serge. h.e.l.l, his lovemaking with Gregory had been in the course of service. He couldn't help that it felt good. Moreover, he'd given his word to Darelle that he'd do whatever it took to reunite Valmont and Serge.

So much for a successful mission.

He tossed a pebble into the gra.s.s and got to his feet. Really he just wanted to go back to the house and make up with Serge, but felt it was impossible. The way he'd yelled back, he couldn't imagine the vampire wasn't completely p.i.s.sed at him. Tempted to access their mind link, Philippe resisted, blocking it. It would be unbearable to hear Serge utter one more criticism.

"Face it, Mareau," he muttered as he made his way through the fields in the direction of the main road, "You've always been a s.l.u.t and you're still a s.l.u.t."

Finding himself s.h.i.+rtless, only in his shorts and shoes, he was tempted again to turn back and at least collect his things, but changed his mind. Out of the question. The best thing now was to get back to Darelle and talk with her. Perhaps she, or better yet, Colette, would have some wisdom to impart about the situation. Colette was an amazing resource for matters of interpersonal intrigue. She was much older than Darelle and much less naive.

He didn't know how much time had pa.s.sed as he walked, the sun high overhead, bees buzzing, the scent of flowers heavy in the warm air.

The sound of a car engine loomed up behind him. He ignored the car until it slowed down alongside him.

"Hey, stranger, need a ride?"

He turned. Dahlia, Cherry's girlfriend, sat in the driver's seat of the small Fiat they all shared when someone had to run errands. He approached the car and leaned over. "Only if you're going to Paris."

Dahlia frowned. "Something the matter, Phil? You seem distressed. They're asking for you back at the house. I mean, I know there was some tension."

He sighed. "Yeah, well, I need to see Darelle before I go back there and I left my phone and everything else at the chateau."

"No problem, Phil. Hop in."

"Are you sure? It's a long drive."

Dahlia nodded. "Of course. We're all supposed to help each other, aren't we?"

"Yeah, that's the intention, anyway." He went around to the pa.s.senger side and got in.

Dahlia stepped on the gas and in moments they were whizzing along in the direction of Paris. After several minutes driving in silence, Dahlia glanced at him. "You wanna talk about it?"

He sighed again, staring out the window. "No thanks. I don't want to burden anyone else with my problems."

"It's no burden, Phil, but it's your choice. If you want to talk, I'll listen."

He nodded, looking at her profile. "Thanks."

"No problem. Hey, have sip of this. Iced mead. Made it yesterday." She picked up a traveling mug and flipped the mouthpiece open. "Good for what ails you."

"Thanks." Philippe took the cup from her. He rarely drank mead during the day, but now was as good a time as any, and iced mead was awesome. The smell of honey and wildflowers emanated from the cup, making his mouth water. He raised the mug to his lips and took a healthy swig.

Too late, he noticed a slightly metallic taste to the mead. A fierce tingle started up along his spine and spread rapidly through his limbs. He began to feel weak, heavy...drugged.

The cup dropped from his hands. "Oh no."

"That's okay, Phil. I'll wipe it up when we get to Paris."

"No, I mean, something's...wrong...with..." He couldn't finish the sentence. His lips grew numb, thick, immobile, along with the rest of him. He stared up at Dahlia. She blurred in his vision.

Dahlia looked at him. "Gold dust, Phil. I added it to the mead. I know gold is a weakening substance for you. I saw it when Cherry's ring touched you and you sort of freaked."

What the f.u.c.k? He wanted to grab her and throw her out of the car, but he could barely blink his eyes, much less attack someone.

"I'm sorry, Phil. I've tried to be good. The CEs gave me a chance. But I failed. I'm like a viper. It's my nature to betray people. Whoever pays me the most gets my services." She s.h.i.+fted gears. "This time it was the Soldiers."

Philippe's heart was pounding as the gold dust poisoned his system. s.h.i.+t. He couldn't even warn Serge. He was too weak to open their mind link...

How long had Dahlia been spying on them and planning this? His consciousness was fading fast. The last thing he remembered was seeing Dahlia turn off the highway, definitely not in the direction of Paris.

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