When A Heart Stops Part 30

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A knock on the door grabbed her attention and she looked up to see Dominic enter, followed by Paul, her lab a.s.sistant.

Paul shot her a sheepish grin. "Hope you don't mind me popping in. I ran into Dominic while he was talking to Daniel about what happened to you."

Serena lifted a brow at Dominic, unsure whether to be perturbed about that or not. "You talked to my boss?"

"Just to let him know what happened and to see if Jane Doe's tox screen had come back."

She supposed that was all right. "Had it?"

"Yes, I'll fill you in a little later." Dominic held a hand out to her mother who shook it. "I'm Dominic Allen, the one who called you."

Serena looked back and forth between the two of them. "Have you two never met before?"

Dominic shook his head. "I don't think so. You were in and out of my house a few times when you were a kid, but I don't think I ever met your mother."

Serena's mother eyed Dominic. "I appreciate you calling me."

"And this is Paul Hamilton, my a.s.sistant in the lab. Paul, my mom, Portia Hopkins."

The two shook hands then Paul said, "I've got to go back to work. Just wanted to make sure my favorite ME was going to be okay."

"Who was the ME who responded to the officer's death?" she asked, the guilt flooding back as she thought about him.

"Ralph Newton." Paul gave a little grimace.

Serena gave him a small smile. Ralph was a fantastic ME, but brusque and almost rude to those he considered beneath his station. Such as Paul.

Paul said, "I've got to go, but I'm glad you're all right. I'll talk to you soon."

Serena smiled at her friend and grimaced as pain shot through her head. "Thanks, Paul."

He left and Dominic said, "I've got a phone call. I'll be outside."

After the door shut behind Dominic, Serena asked, "So everything's all right? Nothing else weird going on?"

"No, nothing. Well, nothing other than our alarm system seems to have a glitch in it. They're supposed to send someone to come fix it sometime tomorrow, I think. Your father insisted on someone coming out as soon as possible."

"Oh good." Serena breathed a sigh of relief that her father was being as diligent about their security as he'd promised.

2:27 P.M.

Dominic answered his phone on the third ring. "Hey, what do you have?"

"Nothing on the guy that slammed into Serena. But the ME says that the bullet hole in the back of the officer came first. Then the execution-style one to the head," Colton reported.

Dominic felt no surprise at this. "So we were right. There's two of them. He's got a partner."

"Sure looks that way."

"What about the ident.i.ty of the girl from the trunk? Anything more on her?"

"Yep. It's Kelsey Nicholson. The parents are devastated. Apparently she'd been going down a bad path since the shoplifting incident, she just hadn't been caught with anything since. They found drugs in her backpack and in her car and said they figured it was just a matter of time before she was caught. The fact that she's dead really hit them hard, though."

"Was she in the high school alb.u.m?" Dominic tensed waiting for Colton to confirm his suspicions.

"Nope. I looked."

His tension dissipated. "Then there goes our theory."

"Actually, she went to school with Alexia and Serena, she just wasn't in the alb.u.m. Turns out she cried sick that day. Her mother remembered because Kelsey refused to have her picture taken. She had a scar under her eye from a car accident the year before. Hated having her picture taken."

"But she graduated with them."

"She did."

"So our theory's back on." And so was the tightness in his gut. Dominic nodded to himself. "All right, I've still got to go talk to Nate. I called and let him know what happened and he said he could still meet later today."

"Want me to go with you?"

"That's all right, I've got it covered."

"Good deal."

Serena was more than ready to leave. While her mother stood off to the side speaking into her cell phone, she slid off the bed and got up and moving. Dominic was hanging up his phone as he came back into the room.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" he asked.

"I'm getting out of here. I don't have a concussion, just aching muscles and a headache. I took some meds for that, so I should be good to go in a little while."

Dominic gave her a look that said he didn't believe her. "Yeah? You're moving a little slow."

Snagging her purse, she touched the swollen side of her face with the other hand. "I look like a clown, don't I? Or a domestic violence victim." She grimaced.

"You look like you went a round with Mike Tyson. But you can take pride in the fact that you look like . . ." He winced. "Well, maybe not like you won, but like you put up a good fight." He smiled.

"Ha. Smooth, Dominic, smooth." But she couldn't help the small smile. She knew the bruises would heal in time, but the fear this person had instilled in her would take longer to fade.

Her mother slid her cell phone in her purse and said, "Your father is on his way up here. Do you need a ride home?"

Serena thought about the man who rammed her car and killed the officer behind her. "No thanks, Mom. I'm good. Dominic can take me wherever I need to go." Then again, maybe she shouldn't a.s.sume. "Right?" she asked, hoping he understood why she didn't want to be in the car with her parents.

"Sure. We need to talk anyway." The look in his eye said he got it.

A knock on the door captured her attention. "Come in."

Her father stepped into the room and she introduced Dominic. "This is my dad, Joel Hopkins."

The men shook hands and her dad turned to her and said, "Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up."

She hugged him. "It's all right. Where'd you go?"

He shot a look at her mother, then back to Serena. "I had a little business with the bank."

"Oh." She frowned, wondering if there was more to it than he was telling. Probably.

"Dominic is going to take me home. But I appreciate you guys coming to see me."

Serena's mother hugged her. Hard. "I'm so glad you're okay. You scared us."

"I know, but I promise, other than a few b.u.mps and bruises, I'm all right." She patted her mom's back and her dad slipped over to wrap her in his arms and press a kiss to the top of her head.

"You scared us, darling," he said, voice low, slightly shaky.

Serena inhaled the scent she'd known from childhood. Old Spice and . . . Dad. It gave her comfort. He stepped back and cleared his throat. "You know we're here if you need us."

"I know."

Her father nodded and took her mother's arm. "We'll be checking on you."

They left and Dominic moved toward the door. "You get your discharge papers?"

"I did."

"Did you let your boss know you were down for the count?"

"I thought you said I could take comfort in the fact that I looked like I won." She shot him a mock frown and he grinned.

She shrugged. "I called him. The other ME will cover any emergencies."

He held the door for her. "So, where should I take you?"

"Home, I guess. Until my headache calms down, I don't think I'd better attempt anything that requires thinking."

Together, they walked out of the hospital to the police parking area where Dominic opened the pa.s.senger door to his unmarked car.

Serena slid into the seat and leaned her head against the headrest. Please make this headache go away.

"Are you all right?"

She lifted her head and looked at him. "I'm fine. I'll let you know if I'm not, okay?"

"Tired of hearing that question?"

"Beyond tired," she laughed. "But thanks for caring."

He shot her a warm look, then focused on the road.

She leaned her head against the headrest again. "You still want to take the boat out in the morning?"

"Sure! If you think you're going to feel up to it."

Pleasure centered itself in her midsection. Along with a good measure of relief. She'd begun to wonder if all of this drama would cool his interest in her. But if he hadn't wanted to go, he could have made up some excuse about not being able to take a break from the case instead of finding a way to cover it.

"Great. We'll head out around 8:00?"

"I'll be there."

"I have another question for you."

He lifted a brow. "Sure."

"Will you check my house and garage and make sure no one's there?"

His smile immediately morphed into a frown. "Of course."

She told him about her weird experience in the garage right before she got slammed by the car.

He lifted a brow. "And you're just now telling me this?"

"Sorry. I kind of had other things on my mind. And I really don't think anyone was there. I'm just jumpy and scared."

"With good reason," he reminded her.

Dominic pulled into her driveway. After a thorough search of her garage and house, he p.r.o.nounced it intruder free. "But there will be an officer outside all night."

"Great. Thanks."

He lifted a hand and pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear, then curved his palm around the back of her neck. s.h.i.+vers danced across her skin and she didn't move.

He leaned forward and she stilled. Waited. Hoped her eyes conveyed the fact that she would welcome his kiss. His phone rang and he stiffened. Let out a disbelieving snort, then tapped her nose with a forefinger and said, "I'll be here bright and early."

Serena let him out of the house, bolted the door after him, and set the alarm. Frustration nipped at her.

Her heart still pounded with the knowledge that he'd planned to kiss her goodbye. She grimaced and figured there'd be another opportunity.

With a sigh of longing and a groan of pain at the throbbing in her head, she reached for the painkillers she'd had filled at the pharmacy, cut a pill in half, and popped it.

There was no way she was taking a whole pill that would knock her out. She needed to sleep, but she also needed to be able to wake up if someone tried to get in her house again.


SAt.u.r.dAY, 7:46 A.M.

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