Pitifully Ugly Part 26

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"A half loaf of stale bread for the ducks."

I looked at my side-view mirror and smiled at Fuzzy as she rode in the backseat with her head protruding from the window.

Her nostrils were flaring as she took in the scents around us.

"How does Fuzzy feel about the ducks?"

Hailey pushed her up onto her head in an attempt to tame her hair that was being whipped around. "She's good about leaving them alone now, but when she was a puppy, it was a nightmare. I had to take her to a professional trainer to teach her to stand down. She'd get so focused on catching one that she wouldn't listen to me at all."

"Do the ducks eat out of your hand?"

Hailey looked at me with a grin. "You've never fed ducks?"

I shook my head. "My mom couldn't swim, she was terrified of the water, so we never went anywhere near the park lakes as kids."

"You're in for a treat then," Hailey said with a satisfied smile.

We picked a nice sunny spot near the lake to spread our blanket. Fuzzy got reacquainted with the Frisbee, and we ran her until she sprawled out in the gra.s.s and gnawed a hole in it. I impressed Hailey with lunch, which consisted of chicken salad sandwiches, fruit, and a nice bottle of red wine despite the meal.

"Couldn't have asked for a nicer day, could we?" Hailey leaned back and basked in the sun. "Perfect day, perfect company, everything is just perfect."

"I'm glad you're happy with it." I stretched out on the blanket and rested on my elbows.

Hailey looked over at me, and her expression grew serious.

"This past's really been special." She turned suddenly when a rejuvenated Fuzzy nudged her arm with a ball. I heard something to my right and looked over to find a lone duck quickly making its way toward us. I grabbed the bread and tore off a piece, and the duck gained speed.

"Talk about the ugly duckling." I held out the bread.


*"Oh, Shannon." Something in Hailey's tone made me turn and look at her. "That's a goose, and they're kinda mean. Throw the bread away from us."

I pulled my arm back to make the toss, but as I turned, the goose was standing next to me. Apparently, the withdrawal p.i.s.sed it off. I was too stunned to move when it lowered its head and started hissing. That moment of hesitation cost me. The goose bit me on the leg. "Ow, s.h.i.+t." It came at me again, and when I put my hand out to block it, it bit my hand.

When Kalen and I were kids, my mother was the all-star quarterback of house slippers. Kalen mouthed off once about having to take a bath, and Mom hit her from across the den. That was the closest thing to spankings we ever got.

I suppose all those years of watching mom wield a slipper made an impression. Before I knew what I was doing, I had pulled off my flip-flop and b.i.t.c.h-slapped the goose. I learned at that moment that I'd made a declaration of war. That winged devil leapt on me like a cat. I was swinging, the goose was hissing, and wine and fruit went everywhere. If it hadn't been for Fuzzy, I was fairly certain I would've died right there.

Fuzzy jumped into the melee and chased the goose back to the water. I sat stunned and whelped. "What the h.e.l.l just happened?"

Hailey's face was blood red. "Are you okay?" Her voice was barely above a whisper. "I wish I could've gotten that on film."

She laughed for about a half hour.

"Come on, Shannon, they're sweet. Look at their little bills.

They're rounded, no pecking." Hailey stood at the water's edge that teemed with ducks. Some took the bread right out of her hand, others gobbled up whatever hit the water.

"I don't think so." Fuzzy and I stood back at a safe distance watching for geese.

"Baby, look." Hailey pointed to a mother duck warily approaching with a string of ducklings trailing behind. Her face colored as she looked back at me. "I mean, don't be a baby, come here."


*Her slip got to me, and I moved alongside her. She stuck a piece of bread in my hand and instructed me to tear it apart. The mother duck was keeping her babies at a distance but looking hopeful, so I tossed a few pieces her way. Hailey wasn't pleased with my long-distance feeding style and insisted that I hand off a smidgeon or two.

"They are gentle, aren't they?" I said as one snapped a piece from my fingers.

Hailey nodded and smiled. "Excitable, but sweet. They're nothing like a goose."

And totally disloyal. The minute the bread was gone, so were the ducks. Hailey looped her arm around mine as we walked back to the blanket. "I'm so proud of you. I think you're ready to go to the Global Wildlife Center next. I've been reading about it, and it's not far from here. Maybe we'll have another nice weekend soon and can check it out."

I'd seen the commercials. They stuff you in a wagon and drag you through a field of wild animals that know you have feed for them. I couldn't think of anything more horrifying, especially after my encounter with the goose. "Sure, sweetie, that sounds like fun."

Hailey seemed surprised by the term of endearment, but she didn't release my arm. A shy smile crept across her face. I was tempted to press my luck with her and ask if she'd changed her mind about being just friends when my cell phone rang. No one but Kalen and Marvin called me, so I pulled it out of my pocket and answered without looking at the ID.

"Marci, hi, how are you?" I blurted out, surprised to hear her voice. I closed my eyes when Hailey's arm slipped from mine.

"I just wanted to call and see how you were doing and to let you know we're having a pet adoption day. I was thinking you might be interested in having a pet. I can give you the address to the clinic if you think you'll come."

"Umm, actually, I'm sharing a dog with my neighbor right now." Hailey moved away, but I knew she could probably hear what I was saying. "I don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment."


*"Well, if you change your mind, it's next from eleven to four." Marci was talking really fast like she was nervous, and that made me nervous because I didn't know if the pet adoption was the only reason for the call. "So how are things working out for you?"

"Fine. I just got over a nasty case of strep, but otherwise, everything is good. And you?"

"Oh, I'm good. Been working a lot." There was an awkward pause. "If you find that you're interested in going out again, give me a call."

"Okay, I will. It was nice hearing from you." I felt bad as we ended the call. I was fairly certain that Marci knew I wasn't going to call, and Hailey had walked away, putting distance between us in more ways than one.

"Are you and Marci seeing each other again?" Hailey asked lightly. She didn't turn my way as she threw the ball for Fuzzy.

"No, she called to tell me about a pet adoption day at her clinic. I guess she figured since I didn't have a pet that I might want one." I laughed. "I told her I was sharing a dog." Apparently, I was the only one who got the joke.

Hailey gave me a sideways glance. "It's getting kinda cool.

Are you ready to call it a day?"

She was right. The late afternoon breeze was getting cooler, and the air between us was becoming more frigid by the second.

We didn't talk much as we gathered everything and hiked back to the car. I took that as a good sign. Hailey was obviously put off by Marci's call. For someone who wanted to be just friends, she appeared a mite jealous to me. This was a moment that I could've seized upon and might've gotten Hailey to admit she wanted more, but...I was too chicken. As bad as I wanted her, to be rejected again would've been just too d.a.m.n much.

"Wanna pick up something for dinner?" I asked as we headed home.

"I'll take a rain check on that if you don't mind." Hailey's face was turned toward the window when she answered. "I've got some work to do, and I don't want to spend my entire Sunday with a laptop."


*"No problem." I tried to sound nonchalant, but this turn of events was grating my nerves. I was aggravated with her att.i.tude and just plain p.i.s.sed at myself for being too afraid to confront her.


Chapter 27.

Apparently, I'm a weenie.

Kalen and I had gone almost two weeks without seeing each other due to my illness and her morning sickness. She called me on a Monday and invited me to lunch, but I wasn't in the mood.

I met her at the salon on Rampart after she threatened to "skull drag" me out of my apartment.

My normally vibrant sister looked bloated and tired when she greeted me. After she hugged me, she leaned heavily against the counter. "I've got a surprise for you."

"You're having twins," I teased.

"G.o.d, no, one baby is draining me enough," Kalen said with a tired smile. "Someone wants to see you."

I felt hands on my shoulders and turned to see my mom grinning from ear to ear. "Surprise," she said as she hugged me tight.

"When did you get in?" I asked.

"Late last night. Your father is doing well, and I wanted to be with my girls." She cupped my cheeks in her hands and kissed me on the nose before pulling me in for another hug.

"I'm so glad to see you. I've missed you so much." I hugged her back.

"That is just so freaking sweet." We both turned and looked at Kalen, who had tears streaming down her face. She blew her nose and looked at Mom and me. "I'm very emotional right now,"

she said with a shrug. "Somebody needs to feed me or I'm gonna pa.s.s out."


*Mom took us to her favorite New Orleans haunt, Maspero's.

In her mind, a shrimp po'boy could mend anything, including morning sickness that in Kalen's case lasted all day. I'd eaten half of my sandwich when I felt uncomfortably full. Kalen ate all of hers and took care of my leftovers.

Kalen burped and blushed. "Sorry, the baby made me do it."

"You were a pig before you picked up a pa.s.senger," I teased.

Kalen shook her head. "I have no control over myself anymore.

The other day, I folded a load of laundry and promptly threw up in the basket. Then I cried because I ruined the laundry."

Mom patted Kalen's arm. "I suffered with nausea most of the time when I was pregnant with you. Sucking on peppermints always helped."

"And you did it twice?" I said. "I would've given up after the first baby."

"I'm glad she didn't." Kalen reached over and clutched my hand. "I couldn't imagine life without you."

"What has gotten into you?" I asked Kalen with mock disgust. "You've gotten all affectionate and...warm and fuzzy.

It's gross."

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