Watchers Of Time Part 36

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AUGUST 1912.

London THE PRISONER WAS STANDING IN THE dock, face strained, eyes on the foreman of the jury. His fingers gripped the wooden railing, white-knuckled, as he tried to hear the portly, gray-haired man in the jurors' box reading the verdict. But the roaring in his ears as his heart pounded hard enough to suffocate him seemed to shut out the words. He swallowed hard, then leaned forward a little, concentrating on the juror's lips.

"-guilty on all charges-"

The foreman's voice rose on the last four words, as if he found them distasteful, his eyes furtively flicking towards the accused and away again. A greengrocer, he was not sympathetic to theft and murder.

The prisoner's face swung towards the judge as he lifted the black silk square and settled it neatly on his heavy white wig, prepared to pa.s.s sentence.

". . . taken from this place . . . hung by the neck . . ."

The prisoner blanched, and turned in anguish towards his wife, seated in the gallery watching, her gloved hands clenched tightly in her lap.

But she offered no comfort, staring straight ahead. Her face was closed and empty. He couldn't look away. His sister, on the far side of his wife, was weeping into her handkerchief, hunched into her grief, but he hardly noticed. It was his wife's coldness that riveted him.

He thought, "She believes believes it now-" it now-"

Inspector Ian Rutledge, the young officer from the Yard whose evidence had all but placed the rope around Ben Shaw's throat, turned away and quietly left the courtroom.

He did not enjoy sending any man to his death. Even this one, whose crimes had shocked London. At such a time he was always mindful of his father, a solicitor, who had held strong views on the subject of hanging.

"I don't believe in it. Still, the dead had no choice in their their dying, did they? The murderer did. It's on his own head, what becomes of him. He knew from the start what justice would be meted out to him. But he always expects to avoid it, doesn't he? There's an arrogance in that which disturbs me more than anything else-" dying, did they? The murderer did. It's on his own head, what becomes of him. He knew from the start what justice would be meted out to him. But he always expects to avoid it, doesn't he? There's an arrogance in that which disturbs me more than anything else-"

Ben Shaw hadn't been arrogant. Murder hadn't set well on his conscience. Hanging might come as a relief, an end to nightmares. Who could say?

Certainly not Rutledge himself-he had never taken a life. Would that alter his view of murder, would it in any way change his ability to understand a crime, or his att.i.tude toward the killer? He thought not. It was the victim who had always called out to him, the voiceless dead, so often forgotten in the tumultuous courtroom battle of guilt versus innocence.

It was said that Justice prevented Anarchy. Law established Order.

Cold comfort to the elderly women Ben Shaw had strangled in their beds.

Still, the silenced victims had not gone unheard in this courtroom . . .


5 NOVEMBER 1919.

Marling, Kent THE BONFIRE HAD BEEN PILED HIGH with the debris from a dozen gardens and enough twigs and dead boughs to outlast the Guy. The celebrants were gathered about the square, talking and laughing as if the gruesome spectacle they were about to witness was far more exciting than frightening. The match had yet to be tossed into the pyre, but two men in flowing wigs and faded satin coats awaited for the signal. Their sober faces were flushed with wine and duty. The taller leaned towards his companion and said in a low voice, "All this hair itches like the very devil!"

"Yes, well, at least your s.h.i.+rt fits! All this lace will end up strangling me, wait and see! I'm ready to kill whoever thought up this charade."

"Won't be long now."

It was the close of Guy Fawkes Day, and tonight the stuffed effigy of a traitor was about to be paraded around the village square and then thrown into the flames.

Bonfires were a long-standing English tradition, marking the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 when the real Guy Fawkes had been caught with his co-conspirators attempting to blow up Parliament and King James with it.

A macabre way of reminding schoolchildren, as they went round their villages and towns collecting pennies to buy Roman candles, what becomes of traitors.

As a rule it was a family affair, held in the back garden, the fire as fat or spa.r.s.e as the family could manage, the Guy dressed in cast off clothes stuffed with straw. In too many households during four and a half years of war the celebration had dwindled to a token affair, the dearth of able bodied men and the hards.h.i.+ps of families struggling to survive without them making the effort increasingly a burden. The village of Marling had decided to revive the custom with a public flourish.

Ian Rutledge had given his share of pennies to the local children this morning, while Hamish, in his head, disparaged the whole affair. "It's no' a Scottish tradition, to "It's no' a Scottish tradition, to waste guid firewood. It's too hard to come by." waste guid firewood. It's too hard to come by."

Remembering the barren, stone-scarred mountains where Hamish had grown up, Rutledge said, "When in Rome . . ."

"If ye came for Hogmany, now, a good fire on the hearth hearth was hospitality after a long ride in the cold." was hospitality after a long ride in the cold."

Rutledge knew the Scottish holiday, the last day of the year when the children demanded gift cakes and the whisky flowed freely-and not necessarily whisky upon which any tax had been paid. He had commanded Scottish troops in the war, and they had brought their traditions as well as their traditional courage with them. He had turned a blind eye on more than one occasion, the policeman subverted by the compa.s.sion he felt for his homesick men-many little more than boys-trying to forget how short their lives were destined to be by remembering home.

Tonight, 5 November, he wasn't on duty in London, he was standing among the revelers in an attractive village high on the Downs and beside him was the widow of a friend who had died in the Great War. She had invited him to come down for the occasion. "You must, Ian! It will do both of us a world of good. It's time to put the war behind us, and try to rebuild our lives. . . ."

He had no life to rebuild, but she did, and Frances, his sister, had urged him to accept the invitation. "Elizabeth has mourned for two years. It won't bring Richard back, will it? I think we should encourage her, if she's ready to shut the door on all that. And it will do you good as well, to see more of old friends. You've buried yourself in your work for months now!" The last accusing. And then Frances had added hastily, "No, I'm not not matchmaking. She would do as much for either of us, if we were in need, and you know that as well as I do." matchmaking. She would do as much for either of us, if we were in need, and you know that as well as I do."

It was true. Elizabeth was one of the most generous people Rutledge knew. Richard Mayhew had been very fortunate in his choice of wife.

She was a slim woman in her late twenties, with sparkling dark eyes and a wry sense of humor. Her presence was brightness and warmth and a belief that life could be good. It was-almost-contagious.

And just now, he was in need of warmth and brightness, to chase away other shadows . . .

Clinging to his arm in the press of people, Elizabeth was saying, "Richard loved all this, you know. He loved tradition and the . . ."

Rutledge lost the thread of her words as the Guy, flamboyant in dress and hanging from a long pole, was brought into the square and carried triumphantly around the unlit fire. A deafening shout of approval rose, and as Rutledge glimpsed the painted mockery of a face, its wild eyes and flaring nostrils, the grinning mouth, the bits of someone's wig straggling about the ears, he had to laugh. What was lost in talent had been made up in exuberance.

"Aye, exuberance," Hamish agreed, "with a wee touch of Auld Clootie . . ."

The devil. Only a Scot with generations of Covenanters in his family tree would make such a comparison.

Rutledge responded silently, "The first James was your king as well as ours. Or have you forgotten?"

Hamish, considering the matter, replied, "We didna' care o'er much for him."

The Guy was closer now, dancing a jig on the pole, and Elizabeth was laughing like a girl. "Oh, Ian, look, look, he's wearing those masquerade clothes I found in the attics and donated to the committee. Wouldn't Richard have been he's wearing those masquerade clothes I found in the attics and donated to the committee. Wouldn't Richard have been delighted delighted-"

On the far side of the crowd, someone had lit the fire, and the flames began to fly through the dry brush, reaching for the harder wood. Applause greeted them. In the garish light, the Guy took on a realistic life of its own, the straw-stuffed limbs jerking in time with the booted feet of its minders as it was paraded before an appreciative audience. Shouts of approval and the word "Traitor!" mingled with laughing cries of "Into the flames with him!" and "G.o.d save King James and Parliament." The shrill, giggling voices of children taunted the Guy, a counterpoint to parents warning their offspring not to venture too close to the fire: "Mind now!" or "Stand clear, do!"

And in the light of the flames, lit just as garishly as the Guy, was a face that Rutledge's gaze pa.s.sed over-and returned to- and recognized and recognized- But from where?

He went cold with a sense of shock he couldn't explain. A knowledge that was there, buried deep in the brain, concealed by layers of denial and blank horror. And yet rising to the surface with the full force of his being was a single realization-he didn't want to know the answer - - There was danger in searching for the answer- He stood motionless, his body rigid, his arm stiffening in Elizabeth's grip. But she was entranced by the spectacle, and unaware. He was physically caught up in his surroundings, the voices of people on every side of him, the heavy smell of smoke as the wind blew it his way, the warmth of Elizabeth's hands on him, the coolness of the night air, the rough feel of the wool coat across his shoulders, the shadowed brick facades looming above him-and at the same time, emotionally, he was firmly locked in a private h.e.l.l that mirrored the flames rising into the black sky above. As the seconds pa.s.sed, it seemed for a fraction of an instant that the eyes of his enemy sought and found his before moving on. The odd light lent them a ferocity that stunned him.

As if acknowledging a connection between them, a connection built on-what?

And how did he know this was an enemy enemy?

"Gentle G.o.d," Rutledge whispered under his breath- and then the face vanished, a will o' the wisp in the November night, a figment of murky imagination lost in the smoke. Suddenly he doubted his own senses. Rutledge whispered under his breath- and then the face vanished, a will o' the wisp in the November night, a figment of murky imagination lost in the smoke. Suddenly he doubted his own senses.

He had seen it-Dear G.o.d, surely he had had seen it! seen it!

Or-had it been no more than a fleeting memory from the last days of the war-a moment's aberration, a flash of something best buried in the dim reaches of his mind, best unresurrected?

In this past week uneasy memories had surfaced and disappeared with disconcerting irregularity, as if the approaching anniversary of the Armistice had jarred them into life again. Rutledge was not the only soldier who was experiencing this phenomenon-he'd heard two constables who had survived the trenches warily questioning each other about lapses in concentration. And several men in a pub dancing uneasily around who was sleeping well and who wasn't. There had been the officer sitting on a bench by the Embankment, staring at the river water with such obsessive fascination that Rutledge had stopped and spoken to him. The man had travelled a long way back to the present, and looked up at Rutledge as though wanting to ask, "Were you there?" "Were you there?" And saying instead, "The water's bitter cold and gray today, isn't it?" It was almost a confession that drowning had been on his mind. And saying instead, "The water's bitter cold and gray today, isn't it?" It was almost a confession that drowning had been on his mind.

As if uncertain, all of them, whether or not they were going mad and grateful to discover they were not alone in their fears. As if that made it more tolerable, not being alone . . .

Just this need had sent him down to Kent.

He found himself searching among the villagers gathered in a ring around the fire's blazing gold and red light, but the face he sought was no longer there. Not now.

Not ever?

Hamish, alarmed and accusing in the back of his mind, was exclaiming, "It canna' be. Ye've gone o'wer the edge, man!"

Badly shaken, Rutledge had lost sight of the perambulating Guy, making a lap on the far side of the bonfire. Now the grotesque effigy was coming round once more, a final circuit while the lengths of harder wood smoked and began to burn hot enough to consume the fire's prey.

Over by the bronze statue of a mounted cavalier that stood at the point of the square where the main road curved away from the High Street, there was hilarity as a police sergeant gathered older boys around him and gave his orders. The bronze cavalier's back was turned on the antics of his descendants, his face haughty and withdrawn under the brim of his plumed hat, the metal arch of his nose and the smooth sweep of his cheekbones highlighted by the fire's blaze.

As the first Roman candles went streaming noisily skyward from the cl.u.s.ter of children, Rutledge flinched. At the Front, flares had been used o test the wind- The crack! crack! and the and the rat-a-tat-tat rat-a-tat-tat of the smaller charges sent his heart rate soaring. He felt exposed, caught out in the open, as the sounds of war surrounded him again. His immediate inclination was to shout orders to his men, to bend into the run that would carry him across No Man's Land- of the smaller charges sent his heart rate soaring. He felt exposed, caught out in the open, as the sounds of war surrounded him again. His immediate inclination was to shout orders to his men, to bend into the run that would carry him across No Man's Land- Elizabeth, suddenly aware, looked up at the tension in his face and cried, "Oh-I didn't think-are you all right? It's only the children-"

Rutledge nodded, unable to trust his voice.

Just then the Guy went sailing into the heart of the blaze, like a living creature struggling to escape as the heat rushed toward him. The onlookers were ecstatic, roaring at the top of their lungs as the straw-stuffed figure jerked and twisted as if in torment. The candles streamed wildly above the tongues of flame, and the noise was deafening.

Rutledge was still scouring the faces illuminated by the flames. A policeman was trained to observe, to remember the shape of a nose, the width of a mouth, the way the eyes were set and the height of the forehead.

He couldn't have been wrong, there had to be someone who bore a faint resemblance to the man he'd seen. Something Something had triggered that memory, something had reached somewhere deep in his past and dredged it up. had triggered that memory, something had reached somewhere deep in his past and dredged it up.

But there were only strangers here, appearing and disappearing in the smoke like wraiths, none of them familiar, all of them solidly alive, villagers with every right to be here enjoying the night.

In G.o.d's name, it had surely been a ghost . . .

He knew about ghosts- People were milling around him now, slapping each other on the back, celebrating, calling out to friends, pressing him toward the fire, into the heart of the crowd. Mind-numbing to a man who was claustrophobic. Someone who knew Elizabeth came past and thrust a gla.s.s of long-h.o.a.rded champagne into their hands, shouting something Rutledge couldn't decipher in the din. He drank the champagne quickly, to steady himself. What was happening to him? What was happening to him? Why had a perfectly normal evening gone so badly wrong? Why had a perfectly normal evening gone so badly wrong?

Hamish said, "It's November-"

As if that explained everything.

And in a terrible way it did. Last November Rutledge had been in the trenches of France, he and his men abandoned by hope, and bitter, too tired to relish the successes of the Americans or to believe the whispers of a peace.

The doctors had warned him there would be flashbacks, that he would from time to time find himself reliving what was best forgotten. "Sometimes as vividly as life," Dr. Fleming had cautioned him. "And far from unnatural."

Easy for Fleming to say, sitting in his spa.r.s.ely furnished surgery surrounded by stacks of folders of the living dead, the men who had come home shattered in body or spirit.

Locked in by the crowd, his body confined on all sides by people oblivious to his sense of suffocation as the claustrophobia gripped him, wanting to break through them to s.p.a.ce and air, fighting to draw a full breath, Rutledge struggled with panic. Even Elizabeth, chatting with a neighbor, was pressing against him, her body warm with excitement and the heat of the fire.

The nightmare surrounded him, unending, like torment meted out carefully to make the pain last. He felt like the Guy, helpless and a spectacle.

And then the Guy was consumed, the flames began to die back, and the euphoria of the evening seemed to wane as well. Women began to collect reluctant children, and men with rakes and brooms went to brush some of the ashes back towards the center. Voices could actually be heard over the din and the crowd started to move in different directions, freeing him at last.

Elizabeth, her face pink from laughter, looked up at him and said gratefully, "Thank you for coming, Ian! I couldn't have faced it on my own. Although it's time I learned, isn't it?" She was holding his arm again, her fingers like individual bands of steel gripping him.

And then as swiftly as he had seemed to suffocate, his mind cleared and he was himself again. He put his hand over hers and managed a smile.

As she moved away to speak to someone else, Rutledge scanned the far side of the smoking remains of the fire for a last time, but the face was not there. The man was not there.

Surely he never had been- Elizabeth said, turning to look behind her, "Did you see someone you know? Do you want to try to catch him up?"

"No-!" Rutledge answered abruptly, and then added at Hamish's prompting, "I-a trick of the light, that's all. I was wrong."

It was surely something about the night that had disturbed him, and the noise and the acrid smell of the fireworks lingering in the smoky air. There was no one there- "He canna' be," Hamish reminded Rutledge. "He's dead. Like me!"

Dead. Like me!

Rutledge hesitated, on the point of asking Hamish what he knew-what he might have seen. Then-or just now.

But before he could frame the words, he stopped himself.

What if this had nothing to do with the war?

After a very fine dinner with Elizabeth and three of her friends at the hotel just along the High Street, Rutledge drove back to London. Introductions and the subsequent settling into chairs as everyone exclaimed over the success of the evening had given Rutledge time to collect himself and present a polite, pleasant facade in spite of his unsettled state of mind.

It was something he was becoming increasingly good at doing, finding the right mask for his terrors.

Caught up in their own excitement, no one at the table noticed his long silences or made anything of his distraction. He was the outsider among them, and they included him from kindness, expecting nothing in return. He overheard one of the women as she leaned towards Elizabeth and murmured, "He's absolutely charming! Where did you find him?" as if he were a new suitor.

His hostess had replied dryly, "He was Richard's best man. I've known Ian for ages. He's been a great comfort."

For Elizabeth's sake, he was glad to find himself accepted. He couldn't have borne it if he'd embarra.s.sed her. Yet it could have happened all too easily.

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