The Lady In The Tower Part 10

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Thomson, Patricia: Sir Thomas Wyatt and his Background Sir Thomas Wyatt and his Background (London, 1964) (London, 1964)The Tower of London: Its Buildings and Inst.i.tutions (ed. John Charlton, HMSO, London, 1978) (ed. John Charlton, HMSO, London, 1978)"Triumphs of English": Henry Parker, Lord Morley, Translator to the Tudor Court; New Essays in Interpretation Essays in Interpretation (ed. Marie Axton and James P. Carley, The British Library, 2000) (ed. Marie Axton and James P. Carley, The British Library, 2000)Tytler, Sarah: Tudor Queens and Princesses Tudor Queens and Princesses (London, 1896; reprinted New York, 2006) (London, 1896; reprinted New York, 2006)

Underwood, Peter: Ghosts and How to See Them Ghosts and How to See Them (London, 1993) (London, 1993)Underwood, Peter: Haunted London Haunted London (London, 1973) (London, 1973)Underwood, Peter: This Haunted Isle This Haunted Isle (London, 1984) (London, 1984)

Van Duyn Southworth, John: Monarch and Conspirators: The Wives and Woes of Henry VIII Monarch and Conspirators: The Wives and Woes of Henry VIII (New York, 1973) (New York, 1973)

Wainewright, John B.: "Thirlwall, 1536, Chaplain to Queen Anne Boleyn" (Notes and Queries (Notes and Queries, 1916)Walder, John: All Colour Book of Henry VIII All Colour Book of Henry VIII (London, 1973) (London, 1973)Waldman, Milton: The Lady Mary The Lady Mary (London, 1972) (London, 1972)Warnicke, Retha: "The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Rea.s.sessment" (History: The (History: The Journal of the Historical a.s.sociation Journal of the Historical a.s.sociation, LXX, 228, February 1985)Warnicke, Retha: The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn: Family Politics at the Court of The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn: Family Politics at the Court of Henry VIII Henry VIII (Cambridge, 1989) (Cambridge, 1989)Warnicke, Retha: "s.e.xual Heresy at the Court of Henry VIII" (Historical Journal (Historical Journal, x.x.x, 1987)Watkins, Susan: In Public and in Private: Elizabeth I and her World In Public and in Private: Elizabeth I and her World (London, 1998) (London, 1998)Weir, Alison: Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, 1989) (London, 1989)Weir, Alison: Children of England: The Heirs of King Henry VIII Children of England: The Heirs of King Henry VIII (London, 1996) (London, 1996)Weir, Alison: Elizabeth the Queen Elizabeth the Queen (London, 1998) (London, 1998)Weir, Alison: Henry VIII: King and Court Henry VIII: King and Court (London, 2001) (London, 2001)Weir, Alison: The Six Wives of Henry VIII The Six Wives of Henry VIII (London, 1991) (London, 1991)The Westminster Abbey Guide (London, 1953) (London, 1953)Westminster Abbey: Official Guide (London, 1966) (London, 1966)Westwood, Jennifer, and Simpson, Jacqueline: The Penguin Book of Ghosts The Penguin Book of Ghosts (London, 2008) (London, 2008)Williams, Neville: The Cardinal and the Secretary The Cardinal and the Secretary (London, 1975) (London, 1975)Williams, Neville: Elizabeth I, Queen of England Elizabeth I, Queen of England (London, 1967) (London, 1967)Williams, Neville: Henry VIII and His Court Henry VIII and His Court (London, 1971) (London, 1971)Williams, Neville: The Life and Times of Elizabeth I The Life and Times of Elizabeth I (London, 1972) (London, 1972)Wilson, Derek: Hans Holbein: Portrait of an Unknown Man Hans Holbein: Portrait of an Unknown Man (London, 1996) (London, 1996)Wilson, Derek: In the Lion's Court: Power, Ambition and Sudden Death in the Reign of In the Lion's Court: Power, Ambition and Sudden Death in the Reign of Henry VIII Henry VIII (London, 2001) (London, 2001)Wilson, Derek: The Tower of London: A Thousand Years The Tower of London: A Thousand Years (London, 1978) (London, 1978)Wilson, Derek: The Uncrowned Kings of England: The Black Legend of the Dudleys The Uncrowned Kings of England: The Black Legend of the Dudleys (London, 2005) (London, 2005)Wormald, Jenny: "The Usurped and Unjust Empire of Women" (Journal of (Journal of Ecclesiastical History Ecclesiastical History, XLII, 1991)

Younghusband, George: The Tower From Within The Tower From Within (London, 1918) (London, 1918)


NOTES AND REFERENCESAbbreviations used in this section: Bernard The King's Reformation The King's Reformation Ives The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn, "The Most Happy" The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn, "The Most Happy"


Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII SC.

Spanish Calendar: Spanish Calendar: Calendar of Letters, Despatches and State Papers Calendar of Letters, Despatches and State Papers relating to Negotiations between England and Spain relating to Negotiations between England and Spain VC.

Venetian Calendar: Venetian Calendar: Calendar of State Papers and Ma.n.u.scripts relating to English Affairs preserved in the Archives of Venice and in the other Libraries of Northern Italy Calendar of State Papers and Ma.n.u.scripts relating to English Affairs preserved in the Archives of Venice and in the other Libraries of Northern Italy Warnicke The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn

Full t.i.tles of all works are listed in the Bibliography Full t.i.tles of all works are listed in the Bibliography.


1 Hall; VC; Hall; VC; LP LP2 Henry's skeleton, discovered in St. George's Chapel in the early nineteenth century, measured 62 in length. This should be compared with his armor in the Tower of London, which would fit a man of 64. Strands of red hair adhered to the King's skull. His armor measurements show that in 1534 his waist measured 37 inches and his chest 45 inches. Henry's skeleton, discovered in St. George's Chapel in the early nineteenth century, measured 62 in length. This should be compared with his armor in the Tower of London, which would fit a man of 64. Strands of red hair adhered to the King's skull. His armor measurements show that in 1534 his waist measured 37 inches and his chest 45 inches.3 VC VC4 SC; SC; LP; LP; Brantome; VC; Carles; George Wyatt; Sanuto Brantome; VC; Carles; George Wyatt; Sanuto5 Carles; Carles; LP LP6 Carles; Wriothesley; Constantine Carles; Wriothesley; Constantine7 Carles Carles8 Hall Hall9 Hall; Wriothesley Hall; Wriothesley


1 Wriothesley. Although Hall dates Anne's miscarriage to early February, Wriothesley, who was better informed, states that it occurred "three days before Candlemas." As Candlemas falls on February 2, this suggests that the miscarriage happened on January 30. However, Wriothesley cannot have been correct in this case, for the Imperial amba.s.sador, Eustache Chapuys, who had been at court at the time, reported on February 10 that "on the day of the interment" of Katherine of Aragon (29 January), "the Concubine had an abortion." Warnicke is therefore incorrect in dating the miscarriage to January 19, then January 30. Wriothesley. Although Hall dates Anne's miscarriage to early February, Wriothesley, who was better informed, states that it occurred "three days before Candlemas." As Candlemas falls on February 2, this suggests that the miscarriage happened on January 30. However, Wriothesley cannot have been correct in this case, for the Imperial amba.s.sador, Eustache Chapuys, who had been at court at the time, reported on February 10 that "on the day of the interment" of Katherine of Aragon (29 January), "the Concubine had an abortion." Warnicke is therefore incorrect in dating the miscarriage to January 19, then January 30.2 George Wyatt; George Wyatt; LP LP3 Wriothesley; Hall. For Anne Boleyn's miscarriage, see also George Wyatt and Clifford. Wriothesley; Hall. For Anne Boleyn's miscarriage, see also George Wyatt and Clifford.4 LP LP5 Ibid Ibid6 Neale: Neale: Queen Elizabeth I Queen Elizabeth I7 Pollini Pollini8 Hall Hall9 For Katherine of Aragon, see Mattingly; Weir: For Katherine of Aragon, see Mattingly; Weir: Six Wives; Six Wives; Fraser; Starkey: Fraser; Starkey: Six Wives; Six Wives; Paul; Luke; Hume and Strickland. Paul; Luke; Hume and Strickland.10 Ives Ives11 SC SC12 Ibid Ibid13 For Henry's pursuit of Anne Boleyn, see, for example, George Wyatt; For Henry's pursuit of Anne Boleyn, see, for example, George Wyatt; LP; LP; SC and Cavendish: Wolsey. Henry VIII's seventeen surviving love letters to her are in the Vatican Library, and have been printed in several editions. SC and Cavendish: Wolsey. Henry VIII's seventeen surviving love letters to her are in the Vatican Library, and have been printed in several editions.14 Cavendish: Cavendish: Metrical Visions Metrical Visions15 Smith: Smith: Henry VIII; Henry VIII; Bernard Bernard16 Bernard; National Archives: SPI/46; Poc.o.c.k Bernard; National Archives: SPI/46; Poc.o.c.k17 Erickson: Erickson: First Elizabeth First Elizabeth18 Loades: Loades: Mary Tudor Mary Tudor19 SC. It has been claimed recently that the Nidd Hall portrait of Anne Boleyn is based on Holbein's portrait of Jane Seymour, but there are significant differences, not least the AB brooch worn by the sitter, and the image is entirely compatible with Anne's verified portraits. SC. It has been claimed recently that the Nidd Hall portrait of Anne Boleyn is based on Holbein's portrait of Jane Seymour, but there are significant differences, not least the AB brooch worn by the sitter, and the image is entirely compatible with Anne's verified portraits.20 LP LP21 SC SC22 Cavendish: Cavendish: Metrical Visions Metrical Visions23 The evidence for Henry's growing disillusionment with Anne Boleyn is to be found in SC; GW and Roper. The evidence for Henry's growing disillusionment with Anne Boleyn is to be found in SC; GW and Roper.24 Rotuli Parliamentorum Rotuli Parliamentorum25 VC VC26 Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris27 SC SC28 Ibid Ibid29 SC; SC; LP; LP; Fraser Fraser30 LP LP31 LP; LP; Denny: Denny: Anne Boleyn Anne Boleyn32 LP LP33 Aless Aless34 LP LP35 SC; Latymer. Latymer, Anne's chaplain, identifies her as Mary Shelton, who married Sir Anthony Heveningham in 1546, and who is the subject of a portrait sketch by Hans Holbein. SC; Latymer. Latymer, Anne's chaplain, identifies her as Mary Shelton, who married Sir Anthony Heveningham in 1546, and who is the subject of a portrait sketch by Hans Holbein.36 SC; SC; LP LP37 Roper Roper38 Wriothesley. For Henry VIII's courts.h.i.+p of Jane Seymour, see SC and Clifford. Wriothesley. For Henry VIII's courts.h.i.+p of Jane Seymour, see SC and Clifford.39 LP LP40 SC SC41 For Jane Seymour's life, see Gross. For Jane Seymour's life, see Gross.42 SC. Jane's portraits by Holbein and other artists bear this out. SC. Jane's portraits by Holbein and other artists bear this out.43 Clifford Clifford44 Warnicke: "Fall" Warnicke: "Fall"45 LP LP46 SC SC47 LP LP48 Ibid Ibid49 Ibid Ibid50 Foxe Foxe51 LP LP52 Ibid Ibid53 Hall Hall54 Vergil Vergil55 SC SC56 LP LP57 Prescott; Williams: Prescott; Williams: Henry VIII and His Court Henry VIII and His Court58 Loades: Loades: Mary Tudor Mary Tudor59 Carles Carles60 LP LP61 Ibid Ibid62 Ibid Ibid63 Ibid Ibid64 Ibid Ibid65 Ibid Ibid66 Wriothesley; cf Wriothesley; cf Il Successo de la Morte della Regina Il Successo de la Morte della Regina, an Italian poem of June 2, 1536, written in London, which also a.s.serts that the shock "caused her to give premature birth to a dead son." Warnicke's theory that Anne miscarried on January 19 does not take account of the fact that the King's accident occurred on the twenty-fourth January.67 Wriothesley Wriothesley68 Clifford. Sander also describes Anne Boleyn finding Jane Seymour sitting on Henry's knee. Clifford. Sander also describes Anne Boleyn finding Jane Seymour sitting on Henry's knee.69 George Wyatt George Wyatt70 Clifford Clifford71 SC SC72 SC; Wriothesley SC; Wriothesley73 LP LP74 Ibid Ibid75 George Wyatt George Wyatt76 LP LP77 LP; LP; SC SC78 LP LP79 Fraser Fraser


1 Loades: Loades: Tragical History Tragical History2 Burnet Burnet3 LP LP4 I ves I ves5 LP LP6 SC SC7 George Wyatt George Wyatt8 Lofts Lofts9 Loades: Loades: Mary Tudor Mary Tudor10 LP LP11 Loades: Loades: Mary Tudor Mary Tudor12 LP LP13 Ibid Ibid14 SC SC15 LP LP16 Loades: Loades: Mary Tudor; Mary Tudor; Loades: Loades: Henry VIII and His Queens Henry VIII and His Queens17 Ives and Dowling, for example Ives and Dowling, for example18 LP LP19 Ibid Ibid20 For Mary Tudor, the future Mary I, see the biographies by Loades, Prescott, and Erickson. For Mary Tudor, the future Mary I, see the biographies by Loades, Prescott, and Erickson.21 Warnicke: "Fall" Warnicke: "Fall"22 Clifford Clifford23 LP; LP; Williams: Williams: Henry VIII and His Court; Henry VIII and His Court; Warnicke: "Fall" Warnicke: "Fall"24 Lisle Letters; LP; Lisle Letters; LP; Ives Ives25 Fuller: Fuller: The Spear and the Spindle The Spear and the Spindle26 SC; Starkey: SC; Starkey: Six Wives Six Wives27 Complete Peerage Complete Peerage28 SC SC29 Porter; Wilson: Porter; Wilson: Holbein Holbein30 LP LP31 SC SC32 Ibid Ibid33 Ibid Ibid34 Ibid Ibid35 Ibid Ibid36 LP LP37 Ibid Ibid38 SC; Starkey: SC; Starkey: Six Wives Six Wives39 SC SC40 Ibid Ibid41 Erickson: Erickson: b.l.o.o.d.y Mary b.l.o.o.d.y Mary42 LP LP43 Scarisbrick Scarisbrick44 SC; SC; LP LP45 SC SC46 Porter Porter47 Ives Ives48 Friedmann; Loades: Friedmann; Loades: Henry VIII and His Queens Henry VIII and His Queens49 VC VC50 SC SC51 Il successo de la Morte della Regina Il successo de la Morte della Regina52 SC; SC; LP LP. The dispatches of Chapuys and Jean de Dinteville, the French amba.s.sador, attest to Anne Boleyn's unpopularity and her diminis.h.i.+ng power.53 Cited by Bernard Cited by Bernard54 LP LP55 Ibid Ibid56 Chronicle of King Henry VIII Chronicle of King Henry VIII57 State Papers State Papers58 LP; LP; Bernard Bernard59 Carles Carles60 LP LP61 VC; Vergil VC; Vergil62 SC SC63 SC SC64 LP LP; SC65 Ibid Ibid66 LP LP67 Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris68 SC SC69 LP LP70 Loades: Loades: Henry VIII and His Queens Henry VIII and His Queens71 SC SC72 Cited by Mathew Cited by Mathew73 SC SC74 Ibid Ibid75 Ibid Ibid76 Cavendish: Cavendish: Metrical Visions Metrical Visions77 Bernard Bernard78 SC SC79 Ibid Ibid80 Starkey: Starkey: Six Wives Six Wives81 SC SC


1 LP LP2 This report is dated February 25, but must have been written earlier, as Anne was at York Place by February 24. This report is dated February 25, but must have been written earlier, as Anne was at York Place by February 24.3 Ives Ives4 LP LP5 Statutes of the Realm Statutes of the Realm6 LP LP7 Ibid Ibid8 Ibid Ibid9 Clifford Clifford10 SC; Clifford SC; Clifford11 LP LP12 Ibid Ibid13 Latymer Latymer14 LP LP15 LP; Chronicle of King Henry VIII LP; Chronicle of King Henry VIII16 LP LP17 SC; Loades: SC; Loades: Henry VIII and His Queens Henry VIII and His Queens18 LP LP19 Ibid Ibid20 Ibid Ibid21 LP; LP; SC SC22 LP LP23 Wilson: Wilson: In the Lion's Court In the Lion's Court24 Warnicke: "Fall;" Bush; Elton: "The Good Duke" Warnicke: "Fall;" Bush; Elton: "The Good Duke"25 Warnicke: "Fall;" Seymour; Clifford; SC Warnicke: "Fall;" Seymour; Clifford; SC26 Loades: Loades: Henry VIII and His Queens Henry VIII and His Queens27 LP LP28 Prescott Prescott29 Churchill Churchill30 Ives; Ives; LP LP31 SC; SC; LP LP32 Childs Childs33 SC; SC; LP LP34 Fraser Fraser35 Warnicke Warnicke36 LP LP37 Hamer Hamer38 Ives; Gristwood; Porter Ives; Gristwood; Porter39 LP LP40 Several historians give the date of this interview as April 1, but in his report of it, dated that day, Chapuys wrote that he had seen Cromwell the evening before. Several historians give the date of this interview as April 1, but in his report of it, dated that day, Chapuys wrote that he had seen Cromwell the evening before.41 Warnicke: "Fall" Warnicke: "Fall"42 LP LP43 SC SC44 Friedmann Friedmann45 LP LP46 Lisle Letters; LP; Lisle Letters; LP; Ives Ives47 Clifford Clifford48 LP LP49 Henry VIII: A European Court in England Henry VIII: A European Court in England50 State Papers State Papers51 Wilson: Wilson: Uncrowned Kings; Uncrowned Kings; Wilson: Wilson: In the Lion's Court; In the Lion's Court; Hamer; Bernard: "Anne Boleyn's Religion" Hamer; Bernard: "Anne Boleyn's Religion"52 LP LP53 Ibid Ibid54 Hamer; Ives Hamer; Ives55 Latymer Latymer56 LP LP57 Latymer; Ives Latymer; Ives58 LP; LP; Ives Ives59 LP LP60 Ibid Ibid61 Froude: Froude: Divorce Divorce62 LP LP63 Ives Ives64 LP LP65 Ibid Ibid66 LP LP; Friedmann67 LP LP68 SC SC69 LP LP70 Ibid Ibid71 Elton: Elton: Tudor Revolution Tudor Revolution72 Ridley: Ridley: Henry VIII Henry VIII73 LP LP74 Ibid Ibid75 SC SC76 LP LP77 Ibid Ibid78 Ridley: Ridley: Henry VIII Henry VIII79 Loades: Loades: Henry VIII and His Queens; Henry VIII and His Queens; Ives Ives80 LP LP81 SC SC82 LP LP83 Friedmann Friedmann84 LP LP. Cromwell was to confide this to Chapuys on June 6.85 LP; LP; SC SC86 LP LP87 SC SC


1 Loades: Loades: Chronicles Chronicles2 LP LP3 Bagley Bagley4 For the theory that Cromwell plotted Anne Boleyn's fall, see Ives. For the theory that Cromwell plotted Anne Boleyn's fall, see Ives.5 Porter Porter6 Waldman Waldman7 Froude: Froude: Divorce Divorce8 Mathew Mathew9 Loach Loach10 Wilson: Wilson: In the Lion's Court In the Lion's Court11 Friedmann Friedmann12 Wilson: Wilson: Tower Tower13 Friedmann Friedmann14 Rivals in Power Rivals in Power15 Ives; Loades: Ives; Loades: Mary Tudor Mary Tudor16 Starkey: Starkey: Six Wives Six Wives17 Ives Ives18 Loades: Loades: Mary Tudor Mary Tudor19 Ives; Gristwood Ives; Gristwood20 Sergeant Sergeant21 LP LP22 Ibid Ibid23 Strype Strype24 Ives Ives25 Williams: Williams: Henry VIII and His Court Henry VIII and His Court26 LP LP27 Froude: Froude: Divorce Divorce28 Friedmann; Froude: Friedmann; Froude: Divorce Divorce29 Spelman Spelman30 LP LP31 The Beauforts were the descendants of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and fourth son of Edward III, by his mistress (later his third wife) Katherine Swynford. Gaunt's great-granddaughter, Margaret Beaufort, was Henry VIII's grandmother. The Beauforts were the descendants of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and fourth son of Edward III, by his mistress (later his third wife) Katherine Swynford. Gaunt's great-granddaughter, Margaret Beaufort, was Henry VIII's grandmother.

Erickson (Anne Boleyn) (Anne Boleyn) suggests it may not have been the wife of the second Earl of Worcester who laid this evidence, but the widow of the first earl, Eleanor Sutton. But she had remarried, to Lord Leonard Grey, Viscount Grane, so would then have been known as the Lady Grane or the Lady Grey, following the style adopted by her husband, who did not use his Irish t.i.tle. She was, anyway, residing with him in Ireland at this time. suggests it may not have been the wife of the second Earl of Worcester who laid this evidence, but the widow of the first earl, Eleanor Sutton. But she had remarried, to Lord Leonard Grey, Viscount Grane, so would then have been known as the Lady Grane or the Lady Grey, following the style adopted by her husband, who did not use his Irish t.i.tle. She was, anyway, residing with him in Ireland at this time.32 It was engraved by Francis Sandford, the seventeenth-century herald and genealogist, and restored by the ninth Duke of Beaufort in 1898. It was engraved by Francis Sandford, the seventeenth-century herald and genealogist, and restored by the ninth Duke of Beaufort in 1898.33 LP LP34 Starkey: Starkey: Six Wives Six Wives35 LP LP36 Ibid Ibid37 Ives: "Fall Reconsidered" Ives: "Fall Reconsidered"38 Bernard: "Fall;" Ives: "Fall Reconsidered." I can find no contemporary evidence to support claims on the Internet that the countess was Henry's mistress. If that were true, Elizabeth Browne's connection with Henry might explain her hostility toward the Queen, who might possibly have supplanted her in Henry's affections. It is more likely, though, that Elizabeth had bowed to pressure from her relatives to betray Anne, and was worried about that hundred pounds she had borrowed without her husband's knowledge. Bernard: "Fall;" Ives: "Fall Reconsidered." I can find no contemporary evidence to support claims on the Internet that the countess was Henry's mistress. If that were true, Elizabeth Browne's connection with Henry might explain her hostility toward the Queen, who might possibly have supplanted her in Henry's affections. It is more likely, though, that Elizabeth had bowed to pressure from her relatives to betray Anne, and was worried about that hundred pounds she had borrowed without her husband's knowledge.39 Warnicke: "s.e.xual Heresy" Warnicke: "s.e.xual Heresy"40 LP LP41 LP; LP; Warnicke Warnicke43 Ives Ives44 LP; LP; Martienssen Martienssen45 LP LP46 Milherve; Ives: "Faction" Milherve; Ives: "Faction"47 LP LP48 Ives: "Faction" Ives: "Faction"49 Warnicke Warnicke50 Spelman. Spelman. LP LP has this incorrectly catalogued under 1531. Sir John Spelman's account is in Hargrave ms. 388, ff.187, 187v. Burnet, who had access to Spelman's Commonplace Book, and quoted him incorrectly, a.s.serted that this page had been torn off and was incomplete, but that is not the case (see Ives: "Faction," and has this incorrectly catalogued under 1531. Sir John Spelman's account is in Hargrave ms. 388, ff.187, 187v. Burnet, who had access to Spelman's Commonplace Book, and quoted him incorrectly, a.s.serted that this page had been torn off and was incomplete, but that is not the case (see Ives: "Faction," and Chapter 11 Chapter 11 below). below).51 Ives: "Faction" Ives: "Faction"52 Sergeant; Ives; Warnicke Sergeant; Ives; Warnicke53 Cotton ma.n.u.script Vespasian F.XIII, f.198; also in Cotton ma.n.u.script Vespasian F.XIII, f.198; also in LP LP54 Ives Ives55 Fox Fox56 Privy Purse Expenses Privy Purse Expenses57 LP; LP; Ives Ives58 LP LP59 Roper Roper60 Sir William Kingston's letters in Sir William Kingston's letters in LP LP61 Thomas Thomas62 Ives: "Fall Reconsidered" Ives: "Fall Reconsidered"63 Statutes of the Realm Statutes of the Realm64 LP LP65 Warnicke: "Fall;" Bush Warnicke: "Fall;" Bush66 Loades: Loades: Henry VIII and His Queens Henry VIII and His Queens67 LP LP68 SC SC69 Loades: Loades: Henry VIII and His Queens Henry VIII and His Queens70 Ibid Ibid71 LP LP72 Carles Carles73 Friedmann Friedmann74 Loades: Loades: Henry VIII and His Queens Henry VIII and His Queens75 Ives Ives76 Ridley: Ridley: Henry VIII Henry VIII77 Ibid Ibid78 Ives: "Fall Reconsidered" Ives: "Fall Reconsidered"79 Ibid Ibid80 Warnicke Warnicke81 Neale: Neale: Elizabeth Elizabeth82 LP LP83 Murphy Murphy84 LP LP85 Ibid Ibid86 Ives: "Fall Reconsidered" Ives: "Fall Reconsidered"87 Wriothesley. I am indebted to Glen Lucas for his translation of this and other doc.u.ments in the Wriothesley. I am indebted to Glen Lucas for his translation of this and other doc.u.ments in the Baga de Secretis Baga de Secretis.88 Bernard Bernard89 Ives Ives90 Fox Fox91 Friedmann Friedmann92 Baga de Secretis Baga de Secretis93 Friedmann Friedmann94 Baga de Secretis Baga de Secretis95 Miller; Miller; Register of the Most n.o.ble Order of the Garter Register of the Most n.o.ble Order of the Garter96 Childs Childs97 LP LP98 Baga de Secretis; Baga de Secretis; Fox Fox99 Ives: "Fall Reconsidered" Ives: "Fall Reconsidered"100 Ives Ives101 Ives: "Fall Reconsidered" Ives: "Fall Reconsidered"102 Bernard Bernard103 LP; LP; Starkey: Starkey: Six Wives Six Wives104 State Papers; State Papers; SC; SC; LP LP105 I myself suggested that Anne might have been pregnant at this time, in my book I myself suggested that Anne might have been pregnant at this time, in my book Henry VIII: King and Court Henry VIII: King and Court (2001), but after discussing the matter with John Guy, and reading the considered observations of David Starkey, I have been readily persuaded that I was probably wrong. (2001), but after discussing the matter with John Guy, and reading the considered observations of David Starkey, I have been readily persuaded that I was probably wrong.106 SC SC107 LP LP108 Denny: Denny: Anne Boleyn Anne Boleyn109 Gristwood Gristwood110 Strype Strype111 LP LP112 Wilson: Wilson: Uncrowned Kings Uncrowned Kings113 LP LP114 Ibid Ibid115 Denny: Denny: Anne Boleyn Anne Boleyn116 LP; LP; SC SC117 LP LP118 Ibid Ibid119 Ibid Ibid120 Ives: "Faction" Ives: "Faction"121 LP LP122 LP; LP; Warnicke: "Fall" Warnicke: "Fall"123 LP; Lisle Letters LP; Lisle Letters

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