Doctor Who_ Return Of The Living Dad Part 6

Doctor Who_ Return Of The Living Dad -

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Isaac looked from her to the Doctor and back. 'How did you find me?'

Benny rubbed at her eyes. 'I've been looking for you for years. That is, I... when did you get here?'

'This is our twentieth anniversary,' he said. 'We arrived just in time for Kennedy's'

'The Doctor said there'd been a temporal tangent ...

There's so much to tell you, there's so much... My husband's in the TARDIS!'

'Your husband.'

The Doctor was sliding his legs out from beneath the table. 'Shall I just pop back and collect everyone?' he murmured.

She nodded, thought about it, nodded again. 'Tell Jason to come and meet his father-in-law.'

The Doctor went through the front door, leaving them alone.

Isaac sat down at one of the tables, looking up at his grown daughter.

'Um,' she said.


'You're taking all this rather well. Your long-lost daughter travels through time...'

'Oh.' He smiled for the first time, a small smile, the tip of the iceberg. 'You're our third set of time travellers this year.'

The Doctor walked silently to the corner of the building.

'That's right,' the cook was saying. 'One of them says she's the Admiral's daughter! Well, I don't know... he seems to believe her. No, come on, how would they they know about her? Well, I suppose... oh dear.' know about her? Well, I suppose... oh dear.'

The Doctor smiled up at the man and took the communicator away from him. 'I'm sorry,' he said into it. 'The mobile phone you have called has yet to be invented. Please call back.'

He closed up the communicator and handed it to the bearded man, who was blinking down at him. 'Were you one of Isaac's crew?'

The man shook his head. 'You really are him, aren't you?'

'Yes,' said the Doctor.

'Oh, crumbs.'

7 Taking stock

Woodworth slammed the empty boot shut.

She got into the car, reached into the glovebox and pulled the Ordnance Survey map of Newbury out from underneath the Berretta. She spread the map out on the steering wheel, double-checking the route. People had a habit of 'missing' Little Caldwell. She didn't want to be one of them.

She was forty-something, pepper-haired and green-eyed, a chunky shape inside her leather jacket. She folded the map and tucked it into the bag of equipment perched on the seat beside her.

'I don't know where to start,' said Benny.

Isaac pushed the plunger down on the cafetiere. 'In your own time.'

'I wish I could be as calm as you,' she said, as they sat down at the coffee shop's front booth.

'I haven't had a lifetime to build up to this,' said her father. He poured the coffee. He raised an eyebrow at her as she heaped sugar into her cup.

'It's bitter,' she said.

'It's supposed to be bitter. So. Begin at the beginning.'

'Do you remember Sarah Groenewegen?'

'Remember her?' he said. 'I still owe her five credits.'

'She had the flight recorder from her s.h.i.+p.' Benny took a deep breath. The Doctor was going to take some explaining.

'Let me gloss over the details right now, but we travelled in time to your last battle, and saw the Tisiphone Tisiphone fall into the wormhole. Then we followed you here.' fall into the wormhole. Then we followed you here.'

'But you missed,' said Isaac. 'We arrived twenty years ago.' She couldn't put her finger on his accent. Irish? 'How did you meet the Doctor?'

Benny nearly choked on her coffee. 'You know who he is?'

'Are you one of his travelling companions?'

'I used to be. Dad -' They both started. 'Exactly what have you been up to for the last two decades?'

'You're saying you don't know?' Isaac put down his coffee. 'I'm sorry, but I find that a bit difficult to believe.'

'What are you talking about?'

His grey eyes probed her face. 'We've been waiting for the Doctor to pay us a house call for years. When he finally arrives, he just happens to have my daughter with him.'

Benny was shaking her head. 'You don't understand.

None of this was planned. I just happened to run into Groenewegen.'

'Do you believe that?' he said.

'Of course.' My G.o.d, thought Benny, now I'm not sure. Is the Doctor up to something? Or have we stumbled into a trap? ' Why Why have you been waiting for him?' have you been waiting for him?'

He poured himself a second cup of coffee.

After a bit, Benny said, 'You said we were the third lot of time travellers this year.'

'Yeh. It's been a big year for time travellers. The first one had escaped from a laboratory of enslaved physicists in the twenty-fourth century. We got her back to her own time so she could free the others. The second one we couldn't send home, so we helped him to find a place in the present.'

'You help time travellers?'

Isaac turned his cup around in his hands. And aliens.'

You help time travellers and aliens?'

'Everyone needs a hobby.' He drained the cup.

The sky was lightening and the mist was beginning to clear.

Tony reached up and put a hand on the TARDIS. Its paint was rough and warm under his palm, tingling with life.

After a moment he stepped back, feeling the weight of the Doctor's eyes on him. 'Sorry,' he said.

The Doctor took a key from inside his hat and unlocked the door. Tony trailed after him into the console room. It wasn't much like the descriptions he'd heard, but then those were probably speculation.

There were three humans inside. 'Chris, Roz, Jason,'

said the Doctor, 'this is Tony.'

He looked at the trio. Chris was a tall blond in a T-s.h.i.+rt, jeans and black overcoat, Roz a short black woman in a maroon pullover, black trousers and riding boots.

Jason's clothes were anachronistic, especially the synthetic jacket with orange stripes. He was hovering anxiously.

'What's the deal?'

'Benny's father is alive and well and running a small coffee shop,' said the Doctor, rummaging in his toolkit 'Everything seems to be what it seems to be, with one exception.' He pulled out a stubby, copper-coloured device.

The Doctor turned and tapped Tony on the nose with the metal rod. The holographic disguise burst like a bubble, revealing a short, pale-skinned alien with an oversized head and huge, slanted black eyes.

'Your hologram generator's batteries need a recharge,'

said the Doctor, replacing the tool in his kit.

The alien looked down at himself, then up at the three humans staring at him from across the console.

'Sorry,' he said.

The Doctor tapped at the scanner controls. 'There are eight other alien life forms in Little Caldwell.'

'You've left her out there, then?' said Jason.

The Doctor looked at the Tzun. 'Do you want to tell me all about it?'

Benny turned in her seat as the bells tied to the door jingled.

But it wasn't the Doctor, it was a man in his late teens or early twenties, with red hair and round 'Good morning, Joel,' said her father.

Joel looked between the two of them. 'Hi.'

'This is Bernice,' said Isaac. 'She's my daughter.'

'So I hear.' Joel took off his thick coat. He was thin, fearing a green King Thunder King Thunder T-s.h.i.+rt and jeans. His accent was - American? Canadian? just wanted to see if everything was okay in here.' T-s.h.i.+rt and jeans. His accent was - American? Canadian? just wanted to see if everything was okay in here.'

'Good. You can heat up three croissants for us.' The corner of Joel's mouth tugged up, and he went behind the counter. 'I've just been telling Bernice about the railroad.'

'Time travellers and aliens,' said Benny.

'Heck,' said Joel, as he took the croissants out of the display, 'we get all kinds. ETs, mutants, strays, greys, LGMs, BEMs, UNIT deserters, Striebs, dweebs, Stepford Wives, Midwich Cuckoos, missing persons, faraway people, peepers, buzzers, hoppers, hitchers, Leapers, Sliders...'

'We have contacts all over the world,' said Isaac. 'We find them, bring them here, and make sure they get home.

Damage control. It's safer for them and for Earth if they quietly go home.'

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