Night Witches Part 21

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*She's the one,' says another.

Fingers are busy on keypads. The word spreads.

I walk on, faster now, no idea where I'm going, no idea what to do, thinking, Normal, normal a" I'm normal!

A man shouts. *Hey you, stop!'

I don't look back. I start to jog, nipping through a shopping centre full of empty stores then down the middle of the street to where floats for the upcoming Festival parade are parked. Someone grabs at my arm. I dodge round a float with a cobbled-together tableau of soldier statues that will be illuminated as Umbra rises. I skid along an alley full of uncollected garbage. When I begin to run, men start chasing. My only clear route is across a main street to one of the Old Nation stone bridges that still span this section of River Seaward. Pedla Rue always said if witches were coming for you, ring your bells and get to the river a" witches hate running water. Here's an unexpected twist on her words. I'm running away from the bells.

*There she is!'

The shout acts like a magnet to the crowd. Everyone swings round to look in my direction. Afraid of being crushed by the ma.s.s of people approaching in all directions I jump up on the bridge parapet. My stomach churns as much as the river below. I wrap my arms around a lamppost strung with Festival lights.

How can everything be unravelling so badly? Aura a" tell me what to do! The only message I get when I connect is welcome rain aranoza, location sea-ways city, grid ref 102:2929 a" status update, please wait, please wait, please wait *Doesn't look like a monster,' says a woman with her hair bound up in a turban. I'm sure she's one of the workers from Glissom's Gun Factory. She might even know my mama. Or the woman I thought was my mama.

*You can't tell just by looking,' says another, balancing a toddler on her hip. *Poke her, see what she does.'

*Oh, leave her alone,' says the turban lady. *She's in uniform and everything.'

They all babble at once.

*She's one of those plane pilots, the ones that go out in the dark.'

*The dark's not normal.'

*Aren't they the ones keeping the rail link to Corona free of Crux? I've seen one of their Storm planes. They're made of wood.'

*Wood's not normal.'

*Night Witches, the Crux call them, that's what I heard.'

Witch, a witch, a witch . . . there go the murmurs again, like a horrid torrent of running water, coming to sweep me away.

Pedla Rue shoves her way into the middle of the crowd, all elbows and eager spite.

She cries, *Look at her, wild and wicked! Tricked us all, she has. Brought us all bad luck. Maybe brought the war on us . . .'

A wave of anger and fear spreads through the crowd. A few men and women start climbing on to the bridge parapet either side of me.

*Leave me alone!' I shout.

*Get down from there!' Pedla shouts back. *We'll show you what we think of monsters like you!'

*Is she safe?' asks the woman with the toddler.

*Pedla, it's just me,' I yell desperately.

*That's what a witch would say!' answers Pedla triumphantly. *And to think I ever thought she was nice and normal! She'll be gloating now the Eclipse is almost here. She'll be flying round your houses, stealing babies, you wait.'

The mother with a toddler squeezes him so tightly he squeals. The crowd reacts as if I've hurt the kid. I look down at the water, wondering whether it would be worse to jump in or be torn to pieces.

Pedla's thinking of helping me with that decision. *Listen, everybody a" witches hate running water. Let's push her in!'

*I'm not your enemy! It's the Crux you should be fighting!'

A tall man in the middle of the crowd cups his hands to yell, *How do we know you're not a Crux? They can pa.s.s for normal too.'

Now the crowd really is turning into a tempest. I hear hundreds of voices clamouring . . . Did you hear that? A spy! A Crux in the city . . . Come to kill us all, poison us, blow us to pieces . . .

Pedla stamps her feet with exasperation. *Forget the Crux! I'll prove she's a monster. Don't you know the old rules about witches? Cut some of her hair and give it to me. Cut her hair I say, and burn it!'

My perch on the bridge is completely surrounded. Why won't someone come and help me? Be careful what you wish for . . . As I scan the crowd I suddenly spot the white uniform of the first-yet-last person I want to see.

Reef Starzak.

He calls for silence. The crowd obey without a murmur. Now a Scrutiner is here they look s.h.i.+fty, like kids caught being bad.

*What's happening here?' he demands to know.

*It's her,' says Pedla Rue, but not so viciously now. *Calls herself Rain Aranoza. She's not normal, and we've caught her. That's what's happening.' Reef's eyes narrow. Pedla swallows and starts to stammer, *It's the eve of the Eclipse, when witches come out. They like the darkness. They steal babies . . .'

How stupid all that sounds when one of Aura's Eyes in the Dark is standing listening.

*Let me through to her,' he commands.

Just as he reaches the bridge Pedla's malice bubbles over. *Scrutiners root out rottenness, don't they? Arrest her then! She's a monster!'

I wish I could fold myself as small as possible, like the pieces of paper from Old Nation days, or like the twists of prayers that hang on a Crux traption. I can't bear it that Reef will be the one to arrest me a" another denunciation notch on his belt.

Reef jumps up on to the parapet, steadies himself, then edges towards me.

*Found you,' he says quietly.

*I . . .'

He puts his finger to his lips then turns to speak to the crowd.

*I'll tell you what this girl is. She's a member of an elite squadron of night-flyers a" the very ones who've sacrificed their time, and in some cases their lives, to protect all you city people. Haven't you seen the Storms in the skies over Sea-Ways? Haven't you heard them fight to keep you free? Rain Aranoza is a pilot with Marina Furey's Storm squadron . . . the best of all the pilots, as it happens. In recognition of her immense skills and bravery Aura has seen fit to award her the highest accolade our Nation can give.'


In front of all the people, in front of a flabbergasted Pedla Rue, Reef takes my hand a" and there's no jolt now I already know how he'll die a" and he lifts it up as a sign of victory.

*I came here to announce . . . Rain Aranoza is to be made a Hero of Rodina Nation!'

A few people cheer, as happy to celebrate as denunciate.

*Now, go and prepare for this evening's Festival,' Reef orders. *Tomorrow the Long Night begins, and we'll need all the lights we can get until Umbra sinks again. Anyone who'd like to repeat accusations against this girl can come and speak to me directly.'

He has reinforcements.

A line of white-clad Eyes in the Dark have closed off both ends of the bridge. They have their ways of knowing who to single out for punishment. The loudest troublemakers are dragged away out of sight, Pedla Rue included. Gunshots echo in the dead-quiet side streets. Am I hearing right? Are these executions? Now the vision I once had of Pedla Rue's bullet-blasted death makes sense . . . as much as anything makes sense any more. If this is what they do to people who believe in the existence of witches, what about someone who's accused of actually being one?

Like water down a sink-hole, the rest of the crowd swirls and vanishes, leaving me alone with Reef.

Not quite alone. As we climb down from the bridge a truck comes belting round the corner. When it stops, the pa.s.senger door opens and there's Zoya's father, my very own Uncle Mentira.

*Hurry up, jump in,' he calls. *No time to waste a" the train to Corona won't wait.'

I turn to Reef. *Is Pedla really dead?'

He frowns. *I haven't been updated about those civilians. You should go; this could be the last train out of Sea-Ways before the siege closes completely.'

*Go where?'

*To collect your medal, of course. You've got a guest of honour invitation to Corona City for their Festival parade and award ceremony.'

*Is this some kind of sick joke?'

*I wouldn't joke about something so important.'

*But . . . I was just at home. Haze was there, and Mama . . . and why are you being so nice to me . . . ?'

*Calm down, Rain, you're not making any sense.'

Briefly his palm touches my cheek. It's still a thrill to feel his skin, even if I'm also wondering, Did he kiss his parents goodbye-and-go-well before they were arrested too?

*I didn't mean to upset you back there in the cla.s.sroom,' he says. *I'd never do anything to hurt you, you know that, don't you?'

He's looking at me like he's seeing me, but how can he know me if I don't know myself? What is there under my skin that's got Mama and Haze and Pedla so worked up?

*Hurry up, Rain!' calls Uncle Mentira.

I can't bear this feeling of being torn in half. *Don't make me go,' I whisper to Reef. *I'm scared. Please, tell him I should stay here with the Storms . . .'

*This is a huge honour, Rain. Think of it, you'll be a Hero of Rodina!'

*Reef a" you don't understand. You heard those people . . . shouting accusations at me. They called me a witch!'

*And we all know there's no such thing as witches.'

*So how come your parents could get arrested for believing in them?'

*Bring her over here, Starzak,' shouts Uncle Mentira.

Reef steps away from me, eyes dazed. When I start walking towards the truck he doesn't try and stop me.

*Excellent!' says Uncle Mentira. *Excellent indeed. I've messaged ahead for seats on the train and something more suitable for you both to wear.'

Both? Does he mean Reef? No, Reef has vanished. Ang is in the truck with us.

*Isn't this just amazing?' she beams. *Not just me, but two of us from the squadron getting the award!'

*Oh dear,' says Uncle Mentira. His face furrows into a frown as he glances down at our boots. *I forgot about shoes. They'll have something in Corona, I'm sure.'

*Are we really going to Corona? Can we tell everyone? They'll be so proud. My family always said I'd do well flying.'

*Where else did you think they'd have such an important award ceremony?' Uncle Mentira beams. *No a" best not to message anyone yet, either of you. Keep it a surprise. Here, why don't I take your keypads and look after them; you wouldn't want to lose them in all the excitement.'

Once we're on the armoured train and speeding north to Corona a" along the very same railway lines Storms have fought hard to keep free of Crux a" Uncle Mentira explains what's expected of us during the procession that will precede the award ceremony. Ang rubs it in that I've never been to the capital, while she knows it like the back of her hand.

How well does anyone really know the back of their hand? I wonder, looking at mine as if it will suddenly burst into leaves and flowers, or go black and drop off. Aloud, I tentatively ask if we'd not be more use to the war effort back in Sea-Ways.

*Don't worry,' says Uncle Mentira. *We know you're an invaluable a.s.set. Ang, you can use the compartment next door to change. We're on a tight schedule and we'll need to go straight to the ceremony. Rain, you stay here with me.'

I shrink into the train seat and brace myself for an interrogation. Surely Mama will have messaged him? Surely Reef must be investigating things now? But Uncle Mentira just smiles and taps his fingers on his leg.

I can't stand the silence for long. *I know Zoya told you we were on the Storm squadron. The rest of us weren't allowed to tell our families.'

Uncle Mentira smiles. *Yes, yes, Zoya's kept me up to date. It's very impressive. Impressive indeed. Fighting for your Nation. Saving lives. All very important, wouldn't you say? More than important a" crucial.'

He's always had this way of speaking, as if everything has to be emphasised and jammed into your memory.

*She's a really good navigator,' I add, thinking he must be a bit mad that his own daughter's not nominated for an award too.

*Good enough.' He nods. *Not better.'

Once Ang has changed a" *Don't I look amazing?' she preens a" it's my turn to go to the compartment next door. I peel off fusty flying gear and slip on a long, gold tunic-dress that has no sleeves and too many spangles. I'm glad I get to keep my boots on. They're familiar. Part of who I am and what I do. I feel vulnerable in a civilian dress a" all thin, bare and breakable. Eye Bright looks out of my jacket pocket. I blink back tears. What's going to happen to my pet? What's going to happen to me?

Uncle Mentira knocks on the compartment door. *Are you ready? Haven't you done yet? We'll be there soon. Very soon indeed.'

Once, before the war and the weird things started, I was looking forward to the Festival of Light. Once I was even afraid of the darkness the Eclipse would bring. Recently, like everyone, I've been counting down the days till Long Night begins. Others, in fear; me, in antic.i.p.ation. I had the crazy idea I could hide in the dark.

How wrong can I be?

I'm blinded by how bright everything becomes. As we approach Corona there's a surge of power to the train and all the lights get stronger. In Corona there is no sky, only a continual arc of radiance. Roof-to-ground stream-screens beam out bold pictures of suns.h.i.+ne. Walls glow with inlaid lamps. People even wear light-casting clothes.

Ang is impressed. *Don't they look awesome!' she says.

I think they look well fed, fearless and war-less.

I can't admire the ma.s.sive buildings, the sculptures, or the illuminations. I can't take in the sight of the Festival parade, made up of the Nation's finest military machines and endless ranks of impeccable soldiers. I barely even register when Uncle Mentira hustles us over to a brand-new Storm with sun designs emblazoned on the wings.

Instead I'm seeing the faces of the crowds in Sea-Ways, uglified by their fear.

I don't start beating time to the great drum bands. I won't sing along with the patriotic crowds. I haven't got ears for the cheers as the Storm is wheeled along in the parade, with me and Ang inside, waving at the crowds.

Instead I'm hearing other voices. Mama crying, a" *She can't help what she is.' Haze accusing a" *Witch-sp.a.w.n, changeling.' Reef soothing a" *Hush, Rain, you're not making any sense.'

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