Forever Alexa Part 26

Forever Alexa -

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"But it's not a guarantee. The person we want has to take the bait. If two of us have accounts our odds will increase."

"True, but the risks to you aren't worth any of the odds. If they contact Miranda, they'll want to meet her. That's when a bust will go down."

"You could help me. We could do it together."

"No. We're finished with this, Alex."

"Abby deserves everything we can give her."

"Agreed. That's why Tucker contacted Miranda. I have absolute faith in her. She's played this game hundreds of times before. Rounding up creeps on the internet is how she makes a living."

Jack's confidence in Tucker's friend should've appeased her. "But-"

"I wouldn't be able to stand it if anything happened to you, Alex." He pulled her closer. "I can't handle losing you now that I've found you again."

She pressed her hand to his cheek. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him, to confess everything, but her sister's desperate screams echoed through her head, and she stayed silent.

"I need to keep you safe. I love you."

Oh, Jack. She closed her eyes, unable to look into his.

He kissed her. "Are we okay?"

They were far from okay, but she nodded. "Yes, we're okay." I'm so sorry.

"What's wrong?"

She opened her eyes. "I'm worried about Abby."

He shook his head. "It's more than that."

"I want all of this to be over."

"We're getting closer. Tucker, Ethan, and I are definitely on to something."

"I know." Hopefully, so was she. It didn't matter who crossed the finish line first as long as the end result was having Abby home.

"You should go to bed. You're exhausted."

"In a few minutes."

"I can handle that." He moved back, resting against the cus.h.i.+on, bringing her with him. "So did you have fun today?"

This wasn't exactly what she had in mind. She wanted time to think-alone-about what she'd done, about what Jack had said. But none of it mattered. She planned to go ahead with her own decoy operation, no matter the risks. Sighing, she answered. "It was nice seeing everyone again. There were even more people here than the last time I came, and that's saying something."

He chuckled and shrugged. "What can I tell ya? Mom and dad like to entertain. But word might've spread that Alexa Harris was back-and so were her famous chocolate chip cookies." He smiled, winked, and kissed her temple. "We won't tell mom," he whispered. "It might hurt her feelings."

She gave him a weak smile.

"We should get to bed. It's late. Olivia will be up bright and early."

Alexa already knew she wouldn't sleep well with her conscience weighing heavy. "Yes she will. She's definitely a morning person."

He chuckled. "Olivia's a morning, afternoon, and evening person. She never slows down."

"This is true."

"Can I lay with you?"

"Uh, sure." How could she deny him such a simple request?

He stood and held out his hand. "I'm beat."

"I'm pretty tired myself." She reached out and took his hand as they walked to bed. Alexa settled in as Jack stripped out of his t-s.h.i.+rt and shorts and got in on his side. They both moved closer to Livy, much like they did the night before. He took her hand and pressed his lips to her palm. "See you soon."

"Good night." She clenched her jaw and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the fear of what would happen if Jack discovered the truth.


Jackson buckled Olivia into her seat and gave her a kiss. "Have a good time, Liv."

"I'm going to see dolphins and jellyfis.h.i.+es and froggies and-and birdies that sing pretty songs." She bounced about in her excitement.

"Will you make me another story when you get home?" The surprise fis.h.i.+ng story she'd gifted him with two days ago, wrapped with frilly purple ribbon and too much tape, still made him smile. His little girl made him a present. The four-page book stood on the shelf above his childhood bed in front of the numerous football and baseball trophies he'd collected over the years.

"Yes. Close the door, Daddy. I need to go."

He chuckled. "Yes, ma'am." He shut the door and turned to his mother. "Are you sure you're up to this? She's going to run you and Dad ragged."

"Somehow we managed with you and your brother. I'm just as excited to take her to the aquarium as she is to go." She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "What are you're plans for the day?"

"I have a date with Dad's office chair. We were planning to peruse the internet, answer e-mails, and enjoy long phone conversations while I search for more leads. We have a real love connection."

"You know, Tucker already left for the day, and we have a perfectly good boat just bobbing away by the dock over there. Perhaps Alexa would enjoy a ride."

Jackson looked at the sleek cabin cruiser, then his mother. "That might not be a bad idea." In the three days since Miranda went live as their decoy, they hadn't received any hits on her account worth mentioning. Despite the hours of endless hunting, he, Ethan, and Tucker were spinning their wheels. The case was stalling again, and Alex was discouraged. If the contact Tucker was meeting with in DC didn't breathe new life into their dying lead, they would be back to the drawing board. Perhaps an hour or two on the water was what he and Alex needed. G.o.d knew a little time away from the endless game of phone tag could only make things better. Maybe he would float back to the dock with a fresh perspective.

"Your mother's full of good ones. There's a picnic basket in the fridge just waiting for someone to take it."

"You're the best." He wrapped his mother in a bear hug.

She hugged him back. "And don't you forget it."

"Never could." He eased away as the front door slammed. Alex came rus.h.i.+ng out in khaki shorts and a white tank top.

"Sorry. I was on the phone with my boss. I need to say goodbye to Livy." She breezed past Jackson and opened the door, unleas.h.i.+ng the noise and commotion of their eager daughter. But as she bent down to their daughter, he noted the worry clouding her eyes.

"Mommy, I need to go. Grammy is talking and it's taking so long."

"I know you're excited, but you have to be patient. Stay with Grammy and Grampy. Don't let go of their hands. Make sure you-"

"She's going to be fine, Alexa." His mom patted Alex's shoulder. "Try to enjoy yourself today."

Alex nibbled her lip. "Maybe I should come with you. The aquarium is so big, and Livy is very busy..." She stopped and sighed. "I'm being overprotective. She'll be all right."

"Of course she will." His mother gave Alex a bright smile. "I certainly don't think we have to worry about losing her, honey. A blind man could see that s.h.i.+rt and hair tie you dolled her up in."

Jackson glanced through the window at the florescent pink t-s.h.i.+rt Olivia wore, proclaiming that she was 'Super Cute!' in bold lime green letters. The matching green and pink bow wrapped around her little ponytail was hard to miss.

"We always have the kids wear brightly colored clothes when we take them on field trips. It's easier to keep track of everyone. Better safe than sorry." Alex smiled sheepishly.

"Grammy, come on. Come on."

"Yeah, Carol, come on. I want to get there while there's still some parking available," dad said as he clicked his seatbelt into place.

"All right. Off we go." She opened her door.

"Don't forget, you have my number programmed in your phone, and I gave George a copy of Livy's Identa-Kids card."

Jackson took a step forward to pry Alex's white-knuckled grip from Olivia's still-open door.

"Alexa Harris, take a deep breath and back away from the car," his mother scolded lightly. "I've raised two boys and taught hundreds of kids. I haven't lost one yet."

She dropped her hand herself without Jackson having to intervene and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Mom. I'm just a little nervous with everything going on."

Mom gave her a hug. "Of course you are, sweetie. We'll guard Livy with our lives. Nothing but good fun is going to happen to her today."

"Thank you for taking her." Alex closed her eyes as she held on. "She's going to have fun."

Jackson smothered a smile as his dad started the car and pressed the gas pedal just a touch, revving the engine to make his point. If George Matthews was anything, he was punctual. This had to be driving him crazy.

"Yes she is. Now, I better get in or they're going to leave without me. Cranky old bear," his mother muttered as she took her seat.

"Bye, Lovely Livy. Have fun." Alex kissed Livy once more, closed the door, and returned Livy's enthusiastic wave.

Jackson pulled Alex against him and hooked his arm around her waist as they waved until the car disappeared down the street. "She's going to have a blast. This is good for her. She's been cooped up since we got here."

She rested her head on his shoulder. "I know. I'm just a little worried."

He tipped her face up to his, recognizing the tightness of unshed tears in her voice. "Alex."

She shook her head. "I'm being silly." She strangled out a chuckle as she wiped her eyes.

He hugged her, fully realizing how huge a toll this was taking on her. "I wouldn't let them go if I thought Olivia was in any danger. The kidnappers have no idea we're here. You're credit card trail stops at a hotel room in LA."

"I know." She sniffed.

"Olivia will probably get back an hour or two after we are."

Frowning, she looked up into his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Stay right here."


"Don't move." Jackson hurried up the steps and rushed to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and smiled when he spotted the big wicker picnic basket on the bottom shelf. "Nice." He grabbed the pretty handcrafted basket his mother had packed more times than he could count, set it on the counter, and flipped open the top. His smile widened as he glanced at thick ham slices, fruit salad, a mixed green salad, rolls, chocolate cake, and a bottle of white wine with two crystal "Thanks, mom."

Flipping the lid closed, Jackson snagged the boat keys off the hook and headed for the door. He stopped at the stairwell and ran up, antic.i.p.ating Alex. Moments later, dressed in blue swim trunks and a white muscle s.h.i.+rt, he opened the front door and shut it, locking up behind him.

"What do you have there?" Alex asked with a hand on her hip.

"A picnic lunch."

"That's very sweet, but it's ten in the morning."

"It won't be by the time we get to where we're going." He held out his hand, encouraged that she hadn't refused outright. "Come on."

She stood where she was, eyeing him. "And where's that?"

"You'll see. Come on," he said again when she still made no attempt to move.


He reached forward and snagged her hand. "Where's your sense of adventure? What happened to the woman who learned to let her hair down and have a little fun?"

"She grew up."

"So now that she's all grown up she can't have fun anymore?" He gave her a tug toward the hill and dock below. "Come have fun with me, Alex. The way we used to."

She took a step with him and stopped. "I have to get my cellphone. What if Livy needs me? What if they get a break in Abby's case and Detective Canon calls?"

"It's in my back pocket." He turned his a.s.s toward her.

"We don't have any sunblock."

"It's in here, along with your" He motioned to the beach bag he'd unearthed from the guest closet and gave her another tug. "Come play with me," he encouraged again. "I've hardly seen you over the past couple days." He and Tucker had been in phone meetings with Ethan, Hunter, and Austin, dealing with Abby's case as well as briefings on several of Ethan Cooke Security's clients. The company was busier than ever with premieres and numerous other big events. Their agents were bogged down with no end in sight.

Tucker would only be able to stay a couple more days. Ethan could really use him too, but they all understood he wouldn't be going anywhere until they had Abby back.

"All right. I'll come play with you for a little while." She smiled fully for the first time since she'd knocked on the office door the morning of the big picnic. Something had been different. She'd seemed more tense and distant during the few s.n.a.t.c.hes they'd been able to steal together. They both needed this time away. He was determined to make the most of it.

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