Wicked Games - Moon Kissed Part 32

Wicked Games - Moon Kissed -

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"Could care less that I'm a vamp."

Severo shook his head, taking it all in. It was wondrous. It was astounding. The werewolf had accepted Bella. Which meant he need not fear for her. Not ever.

"You're so brave. I'm sorry I didn't trust the werewolf. Sorry I locked you away." "I think that might have been a good thing. It made it difficult to get to me. Might have given it a chance to think. Anyway, I look forward to tonight. What about you?"

"Tonight?" He lifted her in his arms. "We've some catching up to do, sweet. No time like the present."

"What happens if the fangs come out to play?"

"One rule. No biting."

"Severo, I've sacrificed everything for you. Is a little bite too much to ask of you?"

This time he did not stiffen in her embrace, as expected. Instead, he hugged her tighter and buried his face in her hair. "It isn't."

"I want to taste you, lover."

"Feeling your teeth enter my flesh may just turn me on. But I honestly need some time. Please, Bella, can you love a man who is willing but wary?"

"I already love you. Nothing changes that. And I can wait until you're ready, until you ask me for the one thing that will bond us completely."

"It won't be long. Promise."


"S oon," was Severo's rote answer every time Bella asked when she could bite him. She would never stop asking. One of these days his answer would be "Now."

It had been a few months since she'd become a vampire. The world was amazing as viewed with her heightened senses and newfound confidence. She'd always been confident, but now she was strong. And standing beside her werewolf lover made her feel powerful.

She enjoyed walking by humans on dark streets, drawing in the scent of their blood. There were as many scents and flavors of blood as people, and she loved to indulge. Severo waited in the car sometimes for her return to him. She would be woozy from the swoon and eager to make love.

Life was good. And it only promised to get better.

Now Severo parked and gestured to her to grab the whip from the backseat. They both got out.

A couple held hands near the hood of a black Mustang. Bella didn't know a thing about cars, only that this one was cool. The man was tall, lithe, and wore his hair tousled about his handsome face. He had movie-star good looks.

The woman holding his hand was pet.i.te and red-haired, and when she saw Bella and Severo approach, she bounced on her heels and stretched out her arms.

Severo let go of Bella's hand and rushed up to meet the woman. He pulled her into a hug that lifted her feet from the ground.

A p.r.i.c.k on her lip alerted Bella. She willed her teeth-and her jealousy-back to the shadows. This woman was no threat to her.

She had a man. And Bella was now willing to fight any woman who thought to lay hands on her man. Unless it was a friendly hug.

"Bella." Severo set the woman on the ground and held out his hand to her. Bella took it and kissed him on the cheek. "This is Aby Fitzroy. Aby, my mate, Bella. I love her. We're going to marry in the spring."

"It's such a pleasure to meet you." Aby's green eyes twinkled as she pumped Bella's hand. "This is my husband, Max." The man leaned in to shake Bella's hand and offered a wink to Severo. "Nice to meet you, Bella. Marriage? Congratulations. I wish the two of you as much happiness as Aby and I have."

The man, after releasing Bella's hand, stared at it, and then brushed his own off, as if he'd touched dirt. He winced.

"Wondering what she is?" Severo asked the Highwayman. "He has a sixth sense for paranormals, though the man is mortal himself," Severo said to Bella. "My future wife is a vampire."

Bella did not miss Aby's gasp.

"And I love her." Severo wrapped Bella in an embrace. "Do you have the whip, sweet?"

Bella held out the coiled silver whip and handed it to Max.

"I happened upon this a few days ago," Severo said. "I believe it's yours."

"Thanks. I thought I'd lost it. Ian Grim stole it."

"That b.a.s.t.a.r.d needs to be taken down," Severo growled.

"I agree," Max said.

Aby rolled her eyes and reached for Bella's hand. "Let's go inside the restaurant and get a table. We'll leave the menfolk to growl and plot to take over the world. I love your shoes. Manolos?"

"Louboutins." Bella clasped Aby's hand and they wandered away from the guys.

"So you can walk in the daylight?" Aby asked.

"Yes, I have phoenix and witch blood in me."

"Interesting that Severo chose you."

"I wasn't a vampire when we met." Bella opened the restaurant door. "He's accepted me."

Aby halted at the threshold. "I know he has. I've never seen that man smile so big." She turned to Bella, her green eyes sparkling.

"You're the one, Bella. I know it. I'm so happy for both of you."

ISBN: 978-1-4268-3938-2.


Copyright 2009 by Michele R. Hauf All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the editorial office, Silhouette Books, 233 Broadway, New York, NY 10279 U.S.A.

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