When A Heart Stops Part 18

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His eyes locked on hers. "That's what you said in your message."

"We have to find them-each and every one-and warn them. And not just the women, the men too. Because while he's only killed women, it doesn't mean he won't branch out and start killing males."

"We just need to contact the local ones," Dominic said, his mind already on the almost impossible task. "I'll give this to the task force. We'll pull in a few more people who can do this grunt work. We'll also run a segment on the news, warning the cla.s.s of 2002 to be on guard."

"But won't that warn the killer that you've picked up on at least part of his MO?"

"Yes, but I don't think he cares about that. He had to know we'd figure that part out pretty easily."

"I know a few people still living in town that I can contact. We need to warn Alexia and Christine and . . ." Her hands twisted together and he covered them with his own.

"You did great, Serena. You caught this much earlier than I would have. Call Alexia and let me worry about this."

She nodded, squeezed his hands, then picked up the phone.

And Dominic prepared himself for a sleepless night. Serena didn't have to know it, but he'd be parked outside on the curb, watching-and getting permission to take this case a step further with the media.

The handcuffs snapped into place. Kelsey stirred and murmured, eyelids fluttering. The killer already had the other girl situated at the table opposite Kelsey.

"What . . . ?"

"Wake up, Kelsey, it's time for the fun to begin."

Kelsey blinked, and the killer watched the girl try to focus.

The killer looked at the one seated across from Kelsey and saw the confusion written in her eyes. Soon that confusion would clear. She would be a good player. She had put up a good fight when she had realized what was happening, the fury in her eyes sparking the killer's interest, spiking the antic.i.p.ation for a good round of play.



Frank Hoffman sat at his desk, staring out the window. The tension was getting to him. He'd lost weight and the bags under his eyes attested to his lack of sleep. Even Elizabeth had said something to him this morning about his haggard appearance.

Thankfully, she hadn't brought up his blunder at the last debate again. His campaign manager, Elliott Darwin, had managed to smooth things over, but warned Frank to keep his head on straight and his mind in the game. Frank promised he would.

His phone rang and he ignored it, his mind spinning with ideas, plans to find Jillian without jeopardizing his political career.

He shuddered to think the outcome lay in the hands of someone else. But his contact had promised to take care of it. Only the fact that his contact had as much to lose as Frank kept him from taking over and expanding his options.

But he couldn't.

He had to keep his hands clean.

He couldn't do anything that would lead back to him.

Something he'd managed to do until Jillian had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. He still found the whole thing surreal. One moment out of thirty years in politics could ruin his entire future.

Frank picked up the phone and pressed speed dial for the one who was supposed to be taking care of this problem.

He answered on the third ring. "h.e.l.lo?"

"I think we need to change our strategy."

A pause. "Really? How so?"

"I think we just need to get rid of her."

"What about the package?"

"In the chaos of her death, we'll plant someone at the house who can look for it." The more Frank thought about it, the more he thought that was the thing to do.

"a.s.suming she hasn't told anyone about it."

Frank considered that. "I don't think she has. If she was going to say something, I have a feeling there would have been cops on my doorstep by now. But I can't take a chance or count on her being quiet forever. She may be weighing her options."

"Or keeping quiet to protect her friend."

"Or that." Or figuring out if she wants to blackmail me. Frank saw his secretary pa.s.s by his office and waited until he was sure she was out of earshot. Rising, he walked over and shut the door. Phone still to his ear, he said, "But we need to act fast and it needs to look like an accident."

"I already have a plan in motion. If you can be patient a few more days, she'll be dead and no one will think anything more of her death other than she was just another tragic victim."

"Victim? Of what? And how can you be sure?"

The voice on the other end hardened. "I'm sure. Let me take care of it."

Frank rubbed his eyes. "All right. A couple more days. But either find the package or take her out. Or both. Both would be best."

"You hired me to take care of this. Stop thinking and let me do it. You focus on the election. I've got your back."

"Right. You've got my back." He just hoped one day there wasn't a knife sticking out of it.

Serena smelled coffee. Her stomach rumbled and she looked at the clock on her end table.

A gasp escaped her and she threw the covers off. She needed to be at work by 9:00 for a meeting and it was already ten after eight. She gave a quick glance at her phone and found a text from Dominic. ALL QUIET LAST NIGHT. HAVE CRUISERS DOING DRIVE-BYS. CALL IF YOU NEED ME. WILL SEE YOU SOON.

She frowned. How did he know it was quiet last night?

He'd stayed, watching the house.

Warmth invaded her heart and she felt herself staring into s.p.a.ce thinking about the man. His goodness, his protective instincts, what it was like to kiss him . . .

Her eyes strayed back to the clock and she jerked, muttering, "Quit mooning over the man and get moving."

After a record-breaking quick shower, she dressed and walked into the kitchen to find Alexia sitting at the table, sipping a cup of coffee and watching the morning news on the 17" flat screen television Serena had recently mounted in the corner.


Alexia's green eyes slid from the screen and she smiled over her cup. "Good morning."

"How long have you been up?" Serena asked as she moved toward the carafe.

"Just a few minutes. We stayed up way too late last night talking."

A grin curved Serena's lips. "Tell me about it. But I have to admit, I'm glad. I needed the girl time."

Alexia's red curls bounced on her shoulders as she nodded her agreement. "I'm sorry it took you getting scared to death to get me over here."

Sadness took over. "I know. I'm sorry. It seems like we're all so busy, there's never any time for fun and relaxation anymore."

"Especially with a serial killer stalking the streets."

"Stalking our cla.s.smates," Serena murmured.

"Are you sure it's not just some crazy coincidence?"

"No, I'm not sure at all, but I'd rather play it safe by warning as many people as possible than ignore the possibility."

"I agree. I'll see who I can get in touch with too."

"That would be great. Keep a list so we don't duplicate our efforts."

Alexia nodded to the television and picked up the remote to up the volume.

The announcer was saying, "Authorities report that a serial killer seems to be targeting the Columbia High School cla.s.s of 2002. Already, Leslie Stanton and Patricia Morris have been identified as victims of this killer, both graduates in 2002." He looked at his coanchor. "Coincidentally, the cla.s.s of 2002 is working on their ten-year reunion to take place at the end of September."

The pretty woman shook her perfectly styled dark hair. "I have to say I'm glad I graduated in 1998. This is simply a terrifying time in our city right now. If you know these victims and think you might have anything relevant to add to the investigation, we urge you to call our hotline at 1-800-TIPACOP."

Serena frowned at the television. "I can't believe they released those notes. What were they thinking?"

"That they're smoking out a killer?"

"Maybe." She smirked at Alexia. "Smoking out a killer?"

Her friend shrugged. "I can't help it. It's in my blood."

Serena glanced at the clock. "I have a meeting at 9:00. I need to go." She rounded the table and gave Alexia a hug. "Thanks for coming over."

"Anytime." Alexia paused. "Hunter said something about preferring I stay over here anyway."

"He's still worried the guy that kidnapped you is going to come back and try again?"

"Yeah." She s.h.i.+vered and frowned. "I can't say the possibility hasn't occurred to me."

"Hunter's staying close to you, isn't he?"

"Real close." Her frown slid into a soft smile. "I'm not complaining."

Alexia sighed and Serena grinned. "You sound positively sappy."

Her friend laughed. "I am.You want me to come back tonight?"

Serena c.o.c.ked her head as she gathered her keys and purse. "That depends. How's your mom doing?"

"Better. She's home resting. I'm getting ready to head over and check on her."

"Are she and Michael getting serious?"

Alexia grimaced. "I think so." The fact that Alexia's mother had been dating the pastor at her church when Alexia had come home several weeks ago was a shock to her friend.

"Why the screwed-up face? I thought you liked him."

"I do. I just . . ." She shrugged. "I don't know. It's just still weird, that's all."

Serena smiled. "You'll get used to it."

"Yeah, I think I'd better. I think he's going to ask her to marry him just as soon as she's recovered well enough to handle it."

Serena gave her friend a pat on the shoulder. "She could do worse."

This time Alexia's look was heated enough to fry eggs. "She has done worse."

"True." Alexia's father had been a real loser when she'd been growing up. Serena was afraid if her friend found him now, nothing would be different. Once a loser, always a loser?

True, G.o.d could change a person, but still, the man she remembered was the stuff of nightmares. She wasn't sure anyone could change that much. Keeping her opinion to herself, she said, "I've got to run. If you want to come back tonight, I would love it, to be honest. You check your schedule and let me know."

"Sure. I've got to go too." Alexia gathered her purse and overnight bag. "I'll see you later."

She watched Alexia drive off and closed her eyes briefly to offer up a prayer for the law enforcement officers working this case. Please let them catch this guy.

In the garage, Serena opened the back door of her SUV and dropped her purse and briefcase on the backseat. She shut the door and climbed into the driver's seat, her mind clicking like crazy.

She started to crank the car when something caught her eye. She turned and saw the doll sitting there on her pa.s.senger seat.

She gasped, gaped.

Then ordered her mind to function.

Bolting from the car, she raced out of the garage, looked around the surrounding area, and saw nothing that alarmed her. Nothing to indicate someone had been near her car.

Shock and fear making her legs weak, she stumbled back to her car to grab her phone from her purse. She punched in Dominic's number and waited. He answered on the first ring.


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