His Dance Lessons Part 3

His Dance Lessons -

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Ophelia suddenly felt like c.r.a.p. Her thoughts had all been centered on her life, and not on Mac's. "Are they all right? Did something happen?"

Mac crossed over to pick up her hand and hold it carefully between both of his much bigger and stronger hands. "They sounded okay, but they called an emergency family meeting for tonight. I want you to meet them, Ophelia, but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable the first time you meet. G.o.d only knows what this meeting is all about!"

Mac released her hand and pulled her close to wrap his arms around her. "We've had other family meetings that have been nothing, and occasionally we get one where one of my siblings drops a bomb on my parents."

Ophelia hugged him back. "It's okay, Mac. I understand. You go on and hopefully it will turn out to be nothing major and you can have a nice visit. Will you come back here tonight?"

Ophelia stopped abruptly, hoping she didn't sound as needy and pathetic to Mac as she had to own ears. But seeing Mac shake his head negatively didn't rea.s.sure her.

"I doubt my parents will release us until it is too late to drive back. They like it when we all stay overnight. That way my mom gets to make us all breakfast one more time and have her table filled with her children once again."

Ophelia smiled, nodding her head. She had to blink quickly as tears came to her eyes. "That is sweet, you know."

Mac kissed Ophelia on her forehead, pulling her close to his chest once again. "Believe me, Ophelia, I'd much rather be here, with you."

Emotion clogged her throat suddenly and she could only nod her agreement. Eventually though, Mac had to kiss her goodbye. After that, Ophelia had felt like her small apartment was huge, empty and very lonely.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Ophelia, and get busy!"

She quickly finished putting her groceries away before she went into the bedroom and changed into her "cleaning clothes." From that point on, if it didn't get out of her path, it got cleaned. Finally, after a relaxing bath, Ophelia settled into her bed, exhausted. She drifted in and out of sleep, until almost midnight when her phone rang.

"Wha...h.e.l.lo?""Hey, honey. It's me, Mac. I'm sorry I woke you up."Mac twisted restlessly on his old bed. It seemed funny, but even though he was the oldest and first to leave the house, his parents had not redecorated his childhood bedroom. It was still decorated from his years at college with a full-size bed. He was getting used to that size of bed since that is what Ophelia had, but he was most comfortable when they slept at his house, using his California king-size bed.

Through the phone Mac listened as Ophelia woke up. He did feel badly about waking her, but he'd been lying on this d.a.m.ned bed trying to fall asleep for the last forty-five minutes. Finally he'd decided that if he could just hear her voice, then he'd be able to get to sleep. He was thankful this was Friday and Ophelia could sleep in tomorrow. He did pause though, regretful that they couldn't be leisurely waking up morning.

Ophelia groaned. "That's okay, sweetheart. I miss you."

Mac caught his breath at Ophelia's simple admission. There was a definite strange feeling in his chest and he had a d.a.m.ned good idea what the cause of it was. "I miss you, too. I am sorry for waking you, but I've been lying here for almost an hour trying to fall asleep."

"Your parents have room for you?"

"They've kept my room the same as it was when I finally got out of college and left for Hollywood in search of fame and fortune." Mac could hear Ophelia chuckling through the phone connection.

"So does it have all your childhood stuff and your Alma Mater banners on the walls?"

"Oh, yeah. They redid the others' rooms after they left, but then when they left it was because they had gotten married."

"So how many kids were there-and I probably should have asked this sooner- you aren't married, are you?"

Mac laughed softly. "No, Ophelia. I am not married and there are no other attachments in my life, besides my family." Mac hesitated, wanting to ask Ophelia about the man she had been involved with when she lived in New York City. Before he could decide on the best way to bring up the subject, Ophelia was asking him a question.

"How was the family meeting? I don't mean to pry. I mean... I don't want you to feel that you have to tell me."

Mac grinned as he listened to Ophelia stammering over the phone. "I understand, sweetheart. I don't think you are prying. The funny thing is that I should have brought you with me. It turns out my sister saw us last Sunday at the music festival. Do you remember that kiss I gave you after you won that stuffed bear? That is when my sister Maureen caught sight of us. Needless to say, my mother was concerned. I'd told them about taking a dance cla.s.s, mentioning you."

"Your sister hadn't heard?"

"Well, Ophelia, you were wearing that cap that matched mine, along with that too big sweats.h.i.+rt. Maureen didn't think you looked like any kind of dancer she'd ever seen."

"d.a.m.n! I better look at my b.u.t.t in the mirror tomorrow. All that good cooking of Mrs. Russell's must be going straight to my a.s.s."

Mac laughed out loud before he could stop. "Your b.u.t.t is perfect, babe. It has just the right amount of padding for doggie-style-"

"Mac!" Ophelia squealed into the phone.

"Hmm, I bet you are really blus.h.i.+ng now."


"I'm hot a good deal lower than my cheeks, honey." Mac grinned as Ophelia gasped.

Ophelia listened to Mac on the phone. Hearing his voice was doing all kinds of arousing things to her body. She was surprised that just the sound and tone of his voice could elicit such a pa.s.sionate response in her body. The deep huskiness seemed to tickle up and down her spine and out along her nerve endings. In the darkness, she s.h.i.+vered.

"Mac?" She whispered his name into the phone, and wondered if he could hear the need in her voice.

"What, honey?"

"I wish you were here, in bed with me." The groan that echoed through the receiver told her more than any words that his wishes were the same.

"I would have something for you, if I was," Mac told her barely above a whisper.

Ophelia giggled, pretty sure she knew what he meant. "Hmm. And you are sure that this is something that I would like?" she teased him quickly.

"I believe you would, pretty lady. Up to date you've been quite appreciative."

Ophelia gasped at Mac's words, barely holding back her laughter. "I think you are being very naughty, Mr. MacDonald, and if your mother knew how you were talking to a lady-"

"Then who was the wildcat in my bed last night?"

Ophelia caught her breath at Mac's question. As a joke, sort of, she had purchased a tiger-striped body briefer that fit her like skin. Feeling bold, she had also purchased some black and gold narrow ribbon. Sitting in her office before leaving for Mac's home, she had cut and tied the ribbon to simulate a lion tamer's whip. The look on his face when she had told him that "tonight the tiger becomes the master" had told her how powerful her words had been.

"I hid your whip, Ophelia. Next time the tamer may decide he prefers life as the male tiger."

Ophelia filed that bit of information in the back of her head, remembering that she had seen a pair of tiger-striped silky shorts that would work quite well if he wanted to play that scenario. "I might let you catch me next time."

"You are driving me crazy, woman! I'm developing a real 'hard' problem that just may require attention," Mac growled into her ear.

"I've never had phone s.e.x before," Ophelia told him softly. His immediate groan told her of his reaction to her words. "I did take a rather hot bath earlier."

"Oh, yeah? What made it so hot?"

"I lit some candles first and poured a gla.s.s of the red wine you decanted the other night."


"Of course, and some jasmine scented bath oil. It made my skin very soft and slippery."

"And then?" Mac's words prodded her to continue.

"I just eased back and sipped my wine for a little bit. Instead of being relaxed, I soon realized that I was hot and needy and all alone." Ophelia took a deep breath, surprised at how easily she was talking about this with Mac. "Before I tell you more, what are you doing with your hand right now?"

"Naughty wench! I wish it was your hand stroking my c.o.c.k now."

Mac's boldness made her feel hot and restless once again. She moved her legs against one another. It was impossible to stop her hand from slipping down her body and between her thighs. The wetness she felt surprised her but it didn't stop her from sliding her fingers between her p.u.s.s.y lips and starting to rub her finger against her c.l.i.t.

"My hand is a little busy at the moment," she whispered to Mac.

"G.o.d! Ophelia, you are sending me over the edge here!"

Mac's gravelly voice turned her on even more. She told him softly, feeling more emboldened with each pa.s.sing second. "I like it when your hand touches me, Mac. I like it even more when you stick your big c.o.c.k inside me."

"Good Lord, babe! I hope my brother and his wife next door are sound asleep!"

Ophelia giggled impulsively. "Then you must be extra quiet, just as you would have to be if I was there right now, with you. I would be lying across your thighs and telling you to be as quiet as a church mouse. My mouth would be so close to your c.o.c.k that my breath caresses your flesh. I want to suck and lick my way all the way to-"

Mac's growl of desire stopped her words. Rubbing her c.l.i.t more quickly, she soon felt her body's response. Her hips began jerking and shaking in reaction to her climax. She gasped so loudly that she knew Mac must have heard her. His words proved her correct a few seconds later.

"I'm thinking your sweet little fingers just brought you the same reaction as your words did for me. Good thing I grabbed a handful of Kleenex. I wish to G.o.d that I were inside your c.u.n.t right now. I love feeling all those little quivery and s.h.i.+very things your muscles do right after you climax, honey."

"Oh, Mac!" Ophelia took a couple of deep breaths.

"I'll be home as soon as I can eat a few bites of breakfast and say goodbye."

"Go to sleep now and I'll be waiting in bed for you!"

"I am a gentleman and I promise you won't be waiting for long!"

Ophelia heard the key in the front door of her apartment the following morning. She barely had time to turn over in bed and face the bedroom door when Mac came almost jogging through the open doorway. He skidded to a halt when he saw that she was already awake.

"d.a.m.n! I was hoping to slip into bed and awaken my princess with one of those ' love's sweet kisses.' Have you been awake long?"

Ophelia shook her head and then decided to give Mac his surprise. She sat up and let the sheets fall to her waist, revealing that she was naked. "I woke when I heard your key in the door." Deliberately, knowing it would lift her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she put her arms up and ran her hands through her hair, pus.h.i.+ng it back from her ears. "What time is it, by the way?"

Mac's groan alerted her to the effectiveness of her simple movement. Since his s.h.i.+rt was already unb.u.t.toned, it was easy for him to shrug it off his shoulders. It took less than a minute for him to remove his shoes and jeans before he was on the bed beside her.

"It isn't eight yet," he whispered in her ear as he slid one arm across her stomach. He nudged her down until she was lying on the bed beside him. His mouth covered her nearest breast, suckling her taut nipple.

Ophelia had to catch her breath before she could talk again. "Did your mother get up at dawn to make you breakfast?"

Mac lifted his head and smiled rather sheepishly. "I woke up at dawn. There was no way I could hang around for three hours while everyone slowly woke up and moseyed on down to the kitchen. I left a note for Mom on the table, and I will call them later." He leaned down to kiss Ophelia's lips until her hands pushed him back a few inches.

"Oh no, Mac! Now your mother will think I'm some kind of nympho or something."

Mac grinned and shook his head. "Not my mom. She might think I am ill mannered and blame it on my wild years in Hollywood. My brothers and my dad will imagine that you are so hot, even one night away from you is too long."

"And what will your sister think?"

"Maureen will agree with my mother and then secretly tell my brother-in-law, Patrick, that you are a nympho."

"c.r.a.p, Mac! I don't want your sister thinking I'm a s.l.u.t."

Mac kissed her lips lightly, and then her neck, working his way back to her nipple. After a quick teasing lick and a kiss, he looked back up at her. "She won't think either for more than a minute, honey."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because, darling, my dumb f.u.c.k of a brother-in-law will say something along the line of 'lucky Mac' and my sister will forget about us and start in on Pat."

"I don't want your family to not like me before we even meet," Ophelia told him softly. She did acknowledge that she was a.s.suming that meeting his family was a foregone conclusion.

"They won't, sweetheart, and we'll be going there next Friday for the weekend, unless you made plans already."

Ophelia caught her breath once again. "Next weekend!" she cried out, and it sounded squeaky to her ears.

"Either that or move your stuff to my house. I thought we could start today, and do a little more each day this next week-"

Ophelia stopped him by covering his mouth with her fingers. "Wait a minute, Mac! I didn't think we had decided for sure about me moving into your place."

Mac moved to lie beside her in the bed, his body propped up by his bent arm. "I know, sweetheart. I also know that I don't want to go one more night without you by my side. And I don't mean just for s.e.x, Ophelia. I mean, so far we've had a few of those s.e.x-free nights. Granted not many yet, but I know there will be times for us both... for whatever reasons."

Ophelia watched Mac as he spoke, understanding exactly what he meant. She had hated sleeping alone last night. But it was more than just missing s.e.x! The truth of this scared her. What frightened her even more was choosing to not grab every single moment possible with Mac. This way, once she was alone again, she would at least have more precious memories to pull out and savor once again.

"Me too, Mac. I don't want to be away from you either."

A second later, Mac was hugging her tightly. He then pulled her over to rest her head on his chest, his arm around her. As Ophelia listened, Mac began outlining the easiest way to accomplish the move. It was obvious that he'd been giving this quite a bit of thought over the last few weeks.

Chapter 7.

Once they were living together, it surprised Ophelia how quickly their lives fell into a routine. Mornings were leisurely unless they overslept. Easily it became one of her favorite parts of the day. Mac's bedroom had been built to capture the morning sun. To allow sleeping in when desired, there were sun shades that operated on a timer. The first morning she had awakened in Mac's bed it had been slowly. Her conscious had risen with the soundless lifting of the shades.

A few moments later, since they had slept spoon-style, Ophelia had become aware of Mac's morning erection. Following her awareness, she felt his hand, which had been resting on her uppermost breast, begin to ma.s.sage, squeeze and then play with her nipple. As she wiggled her bottom against him, Mac had pressed forward, pus.h.i.+ng his c.o.c.k into the opening of her c.u.n.t. Immediately her muscles grabbed hold of him, contracting and trying to pull him in further.

Mac had pressed his mouth to her shoulder, kissing his way up to her ear. Finally he whispered into her ear. "Isn't a bigger bed better?"

Ophelia smiled as she told him, "True, except that if we sleep like this all the time a twin bed would suffice."

Being held so close against Mac's body, she felt the rumble in his chest as he chuckled in reply. His hips pressed forward, pulling back a little, and repeating slowly. With his hand on her breast, his fingers tickled and teased her nipple into tight response.

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