To Tempt A Wolf Part 14

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Hayley frowned. "While I admit it's taking some getting used to, I don't see it as a real problem. If Bryn

can handle it, I can."

"Well, thanks," Bryn replied sarcastically.

Hayley smiled for the first time in days.

"Then you're not mad at Jace?"


Logan rubbed his forehead. "All right, let's inject a little logic here. Hayley, what were you feeling when

you attacked Jace?" "Hurt, anger, grat.i.tude, love. I don't know. It's all mixedup !" she wailed. "Calm down," Logan urged and slid an arm around her shoulders. Bryn reached out and covered Hayley's hands with her own.

"The way I see it, there were two men in that clearing. Could it be that some of those emotions were meant for one and some for the other? Although we retain possession of our faculties when we transform, the wolf has a certain influence," Logan explained. "You'd been hurt. You were afraid when that man Jim

attacked you. The grat.i.tude you felt could have been aimed at Jace for the rescue. And hopefully, the love."

Hayley looked at him with dawning hope in her eyes.

"Wolves are intelligent creatures, but it's possible with so much happening so fast, everything became

muddled. A confused animal often behaves with aggression. And Hayley, you didn't actually hurt Jace. You knocked him on his a.s.s, true. But hey, who's to say he didn't deserve to be beat up a little. After all, he changed you without your permission."

"Logan!" Hayley and Bryn both protested his last statement. "That was an accident," Hayley defended. Logan chuckled. "Don't you think you should tellhim all this? Go put the man out of his misery. And I do mean misery. Cade and I are about at the end of our ropes. Jace is talking about leaving town. In fact, he mentioned something about taking off this afternoon."

"What!" Hayley cried. "That idiot," she whispered as tears filled her eyes. "I don't hate him, I love him."

Bryn squeezed her hands. "Go. Now. Tell him."

Hayley hugged first Bryn then Logan. "I will. Thank you, both."

Hayley rushed off. Bryn looked at Logan with a suspicious frown. "Did he really say he was leaving


Logan gave her a wide-eyed look and nodded. "He mentioned it. Of course it was just to work on a

job. He's coming back in a couple of days." Bryn's mouth opened in shock, then a grin stole over her face. "Youare diabolical." "I'm not Pack Liaison for nothing. There's a certain amount of guile involved," Logan confessed with a smile.

"Hmm, I'll consider myself forewarned."

"Would I use guile on you?" Logan asked innocently. "And by the way, did I tell you how beautiful you

look today?" His eyes took on a soft golden glow.

"Logan. I told you I want to go to Hibberd. There's a store over there that sells baby furniture," Bryn rose and began walking toward the house. "I know, sweetheart. I'm perfectly willing to go. I just thought we might delay the trip for an hour or so,"

Logan deliberately stalked after her. Bryn increased her speed toward the house. "I don't know. Your hour or so has a tendency to turn into hours, plural."

"But, babe, you know I can't help it. Once I have you in my arms, you're all I can think about." Logan lengthened his stride. "Baloney," Bryn accused and took off running. Logan caught her easily and swung her up into his arms. "That's no baloney, love of mine. It's the whole truth and nothing but the truth." The kiss he gave her was long, deep and filled with pa.s.sion. Bryn came up panting for air, her eyes two pools of molten silver. "I guess we can go to Hibberd tomorrow," she conceded gracefully. "You bet," Logan agreed and carried her into the house. "But weare going tomorrow." "Of course." "Logan, I mean it." "I know." "Darn you."

"Now, Bryn..." Chapter Ten "So what are you going to do?" Cade asked the question as he and Jace strolled the grounds surrounding Jace's house in the woods. Jace shook his head in agitation. "Logan said give her time. It's been a week now and it's killing me. I've got the Williams job to take care of, I was going to hand it over to you but I need the distraction. When I get back I'm going to try to see her. I can't stand this any longer."

"I understand how you feel," Cade commiserated.

"The cast-iron b.i.t.c.h?"


They ended their stroll in front of Jace's house and seated themselves on the edge of the porch. "You

never did tell me what happened there. I take it this woman was important to you?"

"Guess you could say that."

"Well, you did say you loved her."

"I loved her once. A long time ago," Cade replied. "Sometimes things don't work out the way we hope

they will. I don't expect this situation to change."

Jace sighed. "d.a.m.n. What is it about women? They sure can turn a man inside out."

Cade snorted a soft laugh. "Ain't that the truth."

At that moment a car made its appearance, slowly following the long, winding drive. They watched in

silence as the sporty, black BMW came to stop. The door opened and a woman stepped out. Jace

heard Cade take a long indrawn breath and felt tension fill his beta. The woman was medium height with long, wavy dark hair that flowed freely over her shoulders and down her back. Even from a distance, Jace could see the sapphire glint in her eyes. She was dressed in a conservative black suit with a jacket and matching skirt that accented her generous curves. She walked toward them on black high-heeled shoes.

"You know her?" Jace asked as she approached.

"Yeah," Cade answered, his voice becoming careful and controlled. "That's the cast-iron b.i.t.c.h."

"Whoa," Jace commented. "She looks pretty cushy to me."

Cade gave him a quelling look and rose to meet her. "Delilah Christensen, as I live and breathe," he

drawled. "What are you doin' here in the boonies, darlin'?"

"You know why I'm here, Cade," she replied in a smooth, cultured voice. "You're my mate."

"Go home, Del. Nothing's changed. I'mnot putting myself under your daddy's thumb. I refused that, um...opportunityfour years ago," Cade answered. His voice was heavy with sarcasm. "I'm not about to succ.u.mb now."

"I know you're not. But you're wrong about nothing changing. I've changed. I want to be with you."

There was a moment of silence. "Too late, darlin', but thanks for the offer. By the way, this is my alpha, Jace McKenna. Jace, Delilah Christensen," he said, introducing them. "Jace, things are gonna work out for you and Hayley. Some things are meant to be." He turned back to Del. "While others aren't. I'll see you, Jace."

Without a backward glance, Cade got in his Corvette and drove away.

Jace and Delilah watched him go. She stood tapping her foot for a moment then muttered, "If he thinks he's going to get away that easily, he's got another think coming." She turned to Jace. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. McKenna. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other. I've bought a house in Whispering Springs. No matter what Cade says, I'm staying."

Jace smiled. "Well, that's good news, I guess. But it looks like you've got your work cut out for you."

Del smiled in return. "Don't I know it. What is it they say? Anything worth having is worth working for?" She sighed. "I'm in for some hard labor. Oh well, good day, Mr. McKenna," she said and turned to walk toward her car.

"Call me Jace," he called after her.

She seated herself behind the wheel and rolled down the window, "Thank you, Jace. I'm Del." With a wave, she took off, following Cade's retreat.

"Well, isn't that somethin'?" he muttered and turned to go in the house.

A few minutes later another car came speeding down the lane. It screeched to a halt in front of the house amid a cloud of dust.

"What the h.e.l.l?" Jace muttered and went for the front door.

Just as he opened it, Hayley appeared and without waiting for an invitation stalked pa.s.sed him and into the house. She stared at the suitcase that waited at the bottom of the stairs. "It's true. You'releaving . How could you?" she accused, her silvery gray eyes flas.h.i.+ng with ire.

"Hayley, I-"

She put up her hand. "I don't want hear it, Jace McKenna. I can't believe you're just going to run away. I thought you'd fight for me. You said you loved me. Did you mean it or was it a lie?" Hayley watched as heat and anger filled his stormy eyes.

"I never lied to you. I admit I should have told you about myself sooner, but I didn't lie abut anything. I do love you, d.a.m.n it!"

Hayley gave him a haughty look and walked into the living room. In front of the fireplace she began to unb.u.t.ton her s.h.i.+rt. "Prove it," she challenged.

Jace followed, and ground out in a husky rasp, "Darlin', do you remember what I said about tempting a wolf?"

She shrugged out of her s.h.i.+rt and let it fall to the floor. "I remember. You said it was a dangerous game to play. I'm not playing."

She unb.u.t.toned her jeans and lowered the zipper. With a sensual wiggle, she pushed them over her hips and down her legs. Not bothering with the b.u.t.tons, Jace ripped open his own s.h.i.+rt. Hayley's eyes took on a silvery, feral glow and she sent him a smile filled with carnal invitation as she stepped out of her jeans.

Jace emulated her and rid himself not only of his jeans but his briefs as well. His c.o.c.k was fully erect, hot, swollen and ready. Hayley let her gaze wander his sleek, muscular body. Reaching behind her back, she unfastened her bra and let it slide down her arms. She took a few steps filled with a sultry sway toward him. Trailing her fingers over his body, she circled him.

"My mate," she murmured in a sensual, throaty voice.

Walking away from him, she gracefully lowered herself to her hands and knees on the rug in front of the fireplace. Looking back at him, she invited, "Mount me."

Jace tipped his head back and howled. The sound was deep, hoa.r.s.e, raw and filled with hunger. Hayley had a moment's misgiving, until ancient, primitive needs and desires swept through her. Age-old urges took over before she could move and Jace was on her, his body covering hers. Without the slightest effort, he ripped her panties away.

"Down," he ordered.

With a husky, feminine growl, she complied, crossing her forearms while lowering herself on her elbows. Eagerly she presented herself to him, open and waiting to be f.u.c.ked. Instead of the c.o.c.k she expected, she received an eager tongue. Hayley cried out and shuddered under the onslaught of his tasting. A few strokes of his tongue was all she received before Jace withdrew.

She moaned in frustration but obeyed when he urged her to spread her thighs wider. Sensing his movements, she waited for his c.o.c.k but was again surprised when his arms wrapped around her thighs. Hayley came up off her elbows and sat up to look down and find Jace on his back under her. He'd positioned himself with his face at the apex of her thighs.

"Jace?" she questioned.

"Sweet, warm honey. Feed me," he growled.

"Oh G.o.d," Hayley groaned and lowered herself to him.

His lips and tongue eagerly burrowed in, parting the swollen petals of her s.e.x. The sinuous movement of his tongue drove Hayley mad with need. She bounced above him, but Jace easily controlled her, keeping her right where he wanted her. He'd promised to feast between her thighs, and feast he did.

His tongue slid over her throbbing c.l.i.t, petting, then rhythmically laving, until she was crying out and writhing above him. Feeling her o.r.g.a.s.m approach, he switched tactics and plunged his tongue deep, drilling her wet, quivering channel while swallowing down the fresh cream that greeted his sensual maneuvers.

Hayley was lost, stunned by his actions. Unconsciously she cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, kneading the full, fleshy globes as her hips undulated in Jace's grasp. His mouth and tongue played a wondrous game until, latching onto her c.l.i.t with real intent, he sucked it between his lips.

Her o.r.g.a.s.m burst free like a wild thing. She wailed and fell forward as her body shook and shuddered under the onslaught of sensation. Jace released her and slid out from beneath her. He rose and covered her body with his own, mounting her. His thick c.o.c.k slid deep within her still-trembling channel. Hayley gasped and moaned at his entrance, helpless to do more than let the seething waves of pleasure sweep through her.

Jace began slowly pumping in and out. The convulsive clasp of Hayley's warm, wet c.u.n.t milked him. He grunted and continued to thrust against the pressure of muscles that ma.s.saged and encouraged his release. Determined to defy the siren song of her body, he was not ready, not willing, to let such rapture escape so quickly.

He rode her body, draping himself over her, covering her. "My woman, my mate,mine ," he growled against her shoulder and bit down, holding her for his domination.

The salty tang of her skin tinged with the copper taste of her blood filled his mouth. Jace growled again as a red haze filled his vision. Hayley bucked beneath him. Her struggles and cries of pa.s.sion enflamed him. His hips drove forward and back, the muscles of his a.s.s bunching with each move. His c.o.c.k powered in and out, full and deep, again and again until there was only flesh and heat and sweat and pleasure.

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