Forever Alexa Part 27

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"Let's go then."

She'd needed this-the sun, the warm wind blowing on her face. Jack knew her so well...or Carol did. Alexa smiled. There was no way Jack packed the wicker basket full of beautifully presented goodies, which she'd put away in the mini-refrigerator below deck. But that didn't matter. It was the thought that counted.

Jack guided the big boat around the small peninsula miles from his parent's home and headed right. He glanced back from the driver's seat and smiled as he pushed the throttle full speed. He was taking her to their place-the desolate island fifteen minutes from the southeast tip of Kent Island. He'd brought her there the first summer she'd come to visit. There had been so many 'firsts' that magical July: her first boat ride, her first time making love in the brackish waters of the bay. Her stomach tingled with the memory.

The land grew distant as they headed further out. Seagulls flew overhead and swooped to the dark blue water below. She loved this and was beginning to realize how much she'd missed the relaxation a day on the Chesapeake could bring. It seemed wrong that her tense muscles were uncoiling, and she found herself relaxing when her little girl was not within eyesight or earshot. Still, there was a ball of anxiety in her stomach that wouldn't go away. Her sister was still being held against her will. and she continued to lie to Jack.

She checked Baltimore Dates every morning after Jack woke and left the bed they'd all begun to share. He no longer asked to join her and Livy. Late at night he crawled in on his side, took her hand, kissed her palm, and closed his eyes. She didn't have the heart to tell him he couldn't stay, especially when she found the web of deception growing stronger with every flirty reply she made to her increasing list of fans in her dating inbox. She'd had several invitations for a night out, which she'd politely turned down by saying she needed time to get to know her potential match. It was easier to string them all along until she could determine who was looking for a simple dinner out and who wanted more. Two men in particular set off alarm bells with the questions they asked and the comments they made, but it was impossible to tell if they were the same person who had posed as Crazy80. The men's profile pictures were as vague as Crazy80's had been when he'd been in communication with Kristen. The photos could have been of anyone.

With a sigh of frustration, she stared at the breathtaking scenery. Just because she wanted their mystery lead to contact her didn't mean he would. Every hour that pa.s.sed without the hit they needed only heightened Abby's urgent situation. Before long, her sister would become a cold case. In many ways she already was. The cops had moved on to other kidnappings and crimes.

At least Doug Masterson kept his ears open for anything new for Jack. According to Doug, Abby hadn't been back to Lady Pink since the night she and Jack saw her. She or Miranda had to get a hit on their profiles; it was the only answer to moving Abby's case forward.

Alexa came to attention when Jack throttled back on the engine. The boat slowed on its approach to the small, tree-covered island. He glanced over his shoulder and gave her another smile. "Do you remember this place?"

He was so handsome with his hair disheveled from the wind. "Yes." She stood and made her way to him. "How could I forget?"

"I thought it might be nice to spend the day here, maybe do a little swimming, have a picnic, pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist for a few hours."

It would be hard not to worry about Livy or think about Abby or not feel guilty about her big lie, but she wanted to try for Jack. His weary eyes under amber-tinted lenses told her he needed a day to 'just be' as badly as she did. "I think that sounds like heaven. I'm a.s.suming you packed my bathing suit in your little bag downstairs."

"I was all for swimming naked, but since you never know when a boat is going to pa.s.s by..." He shrugged.

"I appreciate your sensibility. I'll be right back."

"Let me come with you. I'll help you tie your-"

"I think I've got it." She smiled and put a hand on his chest, stopping him.

"I don't know." He moved closer and kissed her neck. "Those knots can be pretty tricky. I would feel better if you let me give you a hand."

She lifted her head higher and closed her eyes, melting from the sun's heat and the sensations he sent careening through her body with his touch. "That's very generous and so selfless... Mmm." She lost her train of thought as his hands snuck under her tank top and cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Jack..."

The hoots and hollers of a boat full of college-aged men went speeding by, interrupting their moment.

Jack looked up. "b.a.s.t.a.r.ds."

Alexa took the opportunity to step back.

"Kids these days." He shook his head mournfully. "They're so obnoxious."

She snorted out a laugh. "Oh, please. You were just as bad, if not worse."

"Maybe, but I had more style." He grinned as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm going down to put on my suit-alone, Mr. Style."

"Call me if you need any help."

"You'll be the first," she tossed over her shoulder, smiling. She heard Jack chuckle as she descended the three steps to the small galley. She wanted this day with him more than she'd realized. She wanted the laughter and fun they always used to have together; she craved it. For the next little while, Alexa was determined they would have it. Livy was fine. Abby wasn't... She shook her head. "Two hours," she said out loud. Perhaps they would take three before they boated back to the overwhelming problems of the real world.

Alexa changed into her dark red bikini and wrapped her ponytail in a bun, securing her hair with another elastic, then slathered herself in sunblock. Moments later she took the steps up to the main deck and stopped as a ball of l.u.s.t curled in her belly. Jack was bare-chested, pumping air into a red inner tube. His sun-kissed skin and muscled arms and torso were a sight to behold. Why had she stopped him from coming down into the galley with her? Was she crazy?

He glanced up, and his hand froze on the pump. "d.a.m.n, Alex. You take my breath away."

"I was just thinking the same thing." It was still a struggle for her to be so frank. She'd been cautious to filter her thoughts over the last few weeks, making certain she didn't give away anymore of her heart than she wanted.

He smiled. "Should we take a dip? It's hotter than h.e.l.l out here."

"Sure, but I bet the water's freezing."

"Let's find out." Jack plugged the red tube and grabbed the blue one he'd filled while she was downstairs, and they moved to the back of the boat. Jack set down the tubes and freed the small metal ladder. He sent the first few rungs into the bay. "Ready?"

"You go ahead. I plan to inch my way in."

"Ah, now where's the fun in that?"

Before Alexa could respond, he shoved at her lower back, propelling her into the water. She let out a shriek, then remembered to suck in a breath just before she met the cool dark blue. Seconds later, she surfaced, sputtering. "You are so lucky this water isn't half bad, Mr. Matthews." She wiped at her stinging eyes. "I can't believe you just did that."

"I can't believe you didn't expect me to," he said, grinning. "You were so close to the edge. Some people never learn." He tsk, tsk'd her while he shook his head.

Jack had a point-she should have learned. He'd shoved her in each and every time they'd gone out boating over the years. "Why don't you come in here and say that?"

"Are you gonna punish me?" He wiggled his brows, and she laughed.

More than willing to play, she swam to the edge and hoisted herself up enough so she could reach his leg. "Do you want me to punish you?" she asked in a sultry voice.

"If you're going to look at me and talk to me like that, you're d.a.m.n straight I do."

"Do you like to be disciplined?" she purred as she stroked her fingers up the firm muscle of his calf.

"What do you think?"

"I think you should probably hop on in, Handsome Jack, but not before I do this." She grabbed a patch of his leg hair and yanked.

"Ow!" He jerked back. "Son of a b.i.t.c.h."

She fell into the water on a loud peal of laughter as Jack leaned down to rub the sore spot.

"G.o.dd.a.m.n, Alex."

She laughed harder. "Maybe you'll think about that the next time you want to play dirty. We'll consider this your first round of conditioning."

He stopped ma.s.saging his calf. "Huh?"

"You know, like Pavlov's dogs-the bell rings and they drool. Now your brain will forever be reminded that if you push me into the water, I'll pull your leg hair. You push, I pull. You push, I pull. Sounds pretty fair to me."

He grinned. "Is that your attempt at being funny, Alex?"

She smiled back. "Yes, it is."

"We'll have to work on that." He jumped in and surfaced seconds later. "This is paradise." He yanked her against him. "You pulled my hair for this?"

She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck as he treaded water, keeping them afloat. "You better believe it."

"But the water's not even cold."

"It's the principle of the matter."

"Ah, I see." He pressed his warm, slippery lips to hers. "I think I'll go grab one of those floats."

"You wanna grab the other for me?" She smiled sweetly and batted her lashes.

"I probably could." A mischievous light lit his eyes. "For a price."

"Nothing's free with you."

"I'm an enterprising kind of guy."

"What's it going to cost me?" She gripped him closer, enjoying the mood the afternoon was taking on.

"I'll probably need another kiss."

"I think I can handle that." She met his mouth with a short smacking kiss, knowing that wasn't what he had in mind.

"Nice, but I'm going to need something more. It's a long trip there and back with two floats."

She grinned. They were less than ten feet from the ladder. "Let's see what I can do." She grazed his chin, tasting the salty droplets clinging to his skin. Her lips teased the corner of his mouth. "How's this?"

"Getting better," he murmured as he pulled her with him to the ladder. "But you're holding back. I have to feel like you really want the inner tube." He skimmed his hands down her waist.

She s.h.i.+vered despite the sun boring down on her shoulders. "Oh, I want it." She captured his mouth, and the searing kiss spun out as tongue teased tongue. He gripped her a.s.s, bringing her against him, heat to heat. Jack groaned, and she whimpered, as the kiss grew hotter. Growing bold, Alexa walked her fingers down his chest, his stomach, stopping at the waistband of his swim trunks. She slipped her hand into his shorts and grabbed hold, freezing mid-stroke as something b.u.mped her foot in the depths of murky blue.

"Don't stop, Alex." He left kisses along her shoulder. "Keep going. You're making me crazy."

Whatever touched her foot brushed it again. She jerked it away and her eyes flew wide as the creature came back and nipped at her big toe. "Get out!"

Jack stopped dead and frowned. "What?"

"Get me out of the water, now." She practically crawled over him to get up the ladder. "Something tried to eat my toe."

He boosted her up to the small deck and followed. "It was probably just a fish."

She swallowed hard as she studied her foot, relieved that all five of her toes appeared as they had before she was pushed in the water.

"It was just a fish," Jack repeated as he crouched in front of her.

She shuddered as she thought of the sharks Livy was going to see today. "Or maybe it was Jaws moving in for a sample."

"Baby, he would've taken more than a tiny nibble, I can promise you that."

"You're such a comfort." She peered into the waves, searching for whatever had tried to eat her. "I don't want to go back in."

He smiled as he studied her. "Are you sure? We never got to the tubes." He put his hands on her shoulders. "I'll protect you from toe-eating fish if you want to try again."

"I would put my life in your hands any day-on land. The water, however, is a different story."

"Well, now you've gone and hurt my feelings." He sunk his teeth into her chin with a playful bite. "Since you don't want to swim anymore, how do you feel about lunch?"

She chuckled. "You and your stomach."

"So does that mean you feel good about eating?"

"Yes." She grinned. "I feel fine about it."

"Thank G.o.d." He stood and held out his hand.

She took it, and they went below deck.

Jack scooped up the last bite of rich chocolate cake and creamy chocolate frosting. "You want?" He held the fork out to her.

She shook her head. "No thanks. I'm stuffed."

"Half a piece of ham and a few bites of fruit... I'd starve to death if I ate like you."

"It's too hot to eat much." She raised her brow as he shoveled the cake in his mouth. "For some of us."

"What can I say, I'm a growing boy." He set down the fork. "Mmm, that was good." He picked up his wine and sipped. "You didn't drink any of yours. I thought you liked Chardonnay."

"I do." She shrugged. "But I thought I should play it safe, since we didn't."

He snagged her gla.s.s of golden liquid before it toppled as the boat dipped deeply, then he met her eyes. "Waves are getting a little rough. I thought we were okay."

"I'm sure we are, but like I said, I want to play it safe."

The empty cake container fell to the floor as the boat plunged again.

Jack stood and handed off the "Hold that thought. I'm going to pop my head above deck and see what's up."

"Okay." She clutched the small table as the boat swayed.

"Alex, I'm going to face us into the wind," he yelled down from above.

She set the in the miniature sink and picked up the Tupperware, then she climbed the steps and blinked against the strong, cool winds rus.h.i.+ng up to meet her. Her damp hair blew around her face, and she grabbed at the dark, loose strands as she stared at the wall of black clouds in the distance. "That doesn't look good."

"It's not great. We're about to get creamed," he said as the weather radio belched its warnings.

She moved closer to Jack, gripping the railings, struggling to stay upright. "We should head home. I'm worried about Livy. She's afraid of storms."

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