Dark Descendants - Raife Part 3

Dark Descendants - Raife -

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"Wake up, love. Time for you to feed."

Her eyelids felt so heavy, she didn't want to open them. She felt strange, and starving. Her stomach cramped and rolled, and she moaned.

"I know, it all feels like you've been at sea for three months and starving the whole time. I can't tell you how many times I felt like that back when I was human."

"How long ago was that?" She really hardly knew this man who stood before her, dressing in jeans, sneakers and a white T-s.h.i.+rt. In one way, he looked like any other man, but there in the doorway of the small enclosure, he also looked very much a vampire. Moonlight filtered in around his figure and Yvette marveled at his perfect physique.

Oh yes, perfect.

"I've been vampire since Elizabeth ruled England. She was my queen and I was one of her privateers. I sailed the seas in her name."

"Jesus, that is like four hundred years ago." Why did she feel like a truck ran over her?

She reached for her side, suddenly remembering the attack. But instead of finding an open wound or even st.i.tches, she felt only smooth flesh.

Then she became aware of her nakedness. She scooted the sheet about her and shot him a questioning glance. "How is this possible?" In her heart, she thought she knew what happened, and almost hated to hear the answer.

"I couldn't let you die, love."

"He saved you, Mistress," piped in Claude as he jumped onto the bed.

"But I had no choice in this," she reasoned with her pet.

"You know, I could swear I heard that cat talk."

"Claude? He's my pet, my companion and my spirit guide."

"But...I heard him. I mean, I hear your thoughts along with those of others with whom I've bonded, but the cat?"

"Sir, I am no ordinary cat. I am of royal blood, and I've been blessed by the G.o.ddess Bast herself. There are several of us feline spirit guides in existence."

"You know what, cat, you're a little puss, but I like you." Humor touched Raife's voice as he leaned down to stroke the cat's black coat.

"Glad to be appreciated," Claude purred.

"But now I'm...a vampire." Yvette could hardly believe the turn of events. The choice had been made for her just as the Voodoo Queen predicted.

"I'm sorry, love. I couldn't let you die after finding you." Raife knelt and cupped her face in one of his hands. "You're my mate. I would've gone insane without you."

He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers. All of her doubts and anger fled as this incredible being kissed her with the tenderness of a man in love. A cramp clinched her stomach, and she moaned into his kiss.

"You hunger. Feed from me," he whispered against her lips.

Desire coursed through her at the thought of tasting him. She vaguely remembered earlier in the day when she had feasted upon his c.o.c.k, how it helped her magic recover along with her body's weakness.

She also remembered feasting upon his blood, and the ecstasy it had awakened within her soul.

Her lips pressed to his skin, and she grew aware of the life fluid flowing beneath. She darted out her tongue, ran it along the vein in his neck, and she relished the salty taste. Her mouth ached, and she felt her teeth lengthen into fangs. Saliva filled her mouth in antic.i.p.ation of the coming meal.

Then, she opened her mouth and followed her instincts. She sank her teeth into Raife's flesh. Blood exploded across her tongue, tangy and addicting. She swallowed and filled her stomach, his rich blood satisfying her hunger. Still, she wanted more.

He groaned and threaded his fingers through her thick hair, clutching her closer to his body, more roughly. "Yvette, love," he pleaded in a barely controlled voice.

At lightening speed, her fingers worked at the fly of his jeans. After unzipping the material, she pulled out his hard c.o.c.k and rejoiced at its magnificent size, the hot steel with a satin skin covering, her ideal.

His hands ripped away the thin sheet separating his body from hers. He disposed of his jeans and entered her tight, wet sheath. She screamed as he filled her core to the hilt, breaking her hold upon his neck.

"No, love. More," he gasped, rapidly pumping in and out of her body.

She kissed his neck where the open wound still bled, and licked away the trickling blood. Latching her lips around the puncture, she sucked at the vein. With each thrust, she swallowed the hot salty fluid. Lord, if every meal would be so intensely erotic, she wouldn't mind being a vampire.

"You shall feed only from me, love. No other. You're mine."

"Raife, please, fill me," she begged inside her thoughts.

In answer, he released any remains on his control and spilled his seed into her womb. Yvette felt her magic empower and pump through her. The euphoric high of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e within her always made her feel alive, invincible. With Raife as her lover, the effect seemed more intense. She had been drained of magic when the attacker struck, but now, she collected her price to the G.o.ddesses. She had drunk of Raife earlier in the day, and still felt the power from the seed he gave so willingly.

Yvette climaxed with him, squeezing his p.e.n.i.s in convulsive clinches, riding the waves of pa.s.sion they had built together. She was in heaven and totally charged.

Moments ticked by, and Raife slid from her center and lay next to her. Moonlight filtered in through the open doorway, and she could see into the night better than she had ever dreamed.

"Isn't it dangerous to leave the door open that way?" she asked in a dreamy voice.

"Humans hunt the unsuspecting vampires during the day, but they stay away at night, knowing the price for wandering here." He paused and looked at her with confusion in his blue eyes.

"What is it?"

"Your skin, it's glowing."

She giggled. "Oh yes, the magic." She told Raife of her payment to the G.o.ddesses for their help and guidance in her magic. "When I have an o.r.g.a.s.m, I recharge my powers. But when I take in the s.e.m.e.n of a man, it is more powerful than with my o.r.g.a.s.m alone."

"I guess that explains why you were calling for a lover last night."

"The seed from the man who is my destiny is the ultimate tribute." She ran a finger across his jaw and added in a low voice, "I've longed for love for so long, I was afraid no one would ever answer the call. I'm happy it was you, my pirate-vampire lover."

She pressed her lips to his in a tender kiss.

"Good grief, is this going to take all night? I've had to listen to you two panting and petting, and I need to be fed." "Can't you go catch a mouse or something?" Raife asked as he stood up and pulled on his jeans.

"Catch a mouse? Are you insane? Need I remind you, I am of royal blood?" The cat's tone sounded haughty, even to Yvette. Of course, this was nothing new for Claude.

"We'll go to the shop and get your cat food, okay?"

Claude actually sighed into her thoughts. "I guess so. Once we get there, you can feed me, then return to your mating dance. Right now, I'm starved."

Raife watched the furry animal pad out of the tomb. "I can't believe I have to reason with that hair ball. Royal blood, my a.s.s."

"He really is a n.o.ble cat, and very devoted. He's been there for me in all my forms." She pushed back the covers and slowly stood on shaky legs.

"Here." Raife tossed her a clean T-s.h.i.+rt and a pair of boxers. "These are clean. I'm sorry, but your clothes were ruined. You can get better ones at your shop."

She nodded.

"There is something else, though. We...we have something to do tonight."

"Like what?" She pulled the large T-s.h.i.+rt over her head and marveled at how her nipples perked at his heated glare. He intently watched her movements, even when their discussion turned away from s.e.x.

"Eva. I met another one of her past creations last night, but he isn't as ancient as I. He asked for my help in tracking her down."

The T-s.h.i.+rt ended at Yvette's hips, and the boxers hung on her. Yet Raife still looked at her with desire.

"I'm not sure I like this idea, Raife."

"She has to be stopped." His voice became husky as he stepped closer. "You really do know how to get me all hot and bothered. Just seeing you in my clothes...I can't get enough of you."

He wrapped his arms about her waist. Yvette s.h.i.+vered as he leaned into her, his warm breath tickling her ear.

"I want to f.u.c.k you again."

"Already? You just had me?"

"Feels like days since I was inside you, love."

"Hey, you two, feed me first, then do your kissy-face stuff!"

"That cat is starting to get on my nerves," Raife said.

They both laughed as they walked out of the tomb.

A chill ran down Yvette's spine as she took in the cemetery. She had slept in a tomb. She had been turned into a vampire. She was a vampire's lover. She had died to become an immortal to be with him. It was a bit much to comprehend. How could she accept everything that had happened in so short a time?

"You'll get through everything with me by your side," Raife whispered into her mind. "Always know I'll be here for you for the rest of eternity." He picked her up and cradled her in his arms.

In a flash of ethereal speed, they traveled through the dark New Orleans streets to the Bell, Book and Candle.

Once at the shop, Yvette went to her bedroom above the storefront. Slipping into a pair of jeans and a black turtleneck sweater, she listened to Raife recount more of his history with the twisted Eva.

"She left me in the street, hungry for something unknown, and completely unprepared for the sunrise. Leonardo, an Italian vampire, found me and took me to his resting place before the sun destroyed me. Sometimes, I wished he had left me there, especially when my hunger grew so strong, and controlling the blood frenzy became difficult."

She stepped into a pair of dark brown boots and proceeded to lace them. What made him think turning her would be any better? Would she become insane with the need to feed?

"Never worry, love. I'll take care of your needs. The thought of you drinking from another...I couldn't bear it. I shall feed, then, you will drink from me.'

"I like that idea, Raife. I'm not sure I could do it otherwise."

A foreign scent drifted through the air. She could actually smell another vampire--or rather, two--approaching. Her sense of smell had heightened along with her other senses. Her vision had gained clarity, and she had no use for to read. She even heard the beat of Raife's heart, along with the sound of Claude's, and the two mice in the nearby wall.

She knew it would take practice to filter all these new sensations so they didn't overwhelm. Raife had already explained it was a skill honed through the years. One would learn to ignore certain senses, then focus on one. The tracking of a heartbeat always proved useful in hunting, but since Raife would provide her nourishment, she wouldn't have to worry too much about that.

"My friend is here with the other vampire Eva created."

They left her bedroom and reentered the store. There, a dark vampire, Spanish--judging from his looks--stood with another, a blond vampire with eyes that struck Yvette to the core. Such pain and loneliness reflected in those blue depths, she unconsciously extended her magic to him in comfort.

"Amigo, I heard of Eva's latest sin, creating another to feed her appet.i.tes. I wish to help." The Spaniard stepped to Yvette and took her hand with an Old World gallant charm. "Call me Vincente, senorita. I am at your service."

"Don't let this pirate fool you, love," Raife said. "He really is a wolf. In fact, the Spanish called him El Lobo de Mar, or the Sea Wolf."

The blond vampire fought her magic to be comforted, as if wanting to feel the agony. What had happened to him, making him want to drown in pain?

"I'm Yvette," she introduced herself to him as Vincente and Raife began talking of the possibilities of Eva's location.

"Damon." He looked at her strangely and c.o.c.ked his brow. "You're a fledgling."

"Yes, I was attacked and Raife made me..." She still hadn't fully accepted her change. It would likely take her a while before she came to grips about becoming a vampire. She couldn't help but wish the choice had been hers. She couldn't resent her lover for taking that choice from her, but as a modern woman, she would've liked to have had input in the decision.

"I loved once, but it wasn't meant to be." The man's pain was so palpable, Yvette could almost feel it in her heart. "She died and left me behind to mourn."

"I'm sorry, Damon." She increased the magical caress across his soul.

"Your magic won't help me. I'm beyond anyone's help now." He turned from her, dismissing her sympathy. "Vince, Raife, we need to get going and search. Every moment of darkness Eva has, the stronger she will become."

Yvette grabbed her knapsack from behind the counter. "Yeah, let's get going."

Vince turned to Raife. "It'll be dangerous out there for a fledgling. I don't think she should go."

The comment angered Yvette. "You are not my master. I'll go along to help my mate."

"She'll come and be able to help." Then Raife added in a low voice, "You can help, right?"

"I have a few surprises in my bag of tricks. I might be able to cast a spell to slow her down so you gentlemen can do your duty. With her being ancient, she probably has her own magic and is much more powerful than I can handle." Judging from their discussions of Eva, Yvette knew they would need to kill the vampire. The idea, however, didn't thrill her, and she didn't know how to react. But having come face-to-face with many strange and bizarre things in her lifetimes, she knew that if a group of vampires said they had to destroy an evil vampire, she shouldn't question it.

"I'll just stay here and watch the home front," piped in Claude when he jumped onto the counter next to the cash register.

"You do that, cat." Raife laughed as he strapped his scabbard to his hips. Sliding his sword into the sheath, he answered Vince's curious look, "Long story."

She traveled through the dark streets, wary of her surroundings. She could smell the dark creatures all around her. Nothing unusual. They were always around her, but tonight, they were hunting her.

Fools. Did those vampires that fought and killed Michael really think they could find and defeat her? The young ones had no clue what they were pitting themselves against.

But still, she needed to be careful.

Eva had sensed one of her disloyal creations tracking her last night through the bayou. She would've stayed in the murky area, but her fledgling virgin had s.h.i.+vered too much from fright. Eva had been afraid to leave the girl in the swamp, especially when Damon searched so ruthlessly. So, Eva took the weakened fledgling and locked her in an abandoned building off a dark alleyway, making sure her creation would remain waiting and hungry for her return. A newly turned vampire needed sustenance, and Eva would grant it only when she wanted to give it. She planned on using this fledgling for quite a while. It had been a long time since she'd tasted a woman's gifts. Men had been her primary staple of s.e.xual pleasure, but from time to time, she liked variation in her menu. The female virgin's blood would continue to be a sweet treat indeed.

"You'll never get the chance to destroy the spirit of another," said a voice from her past.

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