Allende's Chile And The Inter-American Cold War Part 12

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23. Telegram, Davis to SecState, 26 June 1972, box 2197/RG59/NARA; "Const.i.tuida Comision Para Investigar la Internacion Illegal por Aviones Cubanos," El Mercurio, 4 April 1972; and Gonzalez Pino and Fontaine Talavera, Mil Dias (I), 333. Whether these crates contained weapons has not yet been convincingly proved or disproved. Pinochet's dictators.h.i.+p published apparent proof that they contained weapons, but Lisandro Otero, Havana's cultural attache, insists that these boxes did contain works of art for an exhibition he was organizing, as the Cuban a.s.serted at the time. Otero interview. Arms were brought into Chile by the Cubans, but in other ways. Conversations with Ona, MarchApril 2010.

24. Quiroga, Companeros, 107.

25. Estrada interview. Allende's decision can be narrowed down to 2630 May 1972 on account of Estrada's recollection of being in Romania with Fidel Castro when he found out.

26. Estrada interview and author's interview with a former member of the MIR, who would prefer to remain anonymous. Besides the MIR, Quiroga a.s.serts that two groups from the GAP traveled to Cuba in 1972, one at the beginning and one at the end of the year for one week and fifteen days respectively. Quiroga, Companeros, 90.

27. Memorandum, Letelier, "Algunos Aspectos del Estado Actual de las Relaciones de Chile con Estados Unidos," 3 November 1971, 2/16/6/FOL.

28. Oficio, Letelier to Senor Ministro, 10 August 1971, Oficios Conf., R./EEUU/1971/AMRE; and Telex, Letelier to MRE, 27 May 1972, Telex R./EEUU/1972/AMRE. For details of the lawsuits and embargoes against Chile in early 1972, see Telexes, Letelier to MRE, 9 and 22 February 1972, Telex R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

29. Urrutia interviews, and Telex, Letelier to MRE, 21 January 1972, Telex R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

30. Memorandum, Letelier, "Algunos Aspectos del Estado Actual de las Relaciones de Chile con Estados Unidos," 3 November 1971; and Aide Memoire, Letelier, "Situacion Relaciones Chile con Estados Unidos," 11 August 1972, 2/16/5/FOL.

31. Record of Conversation, Letelier and John Fisher, 6 January 1972, Telex, Letelier to MRE, 6 January 1972, Telex R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

32. Telexes, Hugo Cubillos to Embachile Was.h.i.+ngton, 27 January 1972, and MRE to Embachile Was.h.i.+ngton (Por instrucciones del Presidente de la Republica), 24 February 1972, Telex E./EEUU/1972/AMRE; Telegram, Davis to SecState, 28 February 1972, box 2193/RG59/NARA. See also Record of Conversation, Letelier, Sidney Weintraub, Economic Department, et al., 6 January 1971, Telexes, Letelier to MRE, 6 January 1972, Telex R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

33. Vazquez and Cubillas interview, 11 September 2005. Despite threatening to take the painting back, she never went to collect it. Conversations with Ona, MarchApril 2010.

34. Allende, "First Anniversary of the Popular Government," in c.o.c.kcroft, Allende Reader, 123, and Davis, Last Two Years, 72. For an in-depth examination of Chile's debt problems and Was.h.i.+ngton's leverage over Santiago, see Michael, "Nixon, Chile and Shadows of the Cold War," 31947.

35. Circular Telex, Hugo Cubillos to Embachile Was.h.i.+ngton, 8 January 1972, Telex E./EEUU/1972/AMRE. See also Directorate of Intelligence, Weekly Review, 3 December 1971, CDP-CIA. In February 1972, Chile also rescheduled payments to private U.S. banks. Davis, Last Two Years, 72.

36. Oficio, Letelier to Senor Ministro, 2 June 1972, Oficios Conf., E./R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

37. "Temas Economicas," El Mercurio, 29 April 1972, in Gonzalez Pino and Fontaine Talavera, Mil Dias (I), 36973; and Memorandum, Jorden to Kissinger, 10 April 1972.

38. Telegram, Davis to SecState, 26 January 1972, box 2194/RG59/NARA.

39. Telegram, Davis to SecState, 7 December 1971, CDP-NARA, and Telegram, Crimmins to Rome, 14 December 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA.

40. Diplomatic Report, no. 562/71, FCO, 15 December 1971, FCO7/1991/TNA.

41. Record of Conversation, I. B. Puchkov (Soviet, Santiago) and Hugo Cubillios, 25 January 1972, published as "Conversacion del Ministro Consejero de la Embajada Sovietica con el director del departamento economico del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile," in Ulianova and Fediakova, "Chile en los Archivos de la URSS (19591973)," 42122.

42. "Report, Latin American Inst.i.tute, Soviet Academy of Sciences," c. July 1972, in Ulianova and Fediakova, "Chile en los Archivos de la URSS (19591973), 43840, and Miller, Soviet Relations with Latin America, 139. The figure of $5 million is based on the Soviet official exchange rate of .64 rubles to the dollar up to the 1980s.

43. Record of Conversation, Hildyard and Altamirano, 27 February 1972, Letter, Hildyard to Hankey (FCO), 8 March 1972, FCO7/2212/TNA.

44. Circular Telegram, FCO, 5 May 1972, FCO59/795/TNA; and Telex, Herrera to MRE (Gabinete Ministro), 13 April 1972, Aerogram y Telex/OEA/1972/AMRE.

45. Chilean Foreign Ministry statement as quoted in Oficio, da Camara Canto to Gibson Barbosa, 11 March 1971, Oficios/Embaixada do Brasil, Santiago 1971 (01)/AMRE-Brasilia.

46. "Report on the first year of the Government of the UP," East German, Santiago, 12 December 1971, V-33/MfAA.

47. Almeyda, Speech to G77, 29 October 1971, Lima, Peru, in Vera Castillo, Politica Exterior Chilena, 4056.

48. Memorandum of Conversation, Parsons (FCO), Lam (Department of Trade and Industry), Williams (Overseas Development Administration), Kemmis (Department of Trade and Industry), Kater-Bates (FCO), and Hernan Santa Cruz, 28 January 1972, FCO59/794/TNA; and Telegram, Dar-es-Salaam to SecState, 22 February 1972, box 2913/RG59/NARA.

49. Memorandum, Santa Cruz to Almeyda, "Consideraciones politicas adicionales sobre la Reunion de los 77 y respecto a las perspectivas para la Tercera Conferencia de Comercio y Desarrollo," no date, vol. 2/FHSC/AMRE.

50. For ITT doc.u.ments, see Subversion in Chile.

51. Telex, Letelier to MRE, 27 March 1972, Telex R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

52. Allende, "Discurso ante la Tercera UNCTAD," OE-SA, 61314.

53. Telegram, Davis to SecState, 17 May 1972, box 2198/RG59/NARA.

54. Letter, Letelier to Clodomiro (in Paris), 31 March 1972, 2/17/11/FOL.

55. Options Paper, DOS, "Next Steps Options on Chile," 4 April 1972, enclosure, Memorandum, Jorden to Kissinger, 10 April 1972, box H064/NSCIF/NPMP.

56. Memorandum, Jorden to Kissinger, 10 April 1972.

57. Options Paper, DOS, "Next Steps Options on Chile," 4 April 1972.

58. Telegram, Davis to SecState, 28 February 1972, box 2193/RG59/NARA. See also Davis, Last Two Years, 77.

59. Telegram, Davis to SecState, 1 April 1972, box H064/NSCIF/NPMP.

60. See NSSM 158, NSC Interdepartmental Group (Latin America), "Review of US policy toward Peru," 26 September 1972, box H193/NSCIF/NPMP.

61. Davis, Last Two Years, 74.

62. Memorandum, Jorden to Kissinger, 10 April 1972. Emphasis in original.

63. Options Paper, DOS, "Next Steps Options on Chile," 4 April 1972.

64. Telegram, Davis to SecState, 28 March 1972, box H064/NSCIF/NPMP; Options Paper, DOS, "Next Steps Options on Chile," 4 April 1972; and a.n.a.lytic Summary, NSC, enclosure, Memorandum, Jorden to Kissinger, 10 April 1972.

65. Memorandum, Jorden to Kissinger, 10 April 1972.

66. "Memorandum of agreement regarding the consolidation of Chilean Debt," 19 April 1972, accessed online at http://untreaty.un.orgunts/1_60000/27/3/00052134.pdf.

67. Zammit as quoted in Jones, North-South Dialogue, 30; and Telegram, Caracas to SecState, 11 June 1972, Executive Secretariat, Briefing Books, 19581976, lot 720373, box 135/RG59/NARA.

68. Bouteflika (1972) as quoted in Mortimer, Third World Coalition, 37. On similar Chilean conclusions, see Prats, Memorias, 263.

69. UNCTAD III's Resolution no. 46 condemned U.S. pressure against Chile. Telex, MRE to Embachile Was.h.i.+ngton, 14 October 1972, Telex E./EEUU/1972/AMRE; and Letter, Hildyard to Hunter, 20 April 1972, FCO7/2212/TNA.

70. Oficio, Letelier to Senor Ministro, 11 August 1972, Oficios Conf., E./R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

71. Diplomatic Report no. 338/72, FCO, 19 April 1972, FCO7/2174/TNA.

72. Letter, W. R. McQuillan, British, Santiago, to Latin America Department, FCO, 12 June 1972, FCO7/2174/TNA; and Almeyda, "Foreign Policy of the Unidad Popular," 88.

73. Letter, Antony Walter, British, Lima, to Robson, FCO, 3 July 1972, FCO7/2174/TNA.

74. Kissinger, 5 January 1972, as quoted in Spektor, "Equivocal Engagement," 108.

75. Airgram, DOS to All ARA Diplomatic Posts, 8 June 1972, box 404/RG59/NARA.

76. Memorandum of Conversation, Connally, Medici, et al., 8 June 1972, Telegram, Brasilia to SecState, 17 June 1972, Executive Secretariat, Briefing Books, 19581976, lot 720373, box 135/RG59/NARA.

77. Ibid.

78. Letter, Medici to Nixon, 27 April 1972, as quoted in Spektor, "Equivocal Engagement," 101.

79. Telegram, Brasilia to SecState, 7 March 1972, doc. 147/FRUS/19691976/E-10.

80. Memorandum of Conversation, Connally, Medici, et al., 8 June 1972, Telegram, Brasilia to SecState, 17 June 1972.

81. Memorandum of Conversation, Connally, Banzer, et al., 13 June 1972, Telegram, La Paz to SecState, 23 June 1972, Executive Secretariat, Briefing Books, 19581976, lot 720373, box 135/RG59/NARA.

82. Handwritten note, Kissinger on Memorandum, Hewitt to Kissinger, 4 March 1972, box 232/NSCIF/NPMP. The IMF finally insisted on the devaluation of Bolivia's peso, and La Paz froze wages at half the level of rising living costs. Lehman, Limited Partners.h.i.+p, 16566.

83. Memorandum, Hewitt to Kissinger, 4 March 1972.

84. Telex, Letelier to MRE, 8 June 1972, Telex R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

85. Gaspari, Ditadura Derrotada, 348, and Options Paper, DOS, "Next Steps Options on Chile," 4 April 1972. See also conversations with Ona, MarchApril 2010. On the Right, the author has found no evidence that the United States used this route to channel arms to Chile. Instead, sources cited suggest weapons for the right wing came from Brazil and Argentina.

86. Memorandum of Conversation, Diniz and Hoffenberg, 7 September 1972, box 2223/RG59/NARA.

87. Telex, Letelier to MRE, 6 June 1972, Telex R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

88. Oficios, Enrique Bernstein to Letelier, 11 July 1972, and Letelier to Senor Ministro, 23 June 1972, Oficios Conf., E./R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

89. Martinez Corbala interview, 30 December 2009.

90. Bussi interview, 9 April 2010.

91. Retrospective Record of Conversation, McBride, U.S. Amba.s.sador, Mexico City, and Mexican Foreign Minister, Emilio Rabasa, Telegram, McBride to SecState, 26 September 1973, DOS/CFP.

92. Almeyda as quoted in Urgent Note, "Summary of Visit of the Chilean Delegation," 2 June 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ. On Cuban suspicions regarding Mexico's position and an a.n.a.lysis of its "pre-revolutionary" character, see also Record of Conversations, Raul Roa and Polish minister of foreign affairs Stefan Jedrychowski, 2426 June 1971, Urgent Note, "Notes on the Conversations with Roa," 30 June 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ.

93. Transcript, Nixon and Echeverria, Oval Office, 15 June 1972, in Doyle, "The Nixon Tapes."

94. Record of Conversations, Raul Roa and Polish minister of foreign affairs Stefan Jedrychowski, 2426 June 1971.

95. Julien-Landelius, "Resumidas Cuentas," 48.

96. Suarez interview, 10 December 2004.

97. Oficios, Vega to Senor Ministro, 13 September 1972 and 24 July 1972, Oficios Conf./Cuba/1972/AMRE.

98. Amat and Vierra interviews. Between 1964 and 1972 there were only "a couple" of Latin American specialists at MINREX.

99. Suarez interview, 10 December 2004; and Raul Roa as cited in Oficio, Vega to Senor Ministro, 10 July 1972, Oficios Conf./Cuba/1972/AMRE.

100. Manuel Pineiro to DGLN, 5 August 1972, in Suarez, Manuel Pineiro, 9899.

101. Vierra interview.

102. Foreign Ministry Report, "Political Evaluation of Fidel Castro's Visit and Program for Action," 23 June 1972, and Minutes of Central Committee Meeting, "Discussion on Evaluating Fidel Castro's Visit," 14 June 1972, wiazka 3/12/78/AMSZ.

103. Mesa-Lago, Cuba in the 1970s, 2021.

104. Castro, 26 July 1972, as quoted in Erisman, Cuba's International Relations, 5354.

105. Memorandum of Conversation, Connally, Medici, et al., 8 June 1972.

106. Memorandum of Conversation, Rogers and Gibson Barbosa, 29 September 1972, Waldorf Hotel, Telegram, USMission, UN to SecState, 6 October 1972, box 2130/RG59/NARA; and Gaspari, Ditadura Derrotada, 34951. On Brazilian government and military concerns regarding the Tupamaro threat and the security situation in Uruguay, see Telegram, Brasilia to SecState, 7 March 1972, doc. 147/FRUS/19691976/Vol. E-10.

107. Memorandum of Conversation, Connally and de la Flor, 14 June 1972, Telegram, Lima to SecState, 23 June 1972, Executive Secretariat, Briefing Books, 19581976, lot 720373, box 135/RG59/NARA.

108. NSSM 158. The United States' policy of "non-overt pressure" on Peru included a freeze on U.S. government bilateral a.s.sistance, including Eximbank lending, lobbying of U.S. banks to put financial pressures on Peru, and a discreet position against Lima at the IBRD and the IMF.

109. Annex to NSSM 158, enclosure, Memorandum, A. Arenales (INR/RAA/OD) to Bloomfield (ARA/NSC-IG), 6 September 1972, box H193/NSCIF/NPMP.

110. NSSM 158. On the differentiation in the minds of policy makers between Peru and Chile, see Vaky interview. For a previous study of the differentiation, see also Cottam, Images and Intervention.

111. NSSM 158.

112. Memorandum, Peter M. Flanigan and Kissinger to Nixon, 28 December 1972, box H237/NSCIF/NPMP; Memorandum, Thomas R. Pickering, Executive Secretary DOS, to Brent Scowcroft, 13 September 1973, box 2196/RG59/NARA; and Country Report, Peru, The Green Book.

113. Oficio, Letelier to Senor Ministro, 13 October 1973, Oficios Conf., E./R./EEUU/1972/AMRE.

114. Memorandum, Urrutia to Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores et al., "Algunos Aspectos de Las relaciones Financieras de Chile con la Banca de EE.UU," 22 October 1971, 2/13/44/FOL.

115. Aide Memoire, Letelier, "Situacion Relaciones Chile con Estados Unidos," 11 August 1972, 2/16/5/FOL; and Memorandum, Letelier, "Medidas que podriamos adoptar para establecer algun 'modus vivendi' con Estados Unidos," 5 September 1972, enclosure, Letter (personal and confidential), Orlando to Clodomiro, 6 September 1972, 2/17/12/FOL.

116. Letter (personal and confidential), Orlando to Clodomiro, 6 September 1972.

117. Aide Memoire, Letelier, "Situacion Relaciones Chile con Estados Unidos," 11 August 1972; and Memorandum, Letelier, "Medidas que podriamos adoptar para establecer algun 'modus vivendi' con Estados Unidos," 5 September 1972.

118. For negative PS reaction to PCCh a.n.a.lysis of the situation, see Arnoldo Camu, "Respuesta al Partido Comunista," Punto Final, 18 July 1972, in Perez, "La Izquierda," 46065.

119. Allende, 7 August 1972, as quoted in Telegram, Davis to DOS, 9 August 1972, box 478/RG59/NARA.

120. Report, Latin American Inst.i.tute, Soviet Academy of Sciences, c. July 1972, in Ulianova and Fediakova, "Chile en los Archivos de la URSS (19591973)," 42526, 436, and Ulianova, "La Unidad Popular y el Golpe Militar," 96101.

121. Letter, Amba.s.sador Fries, East German Amba.s.sador, Santiago, to Comrade Georg Stibi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Berlin, 25 June 1972, V-33/MfAA.

122. Pravda, 23 November 1972, as quoted in Miller, Soviet Relations with Latin America, 132.

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