Necromancers Guide to Magic Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Mr Malfoy


Benjamin repeated the name, perhaps, this is the same as his aristocratic family? One of the n.o.ble families

Benjamin put on a decent suit as while at home they will not wear the standard black robes that identify common mages. At least this is the case within the Ludwig family

As he slowly walked down the stairs, Benjamin saw a thin and weak looking pale youth. So strange looking that he wanted to ask if his parents are giving him enough to eat as that’s how thin he looked.

On the other hand, Malfoy is a lovely teenager, except Benjamin, who, after growing up, is bound to be a millionaire.

Just like a cardinal would say, with color to conquer his followers.

Draco Malfoy visited Ludwig Hall in Germany when he was young, and of course he was just on his way at the time.

Draco had a moment of unhappiness.

Mrs. Ludwig saw two teenagers did not eagerly greeted, random to introduce Benjamin.

“This is Draco, a young son of the Malfoy family, you see him there. Looks just like his father Lucius! But the eyes, these eyes like Cici.” Mrs. Ludwig also took the opportunity to touch his hand.

All this is Benjamin sees in the eyes of her. It seems his mother really is a sword of the old woman.

So Benjamin came up with an aristocratic style, quietly squeezed his mother, and then took Draco cold little hands.

“h.e.l.lo Draco, my name is Benjamin.” A very quick self-introduction. Benjamin said triumphantly.

As he always did not like strangers to have physical contact, Draco wanted to withdraw his hand, but found his strength completely taken away. He stared angrily at Benjamin.

When he met Benjamin’s eyes, Draco retreated.

Benjamin clear eyes, with a bottomless darkness, Draco thought it was his illusion, but he became afraid.

“You call me Malfoy.” It is clear that the young Malfoy did not feel Benjamin was at the point where he could be called “Draco.”

And did not realize that their eyes scared Draco, Benjamin smiled and opened the hands of Draco, and then said.

“No problem, Draco.”


“Oh, this is the love of young people. Draco, come here, I just made the dessert, you will certainly like it.” Lady Ludwig did not seem to see the interaction between the two of them in general  and pulled Draco to the table next to her.

Benjamin was bored to accompany Draco, his mind was on all the dead mice in the room. Or to be more precise it was on the pus he made from the mice.

He did not expect, a simple toxins spell, there will be such a strong effect. Is it because it is a physical reaction?

When Benjamin regained consciousness, he had appeared in Diagon Alley.

How did he come over?

It was definitely not by the form of flying world travelling powder, or Benjamin has long been around the world looking for a trash can to vomit in.

It was actually by floo powder.

Diagon Alley, a magical place, where you can buy all the new stuff, such as wands, and pets. All that you can think of.

Everything makes Benjamin happy, this is the first time he went out through. Smell the air filled with the magic of the fluctuations, his mood was rising by the second.

In addition, the cold front of Draco was to be seen in his vision.

“Mom, how did he follow us?” Benjamin broke through the psychological barrier

He said without showing signs of discomfort.

Mrs. Ludwig does not seem to like Benjamin’s rude shouting, “Lucius and your father have important things to discuss, I’ll take Draco to buy
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things together. You do know that you will be in the same cla.s.s for the next seven years right?

Benjamin pretended ignorantly asked, “Won’t he be a.s.signed to a different cla.s.s?

Mrs. Ludwig looked at Benjamin in astonishment as if he had said something outrageous, such as addressing the man’s name.

“Dear, you are not burned? You and Draco, will go to Slytherin, can only go to Slytherin. Do not open this low-level joke.”

“Mother, what’s Slytherin?” Asked a witch as they pa.s.sed by, pulling her mother’s hand.

“The Slytherin is a great house of magic, and of course Gryffindor is not bad,” said the young witch after a long walk.

Benjamin apparently did not want to listen to his mother, so he turned to look at Draco.

Draco accidentally scrambled to Benjamin’s eyes, subconsciously back two steps.

“Merlin’s socks!” Draco thoughts were crumbling, he was afraid of a peers eyes. If his father knows, will certainly drive him out of Malfoy Manor.

“We will go here first to have Draco’s robes made. This is a fairly decent shop.” Lady Ludwig said to Benjamin and Draco.

Benjamin looked at the street boringly while Draco was measuring his size

Then he saw, A living giant! G.o.d, a giant!

Giants in Benjamin’s era has always been a symbol of evil, and he is like a Necromancer, is to be on the stake.

But the giant less intelligent, they will have very little knowledge of magic, of course, they are good at melee combat.

But the giants population is relatively small. They have such a thick skinned flesh that Benjamin would like to use to experiment with.

Perhaps to call out an ancient demon with it!

“Are wizards no longer afraid of Giants anymore?” Benjamin thought weird as he saw the giant next to a thin boy.

The boy wearing a pair of black circular, short and small, the two together is too funny!

“If you do not mind, I want to drink a refres.h.i.+ng drink at the Leaky Cauldron,” said Hagrid

He then pointed to Mrs. Mojin’s robe shop and said to Harry “Let’s go get your uniform!”

Then Harry walked into the lady’s robe shop.

Benjamin stopped him as this boy was the type of person who attracted magical things to him.

Perhaps he will have his breakthrough in the Necro research finally?

“Oh, you are a wizard?” Benjamin, like a riffraff said to Harry.

Harry scowled, and he took a step back, and Benjamin thought he’d pull out his wand,

He is fast to cry? Benjamin got a bad taste, he found that he now likes to tease these young people.

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