Necromancers Guide to Magic Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: The First Material: A Fresh Corpse

“Then it will be Frank” Benjamin said inside of his small room. He didn’t even hesitate when deciding the fate of his fellow cla.s.smate.


This poor boy, he should have just been content to stay quiet during his seven years at Hogwarts. Like that Harry Potter boy.
The Baron did not have an opinion on the matter. He didn’t even question it.


Benjamin picked up his wand excitedly. He then used a spell from his old world in combination with the wand to produce an advanced level concealing spell.
This is not some stealth charm that one would normally see. He slowly made himself one with the darkness.


The b.l.o.o.d.y Baron slowly pushed open the door and politely let his master come through the door first.


Nana the vampire bat could be seen flying around excitedly.
“Baby, don’t fly around so fast. You may hit something.” Benjamin said softly.
He watched blankly as Nana flew and mounted on a painting of an older looking woman.
“G.o.d d.a.m.n bats, get off of me!” The lady said with a yell.
Afraid that the noise would attract attention, he silently cursed the painting.
It finally quieted down.


Benjamin appeared in front of the painting.


“Madam, please forgive me for my rudeness. But please forget my behavior just now. Just to let you know, I am not that kind hearted of a person.”
He left the moral with a slight threat as he left the Slytherin common room. Benjamin started to make his way to the high tower, where the Gryffindor common room was located.


It was here that during the day, while the sun was s.h.i.+ning, existed a positive atmosphere. It was perfect for the young lions which stayed there.


“My lord, do not go any further. Outsiders are not welcome here and we do not know the pa.s.sword.”
Benjamin looked around at the suits of armor and sleeping paintings.
“It is fine, we don’t need a pa.s.sword. He will come to us.”


The Baron stopped talking at once.


Years of experience had shown him that magic can always surprise you.
He pulled out his wand and a light blue flame suddenly appeared on the end of it. He’s stared at it for a moment and the flame started to burn even more.


“Soul connection is complete.”


When Benjamin first stared at frank in the dining room. This was the spell he had cast upon his body. The one that made him feel chills. It wasn’t just some random chilling prank, but a soul connection spell.


When using a spell on a person or object, there are always traces of magic left behind on it. Most of the time, these traces are ignored. But a few mages know how to properly utilized these marks. Especially the soul research that necromancer perform.


For instance, Benjamin can right now feel Franks location through these traces and control a portion of his soul.


A blue flame was flickering in the dark. Wavering but not going out. The use of such magic requires a fine degree of power and control.
The Baron can see that you can’t waste magic. If he messes up again, there may just be a bat sandwich in the morning.
After about five minutes, a boy in pajamas came out. His eyes were closed and he was breathing steadily. He looked like he was sleepwalking.


“My lord, let’s go.”
The Baron said urgently. He could tell that the spell had cost him. At least for a short time, he may not be able to use any offensive magic.


Benjamin tried to look brave with his pale face. It’s true, the magic of this world is usually without such a cost on ones body.
Frank was still asleep when Benjamin struck him in the abdomen with a blade. Blood was scattered on the floor. He awoke and screamed as Benjamin’s eyes turned from blue to white. A white light shot from his wand and both of the boys disappeared.


The hallway they were in before was spotless. As if nothing had even happened. Even the blood on the floor vanished. The Baron and Nana flew back to Benjamin’s room and found him there.
“Master, let’s start the experiment now.”
Benjmin nodded and started to draw Franks blood. He drew on the ground a strange looking diagram with the blood.
The Baron carefully placed Franks corpse onto the array.
“The next step is to remove the soul. This is my favorite step as the difference between true necromancer a is this step. Most will only use simple spells and create mindless zombies. This is an insult to the dead!”
While refining the dead, Benjamin started to go a bit mad, angry, and arrogant.
This is his area of expertise.


“I think that if a student goes missing, it will cause an uproar. But that’s not a problem, a true necromancer can create a living zombie. There will be no real difference besides the undying loyalty he will show to me.”


Benjamin smiled as he took out a black bag. Nana flew around excitedly and flew into the bag. It was the same one that he brought back from home.
“Let’s see, what do I need? Dead mice? An eye? The hands of a maid? What materials should I use to make it?”

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