Wicked Games - Moon Kissed Part 14

Wicked Games - Moon Kissed -

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Night three. A glance to the clock revealed it was 2:00 a.m. Severo had said it would be safe after three on the final night.

Antic.i.p.ation kept her vigilant.

Bella had never been a dog lover. She didn't hate them, but she did fear them, for rational reasons. A dog had once bitten her.

Another time, when she was a teenager, a huge rottweiler had chased her down an alley.

A wolf must be ten times more dangerous than a dog.

Bella smirked and tugged up the loose s.h.i.+rt for the countless time to draw in Severo's scent. Now she understood how he could take pleasure in scents. Scents rea.s.sured and excited her.

She slid the s.h.i.+rt across her bare stomach and glided her fingers lower to press upon the rise of her mons. There was where he mastered her with his tongue, flicking and pressing and teasing her to a climax that always made her see stars.

She'd never had make-me-see-stars s.e.x with other men. And she couldn't get enough of the constellation Severo. A loud noise outside, in the patio area, stiffened her shoulders. Bella waited, her neck straight and ears perked. A hot streak of fear stretched along her collarbone. She didn't know what to expect. A shadow crossing outside the window? A monstrous shape creeping before the shrubs?

Time pa.s.sed slowly.

The next time she looked, the clock flicked to three forty-five.

Exhausted from sitting alert all night, Bella longed to fall asleep. But a niggling curiosity pushed her from the bed.

She scampered down the hall and across the vast marble foyer in the s.h.i.+rt, her legs bare. The house was still and illuminated with moonlight s.h.i.+ning in through the sunroof three stories overhead.

Heloise took joy in revving up the floor polisher and going at this marble expanse. Bella wished she could get the housekeeper to come to her loft once in a while.

Severo had reported that the gla.s.s in the patio door at her place had been replaced and the floor and curtains cleaned. What he'd not said was that he wanted her to move back to town. Until he asked, she was content here. As long as she didn't miss practice or the audition in a few days.

Approaching the patio door, she scanned outside. The maple trees about the pool filtered out the moonlight. If a beast lurked in the shadows, she wouldn't be able to see it. And she'd never pick up its scent, as Severo did so well.

Still, she released the door latch and stepped outside. Burned peat sweetened the air. She had seen the fires that afternoon and had guessed that they were about two miles to the west. Farmers burning brush in the ditches, no doubt.

The flagstones were cool underfoot. Clutching the s.h.i.+rt at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she scanned the circ.u.mference. Nothing.

Sitting carefully at the pool's edge, she decided not to dip her feet in.

A breeze flirted with her hair, blowing a few strands across her cheek. The soft touch reminded her of Severo's kisses when he was being lazy after they'd made love for hours.

Because normally everything about him was aggressive-go, go, go, and don't stop until you've gone beyond. She liked that about him. It made her strive to keep up, to release some control and let chaos reign.

She smirked at the notion that she'd relinquished control to a man. An incredibly a.s.sertive man who would not allow her to forget he was in charge of her pleasure. A charge he fulfilled beyond her dreams.

A click sounded to her side. Animal claws on stone.

Bella swallowed down her fear, and bravely turned to find a dark-furred wolf staring at her. Her heart seemed to stop beating.

Her stomach loosened, while her neck muscles tightened.

It stood six feet from her. Black markings on its face made it blend it into the murky, predawn surroundings. Only the paler belly fur made it stand out. It was a big wolf, perhaps the size of a monster German shepherd.

Don't think about monsters. It's just a nice puppy. It's not going to hurt you.

To turn and dash inside might startle it. The wolf might think she was being aggressive and attack.

Don't be silly. He said his were mind is also present when he is the wolf.

Inhaling, Bella drew up courage. She could do this. She wanted to do this.She held out her hand, not sure if she was offering friends.h.i.+p or her scent for it to smell. Probably both. Just so long as it didn't find her tasty.

It? No, this was her lover. That same piercing dark stare took her measure now. At the corner of its jaw, one canine tooth peeked out. It wasn't snarling at her, though. She hoped.

And then it bowed its head and lifted a paw to its jaw.

She didn't know what it was trying to convey.

"Severo?" She leaned forward on her elbows and the wolf padded closer. "Come to me."

The wolf whined lowly and padded up to her. It sniffed at her hands, then at her hair. When its nose grazed her ear, she flinched and cautioned herself not to make any quick moves.

Closing her eyes, she wished it gone. Why had she thought this a smart idea? It was smelling her. Probably wondering how easily it could rip her up for dinner.

No, don't think it. He is Severo. There must be some part of the wolf that recognized her and wanted not to harm her.

A nudge of its nose to her wrist made her wonder if it wanted her to...touch it?

Bella lifted a hand, and carefully, slowly, she reached to smooth her palm over the short fur between its ears. The wolf nudged her wrist again in an encouraging manner.

It didn't seem to be hungry or to have a carnivorous intent in mind. Bella released her breath and relaxed.

She ruffled her palms through its soft fur. It was thick and silken, unlike that of any dog she'd ever accidentally touched. And it didn't threaten her at all.

"You're gorgeous, lover."

Chapter 11.

H e awoke with a start. The air breezed across his back with a cool kiss of oncoming autumn. The night had died and he lay on the patio tiles, naked, scratched on the forearms and legs. And hungry, as usual.

A soft murmur made him turn over. Bella smiled, coming up from a sleep of the angels. "Morning, lover."

She'd come out to meet the wolf? Brave woman.

But not the bravery that meeting his werewolf would require. And he did want that to happen. The urge had struck last night. The werewolf had known. A potential mate was close by. It had taken all Severo's influence to keep it away from the house.

"I love the wolf," she said on a sleepy smile.

And he bowed his head against her breast and held her tight.

"How's it coming along?" Evie strode into the brightly lit laboratory and traced a finger along the stainless-steel counter. "Was the hair sufficient?"

Ian Grim glanced up from a grimoire he'd been poring over. His dark hair hung over one pale eye and he licked dry lips.

"Excellent actually. I've almost figured out how to deactivate the protection wards." "And the binding spell?"

"I'll need another week for that. Patience, my lady. You've been dreaming of this revenge for decades. Another few weeks will only make the reward much sweeter. I don't understand your goal, though. Why not kill her?"

"Think about it, Grim. Of all the paranormals in this realm, what two species most clash and hate one another?"

"Used to be we witches and the vampires."

"Yes, but now that the Protection spell has been lifted, I've no fear of your blood. So you know what that leaves."

"It is an interesting prospect. I wish you the best."

"I don't need your wishes. I need your spells. Back to work, Grim."

The studio was small, lined from a mirrored wall to a cement wall with raised hardwood flooring. Off in the corner, a guitarist strummed as a female dancer breezed through a routine of stomping feet and twisting arms and hips.

Tonight was the audition session Bella had told him about. It was important to her, so he'd wanted to be here for her.

Severo wasn't interested in any of the women waiting for their chance to dance. He grew alert only as Bella took the floor, her arms moving out gracefully and twisting above her head to a.s.sume a beginning pose.

The black skirt hugged her legs and the heavy white ruffles fell above her ankles. A fitted black leotard put her b.r.e.a.s.t.s on display and made him jealous that two other men stood in the room.

He lowered his head and observed through his lashes as the music began.

Bella's body, sinuous and sleek, captured the music and spoke to his most feral desires. Below the waist she was forceful and loud. Above, she wove a sorrowful story with her arms and dramatic twists.

And then a man approached her, and stiff, as if he were a bull approaching the cape. Which, Severo guessed, was the purpose of the dance.

He didn't like this man. The dark hair that slicked over his ears and the focus he gave to Bella raised Severo's hackles. He stomped out a rapid array of footwork, which stirred the other dancers to a cheering rhythmic clap.

Bella bent backward, one hand clutching her skirt up high, so a half arc of ruffles swirled from wrist to ankle. Fiercely determined, she snapped her wrist to a hip and spun about to mirror the male dancer as he tormented the floor with his heels.

The man charged her with the dominating steps of a bull. Shoulders thrust back and body sleek and straight, the man focused his attention on Bella's face. His feet tortured the wood floor as he stomped about her, claiming, defying. Owning.

Severo exhaled. h.e.l.l, he was jealous of the man wearing dance shoes and a gold-spangled bolero jacket.

But he checked his anger. If he was jealous, that could only be a good thing. That meant he wasn't obsessing about Aby. The realization made him momentarily sad, but he chased the feeling away with a try at the palmas, or hand clapping.

It didn't work. His focus remained on the mere inches of s.p.a.ce between the male dancer and Bella.

The air was charged with pheromones, and the scent of their dance disturbed Severo. And then the man reached up to stroke the side of Bella's face- "Enough!" With two strides, Severo insinuated himself between the two.

The guitarist stopped. The male dancer swore in Spanish and stomped off. Bella's look cut Severo sharply, but the small pain did not squelch his anger.

"You're leaving now," he barked.

He tugged Bella from the room and slammed the door behind them.

In the hallway she wrestled her wrist from his grip, then shoved him in the chest.

"You a.s.s! What do you think you just did?"

"I didn't like the way he was touching you."

"Touching? Touching?"

"He was marking you with his scent."

"His scent?" She let out a frustrated groan and, grabbing her duffel from the a.s.sortment of bags on the floor, marched away.

"You've embarra.s.sed the h.e.l.l out of me and made d.a.m.n well sure I never dance at this studio again. Marking? Get a clue, wolf boy. We were dancing!"

He rushed after her, but she eluded his grip. "Don't touch me."

"Bella, he was being aggressive with you. You may not be able to perceive such subtle cues, but I can. He had more in mind than dancing."

She spun and swung up a palm. The slap to his face cracked loudly. Severo retaliated with a growl and he clasped her throat with one hand.

"You are an animal," she said. He dropped his hand then and, turning, she stomped off, the metal on her heels clicking angrily.

"I'm not an animal." He swallowed. His hand was still clenched and ready to choke anyone, anything. "Oh h.e.l.l. Am I?"

Chapter 12.

B ella stomped inside her loft and barely took time to unbuckle her dance shoes before kicking them across the rug.

The violet suede shoes were her lucky shoes. "Lot of good they did. That idiot wolf!"

Heading directly for the shower, she squeezed past the overzealous bamboo plant, shedding her skirt and top on the way. "He thought Tony was putting his scent on me? What kind of freak is he? Oh right, a werewolf freak."

It was good to be home. It had been nice at Severo's estate, but after tonight, she wasn't in the mood for his raging alpha hormones.

At least he had taken a hint and had not followed her home.

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