Only Series - Only Mine Part 18

Only Series - Only Mine -

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Jessica had been born into that aristocracy. Wolfe never forgot that, not even when in the grip of a pa.s.sion for her that made him shake. It was why, after three nights of the most intense sensual explorations, Jessica was still a virgin. She was born of the aristocracy, which made her the kind of woman with whom Wolfe might play sensuous games, but not the kind of woman he thought was fit to be his true mate.

The wind flexed against the house, testing its strength and reminding the men inside of what awaited them after they had eaten. A faint scratching sound came from the windows, particles of ice or grit flung against the gla.s.s by the strengthening wind. As one, the men stopped eating and exchanged wary looks.

Without a word, Wolfe stood and went to the back door. Ignoring the ice-tipped wind, he walked away from the house until he had a clear view of the sky around the mountain peaks. The air had an odd sheen to it. The wind was alive, potent, and smelled of winter.

Although it was barely noon, the elemental harmonies of wolf packs on the prowl s.h.i.+vered through the forest.

Motionless, silent, Wolfe stood and absorbed all the subtle messages of sky and earth, wind, and wildlife. When he turned and came back inside, his face was impa.s.sive and his eyes were bleak.

Caleb watched Wolfe sit down. aWell?a he asked softly.

Wolfe hesitated, then shrugged. The truth would come on the wind no matter what was said or not said now.

aItas making up to snow.a Caleb muttered something Jessica chose not to overhear. Quietly she set down another pan of warm cornbread and a bowl of chili.

aHow hard?a Caleb asked.

aItas going to be a real h.e.l.l-bringer.a Wolfeas voice was very soft, but very certain.

aThen n.o.body rides but me. Itas too easy to get lost in a blizzard.a aIall start bringing in the cows and calves,a Rafe said, ingoring Caleb. aMy bullwhip makes the horses too skittish, but it works like a charm on those cattle.a aIall ride shotgun for you,a Reno said. aThank G.o.d not too many calves have been born yet. Theyall be a lot safer in their motheras bellies. Have the mares started foaling yet?a aNo,a Wolfe said. aMy steeldust will probably be the first. Once she foals, the rest wonat be far behind. When they start dropping their foals in a blizzardaa Caleb narrowed his eyes but said nothing. There was nothing he could say that would turn back the cold northern wind.

aOnce we get a rope on my mustang,a Wolfe continued, aIshmael will make sure the rest of the herd follows.a ah.e.l.l,a Caleb said in disgust. aThe last time I tried roping that steeldust of yours, she ran rings around me.a aQuick little thing, isnat she? Smart, too.a Wolfeas smile faded. aIf I canat talk to hera"a aTalk?a interrupted Jessica.

Caleb smiled oddly. aIn Cheyenne. Itas the d.a.m.nedest thing I ever saw. Wolfe can go up to a mustang and atalka to it and half the time it will follow him like a big dog.a aThatas what the Cheyenne call them, Big Dogs,a Wolfe said dryly. His voice changed. aIf the steeldust wonat listen to reason, and we canat get close enough to rope her, Iall have to try creasing her with a bullet.a Jessica looked unhappily at Wolfe. She knew the steeldust was the core of the horse herd he hoped to build.

aIall do what I have to,a Wolfe said.

BY the the third day of the blizzard, the men were exhausted from lack of sleep and long hours spent riding under the most miserable conditions imaginable. Jessica made gallons of stew, rafts of cornbread, and lakes of coffee. She kept all of it hot in the kitchen no matter what the hour, for she never knew when one of the men would walk in the back door s.h.i.+vering with cold and hungry as a spring bear.

aGo back to bed,a Jessica said to Willow.

aYouave been up cooking since dawn. Itas late afternoon now. You must be exhausted.a aIam fine. Iam stronger than I look. I always have been.a Willow looked at Jessicaas drawn face and understood what was bothering her.

aThe men will be all right, Jessi. Theyare used to riding wild country.a A tight nod was Jessicaas only answer. She didnat know how much Caleb had told his wife about the problems they were having with so many wolves prowling in the storm, with the contrary cattle, and with cows calving at the worst possible time. Not to mention the wind itself, edged with thousands of icy teeth that ripped into flesh and stole the very warmth of life from livestock and man alike.

But Jessica knew all of those problems, for Wolfe had told her more than he knew with his terse answers and eloquent silences.

aIf only the b.l.o.o.d.y wind would stop,a Jessica said suddenly.

aYes. If only. At least itas not snowing any more,a Willow said, walking to the window. She picked up the spygla.s.s she had put there. In the magnified circle of its view, she looked across the pasture, counting horses under her breath. It was impossible to be certain through the waisthigh curtains of snow, but she thought the count came up short.

aWhat is it?a Jessica asked, coming to stand by Willow.

aAt least four of the mares are missing.a aIshmael will bring them back.a aNot if theyare foaling,a Willow whispered. aNo stallion will disturb a mare when she quits the herd to give birth.a There was a tense silence before Willow added, aI saw at least one wolf. The packs are moving again.a For an instant, Jessica closed her eyes. She had seen Willowas Arabians when they were brought to the home pasture. Even heavy with their unborn foals and thick with winter coats, the mares had an elegance of form and movement that enchanted Jessica. The thought of those mares lying down in the cruel wind to give birth while wolves circled hungrily around made her feel ill. The mares would be all but helpless, captive of the need to give birth. For a time, they would be almost as vulnerable as the foals being pushed from warm wombs onto frozen ground.

aThe foalsaa Jessica whispered.

Willow looked through the spygla.s.s, saying nothing.

aCan you see any of the men?a Jessica asked.

aNo. Theyare probably combing the forest for cows. When the wind started coming from the northeast before dawn, the herd drifted out of Eagle Creek Basin.a With growing tension Jessica waited while Willow searched as much as she could see of the pasture through the swirling snow. When she collapsed the spygla.s.s with barely restrained violence, Jessica knew that the mares were still missing.

aI donat see the steeldust anywhere,a Willow said finally. aI think the foaling has begun.a aDear G.o.d, no,a Jessica whispered. aWe canat lose the steeldust now. Wolfe was so relieved when she came to him as though she understood he would keep her safe.a Willow set aside the spygla.s.s. aI nursed Ethan a few minutes ago. If he cries before I come back, justa"a aNo.a The curt refusal startled Willow.

aStay with your baby,a Jessica said tightly. aIall check on the mares.a aI canat let you do that. The cold is too dangerous.a aThatas why youare staying with Ethan. If anything happens to you, the baby will die. If anything happens to meaa Jessica paused and then spoke the bitter truth with no bitterness in her voice. aNo one else will die of it.a Willow clasped her hands together until the knuckles gleamed whitely. aJessi, you mustnat go out. You donat know what this mountain wind is like, how quickly it can take the living warmth from you.a aI know about cold and wind. Iave seen sheep freeze standing up in the fields and wells frozen from top to bottom like stone.a Willowas eyes widened into startled hazel pools. aI didnat know England was so cold.a aIt isnat. Scotland is. Do you have winter clothing that would fit me?a aJessia"a aDo you or not?a aIn the bedroom. Iall show you.a Willow smiled oddly. aSome of the clothes will be familiar. Caleb got them from Wolfe. They were yours. Thereas a shotgun over the front door. Take it. Iall bring you extra Very quickly, Jessica was on the way out of the house, wrapped in layers of wool and buckskin that were familiar, and a hooded fur jacket that was not. She wore pants instead of a skirt and carried a borrowed shotgun. The pockets of her jacket were heavy with extra

The only horse in the corral that didnat look half dead on its feet from work was a tall black gelding. He didnat want to be bridled, saddled, or ridden. Jessica managed the first two, but was very nearly thrown before the horse gave up and left the corral with ears laid back. As she rode out into the storm, she was grateful that Wolfe had insisted that she learn to ride difficult horses and do the work of stablehands.

Before Jessica reached the pasture, she saw the first of the wolves. They were sniffing the wind eagerly and moving as though they had a destination in mind. Acting on instinct, she followed. She lost the trail partway into the spa.r.s.e forest. The wind was less brutal in the trees, but not by much.

Just as Jessica was going to give up and go back to the pasture, she heard the unmistakable sound of a horse screaming in anger and fear. She spun the black gelding around and headed toward the sounds at a dead run, dodging branches and clinging to the saddle horn when the horse lunged through low spots where snow lay in powdery drifts.

At first, Jessica saw only wolves. Then she saw the steeldust mare trying to struggle to her feet in order to face the circling predators. Jessica brought the shotgun up and fired into the wolves. They scattered away, only to circle back to the mare almost instantly. Jessica fired again and again, reloading rapidly despite the clumsiness of her gloves.

After the third shot, the wolves withdrew, vanis.h.i.+ng into swirls of wind-blown snow. Jessica dismounted and went to the steeldust. The mustang flinched and laid back her ears but was too caught up in the ultimate moments of giving birth to resist the gentle hands helping her.

As soon as the foal was born, Jessica sat down and pulled it into her lap so that the icy ground wouldnat sap the newbornas strength. Very quickly, the mustang was back on her feet and nosing curiously at the slick, wet bundle that overflowed Jessicaas lap. A surprisingly long, agile pink tongue appeared and began a vigorous cleaning of the foal. When Jessicaas hand or leg got in the way, it was cleaned too.

Suddenly, the mareas head went up and her nostrils flared. She s.h.i.+ed away, but came back instantly, for the foal was a lure she couldnat refuse. She nickered urgently to her foal. In response, the foal tried to stand.

With a few strategic pushes from Jessica, the foal managed to come to its feet, but very quickly went sprawling, its stilt-like legs sticking out every which way. As Jessica reached for it, a harsh male voice cut through the storm.

aWhat the h.e.l.l do you think youare doing out here! Southern lady, sometimes you donat have the sense G.o.d gave a goose!a Before Jessica could say a single word she was s.n.a.t.c.hed off the ground by large hands. Instants later she found herself staring eye to eye with a perfectly furious Caleb Black. There was no sign of the sensual lover, gentle father, or loving husband in him at the moment. He was a dark angel of justice with blazing gold eyes.

aJessi!a She smiled tentatively, but found her mouth too dry to speak. Caleb looked frankly intimidating.

aGood grief,a he said, still hardly able to believe his eyes. aRiding Deuce and wearing that fur jacket, I thought you were Willow. Does Wolfe know youare out in this h.e.l.l-wind?a The appearance of a mult.i.tude of slate-gray wraiths just at the edge of visibility saved Jessica from having to answer. Before she could take a breath, she was supported only by Calebas left arm and there was a six-gun in his right hand. Shots came too quickly too count, their staccato thunder battering through the savage keening of the wind. Almost a hundred feet away, a wolf went down and stayed. The rest vanished as silently as they had appeared.

Jessica stared eat Caleb, astonished at his speed and accuracy. Veiled by snow, the wolves had appeared with no warning and had left in the same way. Yet if the words Caleb was saying were any indication, he wasnat much impressed by either his quickness or his skill.

ad.a.m.nation. How could I miss so many? Must be thirty of those sons of b.i.t.c.hes prowling around.a Caleb didnat bother putting Jessica down. He simply tossed her onto Deuce, reloaded his gun swiftly, and went to the struggling foal. When he came close, the steeldustas ears went back.

aTake it easy, you cross-eyed cayuse. Iam going to help your baby, not eat him.a The mareas nostrils flared. Jessica had been infused with the foalas scent. Enough of it had rubbed off on Caleb to confuse the mare. Stamping her feet, las.h.i.+ng her tail, nickering nervously, she watched while Caleb picked up her foal and draped it over Jessicaas lap.

aTake him to a stall. The steeldust wonat like it, but sheall follow.a aAt least three other mares are missing from the herd,a Jessica said.

With a hissed word under his breath, Caleb pulled on his gloves. aNever rains but it pours. Only a contrary female would have babies in this weather.a aLeave it to a contrary male to complain about the fruits of last summeras frolic,a Jessica retorted.

Caleb gave a crack of laughter as he smacked Deuce on his muscular black haunch. aGet going, boy. little bits like your rider and that foal donat take long to freeze solid in this wind.a aIam not little,a Jessica said as the big gelding headed out.

aYou know, Willowas been saying the same thing to me since I met her. Didnat believe it then. Donat believe it now. Watch Deuce. He doesnat like wind worth a d.a.m.n.a aI noticed. Iall be back for the other foals.a aNo. Itas too dangerous with the wind and the wolves. You stay home. Reno isnat far behind me. Weall look for the missing mares.a aBut what about the cattle? You need them more than you need the foals, and most of the horses are Wolfeas anyway.a Caleb didnat answer. Instead, he swung up onto his big horse with a quick motion and trotted off into the savage, waist-high swirls of snow. Beyond him, the herd of horses huddled miserably, their rumps to the icy wind.

With the steeldust in anxious attendance, Jessica rode quickly to the barn. The mustang didnat want to go inside, but she did, shying every inch of the way. Jessica put mother and foal in an empty stall, dragged in a bucket of water and an armload of hay, and hauled herself up on Calebas tall horse once again.

Deuce didnat want to leave the barnas shelter. After a sharp contest of wills with its rider, the big gelding laid back his ears and went out into the teeth of the h.e.l.l-wind once more.

The sound of a six-gun being fired told Jessica where to find Caleb. By the time she got there, the wolves were gone. Tall, wide-shouldered, standing with his back to her, Caleb straddled a newborn foal while he rapidly reloaded his six-gun and watched the sheets of wind-driven snow for the movement of hungry wolves. When he saw none, he holstered the gun with a smooth motion and bent to pick up the foal. The mare was much more tame than Wolfeas steeldust. Other than nosing the foal insistently, she made no move to interfere.

As though understanding that the manas attention wasnat on them any more, wolves rushed in from three sides.

Before Jessica could scream Calebas name, he straightened, drew his gun, and fired all in the same motion, emptying the revolver in a few shattering seconds. The speed of his movements shocked Jessica, even though she had seen it once before.

The wolves scattered, leaving two dark shadows behind. Instantly, he began to reload. Then he heard something behind him and spun, gun raised in his left hand. Pale green eyes glittered like gems in the manas wind-burned face.

In that instant Jessica remembered what Wolfe had said about Reno and Caleb being well-matched when it came to speed and six-guns.

aw.i.l.l.y, what the h.e.l.l are you doing out here, and riding Deuce of all horses! Does Caleb know what d.a.m.n foolishness youare up to?a As Jessica urged her horse forward, the hood of her jacket was stripped back by the wind. Long mahogany locks whipped and leaped like flames in the late afternoon light.

aJessi! For G.o.das sake, does Wolfea"a aJust give me the blasted foal before it freezes to the ground,a Jessica interrupted curtly, tired of being told by tall, dangerous men that she belonged at home by the fire. aYou need every hand you can get.a Impatiently, she stuffed her hair back under the hood and pulled the drawstring tight. No sooner was she finished than Reno dropped a curly-coated, ice-tipped black foal across her lap. A big rangy bay mare followed, all but stepping on Renoas heels.

aWas it you with the shotgun earlier?a Reno asked.

aYes.a aDid you reload?a aWolfe taught me to hunt,a she retorted. aWhat do you think?a Renoas smile flashed. aI think you reloaded. Iave got your carbine. Want to trade?a aUnlike Wolfe, I canat shoot straight one-handed while riding a horse and hanging upside-down with my eyes closed,a Jessica said dryly. aIall be better off with the shotgun. All I have to do is point it in the right general direction and pull the trigger.a aYou do that, Red. All the blood smell from the births and that wild wind have every wolf pack between here and the divide in a frenzy. Must be forty or fifty wolves prowling around. d.a.m.nedest thing Iave ever seen. Shoot one and three more take its place.a He smacked Jessicaas horse on the rump. aTake her home, Deuce.a Deuce moved eagerly toward the barn once more, followed by a mare that was nearly as big as he was. The foal struggled briefly, then gave up and lay quietly while the wind keened icily around.

As soon as Deuce left the meager shelter of the pines, swirls of snow leaped up from the ground, stinging unprotected skin. The gelding tugged at the bit and humped his back as though intending to buck again.

aDonat even think of it,a Jessica muttered, curbing the big horse.

Suddenly there were wolves everywhere.

With a cry of fear, Jessica dropped the reins, lifted the shotgun, and fired at a leaping black shape. Simultaneously, Deuce lashed out with his hind feet and the big bay mare charged at the closest wolf, forcing it to retreat. The mare spun back to the gelding. Instinctively, the horses protected their vulnerable hamstrings by turning their rumps to one another and facing the circling wolves. Jessica didnat urge Deuce to run for the barn; she, too, knew that the horse would be hamstrung and brought down long before it reached the barnas safety.

While Deuce pivoted and struck out at wolves that were foolhardy enough to rush forward, Jessica fought to stay upright, keep the foal across the saddle, and reload the shotgun at the same time. Yet even when she succeeded in shoving in another sh.e.l.l, she knew it wouldnat get the job done.

There were too many wolves.

An eerie calm came over Jessica as she raised the shotgun to fire, for she knew it would be a race to see if she got the gun reloaded again before the wolves regrouped and closed in. If she lost that race, her only hope was that one of the men had heard the shotgunas distinctive bellow and would find her in time.

She triggered the gun. Wolves scattered as buckshot fanned out like wind-driven hail. Some of the wolves leaped aside, snapping and snarling, as though besieged by bees. Fighting to hold the foal and herself in the saddle, Jessica managed to get another sh.e.l.l into the gun before the wolves regained their courage.

When she brought up the shotgun again, the foal began to slip off. Desperately, she held the foal in place while trying to level the shotgun at the wolf that was leading the attacka"a big, slate-gray male that had been clever enough to recognize her shotgun as dangerous and leap aside as soon as she had pointed the barrel toward him.

The big male raced forward before Jessica could bring the shotgun to bear again. Abruptly, he somersaulted and fell. He didnat get up. Even as the sound of rifle fire screamed down through the wind to Jessica, another animal spun away from the pack and lay still.

Back at the edge of the trees, Wolfe took aim and shot again, picking off the animal that was closest to the horses. Despite the fear hammering at him, he shot smoothly, evenly, and accurately, using a hail of bullets to separate the carnivores from their intended prey.

Too d.a.m.n many wolves, he thought savagely. What in Christas name was Caleb thinking about, letting Willow come out when there was a h.e.l.l-wind blowing?

Suddenly, there were no more targets. The wolves had withdrawn again, vanis.h.i.+ng like puffs of smoke on the violent wind.

Reloading quickly, Wolfe rode out into the meadow. He saw Deuce head for the barn at a fast canter, with his rider crouched low in the saddle, hanging onto a foal. One of Calebas big Montana mares followed anxiously.

Even as Wolfe admired Willowas courage in taking on the h.e.l.l-wind and wolves, he wished things werenat so desperate that they needed every hand. But they were that desperate, and they did need every hand, even the soft one of a woman who should have been rocking a cradle rather than riding shotgun over a helpless foal.

THE wind finally died at sunset, bringing relief to men and animals alike. Mares with foals were in the barn, cows with newborn calves had been herded into the corral, and the men traded off riding around the rest of the livestock. The temperature rose with each circuit Wolfe made around the cattle.

Another wind began to blow, a gentle wind from the south. By moonrise, the snow had begun to melt beneath the warm breath of the chinook. Wolfe stood in the stirrups and looked out over the glistening land. He stretched and sighed deeply, weary to his core.

aGo back to the house,a Caleb called from the shadows. aThe cattle can take it from here. Any creature that dies of being born in a warm wind is too weak to be worth saving. Besides, as tired as we are, wead probably shoot ourselves instead of the wolves.a aTheyare gone. They wonat gather like that again until another h.e.l.l-wind blows.a The certainty in Wolfeas voice made coolness condense along Calebas spine. He c.o.c.ked his head and looked at the man he thought of as a brother but didnat always understand.

aHow long will it be before another h.e.l.l-wind blows?a Caleb asked, curious.

aMy motheras mother saw one as a child. Your grandchildren might see one, if they live long enough.a aHope they have friends like you to help them.a aAnd wives like Willow,a Wolfe said softly.

Caleb didnat hear. He had already reined his horse away and was trotting toward the horse herd that Reno and Rafe were guarding. Wolfe turned toward the house where lights were glowing in welcoming shades of gold.

Knowing how tired Willow must be, the last thing Wolfe expected when he walked into the house was to find it full of the savory scents of cooking. A pan of warm water was on the stove, along with a dry towel and soap. Smiling, he took the hint and began stripping off hat and gloves, heavy jacket and cold boots, vest and s.h.i.+rt and unders.h.i.+rt. He washed as much of himself as he could reach, enjoying the feel of the warm water and the dry towel.

The sound of a womanas skirt rustling behind Wolfe told him that he wasnat alone any longer. I Even as he turned around, his blood heated at the thought of catching Jessica and holding her close to his body again. She always smelled so good, so clean. Holding her was like lying in a rose garden in the full bloom of summer.

But it was the scent of lavender rather than roses that met Wolfe. Willow smiled and held out a clean s.h.i.+rt to him.

aIf your clothes are anything like Calebas have been, they could stand up and shoot for themselves.a Wolfe put on the s.h.i.+rt, appreciating the clean softness and warmth of the flannel. He looked at the stew simmering gently on the stove and the mound of biscuits, and shook his head in silent wonder.

aThey broke the mold with you, Willow. A new baby to take care of, yet youare was.h.i.+ng clothes for four men and feeding them as well, day and night. And in between you rescue foals and shoot wolves.a Willow gave Wolfe an odd glance. aIam with you as far as the new baby and the biscuits, but you lost me after that. Jessi did the rest, including the cooking. If any foals got rescued, it was her doing, not mine. All I did was lend her my clothes and a shotgun.a aWhat are you talking about?a aJessi. She was the one out in the storm, not me.a Wolfeas eyes widened. His hands gripped Willowas shoulders hard enough to make her wince.

aI saw you out there, riding Deuce,a he said flatly. aI saw a wolf leap for you and you fired the shotgun and reloaded it while Deuce was dancing around and you were holding the foal across your lap and I didnat know if I could shoot that G.o.dd.a.m.ned wolf before he took you and the foal right down into the snow!a aJessi,a Willow said succinctly. aJessi and Jessi and Jessi.a Wolfe released Willow and began walking quickly toward the bedroom he and Jessica shared.

aIf youare looking for your fancy aristocratic lady,a Willow said dryly, atry the barn.a Wolfe spun around. aWhat?a aJessi was worried that wolves might get into the barn. She knows how much store you set by that savage steeldust mustang. Thatas why Jessi rode out into the storm when I saw the mare was missing. Thatas why Jessias in the barn now with a shotgun. Sheas guarding the future the same way I would have in her shoes.a Wolfe stared at Willow, unable to believe what he was hearing.

aI wanted to go,a Willow continued. aJessi wouldnat let me. She said if something happened to me, Ethan would die. But if something happened to her, n.o.body would die.a aThe little fool.a aIs she? She may have been born and raised an aristocrat, but sheas not the useless little decoration you believe she is.a Willow was talking to herself. The door slammed behind Wolfe as he headed for the barn.


W HEN the steeldust caught Wolfeas scent, she nickered softly in welcome. He leaned over the stall door and looked inside. The breath went out of him as though at a blow.

Jessica was slumped in the far corner, asleep. The shotgun was propped against the wall within easy reach. A newborn blood-bay foal was curled against her, taking advantage of shared warmth. Silence grew while Wolfe measured the changes between the girl who had danced with him in London and the girl he was looking at now.

In London, Jessicaas skin had been as fine-grained and flawless as a pearl. America hadnat been so kind. She had scratches and welts on one side of her face and her cheeks were chapped by the wind. In London, her color had been vivid, almost incandescent. Now her lips were pale, and exhaustion ringed her eyes with darkness.

It was only the beginning of the unhappy comparisons. In London, Jessicaas hair had been as sleek and burnished as flame, and jewels had glinted from its intricately coiffed depths. Now her hair was wild, wind-tangled, and mixed with straw. In London, her clothes had been designed and executed in the most expensive materials available, and her skirts had billowed like clouds. In America, she wore a boyas flannel underwear, a boyas buckskin s.h.i.+rt and breeches, and the evidence of her a.s.sistance at several foalings was spread from her shoulders to her small, durable boots.

In London, Jessicaas days were composed of teas and b.a.l.l.s, plays and the latest books. In America, she worked like a scullery maid and stablehand combined. In London, she entertained her guests with wit and silver laughter. In America, she rarely laughed and had nearly died.

Jessi, what have I done to you?

There was no answer to Wolfeas silent, anguished question except the truth: He had almost killed the girl who trusted him when she trusted nothing else on earth.

Making no sound, Wolfe went into the stall. He picked up the shotgun, took the sh.e.l.l from the firing chamber, and closed the gun. The small noise woke Jessica. She sat up with a start, automatically reaching for the corner where she had propped the shotgun out of the way.

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